Doomsday Circle

Chapter 415: Door-to-door inspection department

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Chapter 415 of the Doomsday Circle text volume, the Audit Department came to the door "How is the situation?"

In the base of the inspection department, Zhang Changming stared at the experimenter in front of him with a very cold expression.

With so many deaths of his own subordinates, he naturally wanted to take care of it.

This is no longer just a question of his return to the Western District. If he continues to report it, it will be a provocation to the empire.

Zhang Changming has reported it, and the meaning of the empire headquarters is also very simple.

You look at it, and if you really can’t handle it, the empire will send someone to take over.

How Zhang Changming didn't understand the meaning, if the empire really sent people.

Then he, the minister of the Western Division, is almost ready to step down.

"Minister, we found the bodies of 19 insects at the scene.

Although their categories are quite different, they all have some common characteristics.

First of all, they are all undiscovered species, and it is basically certain that they have appeared in Guixi District for the first time.

There is no discussion nationwide, because there is not enough reserve information.

In addition, these bugs all have the same pheromone.

This pheromone is very special, but from our previous experience, it does not belong to humans. "

Hearing this, Zhang Changming frowned slightly.

Doesn't it belong to humans? If it is a weird crime, that would be bad.

Although humans are more cunning and smarter, as long as they are humans, there will be a problem.


Humans will communicate with others and live in crowds, so as long as they are humans.

It will not be too difficult to track down.

But if it's weird, it's different.

A weird character cannot be considered and guessed like a human being.

Weird behaviors and living habits are also very different from humans.

Zhang Changming couldn't even tell why the weird murdered.

Natural enemy? revenge? Or rescue?

"If it's weird, the whole investigation has fallen into a dead end again!"

The experimenter saw that Zhang Changming's expression was not good, and thought he was going to get angry again, and said quickly:

"Minister, we will find a way to find other evidence."

"You are not to blame for this matter. If it is weird, a lot of things will indeed become unpredictable."

Just when Zhang Changming thought that the clues of this investigation had just been broken.

Another researcher came over suddenly:

"Minister, there is a new discovery."


"Although the pheromones on these bugs are weird, they have a very strange characteristic.

That is, they have information about the vegetation of Lausanne.

Although the quantity is small, each one has. "

"Lausanne vegetation?"

"It is a nature reserve to the west of Dong'an City. Only there is Lausanne vegetation in the country."

"Dong'an City! Notify the others, get their gear, and get ready to go.

Target, Dong'an City! "



Luo Yi listened to Yang Di's request with a bitter expression on his face.

Lu Luo asked her to prepare the ID cards of 204 people, which was too outrageous.

But can she refuse? Of course not.

Not to mention asking for an ID card, she would not refuse to let her sleep with her tonight.

"Why do you always think about sleeping with Lu Luo, what's wrong with me lately?"

When he came to the security office, Luo Yi found his old friend, a fat police inspector, Wang Qiang.

When Luo Yi and Wang Qiang were together, they were only 16 years old, a young girl who had just grown up.

When Wang Qiang was young, he was also a handsome guy. Luo Yi admired him very much. Unfortunately, Wang Qiang already had a wife.

But time is a pig-killing knife, and today's Wang Qiang no longer looks like a handsome young man before.

However, the relationship between him and Luo Yi has not changed.

"Why are you here again?"

"Why, I'm afraid your wife will see it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You know it's nonsense, you are so fat now, you don't know if it will work."

The current Wang Qiang is about 300 kilograms, which is long gone.

The relationship between Luo Yi and him has changed from a former mistress to a partner now.

"Come on, what's the matter?"

"It's the same, ID card."

Hearing his ID card, Wang Qiang was a little relieved. Although he is an idle job, he is also a real police inspector title.

Helping someone to get an ID card is not easy.

"That's okay, but why have you been helping people with ID cards these days?

Will there be so many illegal households suddenly in a city like Dong'an with out-of-population? "

When Luo Yi saw Wang Qiang's relaxed look, he wanted to laugh a little, hoping that he would not change his face after hearing the number of ID cards.

"As you know, the relationship between us and the Sunset Club has improved recently.

I got a lot of cooperation opportunities that I didn't have before, so the club made rapid progress.

The expansion speed is also very fast. After the community expands, it will naturally recruit people and recruit enough people.

You also know the current situation in Dong'an City. People are almost divided.

I want to develop, so naturally I have to find people from other channels.

Therefore, it is a bit more to apply for an ID card recently. "

This is what Luo Yi asked for himself. Although this statement is completely nonsense, everyone is tacitly tacitly aware.

Especially for old oily people like Wang Qiang, it has long been commonplace for organizations to find people to apply for ID cards.

He looked up and down Luo Yi, now Luo Yi twenty-five-six, it is the best youth for a woman.

A young and beautiful body is naturally the best item to attract men.

Wang Qiang missed the things that had happened between the two.

He swallowed:

"Don't recruit too many criminals. If there are too many criminals, it will be difficult to control.

And criminals are also very dangerous. If something happens, it will not be a trivial matter. "

Wang Qiang was a kind reminder, and Luo Yi also knew it, but she really couldn't judge whether Lu Luo's people were criminals or not.

"I know these things in my heart. You just need to help me handle them, and you don't care about other things."

"Fine, good intentions as donkey liver and lungs, can you bring them, how many?"


Wang Qiang was taken aback and asked again:


Luo Yi's complexion was not very good, and Lu Luo was really asking too much, but at this time she could only bite the bullet and say it.


Wang Qiang suddenly sat upright. He took a close look at Luo Yi in front of him, and made sure that Luo Yi had not been held hostage or threatened, and then cautiously asked:

"You Blazing Sky Wings, are you going to be reactionary?

Sister, this is Guixi District, it's not fun!

If you want to make trouble, the east is better! "

Wang Qiang was obviously scared. If the 204 unidentified people were all criminals, how much threat would they bring?

If they did commit a crime, how turbulent would it be?

Needless to say, if something really happened, Wang Qiang's black hat would be the first one to keep.

It will even be taken into liquidation.

Even if it is not a death sentence, life imprisonment will not run away.

Luo Yi looked embarrassed, but her attitude was still tough.

"What are you saying? We Blazing Sky Wings are proper royalists.

The imperial royal family is our beacon, how can we rebel? "

"If you don't rebel, what are you doing with so many people? Do you want to die, or do you want me to die?"

"Just say you can help, right?"

"I really can't help with this!"

"You have helped me so many times, do you still care about this time?"

Wang Qiang glared: "You also know that I have helped you many times? Then are you still embarrassing me now?"

"Really not helping?" Luo Yi's eyes had already begun to bring murderous aura.

Wang Qiang moved his mouth, frowning:

"I'm helping you, the inspector, quit?"

Luo Yi took a deep breath and looked away from Wang Qiang:

"If they know you are collecting black money and open a small casino..."

Wang Qiang "teng" sat up.

"You dare to threaten me?"

Luo Yi didn't say a word, and continued to look out the window:

"Your wife needs to know that you take care of your little wife..."

Wang Qiang is cooking...

"Then you say, how can I help you?"

"It's 204 ID cards, but it's not that difficult!

You are a police inspector. With such a big officer, you can't even handle 204 ID cards, are you? "

"Okay!" Wang Qiang smiled slightly.

Luo Yi frowned:

"What I want is a real ID card, don't fool me with a fake!"

"Are you crazy? Do you want me to die?"

Luo Yi shrugged his nose:

"Wang Qiang, I heard that you even the director's wife..."

Wang Qiang stood up and grasped Luo Yi's finger:

"Don't say it, it's all my own. I'm so busy.


Luo Yi walked out of Wang Qiang's office and wiped his fingers with a wet towel.

She doesn't have a habit of cleanliness, but the way Wang Qiang held her fingers just now made her feel nauseous.

"Hey, I don't know how I liked him when he was young. I almost forgot the way he was before."

Looking at the stack of ID cards in his hand, Luo Yi laughed very satisfied.

Anyway, at least Lu Luo's affairs have been settled by her.

She now doesn't think about what Lu Luo wants to get from her, what purpose does it have.

Lu Luo's strength is strong enough, and now his relationship with Blazing Sky Wings is no longer an ordinary cooperation, but a kind of attachment.

What she has to do now is to honestly cling to the big tree Lu Luo and draw nourishment.

What will happen in the future, she doesn't bother to think too much, living in the present is true.

Luo Yi took out a photo with Wang Qiang from his wallet.

Wang Qiang in the photo is handsome and handsome, how can he look greasy now.

Luo Yi stared at the photo for a few seconds, not knowing whether he was cherishing the memory of his former youth or his former feelings.

She smiled freely, crumpled the photos into a ball, and threw them into the trash can.

Today, I have used up all the feelings, interests, threats, what should be used, and what can be used.

Since then, she can no longer use these things to intimidate Wang Qiang, otherwise the rules will be broken.

It's time for her and Wang Qiang's story to come to an end.

"Cut, I really like Lu Luo's little white face!"

Luo Yi knocked on the trash can, swinging his long legs, and walked toward the door of the guard's office.

But when she was approaching the door, she stopped suddenly.

A group of people in black coats walked in, who seemed uncomfortable at first sight.

Although they did not speak, as long as they saw them, everyone around them would take the initiative to move away!

"This dress! Is it legendary..."

Luo Yi feels something is wrong. What are you doing in Dong'an if you are a high-level military organization like the Inspection Department?

If something big happened in Dong'an City recently, isn't it Lu Luo?

"Are these people here to find Lu Luo?"

Luo Yi felt something was wrong, but Zhang Changming had already passed her for the first time and walked towards the depths of the guard's office.

"Would you like to remind Lu Luo about this matter?"

With doubts, Luo Yi returned to the club.


In the Security Office, Zhang Changming stared at the director of the Dong'an Security Office, although the director of Dong'an City was already on the same level as Zhang Changming.

But the real status of the two is indeed worlds apart.

Neither strength nor status is comparable.

The director of Dong'an City is also level 5, and Zhang Changming is a top level 7 master.

When the two stood together, it was really broken at one touch.

"Minister Zhang, all the superintendents and superintendents are here, do you have any instructions?"

Zhang Changming glanced at the members of the Security Office in Dong'an City. Most of them are potbellied and lack exercise.

All of these people are extraordinary, but they have fallen into this kind of virtue, which really makes him feel disgusted.

"I came here today. There are not many questions. The first one is whether there has been any trouble in the West Nature Reserve recently?

For example, the emergence of new weird species.

Secondly, has there been any suspicious persons in Dong'an City recently?

For example, some associations with unknown purposes are idle, or people who need to apply for an ID card but cannot provide a reasonable identity. "

When Zhang Changming said this, the whole office began to whisper.

Among these people, Wang Qiang felt even more nervous than ever!

Suspicious personnel! Suspicious person?

Still the suspicious person with ID card!

He just went out with 204 ID cards, and they were all real!

So now, should he take the initiative to speak out?

If you don't say it, will it be checked by the Inspection Department? If it is found, will there be anything wrong with me?

What should the family do if something happens to you?

Say or not? How to do? How to do?

Wang Qiang became more and more nervous, and he tightly grasped his trousers with his fingers.

The tip of his nose and forehead are already covered with fine beads of sweat.

Between saying and not saying, Wang Qiang has fallen into a dilemma!

With that said, the matter of accepting bribes is settled, he is still young, and he has a long career.

Now accepting bribes, suspension investigation and handling is definitely indispensable.

But if you don't say it, if it is found out by the Inspection Department, it depends on how big the matter is.

If things are bigger, it is possible to move your head!

"Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang? How did you do it? All your face is sweaty? It's not very hot today, is it?"

Wang Qiang is only in his 30s this year. It is normal to be called Xiao Wang in the bureau.

Looking at this person, it was Lao Li who was already more than 50 years old.

Wang Qiang knew that this old guy's hands were not clean.

Now that I look amiable, I'm afraid I am panicked to death!

Wang Qiang looked at Lao Li and knew that at this time, he had to make a little decision.

"Old Li, your hands are not clean, right?"

"Hey, Xiao Wang, what do you mean by saying that you don't speak martial arts? Bullying the old comrades?"

"Don't pretend to be Lao Li. I don't know the size of this incident. I'm not going to hide it.

I'm still young, and I'm afraid of death, so I'm going to come out.

The law does not blame the public, do you want to be with me?

If you are with me, you will have a better face. If you continue to hide, you may overturn your car.

You are too old, you should understand what I mean. "

The conversation between the two police inspectors was very cruel. After hearing Wang Qiang's confession, Lao Li's expression became uncertain.

He is indeed not clean, and he is more than 50 years old, and he has done more outrageously than Wang Qiang.

But he will retire in a few years, and he will come out at this time!

If you lose your job, then...

However, what Wang Qiang said is not wrong. The Fa doesn't blame the public. If you don't go out and make it clear at this time.

If you really want to check it down, something might happen to your side!

"Old Zhou, Old Wu."


Several old men began to rustle and talk, not knowing what they were talking about.


On the other side, Wang Qiang had already stood up on his own initiative.

His sudden rise will naturally attract Zhang Changming's attention.

"Do you have anything to say?"

"Um, Minister Zhang, I..."

Wang Qiang hesitated a little, but Zhang Changming immediately waved his hand.

"You are now a co-consultant of the Audit Department, so please don't hesitate to say anything.

What you have done before, as long as it does not touch the bottom line, can be regarded as an inspection business.

Okay, now I have something to say! "

As the head of the inspection department, Zhang Changming naturally knew that there were few clean staff under these guards.

Without giving enough conditions, how can they speak and act honestly?

Corruption and bribery are big things in the security guards, but in the inspection department, they are the smallest things.

Unless you really do something disgusting, greed and greed, you won't be put in the eyes of the inspection department at all.

"Thank you, Minister Zhang, I do have something to say.

Just before you came here, I just processed a batch of ID cards, a lot of them! "

"A lot? How many?"

"204 sheets."

so many? This kid is really big-hearted, and he is not afraid of being reported!

However, this amount is somewhat inconsistent with Zhang Changming's previous expectations.

In his guess, a weird, even an anthropomorphic weird.

If you want to survive naturally among humans, you must minimize your contact with other humans.

Therefore, the person who applies for 204 ID cards at one time is very likely not the person Zhang Changming is looking for.

The greatest possibility for this group of people is still a fugitive group organization.

"Minister, what do you say?"

The subordinates on the side probably guessed Zhang Changming's thoughts, but this kind of thing still requires Zhang Changming to make a decision.

"Forget it, other people will continue to check, let's go and see what this guy who has 204 ID cards does."


At the Blazing Wings branch, Luo Yi dialed Lu Luo's phone.

"I saw someone from the Inspection Department today when the guard was handling the ID card."

On the other side of the phone, Lu Luo frowned slightly:

"Inspection Department?"

"Yes, there are a lot of people here, don't know what it is for."

"Okay, I know about this, how is the ID card going?"

"Fortunately, 204 photos have been taken, and all of them are real and effective.

In order to get this, I have spent a lot of effort and contacts.

How are you going to compensate me? "

Luo Yi's tone was slightly provocative, but the opposite Lu Luo was already old oil.

Besides, he has dull hairs and white snakes around him now, so why bother with Luo Yi this old cauliflower!

"I will pay some extra money later. You bother about this matter."

"Oh, the money is really good! So be it, you will get your ID card when you come to the club tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Hanging up, Luo Yi sat in his seat slightly empty.

After cutting off contact with Wang Qiang, Luo Yi was not only relaxed, but also a little bit more empty.

26 years old is the best time for a woman, and she has a suitable goal by her side.

Lu Luo!

It is a pity that Lu Fu is too ignorant. He has hinted so many times, but he hasn't reacted at all.

"Forget it, maybe people look down on me like this!"

Sitting in front of the computer, Luo Yi looked at his bank account with satisfaction.

The society needs development, but she also needs money herself!

There is nothing more that can give people a sense of security than money.

The most reasonable way is to save a good sum of money and treat yourself as a dowry.

Maybe she will work for Blazing Wings for a lifetime, but it doesn't have to be done inside the society to find a target.

"The sunset party's handwriting is really big. How long has this been, it has actually increased the profit by more than 1 million."

Luo Yi is preparing to make himself a cup of milk tea, take a good nap on the sofa and take a break.

The door was suddenly opened!

No, Luo Yi clearly remembered that he had locked the door.

How could it be opened casually?


The people who came in ignored Luo Yi, but walked straight towards her.

"What are you going to do?"

Luo Yi stood up and grabbed the weapon at hand, but the opponent's speed was faster!

Almost instantly, he has come to her.

Man in black! Audit Department!

It really came.

The gun in Luo Yi's hand has been taken down by members of the Inspection Department.

Zhang Changming walked over slowly and came in front of Luo Yi.

"Hello, Miss Luo Yi, we should have met once at the Security Office.

I did not expect that the suspicious person mentioned by Inspector Wang Qiang would be you! "

Luo Yi gritted his teeth slightly, the **** Wang Qiang sold her as soon as he turned his head.

Men, no one is trustworthy.

Zhang Changming is still very polite at this time, and he is rarely so polite in normal times.

The main thing is that I don't know the situation of the other party, and I don't want to startle!

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Miss Luo Yi needless to say such things, we are a formal state department, not a triad, nor a society.

Even if torture is used, formal methods will be used.

If you cooperate, you will definitely not suffer these sufferings. "

Zhang Changming picked up the stack of ID cards on the table and checked them one by one.

He looked very carefully, until the people around him did not dare to speak.

If Zhang Changming wasn't still moving, Luo Yi would have to feel whether the time around him was still.

"I cooperate, don't move me!"

"Don't worry, Miss Luo Yi, there are opportunities."

At this time, Zhang Changming's interests were all placed on these ID cards.

The photos on the ID card were provided by Lu Luo to Luo Yi.

That's what the members of Breath of Favor really look like.

These team members are men and women. From the mental outlook of the photos, it can be seen that they are a group of very capable combatants.

"This feeling is a bit like a soldier!"

Zhang Changming was very accurate in seeing people, and the level of dexterity and toughness of this group of people was a well-trained soldier.

And these people are very likely to be extraordinary!

Where did such a large number of people emerge from? What to do

Zhang Changming didn't stop his movements and continued to read.

Suddenly, Zhang Changming's pupils shrank slightly, and his fingers began to tremble slightly.

In his hand, Bai Yuetong's ID card was held!

Because Lu Luo felt that there was no need for them to use a pseudonym here, Bai Yuetong didn't even change his name!

Her white hair is so conspicuous in the photos that Zhang Changming can recognize her at a glance!

"This girl... also has the surname Bai?

If it's not due to descent, what's the matter with this gray hair? "

A lot of speculation flashed in his mind, but he was still unable to determine the true situation of this matter!

Zhang Changming put away his ID card and turned to look at Luo Yi:

"Where are the people who apply for these ID cards?"

Luo Yi pursed his lips.

"In the Mid-Levels Villa."


In the mountain villa, Baiyuetong happily acted as an overseer.

According to her and Lu Luo, the basement area of ​​the villa can also be expanded downwards.

For some time to come, the base of the circle should be here.

Then her personal laboratory should naturally be set up well.

"Lu Luo Lu Luo, how about getting a flying crane here?"

"I think it will work."

"I want an energy pool here."

"I think it's OK!"

Lu Luo continued to perfuse, but this perfunctory has already caused Diao Mao's dissatisfaction.

She suddenly said:

"Why don't you let White Phosphorus sleep with you?"

"I think it will work." Lu Luo continued.

White phosphorus's eyes lit up on the side, is it finally the day?

Even the observer appeared at this time.

[Are you serious? 】

"What serious?"

[Are you really going to be a reckless hero? 】

Only then did Lu Luo sit up, recalled what Bai Yuetong asked just now, and then looked at Bai Pho on the side.

"No, I was wronged! There really is no such idea."

"Cut, there is no guilty heart!"

Dai Mao ignored Lu Luo and continued to study his own laboratory.

Lu Luo wanted to go and get in touch with Da Mao again, but Gu Fangyi called:

"Brother Luo, there is a problem."


"Some people in black are here!"

Is it the Audit Department? Lu Luo frowned slightly.

"I see, relax and be okay, don't show hostility.

These people are very strong, not the ones we can touch porcelain at present.

However, don't lose the momentum. If the public sector is too arrogant, it will also encounter a lot of trouble.

You can embarrass them with some conventions! "

"for example?"

"For example, a search warrant!"

"I know."

"I can rest assured that Brother Gu handles things. Remember, language conflicts are okay, but not physical conflicts."


The base had just landed, and Lu Luo didn't want to have any too violent conflicts with the Inspection Department.

After carefully recalling the various situations before, and after confirming that he had not shown any horse feet, Lu Luo tidyed up his clothes and walked straight to the door.

The black vehicles carried these members of the inspection department to the door of the hilltop villa.

As the sentry of the base, Gu Fangyi was naturally the first to meet with the members of the Inspection Department.

The inspectors who opened the way wanted to push Gu Fangyi away, but after pushing it up, Gu Fangyi didn't move at all!

The strength of both parties alone is no longer on the same level!


"Who are you?"

Gu Fangyi did not show hostility, but according to practice, normal inquiries are still required.

The two members of the Inspection Department who were blocked by the Gu Fangyi were a little uncomfortable, but they still took out the inspection department's certificates.

"We are the Imperial Inspection Department. Now we need to conduct a routine investigation of your manor."

"Inspection Department? Is there a search warrant?"

"The investigation by the Inspection Department never requires a search warrant!"

"Without a search warrant, what are you pretending to be with me?"

As soon as Gu Fang knew from Lu Luo, even a special department needed a search warrant when investigating famous houses.

Even though most of the time, the Inspection Department will not bring a search warrant at all, but nominally speaking, this has never changed.

"Are you trying to block the Inspection Department's actions? What are the consequences, you have to think clearly!"

Although the other party said so, Gu Fangyi still did not give in.

"If you don't have a search warrant, you would be trespassing into the residence.

My phone is shooting! "

After speaking, Gu Fangyi also held up his new mobile phone.

"Don't go too far!"

Vanguards of the Inspection Department snatched Gu Fangyi's mobile phone.

Although they are the Inspection Department, they will also be punished if such a thing spreads out.

Throwing the phone on the ground and crushing it with one foot, this person looked at Gu Fangyi with a slight arrogance.

"This phone is 80,000."

? ? ? What do you mean?

The ancient Fang curled his lips, these people's methods are really immature, and they train their brains to train muscles, rookie!

"I said this phone is worth 80,000 yuan, so prepare to lose money."

"This kind of phone, what are you kidding about?"

Gu Fang turned his head and pointed to the other members of the hilltop villa, as well as the monitors mounted around the wall.

"There are more than one hundred cameras and mobile phones here. Do you want to keep falling?

It doesn't matter, my 80,000, the other 66,000 will do. "

The fingers of this member of the inspection department trembled slightly, and he still wanted to get angry, but after looking at his companion on the side, he finally gave up the idea.


The people under his staff can't solve the problem, so the old nature has to stand up.

Zhang Changming glanced at his subordinates. It is normal for his subordinates to make mistakes, but outside, he still has to defend his own people.

"I'm Zhang Changming, the head of the inspection department. When we came here, we really need to conduct an urgent secret investigation.

Boy, it’s enough to do something, don’t go too far. "

Gu Fangyi and Zhang Changming looked at each other, although his sequence was Hawkeye.

But when he met Zhang Changming, who looked like a falcon, Gu Ge couldn't help being defeated.

"This person... is so strong."

Gu Fangyi's fingers trembled slightly, and his muscles and bones were already tight to the extreme.

He has a feeling If he rashly makes a move, he will be killed by the person in front of him!

Tier 7! It's ridiculous.

Zhang Changming looked at Gu Fangyi with an expression of appreciation in his eyes.

Another outstanding young man.

Although he was a bit closer to the Luluo he had encountered before, he was already very good at this age with this strength.

Zhang Changming retracted his eyes and momentum, and said politely:

"My dear Zhang Changming, if you want to see the master here, can you tell me about it?"