Doomsday Circle

Chapter 424: The Killing of the Grey Man (6K)

Luo Muqing trembled, and Zhan Zhan stood up in front of Qi Xinzhu.

The wound on his chest was huge, and a lot of blood was gushing out.

Qi Xinzhu knew how much he had shot, and if Luo Muqing continued like this, he might really die.

"Mr. Luo, is this necessary?"

Qi Xinzhu's heart-warming question seemed to have turned into the best mockery of Luo Muqing at this moment.

Do toads eat swan meat?

Where did he lose?

"I'm not a toad!"

Qi Xinzhu:? ? ?

She didn't quite understand what Luo Muqing was talking about, but since the other party was like this, she didn't have any hesitation.

"Since you decide to continue fighting, then I will respect you too."

Qi Xinzhu's respect is simple, that is, to go all out to kill Luo Muqing in the shortest time.

The dead will not resist, and if that happens, their own affairs will be much less.

"Come on, let me see how big the gap between us is!"

Luo Muqing's eyes were already frantic, and energy mixed with his own blood erupted all over his body.

With both hands out, Wu Zhen also shook it out, hidden in the blood.

Wu needles are sharp, but very small. They are hidden in Luo Muqing's blood, and it is difficult to find them in ordinary sight.

Unless Qi Xinzhu has a sequence like Hawkeye or Observer.

Otherwise, the trick is basically inevitable.

When Luo Muqing shot, Qi Xinzhu was also ready to attack.

Speaking of respect, she will naturally go all out this time.

Draw out the alloy broadsword, Qi Xinzhu has prepared the ultimate move.

Jianxin Type Two-Covering the Rain.

Jian Yu and Xue Yu began to intersect each other in the air.

Qi Xinzhu's sword energy was accompanied by Shenghui's energy, and he easily passed through Luo Mu Qingxue Rain.

A sword aura that was like a sharp sword pierced Luo Muqing's body.

Tuk tuk!

Blood blossoms continued to gush from Luo Muqing's body, and this man who could not distinguish the form so far also crashed down.

His strength is still too weak after all.

Although there is a systematic teaching, there are also teachings from the predecessors of the community.

But the transcendents of the empire always face a problem, the life of the empire is too easy.

Most of their battles are of the nature of underworld fighting.

Without the sense of urgency of life and death in the Wasteland Alliance, it would be impossible to train the combat skills that wander above the sword.

Although it is of the same rank as Qi Xinzhu, it is almost inevitable to be killed by Qi Xinzhu in seconds.

When the Rain Covering Sword passed through Luo Muqing's body, the Wu Zhen released by Luo Muqing was worthy of arrival.

The blood rain covered Wu Zhen, but when Wu Zhen touched Qi Xinzhu's body, she was still isolated by layers of Shenghui power.


The energy hidden in Wu Zhen burst out suddenly, and these special energies are a bit like sequence fluctuations.

With a second impact, they passed through Qi Xinzhu's Shenghui, and finally approached Qi Xinzhu's skin.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

But these things were just sharp needles. After losing the power of the second impact, Wu Zhen was left with a little bit of sharpness and impact.

Qi Xinzhu's current physique is no different from the former Lu Luo. The only difference between the two is the reduction of injuries for the unbelievers.

But Qi Xinzhu's state at this time can already be immune to the impact of bullets without using Shenghui.

Not to mention the spin of this needle.

One by one, Wu needles fell on the ground, without even puncturing Qi Xinzhu's skin.

These hidden weapons are constantly being magnified in the referee's monitoring, and people who are still watching the game are in a little uproar.

Luo Muqing was defeated, and the Sunset Meeting was also defeated, so completely defeated!

And Luo Muqing himself, not only failed completely, but also gained his own reputation. If he does not receive treatment, his own life may be caught.

Is it really worth it?

At this time, the medical team had already rushed into the ring and carried Luo Muqing down.

Looking at the costumes, Qi Xinzhu probably knows that these people are all members of the Sunset Club.

These people didn't mention anything about the hidden weapon, as if it didn't happen.

Concealed weapons are usually not forbidden in the competitions of the club meetings and the battles between the transcendents, because many people themselves practice sneak attacks.

However, Luo Muqing and the Sunset Club are not organizations that specialize in cultivating hidden weapons.

The result of this battle was too slapped.

The instructor in the stands was not angry because of Luo Muqing's failure, which was different from the eager expression just now.

He didn't seem to be surprised by Luo Muqing's failure.

On the contrary, after Luo Muqing's defeat, his attention has basically been focused on Qi Xinzhu.

Qi Xinzhu felt it too and turned to look at the stands.

When meeting the instructor of this sunset meeting, Qi Xinzhu frowned slightly.

"This person, has been staring at me from the very beginning, do you see anything from me?

Or does the sunset become interested and hostile to me? "

Qi Xinzhu is no longer the first brother. She also knew how to think for herself when Lu Luo was away.

But obviously, she couldn't get the answer now, the man nodded with a smile at her, and then left.

Qi Xinzhu was not given the opportunity to continue to explore.

"Those who appear in this group, Qi Xinzhu!"

After the referee announced Qi Xinzhu as the winner, Sora slowly stepped onto the ring.

The time just now was a glorious moment for Qi Xinzhu. Let more people know Qi Xinzhu, and it was also what Lu Luo agreed to before.

Lu Luo's strength is too high.

Once this kind of exceeding the standard is known to others, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble. For example, a monster like the Inspection Department will definitely investigate Lu Luo.

There are also a variety of large-scale societies, which will bring some trouble to the circle.

It is very difficult for a person with excessive strength to exist under certain rules.

Even if they exist, such people can only exist in the empire official.

But Qi Xinzhu is different. Qi Xinzhu is 22-year-old, Tier 4 peak, although it is also very outrageous, almost at the level of the top genius of the empire.

But this level is not beyond the standard.

Sora knew that Qi Xinzhu itself was much better than the ordinary Tier 4, but others didn't know it.

As a figure on the bright side and a representative of Yuanhuan's future, Qi Xinzhu is the best choice.

"Master Qi Xinzhu, how do you feel?"

Sora asked very intimately.

"How about Lu Luo?"

Qi Xinzhu was more worried about his husband than he was. After all, Lu Luo at this time should be acting alone.

On her side, there were nearly 40 ring members of Breath of Favor at the door.

These are all the guards left by Lu Luo for her safety.

"Master Lu Luo, shouldn't we need to worry about it?

After all, Master Lu Luo's strength, you should also know. "

Sora is now properly Lu Chuan, anyway, some are not, um, Lu Luo is over.

Why don't you be happy after blowing up Qixinzhu?

"That's right, if he can't solve the problem, we can't deal with it."

Qi Xinzhu felt that Sora made a lot of sense, so he relaxed.

After fighting for a day, I was a little tired and hungry.

Qi Xinzhu immediately said to Sola:

"Go, let's go out for a bite to eat. In the city of Meidu, I haven't been to any interesting places except hotels."

"Okay! Although I am not from Meidu, as a guide, I should still be qualified."

"Then let's go."


On the other side, Lu Luo strolled around the corner of the sewer, and after buying a few overpriced sesame cakes with a small vendor here, he squatted down in the corner and ate it.

Because the contestants in their group were killed collectively.

So apart from the kicker who was let go by Lu Luo, no one knew that Lu Luo was the winner of the 81 group.

When these people saw the wallet that Lu Luo took out when he was buying sesame cakes, they had already moved a little bit.

The personnel kept approaching in front of Lu Luo, and a person's cigarette **** slid down along Lu Luo's hair.

But before he wanted to attack Lu Luo, Lu Luo's other finger had already pinched the cigarette **** and stood up instantly.

Stuffed a cigarette **** into the man's nostrils.


The screams kept coming, and this person was also extraordinary.

The burning of a cigarette **** wouldn't make him like this. What really made him scream in pain was Lu Luo's irresistible hand power.

"Is it bad to be alive? Why bother to mess with me?"



"Sorry, I was wrong, brother, I was wrong!"

The person in front of him screamed again, his nose burst into tears, and his tragic situation also gave a warning to the characters around him who wanted to take advantage of him.

Lu Luo is not the kind of **** with no strength.

He is a stubborn stubborn and cannot offend

The man whose arm was broken by Lu Luo knelt on the ground and expressed submission to Lu Luo.

But Lu Luo didn't sit on his back, that would be too cheap.

He is not the kind of big villain who doesn't do any evil. If someone provokes him, just hit him back. There is no need to humiliate him.

Counterattack and humiliation are different in nature.

"Where are you from?"

"I am from Tianshan."

"I'm from the Northland."


Each of these people is telling about their origins, their strengths are uneven, and their identities are relatively bad.

From these people's oral statements, Lu Luo could better understand the dark side of the empire.

Most of them are members of the gang, and some are not even members of the society.

The reason for coming here is not because of wanting to be the top spot.

But to seek a better life and work.

The challenger group of the club conference is actually a good display platform, where they can show their strength to their fullest.

Every year at the Society Conference, there will be some real societies where you can observe these challengers.

They will absorb some of the seeds of outstanding strength or potential to supplement their own society.

This is a very good channel for improvement. Although it will not suddenly become a core member, if you are elected, it will definitely be better than being a savage before.

These people came here with this kind of mood.

"so it is!"

Lu Luo nodded, taking root in the empire, it is bound to absorb the talents of the empire.

Lu Luo is not sure whether these people are considered talents.

But people have their way, and rats have their way. These people are already the most valuable savages in the entire Guixi District.

If Yuanhuan really wants to absorb talents, it will definitely not be able to bypass these people.

In the future, if you expand your business or something, it may be useful.

Lu Luo didn't bully them, which was a good impression.

The strength was recognized by these savages, and when Lu Luo was about to leave the sewer park, these people retreated to the side very sensibly.

Some people even nodded to Lu Luo.

At this time, the 81st group game has ended.

Although there were not many people watching the game, there were still a few more or less.

Lu Luo's performance will always be heard from some people.

When Lu Luo walked to the door, the old man who inspected the Shadow Club also followed him out.

But Lu Luo's figure disappeared instantly, shocking the old man who wanted to follow.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

He hurriedly chased it out, and after chasing for a longer distance, there was no sign of Lu Luo in the empty surroundings.

"Hey, didn't you verify your identity? Why do you follow me?"

Lu Luo's voice suddenly appeared behind him, and the huge power gap between the two was enough for Lu Luo to use the old man as a toy.

The old man was surprised at first, then calmed down immediately:

"I just get off work normally. What does it have to do with you? I don't know what you are talking about when it follows you.

Don't stop me, if you want to get one step closer, I'll lie down! "

When an old man plays a rogue with you, there is really no way.

It's not that Lu Luo can't call the police or something, but that the other party may be a special official profession.

And he didn't have the time and energy to entangle such a person.

"You can follow me, but it's better not to follow no one around.

At your age, you don’t want to retire properly, do you? "

"Are you scaring me? Come, come, fight here, come!"

The old man followed his head and pointed his forehead with his finger, fearing that Lu Luo would not hit him.

Several pedestrians scattered around looked towards Lu Luo in this direction.

It looked like he was about to come and watch.

Lu Luo smiled. If he was onlookers, he would be onlookers. Anyway, his warning was in place.

Let this old man know that he has been aware of him, and in the next time, he should converge a bit.

"I've said what should be said, if you are not afraid of death, then come."

No longer entangled, Lu Luo slowly walked towards the stands of the stadium, wanting to take a look around here to see if he could find some good seedlings like those club guides.

Just when Lu Luo bought a pack of popcorn and was about to sit down and watch the game.

He suddenly felt that the group of dark flames he left in Wang Jia's eye sockets had fluctuated!

"Wang Jia! Arrested?"

That group of Mingyan is very small, and its function is very simple, that is, positioning and danger triggering.

The Mingyan fluctuates, which means that Wang Jia is in danger.

Did the inspection department start it?

Lu Luo was a little excited, why did the inspection department arrest the sequencer, where the sequencer would eventually go, and why these sequence powers had a relationship with the equipment.

He wanted to know all these things, and now, it should be a good opportunity!

After stuffing popcorn to the girl watching the game next to him, Lu Luo quickly left the venue.

He will not let go of such an opportunity!


On the other side of the city, the hotel where the Kane's Secret Order was located had already turned on the lights because the dusk had almost come to an end.

The heavy hotel door has been closed for unknown reasons.

Because Qi Xinzhu and the others went shopping, there were only three Wang Jia left in the hotel, as well as some ordinary members of the Kane Secret Order.


A splash of blood spattered from a member's chest.

The gray-clothed soldier with a scythe shook the blade and walked to the next target.

Soldiers like him were already everywhere in the hotel at this time.

The ordinary people here have been slaughtered to death, and scattered members of the Kane Secret Order are resisting.

But their strength is low, in this case, they can't resist too much time at all.

Wang Yu and Wang Gang's father and son have already hid on the roof of the hotel.

And Wang Jia stayed in the kitchen of the hotel and did not retreat.


Pushing a corpse away, Wang Jia lit a cigarette for herself and took a deep breath.

This feeling made her very immersed.

Without continuing to smoke, after throwing the cigarette aside, Wang Jia picked up a kitchen knife on the table.

Her original weapon had already been sharpened.

There are no bullets for the guns, and she now says that she has run out of ammunition and food. It's not an exaggeration.

"Are there 11!"

Seeing the man in grey who appeared suddenly, Wang Jia's face was ugly.

Her fingers trembled slightly, she forced her breath, and rushed towards the person again.

The not-sharp kitchen knife smashed the opponent's forehead.

boom! Bang bang bang!

After a few shots, Wang Jia spit out something disgustingly.

Take a closer look, it's blood, and perhaps some internal organ fragments.

"take away!"

A masked man in grey came forward, grabbed Wang Jia's hair, dragged her to the ground, and dragged her casually.

After Wang Jia fell, the killing of the hotel continued!


Lu Luo was running towards Wang Jia's position, a little far away, but these were not problems.

His speed is extremely fast. According to his judgment, it will take about 7 minutes to reach the location of the hotel.

But just as he crossed a huge building, the observer suddenly gave a prompt.

[There are sequential fluctuations, and the fluctuations are very severe!

They are fighting, right next to them, in that building. 】

Ah? Lu Luo was a little surprised, and there were sequence fluctuations?

And fighting?

This is one of the few situations where Lu Luo saw sequencers in the empire.

He can determine Wang Jia's position now. It can be said that even if Wang Jia is dead, as long as she is not divided, Lu Luo will have a way to find the other party.

So, is there a chance to come and have a look?

Look at what happened in this building?

Lu Luo knew that curiosity was actually a very dangerous thing.

But curiosity can also make progress.

After comprehensive consideration, Lu Luo decided to go over and take a look.

The door of the building was locked, and now Lu Luo couldn't accurately judge what happened inside.

Putting on the mask, Lu Luo sneaked to the window of this building.

Looking inward along the glass, Lu Luo was slightly surprised by the situation.

The dead are all dead.

And the killing in the building continues!

【upstairs. 】

"Go in and take a look!"

Lu Luo directly broke a piece of glass and turned into the building.

He walked quickly upstairs, and the fluctuation of the sequence became more and more intense.

Above the building, there are masters fighting, and they are Tier 6 masters!

"Hey, who are you?"

A man in gray found Lu Luo at the top of the stairs, and Lu Luo was a little helpless:

"Um, my own person."

"My own person?"

Their masks are all gray and white, and Lu Luo's attire is obviously different from them.

This person was stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted and was about to raise the alarm.

Of course Lu Luo would not give him such an opportunity.

The hand knife slashed the man's neck lightly, and the masked man's head flew with it.

"Why bother, isn't it good to be alive!"

Lu Luo started to take off the man's clothes while complaining.

He moved quickly, and after putting on the same gray and white outfit, Lu Luo threw the man's body downstairs.

At this moment, a voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Eddie, I'm on the 13th floor, let me help."

"The 13th floor!"

Lu Luo knew that his goal was definitely not on the 13th floor, but a higher place.

But if you don't respond to the other party at this time, you will definitely be found out.

Lu Luo recalled the voice of this person just now, and then tried to imitate the other person.

"Ahem, I'm coming right away."

The opposite seemed a little confused, but there was no doubt from the intercom, only the continuous sound of gunfire.

With doubts, Lu Luo continued to run towards the top of the building.

During this period, he saw several people in gray clothes, and most of these people were of rank 2-3.

To be honest, it's not very strong but the fluctuation on the roof is getting stronger and stronger.

Lu Luo could feel that the battle between the two sides had come to an end, and he seemed a little bit late!


The ceiling of the 21st floor shattered, and a fat man fell to the ground, and the hard marble floor had been smashed out of a big hole by him.

At this time, Lu Luo had reached the 21st floor, and he could feel one of the sequence fluctuations.

It came from this chubby man.

【Level 6 transcendents, abilities unknown.

Sequence B-Resentment: He can resent a unit, all damage to this unit is increased by 15%, and damage taken is reduced by 25%

Attribute value: Strength 53, Dexterity 40, Constitution 35]

At the very weak level 6, Lu Luo looked up at the gap in the ceiling, and a man who was also dressed in gray and wearing a clown mask was standing there.

It can be seen that this fat man was injured by the other party.

"Although Tier 6 is very weak, it can be abused like this. The opposite is really a bit of strength!

Kangkang attributes! "

[The opponent is shielded by some power and cannot be detected. The only thing that can be determined is that the opponent is not level 7. 】

Okay, as long as it is not level 7, other issues are actually easy to talk about.

"What are you doing? Which team are you from?"

The person wearing the clown mask also saw Lu Luo at this time, and immediately asked.

When she spoke, Lu Luo realized that the other party was actually a woman.


The clown frowned slightly. If it were her subordinates, it would be absolutely impossible to ask such a question and would not speak to her like this.

It will not appear here at this time.

"You are not ours?"

Lu Luo blinked, and the pupils under the mask blinked several times.

"You found all of this, you are really smart."