Doomsday Circle

Chapter 318: You have an eye on your head

When Lu Luo was observing Luo Xuemin, Luo Xuemin also smiled and nodded at him.

"Hello, Xiao Lu, we finally meet."

"I interrupted."

"How can this be considered an interruption, it would be great if you could come!"

When the two exchanged greetings, Lu Hong also brought Luo Feng over.

Luo Feng lowered his head. At this time, he had no thought of looking directly at Lu Luo. In his eyes, there was only fear!

And Lu Hong glanced at Lu Luo secretly. At this look, something really happened.

An eye grew out of the cup in front of Lu Hong!


"Lu Hong? What's wrong with you?" Luo Xuemin frowned slightly, as if he was a little dissatisfied with Lu Hong's rudeness.

Lu Hong subconsciously pointed to the teacup and swallowed his saliva.

"Lao Luo, here... there is an eye!"

Everyone looked at Lu Hong strangely. They also looked at the cup Lu Hong was referring to, but they didn't find the eyes she was talking about.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Lao Luo, don't you believe me?"

Lu Hong's expression was a bit angry!

"Are you still eating?"

Luo Xuemin was really angry this time, Lu Hong stared at him for a long time, and finally lowered his head.

"Sorry, I was impolite."

Bai Yuetong on the side glanced at Lu Luo quietly, and started eye contact between the two:

"You did it?"

"That's it."

Lu Luo squinted his eyes, and he began to control the observer through his own thoughts, which was a somewhat laborious task.

He could not do well, but soon he found some feelings.

The eyes on the teacup were also closed with Lu Luo's mind control.

This made Lu Hong finally breathe a sigh of relief. After all, those eyes gave people a very terrifying feeling no matter how they looked.

After the storm, Luo Xuemin said:

"Well, don't be polite, let's eat quickly."


The dinner was very peaceful. After a certain amount of contact, Lu Hong and Luo Feng never appeared to provoke Lu Luo.

As for the Luo family's third young master, Ronan, it was only halfway through the dinner that he appeared in the restaurant somewhat dumbly.

He looked a little sluggish as a whole, as if he had a defect in IQ.

Luo Xuemin eats quickly, which may have something to do with his working environment.

After swallowing some food, he wiped his mouth and turned to look at Lu Luo.

"Lu Luo, you should have been around the inner ring in the past few days, right?

how do you feel? Is there any difference between the inner ring and the fourth ring?

Both advantages and disadvantages can be talked about, and it's okay to talk freely. "

In the eyes of many people, the inner ring must be fully rolled over the outer ring.

Even if the inner ring has some shortcomings, as long as it is compared with the outer ring, the shortcomings will become advantages.

So this question is not very easy to answer in the eyes of others.

"I did visit the inner ring in the past two days, but my understanding of the inner ring is still relatively shallow.

Because I haven't been in contact with the advanced transcendents in the inner ring, I won't comment on the strength of the inner ring.

As for other aspects, I can simply talk about it. "

"Let's talk about it, I think your opinion will be very interesting!"

"Um, my uncle is too acclaimed. Judging from the current situation in the inner ring, the degree of commercialization is very high and the various systems are also very complete.

If you are richer, the happiness of the inner ring is much higher than that of the outer ring.

This is probably the biggest advantage I feel in the inner ring. "

Lu Luo didn't talk about strength, belief, or development.

Just saying the word happiness, made Luo Xuemin feel that this son-in-law is extraordinary.

"If you are richer, can you have a higher degree of happiness?"

"Yes, the prices in the inner ring are very outrageous. Bai Yuetong will cost more than 2,000 yuan to eat a set of desserts she likes very much.

This level of consumption, even many people in the inner circle can't bear it.

In addition, the area of ​​the inner ring is too small, and every inch of land is too expensive, which has caused many ordinary people in the inner ring to live in a not particularly comfortable way.

That is unhappiness, this should be regarded as a shortcoming. "

What Lu Luo said actually had a hidden meaning.

That is, the resources of the inner ring are controlled by the 13 council families. In many cases, the inner ring does not look like the people in the outer ring yearn for.

This is not heaven.

On the contrary, this place is as cruel as the big city in Lu Luo's previous life.

Rich people can live very comfortably in the inner ring, but those without money can't even find a sense of belonging in the inner ring.

It's like the magic capital of the previous life.

"Lu Luo, you see so far!"

Luo Xuemin took a deep look at Lu Luo, and he understood what Lu Luo was hiding.

But even if he understands him, he will not change, because he himself is a member of the 13 council family.

"I only come from the outer ring, so the starting point of the problem may be a little different."

"This is indeed the case. We stay in the inner ring for a long time. Many times we have not seen the world clearly enough.

The Wasteland Alliance has controlled the Fourth Ring for more than 100 years.

However, the gap between the inner ring and the outer ring has not diminished, but has continued to widen, which is really helpless.

Perhaps it is because of this imbalance that has led to the current split between the inner ring and the outer ring. "

Luo Xuemin's words already had some tentative meaning, and Lu Luo immediately responded.

"Every time the chaotic situation of the Fourth Ring Road ends with the subduing of the Inner Ring Road.

So I think, uncle actually don't need to worry too much, the inner ring will win! "

[The inner ring will win! 】

However, Luo Xuemin only narrowed his eyes and smiled, without comment:

"Xiao Lu knows the past history very well.

Every riot in the outer ring will end with the subjugation of the inner ring, this is indeed correct.

But as a four-ringed person, do you think so? "

Luo Xuemin wanted to see something different from Lu Luo's eyes.

If it was before, Lu Luo might inadvertently expose some problems.

But with Qi Lin's reminder, Lu Luo was already able to keep dripping water.

"Yes, my uncle thinks so too.

Although the area and population of the outer ring are huge, the gap between the strength of the outer ring and the inner ring is too great.

The improvement of dark energy can indeed improve the strength of some people, but this improvement is too small and too short.

What's more, the manifestation of strength is the sum of inheritance, skills, techniques, and other factors.

It's not that whoever has more secrets will win.

In all aspects, there is a huge gap between the outer ring and the inner ring.

So I think the result of this riot in the outer ring is still the same.

The inner ring will win! "

Lu Luo's statement was already very detailed, and he was almost raising his hands and shouting that he would win!

Whether it's Lu Hong, Luo Feng, or Zhang Yifan on the sidelines, Lu Luo's words are justified and well-founded.

The gap between the outer ring and the inner ring is expressed in many ways, and there is no problem in the first place.

But Luo Xuemin obviously didn't think so. He still stared at Lu Luo and asked:

"But the past 7th level of the Inner Ring Faction is already dead!

The Sihuan now has the ability to kill Tier 7. We don’t even know who the enemy is now?

Don't you think this is a very scary thing?

Lu Luo, do you know anything about the 7th-level master on the East Fourth Ring Road? "

[She is rank 8 not rank 7, waiting for the steam dust demon she trains, that is really amazing! 】

Lu Luo smiled and shook his head.

"Uncle joked, how can a small person like me have contact with a big person like a 7th-level powerhouse."

Seeing Lu Luo smiling so honestly, Luo Xuemin also laughed.

"Yeah, a big man like a 7th-level master is no longer something ordinary people like us can control."

[When a small person meets an ordinary person! 】

The old fox laughed, and the little fox also laughed.

Since everyone says that they are rubbish, this kind of topic should not be discussed anymore.

But today's situation is definitely different. This is a game and dialogue between power leaders.

This conversation must have a final result.

"If we continue to talk like this, I am afraid there will be no results. Uncle."

As a junior, Lu Luo still took the initiative to speak, after all, this is someone's home.

Although the current outer ring actually holds the initiative, Lu Luo still wants to take away the dull hair steadily.

Let's give the other side a little bit of face.

"Hahaha, that's right, if you continue such a nutritious topic, there is really no way to talk about it today.

Well, Zhang Yifan, you take Lu Luo to my study, and I will go there later. "

Compared to a restaurant, a more private and secret place like the study is more suitable for talking about major events between men.

Lu Luo held Daomao's hand and whispered:

"I'll go and chat with your father first."

"Okay, look at the arrangement yourself."

At the critical moment, Bai Yuetong was as reliable as ever and gave Lu Luo the space he should have.

Lu Luo followed Zhang Yifan and walked towards Luo Xuemin’s study. As the two of them were walking, Zhang Yifan suddenly asked:

"Lu Luo, what was the tentacle form you showed when you were fighting before?"

[It's over, the host has been questioned, how should I answer it? 】

"Tentacle form? I don't know what you are talking about.

What I cultivate is the combination of the six qis. Although it doesn't have the obvious characteristics of Shenghui, it is still fair and upright.

How could it be related to something evil like tentacles. "

"Really?" Zhang Yifan looked suspicious and disbelief.

"Of course, justice is with me."

Lu Luo said righteously, but when he was speaking, his aura suddenly exploded.

This time, his own Qi completely locked Zhang Yifan in front of him.

Under the influence of a certain force, the corridor began to mutate.

Eyeballs began to grow everywhere on the door, on the armrests, on the windows, on the floor.

These eyeballs stared at Zhang Yifan, as if to see his every move, all his hiding, everything.

"Zhang Yifan! Zhang Yifan! Zhang Yifan!"

Zhang Yifan!

Zhang Yifan!

Various voices continued to appear in Zhang Yifan's heart, his pupils contracted and his breathing became more and more rapid.

He doesn't know what to do at this time, is to escape? Still sit here and wait to die!


Zhang Yifan felt that his breathing was very difficult, and he wanted to leave this place, but this silent fear made his body completely unable to move.

"Zhang Yifan? Zhang Yifan? Xiao Fanfan? What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Yifan woke up suddenly, Lu Luozheng looked at him curiously, and kept calling him.

It seemed that he was completely unaware of what happened just now.

Zhang Yifan looked at Lu Luo with a puzzled look, and he became even more puzzled!

"Is it really not Lu Luo?"

He didn't know if what he saw just now was true. If it was true, what happened to Lu Luo in front of him?

Is he acting? Still acting so realistic?

But if it's not true, what happened to the eyes just now?

Why do so many eyes suddenly appear? Why do you suddenly have such hallucinations?

No, how come those eyes look like Lu Luo's eyes?

"I...I'm fine, maybe I'm too tired recently."

Zhang Yifan said weakly.

"It's really tiring to work with capitalists. If you feel that you can't hold it anymore, you can take time off and rest.

The living conditions in the outer ring are now good, you can go on vacation. "

When Lu Luo said that Luo Xuemin was a capitalist, Zhang Yifan's expression became a little weird.

He still couldn't figure out why Lu Luo could be so unscrupulous in Cairo's students' jokes, or even Keluo's students' equal dialogue.

Even if Lu Luo doesn't know the strength of Luo Xuemin, he should know what the 13 councilors mean, right?

Why can Lu Luo face the identity of 13 congressmen?

Why can a four-ringed person like him pursue Baiyuetong? Even fell in love with Bai Yuetong.

why? why? why?

Zhang Yifan's thoughts fell into chaos again, he didn't even know that an eye grew out of his forehead.

That eye is still very similar to Lu Luo's!

"Zhang Yifan? Security Xiao Zhang?"

Zhang Yifan woke up again, what happened? Falling into the illusion again?

What did you do?

Why do you always fall into the illusion of self?

"What's the matter with you, Xiao Zhang? Are we going to my uncle's study? It's almost 10 minutes of delay here."

Lu Luo showed a very aggrieved look. Seeing him like this, Zhang Yifan was even more helpless and depressed.

Yeah, frustrated!

How long has he not felt this emotion?

Zhang Yifan didn't know what was wrong with him, but he felt that his emotions fluctuated greatly.

Such mood swings are obviously abnormal.

"Sorry, Lu Luo, it's my I will take you to the study."

Zhang Yifan looked in a daze, while Lu Luo who followed him smiled slightly.

"This Zhang Yifan has a lot of thoughts.

My old father-in-law, Luo Xuemin, is really not an ordinary character! "

After the two arrived at Luo Xuemin's study, Lu Luo sat down naturally on the sofa, while Zhang Yifan stood aside.

Zhang Yifan frowned slightly, he couldn't approve of Lu Luo's behavior.

"No more gaffes, no matter whether the eyeball is Lu Luo's or not, you can't gaffes anymore."

Zhang Yifan closed his eyes and recharged.

What he didn't know was that when he closed his eyes, the eyes on his forehead were also closed.

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