Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 997: (three)

The screen instantly flashed a picture that was completely opposite to the current color, and she was also facing the mirror. In the mirror, Su Qi was shorter, wearing a camisole and a miniskirt. bruises and bruises on his face and exposed skin.

The flashing time of this scene is extremely short, shorter than a blink of an eye, but the human eye's ability to capture reversed and threatening images is almost an instinct imprinted in the genes. Damon and the others were caught off guard and were instantly tensed Tighten your nerves and enter a state of high alert.


Another rapid strobe flash, the piercing high-frequency sound of the strings cushions the girl's screams, the flash frame is fleeting, and the painful and collapsed face of Su Qi when she was a child is firmly printed in Colton's eyes.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" He couldn't help screaming, his back was covered with cold sweat.

"Fuck!" Roberto didn't know whether he was frightened by the movie or by Colton, and his heart skipped a beat.

Damon, who was also suddenly frightened, was brought back to his thoughts by the continuous shouts of the two of them, and shouted angrily: "Coward!"

He looked away guiltily after scolding, it was really annoying, what did the director of this film think, if it wasn't for the boring daily life that made people unknowingly let down his vigilance, he wouldn't be caught by this kind of The ordinary classic horror movie treatment is frightening.

Annoyed, Damon picked up the Coke, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Colton, who was still in shock, feeling better.

Thinking about it this way, I missed the opportunity to play tricks on him just now—forget it, since the movie finally has a scary taste, I guess there will be no shortage of scary plots later, let's talk about it later.

Damon calmly took two deep breaths, calmed down his violent heartbeat and continued watching the movie.

This time he was less inattentive, as were Jasper and Roberto, they were all paying attention, mainly because they didn't want to be surprised without warning again, which would be too embarrassing.

Together with Colton's still flickering eyes, four pairs of eyes looked at the silver screen.

The clip that triggered the childhood shadow just now only lasted a second or two, and the speed was as fast as the director's prank. In just the blink of an eye, the picture has returned to normal.

Talking back to the plot, the suddenly stressed Su Qi yelled "No!", then suddenly came back to her senses, and hurriedly said: "Yes, I'm sorry, I mean forget about this dress... Sorry, I'm sorry to trouble you, Thank you, I'm really sorry..."

As she spoke, she rushed back to the inner room of the fitting room as if escaping. When she came out again, it was the ordinary white-collar man dressed in rustic clothes, most of his face was blocked behind the glasses, and his hand was still shaking while holding the brand-name bag.

Although the shopping guide didn't understand why Su Qi reacted so strongly, he acted accordingly and took her to the VIP refreshment room when he failed to sell clothes.

The soft and euphemistic words relieved Su Qi's discomfort. She chatted with the shopping guide in a low voice, vaguely talked about the fiancé's constant loan of money to his friends, and poured out her troubles.

It is not convenient for the shopping guide to answer this question, so he can only tentatively say in relief: "Should we try to communicate with him? Maybe there is a reason for him to do Maybe that friend has been in trouble recently..."

"However, even if it's very difficult, you can't take the company—no, it's nothing." Su Qi stopped talking, nodded cautiously, and thanked the guide, "...I will try to talk to him."

After she finished speaking, she reached out to push up the slipped glasses, shrugged her shoulders and stood up to say goodbye.

As the back faded away, another shopping guide came over: "How is it?"

"She's a real lady, and she's very generous." The shopping guide chatting with Su Qi sighed, "I just didn't expect that in such a wealthy family, I would live so restrained..."

"Who knows, maybe the richer the family, the stricter the family education."

The chatter between the two weakened, replaced by the crisp sound of wind chimes when the coffee shop door was pushed open.


(end of this chapter)
