Doomsday Circle

Chapter 51: This matter, you have to add money!

   Lu Luo and Zhou Kai came to the reception room on the first floor. Although Zhou Kai handled most of the ordinary business, it was only Lu Luo who knocked on such a large amount of orders.

   Sitting in the reception room resting, is a middle-aged man about 40 years old, his brows are full of lingering sorrow.

   Holding a glass in the studio with both hands, from time to time he drank a sip of pure water rationed according to Lu Luo's requirements.

   There are few disposable items in the fourth ring, so glasses are more common, but it is rare to entertain customers with pure water.

   There is no other reason. Purified water is too expensive. Other people are very opposed to the fact that purified water is too expensive, but Lu Luo strongly requested it.

   However, Lu Luo believes that even if pure water is expensive, it must be used here to give customers the most advanced experience in order to get the most advanced return.

   This is his previous life experience, and it is also a quality that a senior commissioned studio must possess.

   Hearing someone opening the door, the middle-aged man raised his head. Seeing the young Lu Lu, his brows deepened, and he seemed a little disappointed.

   [His disappointment with you should come from age, show your aura to shock him, go, Lu Luoshou! 】

   "Hello sir, I am the head of the ring hunter's office, Lu Luo.

   You can tell me about the entrusted situation and needs, and then we will talk about remuneration. "

   Lu Luo sat on the boss chair bought from the second-hand market, raised Erlang's legs, held the leg with one hand, and slightly bounced out with the other, as if he was telling something quite ordinary.

   Although his appearance looks a little impolite, the middle-aged man's frowning brows have loosened a little.

  Although Zhou Kai has been very capable in doing things, he feels like a student who has just entered the society. Although he has good abilities, he has insufficient experience.

   But Lu Luo is different. Lu Luo feels like an opponent in business, full of momentum, domineering and taken for granted.

   This kind of aura cannot be pretended by pretending, and it is impossible to do without absolute social experience. Middle-aged people are quite sure of this.

   What he didn’t know was that Lu Luo’s aura was acquired after three years of undercover work, experiencing countless dangers, negotiations, and almost becoming the son-in-law of the boss of the society. It belongs to the aura of a big brother.

   When Lu Luo said about rewards, Zhou Kai on the side was taken aback, didn't he say 15,000? What remuneration should we talk about?

   "Brother Luo?"

  【Hey, Xiao Kaizi is still too young. Didn’t you see that Lu Luoshou has taken out the butcher knife for killing people! 】

   Lu Luo raised his hand to stop Zhou Kai from speaking.

   "Didn't you see that I was talking about remuneration with this gentleman?"

   "Oh, good!" Zhou Kai was not stupid, and stood aside very tacitly.

   The reason why Lu Luo said so is also very simple. The man in front of him is well-dressed and has outstanding temperament. At first glance, he is a successful career and a well-earned person.

People like    are most likely to be social elites. Since he can afford to find 15,000 people, then this is definitely not a simple matter.

  Since things are not easy, he certainly can, and he is willing to pay 20,000 or even 30,000.

   The final commission fee depends on Lu Luo's personal level of business.

   Didn't you say that the reward is good? Middle-aged people actually have this question, but at this time he has fallen into Lu Luo's chat rhythm.

   "Just now, this Mr. Zhou Kai and I have already talked about the issue of remuneration, 15,000, isn't it enough?"

   [Your aura has already shocked this person, and you have achieved the achievement of being the king of the mouth, but unfortunately there is no reward.

   Friendly reminder: There are two less obvious breaths in this person's body, one is strange life energy, very few, and it is similar to your Devourer energy, but it is not pure.

   Another kind of breath is similar to that of a female doctor. It should be the power of holy light. It is less, but it does exist. Please pay more attention to the host. 】

   Lu Luo nodded slightly, now he is more sure, the man in front of him is looking for, I am afraid it is not that simple.

  "Don’t worry, sir. Your entrustment is not that simple. You should know it yourself. We have to talk about it in detail. How do you call it?"

   "My name is Qian Ming, and I want to ask you to help me find my fiancee."


   Mentioned his fiancée, Qian Ming's eyes turned red. He took off his glasses, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, then slowly said:

   "Yes, my fiancee is named Li Manting, and she has been missing for almost a month."

   "A month for so long? Didn't Mr. Qian Ming go to the hunter to deal with it?"

   Lu Luo’s first reaction was a month’s time and a remuneration of 15,000. Even hunters should be invited. There is no reason to delay it for so long.

   "I have looked for hunters, and I have searched for churches, let alone guards. They didn't find them. Even if they took the money, they all disappeared.

  Man Ting has just become pregnant, and we said before that we will get married as long as she is pregnant. Today was the day we got married, but she still did not come back.

   I don’t want to just give up like this. I’m 46 years old, and finally had a child, and I love my fiancee very much, I’m not reconciled!

   I came to you because there was no other way. As long as you can help me find Manting, money is not a problem. "

   [Money is not a problem, just listen to it, if you really want 1 million, it is estimated that he will turn his face in minutes. 】

   Qian Ming burst into tears as he spoke, and it seemed that he was really concerned about his wife and children.

   But what really moved Lu Luo was not the emotions Qian Ming revealed, but the content of what he said.

   The pregnant fiancee-today is the wedding day-the church has been-Qian Ming has the breath of Shenghui.

   Everything is too similar. Putting these conditions together, isn't his fiancee the same bride as Lu Mengna?

   "Coincidence? If it is a coincidence, there are too many similarities."

   [I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but the sacred glory in this person is gradually dissipating invisibly. 】

   Lu Luo remembered very clearly that Lu Mengna was captured by the church.

   What the studio owner Wu Yun did last, even Lu Mengna herself doesn’t remember only knows that Wu Yun died and died in her studio.

   Shenghui, the church, the bride with a child! interesting.

   "Mr. Lu Luo, is there any problem with this matter?"

   Qian Ming interrupted the thoughtful Lu Luo.

  "Oh! Excuse me, I was thinking about what you said just now. The commission is fine, but I know that this matter is definitely not as simple as you said, or it should be difficult.

   Regarding the remuneration, we need to recalculate. You have found hunters and churches, and you should be clear about the difficulty of things that they have not accomplished.

   So, for this commission, you have to add money! "

   "How much to add?"

   "Regardless of whether the search is completed or not, you will have to pay a non-refundable deposit of 5000. If the person is found, an additional 15000 will be paid.

   If there is a danger during the period, such as being kidnapped or alien, then you have to add money depending on the situation. "

  【Lv last name, first name, difficult to write, the price is home! No one knows how to add money better than the host. 】

   Qian Ming did not dispute the price, but he cared about the danger Lu Luo said.

   "Mr. Lu Luo, what do you mean by the danger? If it is a kidnapping, why have I never heard from the kidnapper? As for the alien..."

   Qian Ming originally wanted to say that there are no alien species in the wall, but thinking about the recent news, he put this idea out again.

   "Be calm, Mr. Qian Ming, I think we'd better go to your house first."

"my home?"

   "Yes, your house."

   [I use your sixth sense to tell you that things are not that simple this time. 】

   Lu Luo squinted his eyes.

   "Really, I think so too."