Doomsday Circle

Chapter 317: Unreal touches reality

The eyes and tentacles shrouded their vision, and these people involuntarily began to look at the surrounding eyes.

Some of them began to fear, some began to cry, and some of them began to laugh on the spot!

Compared to their weird behavior, the surrounding passers-by were not affected.

Some people looked at Lu Luo suspiciously, but in the eyes of these people, Lu Luo was just a young man with a beautiful **** his back.

"A mass outbreak of neurosis?"

"I don't know!"

The pedestrians left after a bit of discussion, but the transcendents who stayed in place did not get rid of the phenomenon of Lu Luo's ability in the slightest.

Only Xu Qiang, the fifth-order transcendent, regained his sanity after a strong psychological struggle.

"Is it indescribable fantasy and fear? What exactly is this ability?

The power of the strong?

No, his pressure and aura are completely different! "

Xu Qiang muttered to himself, then ran to the side, trying to wake his companion.

"Hey, Lao Liu, Lao Wu, wake up!"

Some people gradually became sober after Xu Qiang's call.

But even after waking up, their eyes were still shocked.

Not only them, but even Xu Qiang himself.

Because even after leaving this illusion, some eyes and tentacles have not disappeared from their visual world.

"Brother Qiang, this Lu Luo... has a problem, right?"

"Stop talking, wake up all the brothers before talking."

"it is good!"

A group of people were awakened one by one, but their situation was the same as those of Xu Qiang. Even if they woke up, they still did not get rid of the eyes and tentacles in their vision!

Those eyes still looked at them, and those tentacles still stretched out towards them.

These weird things seem to grow around them.

They are servants of the Lin family, and this time they came to find Lu Luo, originally just a family arrangement.

After all, both Hongtu Wubei and Dr. Li Tanya strongly recommended Lu Luo, and this time Lu Luo came to the inner ring, he would naturally be invited by the Lin family.

Although there has always been a voice within the Lin family, that Lin Zhiming's death cannot be separated from Lu Luo.

It has been so long and there hasn't been any substantive evidence that the person was killed by Lu Luo, and the matter will not be over.

But because of this, the Lin family's invitation to Lu Luo was divided into radicals and sugar-coated factions.

This group of people like Xu Qiang was sent by the radical faction of the Lin family.

The previous idea was to put some pressure on Lu Luo, let him go back to Lin's house with them first, and talk about the outer ring.

But how could they have imagined that Lu Luo would show such an outrageous ability!

Is this ability similar to the legendary calamity?

"Forget it, go back and report it truthfully!"

As the leader of this operation, Xu Qiang knew that when he went back this time, he would have to have a meal, but it was okay if he was fine.

Just when these people were about to leave, Xu Qiang ghostly stretched his fingers to one of the tentacles extending out of the air.


"Old Xu?"

In the surprised eyes of a group of people, Xu Qiang took a few steps back with his hands.

At this time, his palm was already full of blood, and under the blood, there were a row of round holes.

These round holes are caused by the messy barbs on the tentacles!

Is it illusion or reality? Xu Qiang became more and more uncertain.

"I'm fine, let's go!"

He looked at the eyes in the sky and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to probe.


After Lu Luo ran away from the group of Lin's men, Bai Yuetong just raised her head.

In her dazed state just now, she felt something wrong with Lu Luo's aura at this time.

When she turned her head and saw the extraordinary Lin Family behind her, she probably understood what had happened just now.

"Did I cause you trouble again?"

"It's okay, it has been resolved, and maybe it was for me."

Lu Luo smiled and pinched Daomao's nose with his hands.

Dumb Mao pouts:

"Didn't you say that you have to converge? Why did you let out your breath just now?

Are you afraid that your abilities will be known to those in the inner ring? "

Lu Luo shook his head.

"It's useless, Lu Hong, Luo Feng, and Zhang Yifan have already seen this state.

Even if I don't use it, they will spread the matter out. "

"They? How come?"

Bai Yuetong felt that although Lu Hong and the others were not dealing with him, they were also Luo's family.

The priority of the matter is still clear.

"They will not take the initiative to speak out, but they will definitely discuss this matter.

Once this matter is discussed, it will inevitably be known to others. "

"You mean...we have a ghost in our house? How could it be possible?"

"May not be called an inner ghost, maybe just a group of ignorant servants.

Many people feel that they can exchange a lot of money by telling some irrelevant news, so why not do it?

There are 13 families in the parliament. This situation is quite normal. "

Lu Luo was not alarmist. When he entered the Luo family before, observers had noticed two inadvertent information transactions.

Although it was just gossip information, the time he stayed at Luo's house was only a few tens of minutes.

[The big house door has this urine sex, and the dull hair is still too young. 】

Bai Yuetong looked at Lu Luo with some worry.

"Then what do you do now? Is it dangerous to expose your ability?"

Lu Luo smiled, Bai Yuetong's delicate appearance is still very cute!

"Calm down, and if there is a problem, I will solve it."

"Is that so? Then..."

While Mao was hesitant to speak, Lu Luo didn't answer his own question just now.

She wanted to know the answer, but she didn't want to ask Lu Luo again, because it was already painful to ask once.

The two of them kept walking like this, and walked until they reached the door of the Luo Family Manor.

When he arrived at this place, Lu Luo suddenly began to talk about the things Dimao mentioned before:

"Don't worry, Yuetong, I will never leave you behind."


Bai Yuetong, who was already in a semi-autistic state, suddenly lit up after hearing what Lu Luo said.

"It's still false? If things are not right, how about I elope with you?"

Daomao bit Lu Luo's ear.

"I'm ready to even salute!"

【? ? ? 】


After returning to Luo's manor, Lu Luo also began to seriously consider the aura he had released before!

That kind of momentum...

No, that kind of thing is not momentum at all, but the power of sequence.

That is the power of sequence that shines into reality!

"Observer, was your eye just now?"

[I really don’t know! Lack of information, brother, give another chance! 】

Alas, I thought the waste sequence was standing up again!

[Hey, how can you curse?

Although I don’t have enough information, that thing obviously has a lot to do with me, okay? 】

Okay, are you awesome?


In Luo Xuemin's study, Congressman Luo, who has been off work, is listening to Zhang Yifan's report.

"Tell me briefly about what happened in the afternoon."

"Yes! When Lu Luo first came, his wife provoked Lu Luo."

"Oh? What did Lu Luo do?"

"In the beginning, Lu Luo didn't respond to his wife, but after the young lady came, the young lady took the initiative to respond to her provocation.

Moreover, she asked Lu Luo to take care of the group of people recently recruited by his wife.

But after Lu Luo shot, he showed a very special terror gesture.

Tentacles, barbs, and a weird sense of oppression..."

Zhang Yifan spoke in more detail, but Luo Xuemin was no ordinary person.

After he listened to Zhang Yifan's report quietly, he didn't ask Lu Luo what kind of state the so-called tentacle form was.

Instead, he pointed to the cup on the table.

"The tea is cold, go and pour me some more!"

"Yes." Zhang Yifan honestly went to help Luo Xuemin get hot water.

When he wanted to put the tea down, Luo Xuemin suddenly asked:

"Why didn't you stop Lu Hong?"


Zhang Yifan's breathing was stagnant, but he quickly responded:

"Didn't the Patriarch let me observe Lu Luo's strength?"

"If you want to observe Lu Luo's strength, why not do it yourself?"

Zhang Yifan couldn't answer, and soon saw sweat on his forehead, but Luo Xuemin smiled and said:

"Okay Xiaofan, don't be so nervous, put the tea down first."


Only then did Zhang Yifan react.

"Well, you just said that Lu Luo showed a more terrifying posture, let's be more specific.

What kind of posture can be considered terror?

Even if it's a tentacles or something, for you, it won't be a gaffe, right? "

Zhang Yifan can't figure out the thoughts of his Patriarch, but at this time, he no longer dared to mix his own private goods.

"Lu Luo's state at the time was a form of tentacles hidden in the mist..."

Zhang Yifan described Lu Luo's situation in detail at that time.

Even the three of them saw this scene, but the people didn't see it, and he didn't omit it.

"I don't know if this is an illusion, but I think it should not be a coincidence if all three of us see it.

If the Patriarch wants to know more about this matter, he can also ask his wife and Master Luo Feng. "

Luo Xuemin nodded. He didn't pay attention to Lu Luo's special form, but exclaimed:

"Resolved those people in 30 seconds, Lu Luo's strength is very strong!"

"Um, Patriarch, but Lu Luo's state is obviously wrong.

Such a form is a bit like distortion, I think Lu Luo is worth investigating. "

Zhang Yifan wanted to remind Luo Xuemin again, but Luo Xuemin stretched out his arm and tore off his sleeves.

The metal core inside is exposed!

"Look at my state, is it right? I used a robotic arm, so am I an omnic?"

"But Patriarch, how can he compare with you?"

"Why not?" Luo Xuemin asked rhetorically.

"Lu Luo is a back, the same back as mine, his strength is still very weak, and he is a four-ringed person."

Zhang Yifan didn't have any reservations in front of Luo Xuemin, and said everything he thought.

After Luo Xuemin listened, he didn't immediately refute, but smiled calmly.

"Sihuan people, probably all of you will have this kind of evaluation and thought of Lu Luo! Hahaha."

Seeing Luo Xuemin laughed, Zhang Yifan asked cautiously:

"Does the Patriarch think that Lu Luo is different?"

"If you just treat him purely as Hitomi's lover, my future son-in-law, then he will naturally be my junior.

After all, I am Xiaobai's father, so there is no problem.

But have you ever thought that the identity he came to negotiate with me may not only be the son-in-law? "

Zhang Yifan was taken aback:

"Does the Patriarch disagree with his marriage with the young lady?"

Luo Xuemin glanced at him and shook his head:

"I haven't said that. What I mean is, why don't you regard Lu Luo as a leader of the forces?

A leader of the four ring forces came to have an equal dialogue with me, the Patriarch of the inner ring. "

Zhang Yifan couldn't understand why Luo Xuemin would say such things.

"The leader of the power? But that is the power of the four rings!

And his core area is just a base in the slum area of ​​the Fourth Ring.

That place was once a blue sky base, and it might even be liquidated.

Even if no one is going to liquidate him now, the population he controls is only 50,000 four-ring people. "

"50,000 people! If some of these 50,000 people can grow up, what a powerful force will it be?"

Luo Xuemin's eyes unexpectedly revealed a trace of yearning.

"But that's the fourth ring? Without enough resources, skills, financial resources, what's the point of 50,000 fourth ring people?"

Luo Xuemin shook his head. Although Zhang Yifan is already very good, his vision is still not broad enough.

With such a vision, there is no way to carry a family.

"Yifan, as a leader, especially the leader of a family, you must have a long-term vision.

In fact, in terms of resources, there is no difference between the fourth ring and the inner ring.

Therefore, Lu Luo's identity this time was not a junior.

It is a leader of a large force who can negotiate with me normally, and even sit on an equal footing. "

" can it be counted like this?"

"He may not have noticed this himself, or he may have noticed it, but he still keeps a low profile.

It's like you can't detect Lu Luo's strength right now.

He is very good at hiding, he hides himself in a place where no one can reach. "

Luo Xuemin had a high evaluation of Lu Luo, which made Zhang Yifan very hard to accept.

But in the end he nodded.

"I know."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yifan's phone rang. After answering the phone, Zhang Yifan nodded.

"Patriarch, Lu Luo and Miss have already returned."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go and meet my future son-in-law."


Lu Luo checked the time, it was almost 8 o'clock.

After he and Bai Yuetong came back, they were arranged in the dining room by the servants of the Luo family.

The dining table is not big, at least not as exaggerated as Lu Luo imagined.

That is, it is slightly larger than the dining table of ordinary people, and it is quite cozy to sit on it.

Daimao leaned back in the chair bored. She ate too many snacks in the afternoon and was already full.

So this family dinner is mainly to accompany Lu Luo.

"How is your father?"

"You took me to play all afternoon without asking, but now you are asking, are you really embracing the Buddha's feet?"

"Can't it?"

"My dad, an old handsome guy."

"What else?"

"Nothing else."

Lu Luo:...

Soon, Luo Xuemin brought Zhang Yifan to the dining table, just as Bai Yuetong described her father as an old handsome man.

As for whether Qi Xinzhu's father Qi Lin is handsome, Lu Luo is not sure, because everyone has different aesthetics.

Lu Luo stood up naturally.

"Hello, Xuemin, the 6th-order transcendent, the sequence is unknown.

Part of the metal torso has a high concentration of core energy response.

Attributes: Strength 150, Agility 70, Constitution 55. 】

Looking at Luo Xuemin's attributes, it is difficult for Lu Luo to combine with the man on TV who made a declaration of extraordinary peace advocacy.

Luo Xuemin on the TV was interpreted as weak but strong.

In the body of ordinary people, it defines a stable agreement between the extraordinary and ordinary humans.

For a long time, he has been an idol for the whole people, and a member of many ordinary human beings.

[Sure enough, everything on TV is fake! 】

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