Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 920: I dare not look at Guanyin from now on

Chapter 924 I will never dare to look at Guanyin again

The person who was slandered was in a bad situation at this time.

He lowered his head and lowered his eyes, a little sweat dripped from the tip of his nose, his ears and neck were smudged red, and he could feel the scorching heat just by looking at it. In the dense forest, the sunlight was thin, and he stood in the shadow of the trees, his whole body was unrestrained, but it seemed that his body and limbs were entangled by chains, and he could not move. Only the oblique shadow cast on the ground trembled slightly with the breeze from time to time.

After a while, Cheng Zheng, who seemed to have been hit by a hold spell, let out a shallow breath, and the scarlet gleam in his eyes disappeared, and the pupils returned to quiet black.

When ordinary people see these ancient well-like eyes, they subconsciously feel alienated and dare not look directly at them, but at this moment, the mouth of the well is like a quiet spring, revealing a kind of obedience in the tranquility, and even the temperament of their owners has changed. When it becomes tame, the wildness of the coyote fades away, and it looks more like a domestic dog squatting on the ground waiting for its owner to find it.

The breeze is blowing, the leaves are rustling, and the birds and insects are interspersed with each other, but the rhythm of nature is not as good as the sound of human footsteps. Eardrums hurt.

The knees were itchy like a conditioned reflex, and Cheng Zheng knew that his body was screaming. He should sit down, lie down, lean on his side, or put all his weight in another person's arms, whatever—he didn't look down. She likes it, and she's not used to it, he is the one being looked down on, and she is always on top, no matter when.

The stomach sinks slowly, the suffocation chokes the throat, and the thoughts of resistance and counter are shaking, like ten thousand bells resonating at the same frequency.

Invade, or be invaded; Possess, or be possessed.

They should fight for a result in the smell of salty sweat and rust-like blood. It doesn't matter if there is no result. Bleeding, gaping wounds, lying flat on the ground in agony, and then the smell of the heather faded, and one of them kicked the other's calf to wake him up.

But now, no.

The intentionally accentuated footsteps approached even further.

Cheng Zheng's throat tightened, and his slightly disordered breathing was completely suppressed at the last moment.

He looked up.

The moment their eyes met, Qin Jue quickly looked away.

Can not look. When you see it, you will think about it, and when you think about it, you can't help but move, and there is no condition for moving.

She knew that the other party's gaze didn't stay on her face either, and there was only wind noise around her.

Qin Jue blinked calmly, although it was only for a split second, but the outline of Cheng Zheng remained clearly on her retina. To be honest, not much has changed. Cheng Zheng was only sixteen years old when they first met, and she had watched them all over the past thirty years, and knew Cheng Zheng's appearance at all stages and ages better than Cheng himself.

Twenty-five-year-old Cheng Zheng loves sniper rifles in the last days, and his whole body is as black and transparent as the barrel of a gun, straight and straight. Qin Jue remembered that he and his gun—no matter which one—could picture Cheng Zheng aiming and shooting in his mind just by closing his eyes for a while.

Side posture, lying on the right side, legs together, knees bent, sniper rifle on the outside of the thigh, this shooting position was originally good for fighting in a small space, but his legs are too long, the advantages become disadvantages, after a few tries, he no longer pays attention ;

Kneeling position, kneeling on one knee, two legs slightly open and fixed in a triangle, the sniper rifle is placed on the shoulders and held in the hand, and the combat uniform wraps his body tightly, from the throat to the ankle, like a gun Ready-made human form, precise, indifferent, one-hit kill;

In a prone position, prostrate on the ground, with a gun on his arms, his slender legs spread apart in a figure-eight shape, Qin Jue's eyes swept from the top of his hair all the way to the back of his neck and shoulders, lingering between his waist and legs for a few seconds, thinking What's more, the pup's buttocks are upright;

Lie on your back, with your upper body slightly arched, your knees separated, your feet close together, your ankles intertwined, and a sniper rifle held in your hand, like a cool black line that perfectly divides the body into two symmetrical sides.

Qin Jue still remembers that sudden attack, the earthen gun exploded and was temporarily useless, and Cheng Zheng spent half an hour picking and picking from a pile of odds and ends to assemble an arrogant and arrogant heavy sniper, holding the gun on his body in this supine position , between the legs. She raised the knife and dropped it, taking away the life of the scout and looking back, she saw his waist and hips stretched upwards, his legs contracted to clamp the body of the heavy sniper gun, using his body as the stock of the gun, a burst of bright light exploded in an instant, the tongue of flame was like a dragon, and the bullets Pierce the enemy's chest and explode the scarlet blood flower.

In the thick gunpowder smoke, Cheng Zheng's brows slightly lowered, his eyes were calm, but a subtle and astonishing smile appeared on his chapped and bleeding lips.

Qin Jue's throat felt dry.

I *, it's too hot for him, who *can't hold back this *, *can't be sure that there is something wrong with it.

A series of vulgar words quickly flashed through her mind, and her eyes were burning with fire as she stared at Cheng Zheng.

Then he held the dagger horizontally in his mouth, frowned and rushed forward, holding back the fire to do business first, and then kill him after the business was done.

- Sensing signs of agitation in the mental power along with the flying thoughts, Qin Jue's expression froze, and he forcibly erased all the images that flashed across his mind.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Cheng Zheng on the opposite side, also in a daze.

...I said that there is no need for a **** tacit understanding in this kind of place.

Qin Jue restrained his eyes and brain, and took a big step forward to the left, extending the straight-line distance between the two to half a meter.

The sound of footsteps brought Cheng Zheng back to his senses suddenly, and his ears that had finally faded were blushed again, and Qin Jue heard him cough lightly.

"..." Qin Jue.

"..." Cheng Zheng.

If the silence continued, the ambiguity would be too much, and I was ashamed and panicked. Qin Jue stared straight ahead: "Let's go."

A whispering voice sounded between the lips and teeth: "Okay, sir."

The two walked forward with long legs, you don't look at me and I don't look at you.

They are located at the outermost edge of Qinyi University of Science and Technology. There is no courtyard wall here, and a natural dividing line is formed by a piece of sparse or dense woods with certain rules. Qin Jue even passed through a towering tree with the thickness of two people hugging each other. , she intuitively felt that there was nothing there, and when she tried it herself, it turned out to be an illusory projection.

The air is fresh and clean, and the unrestrained feeling unique to the countryside lingers around Qin Jue. Her state is getting closer and closer to what it used to be, and so is Cheng Zheng.

The two walked "side by side", and the sense of existence coincided with each other and became thinner until it became almost non-existent. Like the most experienced hunter, stealth has become an instinct.

As he walked, Qin Jue suddenly felt emotional.

What now? walk?

What a luxury...

At that time, it was not that there was no room for walking, but neither the mentality nor the environment would be as leisurely as it is now.

Qin Jue's ears twitched.

The human voice and footsteps are different in depth, there is no Lian Jiazi, and they are discussing how to correct the direction of progress, and the progress is going smoothly.

"Freshman?" she said.

"Yes." Cheng Zheng said, "Trial before school starts."

"It's not like you." Qin Jue said.

What she said was not "Cheng Zheng doesn't know how to arrange trials", but "this style of game adventure trials is not like his style".

Cheng Zheng smiled and said the names of two people.

"Sure enough." Qin Jue nodded.

It seems that Qin Ke's senior management is having a good time.

The two stopped and listened for a while, then Qin Jue said, "Vegetables," referring to physical fitness.

Cheng Zheng: "Yeah, I'm partial to science." Meaning that his brain is not Are you out of breath? "Qin Jue suddenly laughed.

"..." Cheng Zheng's breathing fluctuated slightly again, "Sir." He read, with a knot of anger and resentment twisted between his brows.

Qin didn't say a word, and stretched out his hand to rub his ear which was closer to Cheng Zheng.

Others would not be able to notice this subtle change at all, but with the hearing strength of the two of them, half a meter is equal to zero distance. Qin Jue was hard at hearing during the walk, and her light breathing made her ears itchy, and her breath was tight. It is more obvious when it leaks intermittently and spits out words.

Cheng Zheng tilted his head slightly, and moved a distance away again, the tips of his ears were red.

2300+, happy rebirth, Ah Jue.

Cheng Zheng: (breathing)

Qin Jue: Pretty cool.

Some old hooligans reflect on it (pointing)

(end of this chapter)