Doomsday Circle

Chapter 111: A firm back in the rain

The next course is still the basics of swordsmanship, and these contents are really meaningless for the church members with the foundation.

But for a beginner in swordsmanship like Lu Luo, it is like drinking nectar and getting out of water. He needs basic swordsmanship too much.

For many people, the one afternoon course is extremely long, because everyone has to use their own energy to isolate the rain.

Such heavy rain, the damage caused by rain is also huge.

Some members of the parish of the fourth ring, ordinary transcendents, have fainted because of exhaustion of energy.

Qiao Xing asked them to be carried into the room to dry, and did not mention the elimination.

This makes the students feel that they have figured out some of Qiao Xing's routines. Whether it can be done is not important, but it must be done. Doing and not doing are two concepts.

After the heavy rain fell for an afternoon, the students in the swordsmanship class persisted in this way for the whole afternoon.

Long-term use of energy to isolate rainwater, even the reserve members of the Four Knights, are somewhat overwhelmed, let alone the extraordinary of other systems.

Only Qi Xinzhu and another Muguang person, Yu Luo, looked very calm.

Lu Luo beside Qi Xinzhu looked even more embarrassed.

When it rained for half an hour, the Qi He was already in reality, and it seemed that he was about to be unable to hold it.

It didn't take long before Lu Luo was soaked in the rain.

Qi Xinzhu just watched Lu Luo stiffly soaked in the rain all afternoon.

Seeing Lu Luo's qi fusion from time to time, Qi Xinzhu felt the man's inner stubbornness. She felt a little distressed for Lu Luo's persistence, but she admired Lu Luo's tenacious will from the bottom of her heart.

After the swordsmanship lesson, Qi Xinzhu immediately put his palm on Lu Luo's back and used the S-05 healer to dispel his injuries.

"Lu Luo, are you okay?"

Lu Luo had been soaking in the rain for too long, she was really worried that Lu Luo would be invaded by the virus or deformed.

Therefore, the power of the holy light in his hand was not retained at all.

Lu Luo soaked his lips for the whole afternoon, already turning pale. He turned to look at Qi Xinzhu, and tried to squeeze out a weak expression.

"It's okay, I feel like I can hold on for a while."

"Today's class is over here. Let's go back and rest."

Following Qiao Xing's concluding remarks, everyone except Lu Luo was relieved and hurriedly returned to the eaves to give himself a sigh of relief.

Qi Xinzhu worried about Lu Luo's body, grabbed Lu Luo's arm, and dragged him into the house abruptly.

"It's been a long time since I got so good, 93 points of energy! I have no problem with this kind of rain for a year."

Lu Luo reluctantly looked at the still drifting rain in the sky, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

However, he still hid his disappointment, and followed Qi Xinzhu back to the room with a dazed expression.

He looked at his clothes that had been soaked in water, his pale face, and his determined eyes.

The reserve members of the Four Knights, who had been a little ignorant to Lu Luo before, also looked admiringly at this time.

Some of the more upright and heroic members of the Knights even had the meaning of making friends with Lu Luo.

This kind of friendship has no special purpose, it is purely the sincere admiration of church members for people with tough characters.

After all, a four-ringed person can last so long in the rain. Without great perseverance, it is impossible to accomplish things!

At this time, Lu Yang passed through the crowd and came to Lu Luo.

"Xiao Luo, it's really you, are you all right."

"Uh, brother, what a coincidence."

"You guy, I didn't expect it to be so powerful now, good guy, you kept it from me for a long time..."

Lu Yang hammered Lu Luo with a fist, his expression a bit complicated.

But for Lu Luo to be able to come to the best swordsmanship master in the entire league to refine, no matter how he came in, anyway, it is something to be happy about.

Qi Xinzhu looked at Lu Yang, Lu Luo's eldest brother? Lu Luo quickly introduced.

"Lu Yang, my eldest brother, when we were young, we were adopted by Ms. Lu together, so our surname is Lu."

"Hello, my name is Qi Xinzhu."

"Hello there."

The people in the Knights of Courage saw that Lu Luo was Lu Yang's younger brother, their attitude immediately changed.

Lu Yang is now an excellent boy in the Knights of Courage, and he is also a good old man with very good popularity.

In addition, Lu Luo had only swept the face of the Knights of Justice before, so isn't his younger brother his own.

A few people from the Knights of Courage had already walked over and generously sent some commonly used medicines for the Knights of the Order, antibiotics and the like.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone."

"You are welcome, Lu Yang's younger brother is our younger brother, boy, I am optimistic about you.

Also, next time you start to focus on it, there are so many pastors in their place that they can't die. "

These people are not arrogant and can even be said to be very friendly.

They are all pure believers, and most of them possess the chivalry character, humility, honor, sacrifice, bravery, compassion, honesty, spirit, and notarization taught by the church.

Such a person is really difficult to make people hostile. For example, Lu Luo's older brother, Lu Yang, is just such a person.

On the other side, Qiao Xiaomi, after greeted Qiao Xing, immediately ran to Lu Luo's side.

Looking at Lu Luo who was getting wet, because she had heard too many stories about monsters produced by rain since she was a child, she was a little afraid to approach Lu Luo.

"Brother Lu Luo, will you become a monster?"

Lu Luo thought about this question carefully, and then seriously answered Qiao Xiaomi.

"If someone as handsome as me becomes a monster, it is estimated that many people will be sad, so I will not become a monster."

Insert a sentence, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] really good, it is worth installing one, after all, you can cache reading and read aloud offline!

"That's it! That's good."

Qi Xinzhu used a healer to dissipate the moisture on Lu Luo's body, and Lu Luo's complexion soon returned to normal.

[Without ten years of acting skills, I really can't show you this effect. 】

Seeing Lu Luo's expression recovering as before, Lu Yang also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Luo, this is your girlfriend? It's very beautiful, so are you going home tonight?"

"Hey?" Qi Xinzhu was taken aback, and quickly denied:

"No, no, you have misunderstood, how could I give his girlfriend? I am a light admirer, and serving dawn is what I should do."

Lu Luo looked at Lu Yang with a solemn expression.

"I don't go back tonight, but the reason is not my girlfriend, but I have other things.

You know, eldest brother, I am still young and my studies are important. Women are not in my consideration at all.

Women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword. If I want to become stronger, the most important thing is to stay away from women. "

Lu Luo said decisively and aggressively, not only Lu Yang, but several other members of the Knights of Courage were suppressed.

Some of them are ashamed, and it seems that they have spent a lot of time on women, while others are applauded.

"Well said, the wasteland is patriarchal, and in the wasteland, women are never a problem."

Qi Xinzhu was very happy when he listened to Lu Luo's serious tone, but in the end his words changed. The woman would only affect the speed at which he draws his sword. Lu Luo was suggesting that he was influencing him?

When Qi Xinzhu looked at Lu Luo, Lu Luo seemed to have already felt it.

"We are good brothers and good partners, so I didn't treat you as a woman."


Qi Xinzhu didn't know how to answer this, so he nodded, okay.


The rain in the sky still doesn't mean to stop, but many students no longer want to wait any longer.

Supporting their respective energies and shielding them from the rain, these people either took a taxi home or returned to the residence arranged for them by the church.

Qiao Xing held his daughter, chatting and watching the rain outside the house.

Lu Luo was not going to leave, no matter whether it was raining or continuing to rely on Qiao Xing, he would not choose to leave.

Qi Xinzhu has been with Lu Luo in accordance with Han Shiyu's request.

It was originally a very harmonious scene, until Baiyuetong intervened.

"Hey, your name is Lu Luo, right?"

"What do you want to do?" Lu Luo thought Bai Yuetong was looking for trouble.

Qi Xinzhu glanced at Lu Luo, wondering why Lu Luo knew people like Bai Yuetong.

This woman is the daughter of Mr. Luo!

He is also a genius in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Second Ring Alliance University. He has a number of mechanical equipment designs and is known as the forerunner of the mechanical revolution. There should be no overlap between the two.

Bai Yuetong glanced at Qi Xinzhu provocatively, then put a glove around Lu Luo's neck and pulled him closer, disregarding the very ambiguous movement between the two, and whispered:

"You beat me to death last night! How do you make up for me?"

Lu Luo pondered, there seemed to be a problem with what he said, but for a while, he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"what do you want?"

"I had an idea before, called the Constructed Full Mecha, but this idea has been ridiculed for a long time, and it is still going on, and there is no breakthrough point.

The jet-type three-dimensional maneuvering device you told me last time was very interesting. How about you coming over and helping me?

I know you are short of money, right, as long as you follow me, money is a trivial matter. "

Lu Luo looked at Bai Yuetong. There was no denying that she was a very beautiful and sassy woman.

Sweatshirts and tight sweaters, coupled with white hair and dull, flawless faces, always give people a sense of infinite vitality.

The only pity is that pair of A's.

"Not interested in."

Bai Yuetong frowned.

"You only hit me last night, and now you turn your face and deny it? I tell you, I will be indecent, and then you will be arrested."

Lu Luo shook away Bai Yuetong's arm. If he talked about other things, he could continue to chat with Dumbledore, but it would be boring to talk about indecent assault.

Lu Luo pointed to Qi Xinzhu's towering chest beside him, then pointed at Bai Yuetong's, looking at Bai Yuetong with contempt.

"Look at her and then at you? Why do you say that I am impolite you? Are you relying on your pair of A's?"

[Not very harmful, but extremely insulting. 】

Bai Yuetong was a little embarrassed into anger. She knew that she was against A, but no man had ever said it so bluntly before.

What is wrong with A? Isn't it worth indecent to A? Maybe someone likes a small one?

Qi Xinzhu was a bit dissatisfied with Lu Luo pointing her **** as a metaphor, but when she saw Bai Yuetong slumped, inexplicable pleasure suddenly appeared in her heart.

"Holy Light, I shouldn't have such thoughts!"

After such an uproar, Bai Yuetong didn't say anything anymore. She didn't give up, but hadn't figured out the way for La Lu to fall into the group.

After waiting for a while, there were fewer people walking, and Qiao Xing ignored them.

But Lu Luo was still not ready to leave. Opportunities were always reserved for those who were prepared. He could wait, even if he couldn't wait.

"It seems that the rain will not stop, Xiaomi, let's go back, Miss Bai, the umbrella is ready for you."

Qiao Xing took off the priest's robe and put it on Qiao Xiaomi's body, then hugged Qiao Xiaomi, so that a layer of faint sage wrapped her to prevent her from being damaged by the rain.

Although he loves his daughter very much, Bai Yuetong's identity is really special. He has a certain responsibility to protect Bai Yuetong, so he can only use the umbrella for Bai Yuetong.

"Wait, Dad, you answer a few questions for me, will you go back? If I want to get home, I don't want to ask?"

Qiao Xing was a little confused, why didn't he know the problems that Qiao Xiaomi School encountered? Qiao Xiaomi never talked about it at home.

He nodded: "Of course."

"When I was in school, they always said that boys are good, girls are useless, and patriarchy is the principle of wasteland.

Dad, what does patriarchal mean? "

The several adults present were stunned, even Qiao Xing was no exception.

In the wasteland, patriarchy is inevitable, and men have a huge advantage in physical strength.

The strengthening of the transcendents can bring this advantage to the extreme. Coupled with the high mortality rate of men, the patriarchy has risen to the Constitution, and everyone will not be surprised.

But the actual situation is one thing, how to answer Joe Xiaomi is another matter.

Bai Yuetong and Qi Xinzhu looked at Qiao Xing, but the powerful Qiao Xing did not know how to answer Qiao Xiaomi on this question. .

Until Lu Luo answered this question with a smile.

"The patriarchal means that boys take the heavy things and girls take the light things."

Qiao Xing's eyes lit up. Although Lu Luo's answer was a trick, it was appropriate to put it here.

He gave Lu Luo a smiling look, which was also the first time Qiao Xing released a friendly attitude towards Lu Luo.

"Is that the way Dad?"

"Yes it is."

"Then I have one more question."

Qiao Xing knelt down and touched Qiao Xiaomi's head.

"You ask, baby."

"Dad, what if someone bullies me while at school?"

Qiao Xing made a sword swing.

"Then use your little to shovel him."

"But Dad, I'm a girl!" Joe Xiaomi pursed his lips.

Lu Luo took the words again.

"Since you are a girl, then you use a small pink shovel."

Qiao Xiaomi's eyes light up, with an expression like this. As the daughter of a master swordsman, Lu Luo and the others have predicted that someone in their class will suffer.

"Dad, I have one last question."

"Ask." Qiao Xing's eyes were full of doting.

"What if I have someone I like?"

Qiao Xing thought for a while. This is probably a problem that all fathers will encounter, but he still smiled and replied:

"Since you like it, then take him home for dinner."

Joe Xiaomi laughed suddenly, but frowned again.

"Is it really possible? But he is a boy!"

Qiao Xing pretended to think.

"Yeah, but boys have to eat too!"

"Can you really take it home?"


Joe Xiaomi jumped up happily, she pointed to Lu Luo.

"Thank you Dad, I really like Brother Lu Luo playing with me, let's take him home for dinner!"

Lu Luo was taken aback, and inexplicably felt a strong murderous aura appearing behind him, which was the exclusive murderous aura of his daughter slave.

With a cold sweat, he could only look at Qiao Xing, but did not dare to speak.

Qiao Xing was a little depressed, and Qiao Xiaomi only met Lu Luo not long ago, so why is it so?

But I have agreed to my daughter, and I definitely can't go back at this time.

He pointed to Lu Luo and Qi Xinzhu.

"Master Saint, let's go back to have a meal, and you, Luluo?"

"Um, correct it, it's Lu Luo."

"Let's go together too."

Lu Luo looked at Qiao Xing and nodded quickly.
