Doomsday Circle

Chapter 483: Wang Zhongjian

A few more days passed, and the depressed mood was still spreading in the inner ring. Qi Lin, who was shopping for vegetables, felt something was wrong.

"Judge Qi Lin, you gave the wrong money. This should be 15. You only gave me 10 yuan."

"Oh, sorry, I was distracted."

Qi Lin immediately replenished the vegetable vendor with 5 yuan. He looked at the newsstand next to him and wanted to buy some newspapers, but found that his change had been used up.

Just when he was hesitant to spend a whole dollar, Lu Luo took down the newspaper today, which was closed, and handed it to Qi Lin.

"Dad, long time no see."

dad! What a strange word this is!

Qi Lin's veteran hand trembled a little, he looked at Lu Luo, and after a long silence, he nodded:

"Okay, I'm fine, it's really been a long time since I saw you, are you okay too?"

Qi Lin is a bit incoherent. According to reason, he is not ill now, and his knowledge and experience shouldn't be the case.

But there is no way to describe the excitement.

The appearance of Lu Luo undoubtedly gave him a very powerful shot.

Old Qi Lin couldn't stand it anymore at this time.

"Well, I'm fine, don't worry, Dad, Qi Xinzhu is also fine.

Moreover, we already had a child before, a daughter named Lu Xiaofang. "

"Xiaofang, Xiaofang, Fang of Fangcao, very good, very good name, it will be good for you to live a good life.

In fact, don’t worry about us old couples, we live very well here, don’t worry. "

Seeing Qi Lin's appearance, some apologies flashed in Lu Luo's heart.

Qi Lin has resigned from his position as a member of the Diet, and even the position of Justice of the Inner Ring has been dismissed.

No way, his identity today is too special.

Both Qi Xinzhu and Lu Luo put a certain amount of pressure on the inner ring.

In the inner ring, there is no way to re-enable people like Qi Lin who are in doubt.

No matter how strong he is, no matter how fair he is, there is no way for the inner ring to use him at this time.

Without a job, Qi Lin can only make his own money.

Life gradually has some pressure.

Although it is not impossible to unravel the pot, the long-term unemployed life still makes him feel a little irritable.

"Dad, it won't be long."

"What are you talking about? If you are saying this today, then go quickly."

When Lu Luo said this, Qi Lin's expression suddenly became severe.

Later, he became a little lonely again.

"Before you succeed, don't say any arrogant words, understand?"

"I see, thank you dad for the lesson, I will remember it."

"Are you going to sit at home? Mom misses you too." Qi Lin wanted to invite Lu Luo, but Lu Luo refused at this time.

"Next I have a very important thing to do, which is a bit dangerous.

If I meet with you now, it may cause you some trouble.

So, don't do it anymore! "

Qi Lin nodded at Lu Luo's words, and he did not forcibly invite Lu Luo again.

At this time, the old Qi Lin was still able to distinguish right from wrong.

As a former senior in the inner ring, he knows the current situation of the inner ring very well.

Disappearance may come at any time.

He doesn't know what their family will face in the end, but what he can do is live an honest life and don't cause trouble to the children.

Such as Qi Xinzhu, and his son-in-law Lu Luo.

Of course, now they have their granddaughter, Lu Xiaofang.

"Well, now that there is something, let's do it.

Leave us alone, do things well, after doing things well, there will be time in the future. "

"Dad is right, there will be time in the future.

Coming over today, I just want to see you and tell you about Qi Xinzhu and Xiaofang by the way.

I believe that soon, you will be able to see your daughter and granddaughter. "

"Good good!"

You can see that Qi Lin is very happy, but he can't say much.

Taking the newspaper away, Qi Lin left without even saying goodbye to Lu Luo.

Standing in the early morning sun, Qi Lin's back figure seemed a little taller.


Qi Lin didn't look back, he was like a passerby, and he barely glanced at Lu Luo.

Seeing this attitude shown by Qi Lin, Lu Luo already had the answer in his heart.

This may be the love of the elders for the younger ones.


In the ruins of the second ring, a tall woman was looking for something in the ruins.

Just when her expression was slightly disappointed, suddenly, she found a gleaming light spot in the ruins.


With a light wave of the finger, the surrounding rocks were immediately shattered, and the original shape of this light spot was also revealed.

One emblem, one belonging to Pope Fan Zhen.

"Finally let me find it!"

This woman is the Luo Dan that all the people in the inner ring are looking for.

At this time, she used a half-face mask to cover most of her face.

The voice is also distorted because of the presence of the mask.

The whole person stood in the ruins, turning light and dark, looking a little weird.

This ruin is where Fan Zhen and Bai Qingshuang once fought, because after the inner ring was reformed, the entire inner ring lacked labor.

There is an absolute barrier between the church and the council, so this part of the second ring road has not been repaired.

But this is also something Luo Dan is happy to see. If this place is renovated, then she will not have a chance to get Fan Zhen's emblem.

"The living dead... This is really a nice gift.

Since Lu Xiaotian wanted me to die so much, she could give her a chance.

Let her see what the true foundation of Liming Church is. "

At this time, the emblem in Luo Dan's hand is the Pope's seal of the Liming Church.

Only the pope of the dawn church can have it.

Its effectiveness is also very simple. It can call the sages of the Dawn Church once, that is, the living dead underground to help oneself.

Each pope can only use it once, which is regarded as the last help of the sages to the head of the dawn church.

Of course Luo Dan also has the qualification to use this emblem, but after Fan Zhen and Bai Qingshuang's battle, this emblem has been lost.

Until today, she was found.

This thing will also become her biggest killer against Lu Xiaotian.

"Pope, are we going back now?"

Although Luo Dan is hostile by many people, and even by people in the church itself, she still has a lot of confidants as the pope.

As the Pope, Luo Dan did a lot of things.

It's just that her radical ideas are different from the slick sects of most churches, which led to today's results.

This time, she knew that the other party was threatening her to show up, and would even ambush her somewhere, but she must also fight.

Because she is the pope, the pope has the role of the pope.

It is one of her duties to expel foreign enemies in the inner ring.

In fact, as many masters had thought of before, although killing Luo Dan meant weakening the upper limit of the inner ring's strength.

But if Luo Dan really doesn't stand up at this time, then the inner ring is basically no one now.

So she must face it.

"It is indeed possible to go back. There are always some things to face. No matter who it is, you will see your own tomorrow."

Luo Dan's voice became a little ethereal, and after hearing her words, her subordinates knelt on the ground one after another.

"Sworn allegiance to the Pope!"

In the Wasteland Alliance, everyone has their own choice. Their choice is simple. They are loyal to Luo Dan.

There is no regret at all, because no one has reached the end and no one knows whether his path is correct.


That night, Luo Dan returned to the church with a group of men.

The arrival of the pope did not greet the cheers of the believers, but people looked at her with weird eyes.

This attitude seems to be asking her why she hasn't gone out to explain.

Although Luo Dan has long been separated from the church today, she still hates the look in her eyes.

This kind of gaze is a naked rejection, treating her as an outsider, or even a monster.

"Oh, sure enough, these humans will only agree with what they are willing to agree with.

They forgot my past, forgot what I did for them.

They think I am a monster, they think I am not worthy to be the pope..."

Luo Dan's voice was very cold, and when she mentioned the word human, the subordinates beside her also slightly raised their heads.

He felt that Luo Dan's use of humans to describe these people was a bit wrong, because they were also humans.

Since they are all human beings, it's just that they have different camps, and they shouldn't be raised to the question of race.

But just as he thought so, Luo Dan suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

"Do you feel there is a problem with what I said?"

"No, no problem." The subordinate stammered.

Luo Dan's sense of oppression was too strong for him.

Faced with such a sense of oppression, he was even a little at a loss.

"It's no problem. Human beings are poor creatures. They are like a bunch of poor worms, struggling in a world where others are pityed.

Only I can save them, but they still haven't understood this. "

Luo Dan raised his head slightly, looking a little proud.

But for a moment, his subordinates even felt that the pope he served was crazy.

But he didn't say much, after all, serving the pope is his own choice.

"Let's go, let's see what kind of drama these scum of the church have arranged for me."

Coming to the inner circle of the cathedral, the surrounding crowd began to spread out.

Several seventh-tier elders were standing in the middle of the church, and they were silently watching Luo Dan's arrival.

The woman in front of them, the woman who made them feel extremely entangled, finally appeared!

"Under the crown of the Pope, you are finally back."

An elder said not respectfully.

And Luo Dan didn't even look at him, and walked straight to the deepest part of the church, which is the pope's seat.

"Luo Dan, you..."

"Presumptuous, the name under the crown of the pope, can you also call it directly?"

Luo Dan's men severely reprimanded the opponent. Although the opponent is a 7th-level master, he is not afraid because he has faith.

People of faith are fearless.

"Well, I want to see when you can get it."

"When I can get it, it's not your decision.

It's them. "

"They? Who else can be here besides us?"

The elders of several churches were not aware of this, but Luo Dan no longer paid attention to their meanings. Instead, he looked at the sky and muttered:

"You are too old. You have lost your perception of this world and your sharpness.

You today are a bunch of rotten things.

explain? Why do you need to explain, when you have enough strength to change everything, any explanation is superfluous.

It is because you are afraid that you want to get an illusory explanation.

Do you think I am right? "

Luo Dan seemed to be talking to someone, but this person didn't seem to be the elders standing here.

People in the church look at me and I look at you. They are not quite sure what Luo Dan is talking about.

"Luo Dan, what are you talking about? Who are you talking to?"

"Who am I talking to? Of course it's the existence you fear.

Am I right? Nightmare, or Lu Xiaotian? "


When the people in the church heard this name, everyone started to panic.

Even though Nightmare has always been on the fourth ring, she has put too much pressure on the inner ring.

Lost the inner ring of Shenghui, and no longer have the power to contend with the nightmare.

The sparse population puts them in an absolutely awkward situation.

The remaining 7th level can only linger to a certain extent, rather than counterattack the fourth ring.

The 7th order of the parliament, each contains selfishness, it is almost impossible for them to unite to deal with Sihuan.

In such a complicated situation, the power of the nightmare grew stronger and stronger, and the inner ring that had grown to the present was a bit out of breath.

"You mean nightmare? She's here, where is she?"

"She? She is in the sky, haven't you seen it?"

When Luo Dan said this, most of the people looked at the sky in horror. They discovered at this time that the sky tonight seems to be darker than usual.

This darkness is nothing else, it is the nightmare that completely covers the sky and the sun.


"Nightmare! It's really a nightmare."

"Why didn't the alert sound? What about the wall guard?"

"How do I know that the wall guards are controlled by the parliament."

"Could it be that the parliament has also rebelled?"

The people in the church began to panic, some had already started to run away, and some started to blame each other.

When the nightmare appeared here alone, no one wanted to stand up and fight against This scene is ridiculous.

It is not as good as the 4th Ring Road. It is much worse.

"It seems that your perception has not degraded! Luo Dan."

Lu Xiaotian's bright voice sounded from the sky, and she said pointedly.

At this time, Luo Dan did not shy away. At this time, the winner is king, and she has nothing to escape.

"It's not that it's not degraded, but it's been strengthened."

"Strengthening? If becoming a robot is also considered strengthening, Noah does not need to spend so much effort to become a human being."

When Nightmare said this, it almost settled the deal between Luo Dan and Noah.

People in the church looked at Luo Dan at this time, and their eyes became complicated.