Doomsday Circle

Chapter 414: The hostility of the seventh order! (Eig

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Tong Yu's body was immersed in a naked petri dish by people from the Inspection Department.

It was filled with labels, tubes, and some unknown objects.

【Unknown Biological Specimen-1】

Although the relationship between Lu Luo and Hei Mao Tong Yu is not good, there have even been some conflicts before.

But after seeing this scene, Lu Luo's mood couldn't help but tremble.

"It's really dead, and it was put here as a specimen!"

[Do you have any thoughts about this? 】

"If one day, I was defeated, made a mistake, or caught, would I become such a specimen?

Put it in a bottle, be studied by others, and distracted by others. "

[Although I don’t know how you will be treated if you are caught, I don’t think you should think so much. 】

When Lu Luo looked at the black cat's body, Yun Luo on the side began to introduce it.

"This thing looks a bit like a cat! It seems to be a weird item recently contained by the Inspectorate.

There should be a lot of such things here, and we will show you the big ones, such as the Farai wolf.

It's a first-class specimen, I liked it when I was a kid.

I once imagined that riding a Farai wolf galloping in the reserve.

But when I grew up, I didn’t dare to think about such a thing, hahaha!

There is nothing good here, let's go to the next place.

Brother Luo, Brother Luo? "

Yun Luo's expression was a little surprised, and I don't know why Lu Luo was so obsessed with this black cat.

Even Lu Luo himself heard a reminder from the observer:

【Hey! You have been watching it for a long time, and even if you have some thoughts, you shouldn't show it in this place. 】

Lu Luo finally retracted his gaze, no one knew his thoughts.

However, for a moment, the observer felt the impulse in Lu Luo's heart.

That impulse is an impulse to make a move!

"We are all coming out of the Doomsday Circle, and it is inevitable that we will have some sad emotions.

It's all right now. "

[It’s fine, the empire’s stage is very big, here should be more suitable for you.

In the past, you seldom used emotions. Now that you have become stronger, how can you become more emotionally rich! 】

Lu Luo shook his head. He didn't use emotions before, because he got few things.

But now, he got too much.

If you have too many things, you don't want to lose it. This is a child-like emotion.

"Ahem, Yunluo, I'm sorry, I lost my mind just now, let's continue walking."

"Okay, let's continue to look down, let me tell you, that Farai wolf..."

Yun Luo's introduction sounded in his ear, but Lu Luo suddenly felt something was wrong.

He turned his head abruptly and looked behind him.

A person who shouldn't be here just happened to be here.

Director of the inspection department, Zhang Changming!

"I didn't feel it so close, you are getting better and better!"

[Level 7 is different from ordinary transcendents, if you have a brain, you won't ask like that! 】

Lu Luo looked at Zhang Changming, who was close at hand, and felt some bad premonitions in his heart. Could there be a battle here?

He looked at Yunluo next to him, if there is a fight, save this kid alive!

The opposite Zhang Changming raised his head slightly, revealing the pride that a 7th-level master should have.

He walked towards Lu Luo slowly, and while walking, he spoke:

"This little brother reacted very quickly. I can feel my presence at such a distance."

"Then, it is necessary. You don't want to see who my brother Luo is. You will come to the Meidu Association Conference in a while."

Lu Luo hadn't spoken yet, Yun Luo on the side had already begun to help Lu Luo blow up.

Lu Luo's eyes were always on Zhang Changming, who was opposite, and the pressure on him from this man was still not small.

If you are distracted, then the other party is likely to shoot directly.

Super-ranking battles sometimes happen like this!

"Hello, Minister Zhang."

When the two parties were close enough, Lu Luo said hello.

Zhang Changming nodded, and looked up and down Lu Luo:

"Your perception is very keen, what order is it?"

This way of directly asking others what level is very impolite, but now Zhang Changming asks directly, Lu Luo has nothing to do.

Even if you don't answer the other party, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to do.

But he will not compromise so easily.

"It should be an impolite behavior to directly ask others about their ranks, right?

Should a big person like Minister Zhang bully a little guy like me? "

"Little guy? Huh!

Since you dare to come here, you should know what our inspection department does?

It is impolite to ask others about your strength.

But the audit department asked what your strength is, but it's not that simple.

If you are a smart person, you won't be too long-winded at this time, but will answer my questions well. "

At this time, Yun Luo couldn't see that there were some problems between Lu Luo and Zhang Changming.

He didn't quite understand why Zhang Changming wanted to target Lu Luo in this way. Was it because of himself?

"Hey, Zhang Changming, don't you just aim at my friend, okay?

Brother Luo is my good brother. If you do this, I will lose face. "

If it was something else, it wouldn't matter if Zhang Changming gave Yunluo a face.

But Lu Luo in front of him was obviously different.

"I don't give you face, what can you do to me?

Did your district chief's father remove me from my position? "


Yun Luo didn't expect Zhang Changming to be so tough at this time. What did Lu Luo offend him?

Thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be. Lu Luo didn't say a few words in front of Zhang Changming!

And Lu Luo is a very low-key person, how could he take the initiative to provoke a guy like Zhang Changming.

It must be Zhang Changming's affair!

"Okay, Yunluo, you go there for a rest first, I will chat with Minister Zhang, and it will be over soon."

"But, Brother Luo? No, I invited you over. I ran away because of an accident. What's the difference between that and a beast.

I don’t know how to cook, but I can’t do such a thing. "

Lu Luo strained his face and said sternly:

"What nonsense are you talking about? What's wrong, I will chat with Minister Zhang, and it will happen to you?

Are you wishing me to die? "

"Um, Brother Luo, I really don't mean that!"

"Go, I'll be there in a while."

"Well, Brother Luo, call me if you have anything to do, and I will tell you that I am not afraid of this guy."

Yun Luo glanced at Zhang Changming ferociously, then followed Lu Luo's guidance and left.

Lu Luo and Zhang Changming were left on the aisle.

With no other people, Zhang Changming's momentum suddenly rose!

This force can destroy almost everything around him, but his control over his aura is amazing.

He condensed his strength into a line, letting this line approach Lu Luo.


The thin line stopped on Lu Luo's brows, and Lu Luo watched Zhang Changming quietly without any hurries or retreat.

"Young man, great!"

"The strength of Minister Zhang is amazing, a level 7 master, terrifying!"

Lu Luo praised Zhang Changming, but Zhang Changming did not show a complacent look.

"I still have the same question, what level is your strength?"

"Level 5!"

Lu Luo answered very seriously, and did not lie.

Hearing this position, Zhang Changming was not only shocked, but also a little relieved.

Lu Luo's age, becoming a Tier 5 master, there is no doubt that he is a young master who can be ranked in the entire empire.

Nothing is enough to describe such a talent.

There is no limit to such talents in the future.

If he is willing to join the inspection department, Zhang Changming will welcome him with both hands, and then try his best to cultivate.

But looking at Lu Luo's appearance, this is an unlikely thing.

To be able to become Tier 5 at this age, there is a high probability that he already has a pedigree and system.

It is difficult for such a person to join the Imperial Inspection Department.

"If there is only level 5, it's okay!"

What really relieved Zhang Changming was that Lu Luo only had 5 ranks.

Guan Sha and Lao Hei are both Tier 6 masters, and Guan Sha's body also wears a godless armor.

With such strength, Tier 5 Transcendent has no way to touch porcelain.

A Tier 5 genius, even if he has the ability to challenge more than one level, is unlikely to challenge two Tier 6 at the same time, but there is still a Tier 6 with sequential weapons.

Not to mention the method of killing everyone present.

Therefore, although Lu Luo is suspicious, he should not be the murderer.

"What do you mean? What is called Tier 5?"

Lu Luo asked knowingly, he knew that Zhang Changming must be suspicious of him.

What a keen observation, this should be the intuition of a 7th-order master!

Zhang Changming didn't answer Lu Luo's question directly, he smiled slightly, and pointed to the position of Tong Yu behind him.

"Do you know that black cat?"

"Black cat, don't know."

"Really don't know?"

"What's the truth about this!"

"If you don't know him, why do you look at her body for so long?"

Zhang Changming's suspicion of Lu Luo was obviously more than the killing in the suburbs.

Lu Luo was able to become Tier 5 at a young age, and the power behind him was very doubtful.

"I've never seen this kind of weirdness, so I watched it a little longer.

As an extraordinary person, seeing things you haven't seen and staying there for a while, shouldn't this be a big deal, right? "

During the entire conversation between the two, Lu Luo showed a calm and reasonable attitude.

It seems that everything is normal, but Zhang Changming knows that this kind of normal is the most abnormal.

Even if Lu Luo is Tier 5, he shouldn't be so calm in front of him.

This young man must have something to rely on!

"Forget it, take a good stroll with Yunluo, Tier 5 strength, playing with Yunluo is not a high climb.

But it's better not to let me know what other attempts you have against him!

Otherwise, the Inspection Department has never been a vegetarian. "

"Director Zhang, is this a threat?

Is it a bit wrong to intimidate a small person like me with your identity and strength? "

"You think so, it doesn't matter if you intimidate or threaten, remember what I said, kid!"

After Zhang Changming finished speaking, he turned and left!

Seeing the other person leave, Lu Luo's face was a little ugly.

He doesn't like people like Zhang Changming very much. Maybe from his perspective, it's right to do these things, but if you don't like it, you don't like it!

And the corpse of Tong Yu...

[Don't be impulsive! 】

"Forget it, it's really not the time now."

Lu Luo gave up the idea of ​​collecting the corpse from the child complaint, and he didn't know why he wanted to collect the corpse from the child complaint.

This feeling is strange...

Maybe it's the feeling of the previous life. If you meet a celestial person outside, you might also give him a hand.

Back to Yunluo, the little fat man quickly touched Lu Luo's body.

"What are you doing?"

"See if you have anything."

"Is there anything you can touch out of me?"

"First touch it before talking."

"Go aside!"

Yun Luo was relieved to see that Lu Luo was really fine.

After all, Lu Luo brought him here by himself, and he is still very loyal.

If something happened to Lu Luo, even if he risked being beaten by his own father, he would have to fight Zhang Changming!

"Brother Luo, do you still keep watching?"

"Why not!"

"I'm afraid you will be dissipated by Zhang Changming's stupid dick."

Lu Luo smiled. He found that Yun Luo was brave enough to breathe fragrance in his back.

"Just because I have been disappointed once, I can't waste the remaining time at this time!"

"That's right, go, I will take you to the place where the exercises are stored!"

In the next period of time, Little Fatty Yunluo took Lu Luo to visit the exercise storage room of the Inspection Department.

Most of the cultivation methods that can be recorded are retained here.

From these cultivation methods, Lu Luo probably understood the cultivation system commonly used in the empire.

They are very concerned about the form, that is, the change of skills and moves.

However, changes in the attributes of the energy body are rarely seen.

At least Lu Luo didn't see the attribute energy like Shenghui here.

Even if there is a way to change attributes, it tends to be skill rather than energy essence.

This is very different from the training direction of the Wasteland Alliance.

After watching it all afternoon, Lu Luo gained a lot.

Although most of these things are not needed, it is good to enrich your cultivation system.

Perhaps in the future, his strength and influence will be strong enough, and it may be necessary to develop new cultivation methods.

In the evening, Lu Luo and Yunluo finally came out of the inspection department.

The fat man took Lu Luo to the city again for a drink, and then he held Lu Luo's hands reluctantly.

"Brother Luo, I have never met a friend who can talk to me like you when I grow up.

When I wait for the club meeting, I will definitely watch your game and cheer you on. "

"Okay! I'll come to you first when the time comes."

"Then we are settled!"

"Well, it's settled."

Yang Di, who looked at him reluctantly, felt very strange in his heart.

Lu Luo is very good at dealing with women, how can he deal with men so hard?

With satisfied smiles, Lu Luo and Yang Di returned to Dong'an City.

In the next period of time, he will prepare well.

The club meeting, and...the expected Mid-Levels Villa base.


With Wings of Blazing Sky, Luo Yi nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the report of the society meeting submitted by Lu Luo and Yang Di.

As long as Lu Luo played, Blazing Sky's Wings would basically be stable.

She is too lazy to care about what level of Lu Fuli's ability belongs, anyway, she is very strong.

Now that Lu Luo is willing to come forward, can she still say otherwise?

"Yang Di, the mascot is quite comfortable."

To be honest, Luo Yi was already a little envious of Yang Di.

Don’t be too cool to be Lu Luo’s mascot, okay?

Most of the time, you don’t need to fight on your own. The credits can be divided into half of the club points.

Being able to be taken by Lu Luo to travel everywhere, such a life is envious of the gods.

However, she felt that Yang Di was a little confused. When she wanted to come, following Lu Luo, there would be many opportunities to warm up the bed.

But Yang Di hasn't moved at all here, it's so grotesque!

"Fate is always making fun of people's hearts!"


In the half-mountain villa area, Yang Di drove his car and led Lu Luo to the top of the mountain.

The houses on the mountainside have been cleaned up. I don't know who did it, but when I drive along this road, there are already few fallen leaves and debris.

Looking at the neat streets, Yang Di began to shake his head and gave himself a piece of music.

Although Lu Luo hated this noisy tone, he still liked Yang Di, so he condoned the mascot's practice.

Yang Di is very weak and has no eyesight, let alone learn to please Lu Luo.

But what does this person say is that it is true, and people are more interesting.

Lu Luo has many subordinates and can have many licking dogs, but Yang Di's sense of reality is still rare.

So keep her by her side.

"Lu Luo, what are we doing here today? Is there something weird about the villa on the top of the mountain?

Then I will definitely perform well this time. "

Lu Luo didn't smile, Yang Di's good performance was probably just going up and pretending to be dead!

But speaking of weirdness, there is indeed on the top of the mountain, and it is still a lord!

When they came to the door of the hilltop villa, a woman wearing a white cheongsam and twisting her amazing posture walked towards them.

"Fuck, are women so outrageous now?

Just come out and do a task that can meet such a top, as for the volume to be like this? "

Yang Di is unconvinced from the heart for any beautiful woman.

But she has nothing to do, the other party's hardware is too much stronger than her, and she can't afford it!

After getting out of the car, the white cheongsam woman walked straight towards Lu Luo and the others.

"the host."

"Fuck?" Yang Di looked at Lu Luo, she was already numb to Lu Luo's situation.

No wonder I didn't care about that hair weird that day, it turns out there are better ones here!

Return the owner! Feudal society wants it!

What Yang Di didn't expect was that Lu Luo was quite comfortable with such an identity.

He raised his hand to Bai Pho.

"Well, this is my companion, you take her for a stroll, I have something to do with Brother Gu."


White Snake would not disobey Lu Luo's orders, although she wanted to stay with Lu Luo more.

But since it was Lu Luo's request, she naturally had to obey it.

"Please, Miss Yang Di!"

"Uh, no, is Lu Luo really your master?

Women have been liberated a long time ago, and the empire nowadays is no longer alive.

If you are oppressed by him, it doesn't matter if you speak out! "

Yang Di looked at Bai Pho eagerly, and she was dissatisfied with such a beauty as Bai Pho's abuse of herself.

The empire pays attention to equality between men and women, and the idea that men are superior to women inferior to women is not happy.

But Bai Pho was a little angry at this time.

"Lu Luo is my master, the past, present, and future will always be.

If Miss Yang Di doesn't want to continue to irritate me, it is best not to say such things again! "

Yang Di:? ? ?

What and what! Patients with advanced PUA syndrome?

I kindly help you, are you still dissatisfied?

"Okay, I really don't understand, why would a purple like you call Master Lu Luo."

White phosphorus suddenly stopped:

"The master is our hope and our only beacon, you will never understand!"

"Good fellow, this thing is like a cult, and I don't know what medicine Lu Luo gave you."

Both of them were a little unconvinced, but they couldn't persuade each other, they could only curl their lips and walked deeper into the manor.


Lu Luo came to the inside of the villa alone, and Gu Fangyi and Bai Yuetong were waiting here quietly!

"Lu Luo!"

Daimao rushed towards Lu Luo, Xiaobie wins the newlyweds, and it must be... tonight.

But Daomao's physique is very weak, and Lu Luo can cope with it casually.

Unlike Qi Xinzhu, the physique of 150 is terrible!

"Hey, talk about business, how is the situation lately?"

Duan Mao rubbed Lu Luo's arms well before pulling his head out.

"The schedule outside is normal, but when I come here this time, there is indeed a very important thing to tell you."

Lu Luo frowned slightly, something very important?

"Tell me."

"We saw a battle between a giant snake and the giant beast Leviathan!"

Lu Luo's pupils shrank, Giant Snake and Leviathan?

He didn't even think, there was a flash of Majesty in his mind.

"The giant snake you are talking about, is it surrounded by purple flames?"

"Hey, how do you know? Did you see it too?"

"No, I guess."

Under the first ring, Lu Luo clearly saw the record of the apostle.

Majestic said that she was the tenth master and apprentice, and according to the record on the mural, Leviathan was also one of the apostles.

Only the apostle can fight the apostle.

Otherwise, even the 8th-order king would not be able to see enough.

"Can you guess this?"

"Uh, I already knew a little bit before, right, are there photos of them fighting?"

"This really isn't. Zhou Kai wanted to take a photo before, but I stopped it."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"I felt they locked us at the time. If I take a picture, I am afraid that something will happen."

Daomao's worry was justified, and this made Lu Luo nodded.

"That's right. Outside, the most important thing is to protect yourself.

If you don’t have a picture, there will be no. Don’t provoke an existence that you can’t compete with! "

The battle between the apostles was not something that Lu Luo could consider at all.

What he needs to do now is to build the base as soon as possible, and then pave the way to enter the core of the empire little by little!

"By the way, Lu Luo, coming over this time, I have other gains!"

"Well, go on, what's the gain?"

"Chain particle energy fission reaction!"

Lu Luo:? ? ?

【? ? ? She doesn't think you, an illiterate, can understand it 】

"Be specific, what do you mean?"

Bai Yuetong looked at Lu Luo with a slight disdain, why did she find such an illiterate?

If there are children in the future, wouldn't the IQ not even be 150?

I don't even have an IQ of 150, so what is it that is not a waste?

Although Bai Yuetong did not speak, Lu Luo already felt the contempt in her eyes.

"In other words, can you not look at me with this kind of eyes, look at me this way, it makes me feel that I am not respected."

Dumbao curled his lips.

"Forget it, it's too tiring to talk to you like this. To put it simply, it's the energy fission reaction!"

Lu Luo nodded blankly. He had heard of atomic fission reactions in his previous life.

As for energy fission, he still doesn't understand!

Of course he did not pretend to understand.

"Just tell me what's the use!"

"Before Orochi and Leviathan fought, there should have been another battle at the high wall."

"Another battle?"

Lu Luo was slightly surprised that Majestic could fight Leviathan, he was not surprised.

Because the order of the two should be the same.

But the battle under the high wall is strange.

Majestic should be guarding the Styx, that is, guarding the existence of the high wall.

Can fight her, and fight outside the high wall... Is it the alien species that came out of the wall?

"Alien King?"

"Yes, that feeling is a bit familiar to me.

If I am not mistaken, Noah has emerged from the high wall. "

Bai Yuetong's conclusion still surprised Lu Luo a bit.

"Noah, are you out of the wall!"

"Although it is not 100% sure, the energy fission trick should be Noah's handwriting."

Lu Luo suddenly felt that he had missed a lot of things.

It's a pity that I didn't actually watch this kind of battle on the spot!

"Then what are your gains?"

"I think I can replicate Noah's energy fission reaction, so I need a stable base and laboratory!"

When Lu Luo heard this, he probably understood the meaning of being dumbfounded.

"Don't want to be a supervisor?"

"Hey, you finally understand, because I have talked so much.

Are the wild mountains and ridges outside the wall a place for people to stay? So I can only sleep in the mecha every day.

I have used 5 bottles of mosquito coil. "

Truth, Lu Luo can only say truth...

"Okay, come back if you want!"

"Hey, do you think I'm blowing!

I really have something, and when I make that thing, it can be used as our hole card. "

"Well, indeed!"

Lu Luo absently looked up and down Du Mao's clothes, not knowing what he was thinking!

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

"Well, see if you were bitten by mosquitoes!"

The two of them didn't wait until the evening, they already started!

Gu Fang walked out wittily, leaving space for the newlyweds.


In the evening, Lu Luo and his party invited Yang Di to dinner.

Yang Di looked at Bai Yuetong beside Lu Luo and Bai Pho standing aside, his expression was even stranger!

"Lu Luo, what does your dad do?"

"He is an orphan!"

Bai Yuetong interjected directly.


Can orphans have such power? The people here should be very elite transcendents, right?

"Orphan? Really?"

Lu Luo touched his nose.

"I did grow up in an orphanage."

"Good fellow, did you really buy this place? Are you inheriting the legacy of a certain boss?"

Yang Di scanned the environment here, and kept making "tsk tsk" sounds in his mouth.

"It's nothing, these are the companions I brought from my hometown.

We are all foreigners, and we are not familiar with our lives here.

Therefore, we still need to rely on the business channels of Blazing Wings. "

Lu Luo said it politely, but Yang Di was very clear.

Today's Blazing Sky Wings basically depends on Lu Luo alone!

"Uh, Lu Luo, can you tell me what you want to do?

If you are going to rebel, can you tell me in advance to give me some time to escape?

Blazing Sky Wings are very small and can't tolerate you. I want to spend my time in the club.

Don’t have too many ideas, if you have a big vision, don’t hurt me! "

Silly Mao covered his mouth and chuckled, this flat-chested tomboy is really straightforward.

"No, I really don't plan to rebel, I just want to develop the power of my hometown.

Then, after a while, bring some souvenirs! "

"Well, you brought me here today. There should be something to explain to me, right?

Let me see if I can do it. "

Lu Luo was very satisfied with Yang Di's cleverness. Talking with such a person was indeed very worry-free.

"In fact, it's nothing, but I know that Luo Yi has a lot of official channels.

I want to ask her for help and help us get some ID cards. "

"Then why don't you tell her yourself?"

"If I take the initiative to say something, it will have a different meaning, partner!"

Lu Luo knocked on the table, making Yang Di a little scared.

"If you refuse, will you kill me?"

"Uh, of course not, we are companions!"

Yang Di looked at Lu Luo suspiciously.

"Really not? I know your secret."

"Really not. The things you see now are all things I can show.

What really needs to be concealed will not be shown to you, so you can rest assured. "

Really straightforward! Yang Di curled his lips.

"Well, I will tell her tomorrow about the ID card!

How many do you want to do? "

"A total of 204 photos!"

"Puff, what are you talking about? You're smuggling! With 204 ID cards, that's like an extra village out of thin air!

So many people, are they pinched out of thin air?

If we really do it, we will definitely be investigated by the Security Office and the Inspection Department. "

Lu Luo looked at Yang Di with a Don't be afraid of difficulties, can we overcome them together!

204 ID cards, if you think about it, there are not many, right? "

Lu Luo surrounded Yang Di with a group of people, and they all started to have bad intentions.

"It's so good not to kill people!"

"Of course!"

Yang Di: o(╥﹏╥)o

"Let's do it, I promise you, you first put the knife down."

"What are you doing? Why are you threatening my friend? Hurry up and put the guy away."

Lu Luo's reprimand made Yang Di look uncomfortable.

"Lu Luo, how did you know Luo Yi would agree to my request?

Am I just a trash in the club? "

Lu Luo blinked at Yang Di and said very sincerely:

"Luo Yi, a woman who is eager for quick success and quick profit, can tolerate you for a year and a half in the club.

This is enough to show that your waste is somewhat different.

Besides, you are my partner of Lu Luo, how could my partner be trash? "

"Well, it makes sense!"


In the outskirts of the coal capital, Zhang Changming led a large number of inspectors to search the area where Luluo fought.

Although most of the traces have been erased by Lu Luo.

But Zhang Changming can be sure that no matter how perfect the battle is, there will be traces left!

"Minister, there is a discovery!"


"A bug!"


"On the insects, there are non-insect pheromones. Although they are very few, they still remain."

The corners of Zhang Changming's mouth raised slightly. If the Audit Department is best at it, there is no doubt that it is tracking.

"Very well, take things back for testing.

Others, keep searching! "

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