Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 916

"How is it?" Yue Yang asked.

Qin Jue thought for a moment and said, "My honor."

He added: "This time, 'going all out' is not enough, you have to overdo it."

Yue Yang laughed out loud: "Okay!"

He likes Qin Jue's attitude. As a young man, he needs to tap his potential and limit more. Since Qin Jue took the initiative to say such words, it means that she can still withstand the psychological pressure, and Yue Yang is also happy to see it happen, so he doesn't say much.

The two officially reached out and shook hands together, showing that the result of this role invitation has been determined. Then Qin Jue shook hands with Ruan Ziyan again, and said seriously, "Trouble teacher Ruan for more advice."

"Teach each other." Ruan Ziyan smiled.

Qin Jue nodded emotionally. The Queen of the Dragon Kingdom in front of her looks young, but in fact she is nearly 60 years old. To be the heroine of a martial arts drama at such an age, if nothing else, action scenes alone are bound to be difficult, and a director of Yue Yang's level is definitely not. It will be hastily decided because of interpersonal relationships, which also shows how strong Ruan Ziyan's strength, attitude and determination are.

After greeting him again as a crew member, Yue Yang took a sip of tea and continued to introduce Qin Jue about the TV series.

The title of the play is tentatively set to be "The Legend of the Seven Heroes". There are seven protagonists in the group. The male protagonist is the head of the seven swords. The camps of the main characters are divided into two factions. At the same time, it is a great test of the screenwriter's ability to shape characters and build stories.

It's all his own, and Yue Yang doesn't hide it. He bluntly said that this TV series is only a prototype, and both the script and other aspects need to be carefully polished. In the next one or two years, he will devote his main energy to pulling the crew into shape from scratch. Therefore, Qin Jue's request is to give priority to the schedule for "The Legend of the Seven Heroes". , it is best that the prophet will give him a cry to see if he can line up.

It was a bit of an afterthought to mention this only after the formal handshake. Qin Jue doesn't care. With such a strong creative team and cast, coupled with Long Guo's tentative policy and measures to reform the entertainment industry, an idiot can see that "The Legend of the Seven Heroes" is a good boat, and he has an acting resume. She can hang on for a lifetime, even if Yue Yang doesn't say it, she will pay attention to her work arrangement.

"Don't slack off, from now on you have to 'prepare'." Yue Yang urged.

He didn't understand how Qin Jue's incredible action scenes came about, so he only reminded her to maintain her strength and state.

"Sure." Qin Jue nodded.

She returned from the apocalypse, her fighting instincts and practical skills have been engraved into her DNA, and she will never forget anything if she forgets it. Today, this martial art, which has been tempered in countless battlefields, has become a great help for filming. Qin Jue will naturally cherish it and make the best use of it.

"However, Mr. Yue, I don't know much about traditional ancient martial arts, and the application is not systematic." Qin Jue said in a deep voice, "There is a lot of supplementary lessons in this area."

Yue Yang was very satisfied with her carefulness and smiled: "Yes, this is a big problem. Don't worry, not only do you have to make up lessons, but before joining the group, the actors have to undergo several months of closed training, and there will be special guidance at that time. Don't worry about no progress."

Qin Jue nodded. She expected Yue Yang's actions and was not surprised. Listening to what he said at this time, she expected more.

In the next time, Yue Yang sipped tea by himself, leaving Qin Jue and Ruan Ziyan to chat with each other.

Knowing that there will be a lot of opposite scenes with each other and the characters will be companions to each other, the actors can cultivate more tacit understanding, and Qin Jue is undoubtedly Ruan Ziyan's junior in reality. I will be at a loss because of this, and now I will seize the opportunity to chat outside the play, and when we are familiar with each other, we will be able to let go.

After chatting for a while, the three of them left the teahouse. Qin Jue sat in the car on the way back and reviewed the experience taught by Ruan Ziyan. He felt like a student who was opened by the teacher, and thought again, she was holding on to the song of supplementing knowledge. Nan probably felt the same way... The strange empathy suddenly increased.

The buzzing sound interrupted Qin Jue's thoughts. She pulled out her phone and raised her brows slightly.


"Heyyyyyyy long time no see! Old thing!" came Flandy's unique scream, "Are you still alive?!"

"You're still panting." Qin Jue said lazily, "I have something to say, what do you want to do?"

"Adding a little boring value to my boring **** industry."

Frandy's excited tone turned calm in an instant, changing as fast as a moody lunatic.

After Qin Jue finished listening to him, his expression gradually lost control, and his surprise was absurd. In a word, why are you kidding me? .jpg

"A deal?" Frandy said in an unusually normal tone.

"Not the day after tomorrow, but before the tenth." Qin Jue replied.

She didn't understand why the little madman suddenly called and gave her a few commercial endorsements for the products of his family business for free, but this guy's brain circuit has always been weird, not understanding is the norm, and she didn't bother to ask.

"Then eight and nine are left!" Frandy yawned, and his tone of voice began to fly again, and then he was suppressed by himself again.

"My people will meet you today and tomorrow," he said.

"...Leave me alone, go touch two guitars to save your precarious state of mind." Qin Jue was startled when he heard Frandy, and ruthlessly complained.

This second-generation grandfather of the Mafia who loves music has to pretend to be a normal person to handle the family business every day. If you think about it from another angle, this is a miserable social animal who can't get away from work. No wonder Frandy is thinking about how to commit suicide all day long.

There was the sound of lighting a cigarette on the other end of the phone, and Frankie let out a "fur--" in a vicissitudes of life.

"Where are you going to fool around the day after tomorrow?"

What a lousy change of subject.

The corners of Qin Jue's mouth twitched slightly: "Go to a place where you feel boring and do something boring."

"Okay, little madman, your way of delaying time on purpose is getting worse and worse. I can already see your sanity pointer wandering wildly between 1 and 0." She added, "It's like a toy who can't touch it for too long. Students forced to do homework."

"Exactly, my friend!" Frandy exclaimed thoroughly, bursting out a string of slang words.

Qin Jue took the phone from the far distance and plucked out his ears.

"... Messenger this shit! He and Demetrius' fire and ruined my 'Slacker Bomb'!..."

A lot of scolding was mixed with a sympathetic truth, Qin Jue sighed and listened to Frandy.

"Slacker Bomb" is one of his magic bars all over the place. The main style is rock and roll. Listening to this, he has become a victim of the spread.

"I'm so sorry my friend! I should have complained to the guys with long strings instead of chatting with you!"

Frandy thumped the table hard, as if blocking his mouth and vent with a burning cigarette, his voice became calm again: "Someone will meet you today and ~ You said it." Qin Jue reminded.

"Fuck." Freddy scratched his hair cursingly, "Don't tell me!"

Qin Jue looked out of the car window: "Who died?"

"Cindy, Jerry, and Scott." Frandy took a sigh of relief, then cursed after a few seconds of silence, "Damn, this is my **** ideal, I don't need them to replace it first. I make it happen!"

Qin Jue squinted his eyes, and a strange emotion rose up.

After being reborn for a year, she has been at ease for too long, and she is not so used to the feeling of "knowing that someone dies at any time".

"I'm sorry." Qin Jue whispered, "Write something, sing something, Frandy."

"That's exactly what I want to do." Freddie breathed out his last puff of cigarette, and after pouring out his anger, annoyance and sadness, he became a normal person with a cold and numb voice, "My hands should be with a guitar or a gun to the foreheads of those rats, instead of calling you."

"I'm sick of my roundabout and boring victories."

He said something inexplicable, "Okay old man, thank you for your generosity, it may be very important to me."

"It's not important." Qin Jue replied casually, "Do you need this generous friend to hang up the phone?"

"Fuck, your thoughtfulness makes me more like a hypocritical kid! Put away these boring things! You and I are both!"

After swearing, Frandy hung up the phone with a snap.

------off topic-----


Tomorrow will be one day off, no update