Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 905: soar

Fang Youwen and Yuan Xiao were being interviewed when they heard the news.

A reporter from a certain film weekly asked them questions in the temporarily rented reception room, and asked, "What are the red team's ideas for dealing with the three keyword requirements in the seventh round of "Entertainment Intern"?

This is not a very friendly question.

Unlike "FROZEN", the Chinese-English bilingual version has a simple and easy-to-understand plot suitable for all ages, so you can see how well it fits the "all ages" and "international" without any special introduction. keywords.

Now the reporter asks this question. Although it is not like carrying a gun and carrying a stick, it is definitely sharp. Once Fang Youwen doesn't answer well, the red team will be suspected of "answering the paper well but beside the point".

Looking at Yuan Xiao, Fang Youwen said without hesitation:

"We think so. The three requirements in the semi-proposition composition must have a focus when creating a work. The focus we chose is 'commercial' and 'international'."

If this is the review or mutual evaluation of "Entertainment Intern", Fang Youwen will naturally admit that their red group does not pay too much attention to the keyword "all ages", and only meets the basic requirements of "non-grading", and Not a "family fun" like the blue group.

But now it's an interview with "outsiders", and some people from the East and the West who can say nothing, choose not to say it.

He and Yuan Xiao had made plans before, and they could almost guess which aspects would be carefully studied.

Sure enough, the reporter's smile did not change, and he asked:

"'Commercial' is easy to understand. "The Scale Man" has many fighting scenes and excellent special effects. It is an excellent commercial blockbuster. It's just the keyword 'international'... Can Director Fang be more specific?"

Fang Youwen looked at Yuan Xiao and gestured for him to speak first.

"We understand everyone's questions about 'international'."

Yuan Xiao smiled and said, "Indeed, our creative team was hesitant at the beginning, and didn't know what method to choose to reflect this feature. Later, when we were brainstorming with Fang Dao, we both realized at the same time. The most important thing is..."

He paused and said seriously:

"The nation's and the world's."

The reporter's expression changed slightly, and his back was straightened unconsciously.

"Speaking of 'international', what is 'international'?" Yuan Xiao continued, "The answer is between countries and related to countries in the world. We call it international."

"Then, the Dragon Kingdom, of course, is also a member of the International."

"That's right." Fang Youwen took over the topic with a smile, "After reaching a consensus on this point, editor Yuan and I suddenly became enlightened and decided to create a film with Chinese characteristics."

As he spoke, he turned slightly to the side, and gestured to the reporters and the camera that the new poster posted behind the two was exactly the one of Rui and Longshen Panhong. The specific features were self-evident.

The reporter opened his mouth and smiled brightly:

"Well, that's how it is... a very deep understanding..."

He originally wanted to use the keyword "international" to make things difficult for Fang Youwen, because before "Not Gray" was airborne, "Scale Man" only had English subtitles that could barely relate to "international", which would undoubtedly make people feel that if there were no "Not Gray" and their songs are the magic strokes, the red group first failed in terms of keywords.

But if Fang Youwen himself admits this and expresses his gratitude for the appearance of "Not Gray", it means that the success of the red group depends on "luck" and "fate". Wu".

Of course, the reporter has no grievances with Fang Youwen, Yuan Xiao, and the entire Red Group, but he and the magazine behind him need a sharper and clearer topic, so the question becomes sharper.

However, what he didn't expect was that Yuan Xiao's opening, instantly raised "Scale Man" to the level where the reporter had no position to refute at all, blocking him speechless.

Yes, who said that the Dragon Kingdom is no longer International?

"International" and "Foreign" are two words that cannot be easily confused and equated.

From the perspective of those foreign audiences, "The Scale Man" is of course also an international blockbuster, an international blockbuster produced in the Dragon Kingdom.

The reporter was commanded by the first army, and he was a lot honest. He secretly thought that Fang Yuan's answer was "sharp and clear" in another sense, and he could also write a lot about it, such as "national pride" and "cultural self-confidence". Waiting for the topic, so he put on a smile and continued to chat with a friendly attitude.

"Haha, yes, our inspiration came from the on-site special effects of Qinyi Technology during the seventh round of grouping... Yes, that flame and that dragon were really shocking, and I couldn't help but radiate from this direction... "

"You're right, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the quality of the soundtrack of "Scale Man". We are also very pleasantly surprised by the appearance of 'Not Gray'..."

"When it comes to the cultural core of the film, I personally think it is more obvious. As we all know, attaching importance to the collective, attaching importance to unity, always believing in the great power of the people, etc., these are the unique ideology and culture of our country. How to combine individual heroism with collective strength was a problem we were very distressed at the beginning..."

Without deliberate guidance and making things difficult, the interview went quite smoothly.

Fang Youwen talked eloquently to the camera, and Yuan Xiao added a sentence or two from time to time. Although they are still very young, their calmness, confidence, and the confidence that matches their strength are enough to make people look at each other with admiration.

"Today is September 1st, and the results of the match are being counted. Do you two have any expectations for this?"

While chatting, the reporter changed the subject and mentioned the competition between the red and blue groups.

"No matter what the outcome is, we are happy to accept it."

Fang Youwen said with a smile, "We have no regrets to do our best to complete such a work in such a short period of time."

Not long after he finished speaking, there was a sound of inhalation in the reception room.

The reporter and Fang Yuan were stunned for a moment at the same time, and soon a little assistant came over to hand over the mobile phone. The three of them looked down, and their pupils trembled.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the various official accounts of "Entertainment Intern" released the final announcement extremely quickly. The first picture is the final result and the awards for the champion and runner-up. The following pictures are all statistical tables of various indicators. The works of the red group and the blue group were evaluated and analyzed.

The reporter can also spare a little attention to see the reason for the victory of the red team - they really won narrowly. The two groups have high and low scoring indicators, and the conversion component values ​​are basically the same. The only thing that tilted the victory balance was that the red team played last night. In the last few minutes before the deadline, commercial revenue exceeded the blue group by a few tenths of a percentage point.

Fang Youwen and Yuan Xiao were completely dumbfounded on the spot, the former grabbed the latter's wrist, and the latter caused the former to tremble physically.

[The winning works will be produced by the program team and will be officially submitted for review to ensure that they will be released globally. During this period, all process costs will be fully borne by the program team. 】

"Am I blind?" Fang Youwen heard his voice floating in the air.

"No, right." Yuan Xiao was still trembling.

Formally submitted for review...

Follow the movie release process...

Global release...?

In the seventh round of grouping, they were still gleefully happy, how lucky they were to be able to have their film works partially released in Shanghai when they just graduated. However, they did not expect that the program team would create a huge Miracle's surprise hit the top of their heads.

Expenses are all-inclusive, the process is arranged, and it is released worldwide.

Fang Youwen's eyes darkened, and he felt that all the blood in his body rushed up in an instant, making his head dizzy.

"How can I..." He murmured.

Every time I see the temporary review dragon logo "only spread in a small area" at the beginning of "The Scale Man", Fang Youwen always thinks that he must make the official dragon logo appear at the beginning of his movie in the future.

Now that the dream has come true so fast, he almost thought it was a deliberate trick by the reporter.

But the certification "V" mark of "Entertainment Intern" can't be faked, and everything I see is true.

A burst of stinging pain came, Fang Youwen was able to recover, and found that there were already many pinch marks on his arm, and he realized the pain.

He turned his head in a trance: ?

Yuan Xiao: "Does it hurt?"

Fang Youwen: "...I try to pinch you?"

Yuan Xiao: "Come?"

Fang Youwen really twisted it, Yuan Xiao jumped up from the stool with an "Ow" sound, and then Fang Youwen also stood up. The two of them couldn't say anything for a while, and all they saw was the smirk that the other couldn't hold back.


Yuan Xiao opened his arms and hugged Fang Youwen hard.

"……Thanks for your hard work."

Fang Youwen hugged him back.

The photographer standing behind the reporter took quick shots and recorded the excited and moving reactions of the two.

Immediately afterwards, a series of vibrating sounds rang out. It was their own mobile phones that Fang Youwen and Yuan Xiao had politely put aside before the interview began.

After exchanging glances with the reporter, Fang Youwen took the phone to unlock it and immediately laughed.

One after another, the voices and messages came from family and friends, from fellow members of the red group, and from the first class of entertainment.

"Hello? ... Well, Yuan Xiao and I are still interviewing. Okay, let's talk back!"

Fang Youwen couldn't stop laughing, his face was beaming with joy, and there were faint tears in his eyes.

He replied to a few voice messages from his predecessor. The voices of Nie Xingliang, Lin Rou, Su Su and others were very recognizable. The reporter couldn't help being secretly surprised. Intentional marketing, this group of people is really good in private.

"Ahem. Congratulations to the Red Team for winning the "Entertainment Intern" competition!"

The reporter immediately turned around, applauded Fang Youwen and Yuan Xiao warmly, and gave the little assistant a wink, asking her to quickly bring the bouquet over.

This bouquet of flowers was originally a polite bouquet of blessings, which was convenient for magazines to take photos. At this time, it seamlessly became a flower of congratulations. Fang Youwen and Yuan Xiao did not mind when they saw it. .

The atmosphere of the following interview changed dramatically, and it ended in a peaceful atmosphere. Fang Youwen and Yuan Xiaohuai still felt unreal when they returned with the bouquet.

"I seem to be dreaming." Fang Youwen looked down at the flower.

"It's not your problem." Yuan Xiao also said, "It stands to reason that we should not wait for the program team's notification first, then go back to the shooting building to listen to the comments of the judges and teachers or to evaluate each other with the blue team, and then wait for the on-site score... …”

As he spoke, his voice became weaker, and in Fang Youwen's eyes he saw himself with a sad face for no reason.

This is the fulfillment and sadness of hindsight.

Looking back on the past, everything is traceable.

Why is the sixth round only a semi-final, but it was so grand at the end, the ribbons and sequins fell like a waterfall, and the host Lin Yuqin sent blessings to all the interns with emotion.

Why did the seventh round of groups have to be additionally recorded separately? The four judges made time to appear in the studio just to reveal the rules and keywords.

Why this time there will be no more formal "graduation ceremony" and no more commentary.

What are the judges' comments? —— Dozens and hundreds of movie review analysis are hanging on various platforms on the Internet, which is the most direct response of the public.

The final score of the game? ——The film reviews and word of mouth are all there, and the box office data is even more clear.

Unconsciously, there is no need for the four judge teachers and the public judges after layers of screening to give the results.

As early as the afternoon after the final grouping, they had "internships turned into regulars".

No sensational farewell, no hopeful message.

It was all over, very early on.

"Entertainment Intern" has come to an end without anyone realizing it. The seventh round, said to be the final, is actually a brand new starting point for them.

The seniors spent a few months honing such two teams, like two young eagles in warm and generous hands, raising their arms under the clear sky.

The eagle fluttered its wings and took off, soaring towards the endless sky and the future.

And those people, standing in place, watched with satisfaction as they flew farther and farther, until they broke through the clouds, and their stronger and stronger backs left a small point in the sky.

Then they smiled at each other and sighed:

"Look, our children are soaring."

------off topic-----


*It is recommended to look back at Chapter 781, "Entertainment Intern" [End]

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