Doomsday Circle

Chapter 220: Steam 4th Gear-Raeche

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When they reached the door of a large instrument laboratory, the soldier stopped.

"Access permissions are needed here, so I won't follow it.

Dr. Li Tanya said that Lu Luo's identity is quite special and you can go in, but please don't run around at that time, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. "

"I understand, thanks a lot."

The soldier politely pressed the door for Lu Luo, and then left alone.

Hongtu Wubei's class authority system is stricter than Blue Sky, and this is not a place for him to stay.

After Lu Luo entered, he realized that this place is more than just a laboratory.

No one came to greet him, and Lu Luo simply walked around for a while.

In addition to various biological petri dishes, a very unique mecha is placed in the center of the laboratory.

But after careful inspection, Lu Luo found that this thing is no longer as simple as a mecha, because the body of this mecha is all meat, real meat!

"Isn't this EVA?"

Lu Luo said in amazement.

"What is EVA? Mr. Lu Luo?"

At this time, Li Tanya took his assistant and walked towards Lu Luo with a smile, with a humble expression and a friendly tone.

Lu Luo wanted to ask others, so he naturally wanted to keep a low profile and polite at this time.

"Hello Dr. Lee, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Scientists don't have so many routines. You haven't told me yet, what is EVA?"

"EVA, in fact, there is nothing special about the exclamation words."

"Does Mr. Lu Luo feel that I am very cheating? If this is the case, you can leave now.

You should understand that I am a more genuine person.

I compromised with you last time because I asked you, but now you come here, there is something for me to help.

So, if you really want me to help you, it's better to tell me what I want to know, this is the smart choice. "

Li Tanya, this woman, is still decisive, strong, and difficult to deal with as always.

Lu Luo smiled awkwardly. He had no choice but to use Bai Yuetong's theory to deal with her.

"Well, EVA is biomechanical mobile armor. It was an idea put forward by a technician of our company.

It is to replace mechanical armor with renewable biological resources, so that the mecha is in a semi-biological form.

After the energy is injected, the biological form will activate the specific energy protection, so that it has a defense effect that is comparable to or even more than armor. "

Hearing what Lu Luo said, Li Tanya's expression was a little strange.

"This theory seems familiar. Who put it forward?"

"Our company employees!"

"What's his name?" Li Tanya asked.

"Just a young young man who just started working, with a hairless mouth and a poor job, she is called Bai Yuetong."

Although Lu Luo said that in his mouth, his eyebrows were raised when he was speaking, and an individual could see his triumphant expression.

Li Tanya's expression was very puzzled, and it seemed that Lu Luo didn't look fake.

"This theory, I seem to have heard it before! Has it been published?"

"Yes, she was 17 years old when she put forward this theory, and then she was laughed at by your inner circle."

"Bai Yuetong, Luo Xuemin's daughter?"

Li Tanya finally remembered who this Bai Yuetong was.

"It turns out that Dr. Li knows her! That's right, she is the daughter of Congressman Luo Xuemin, she is indeed very good.

Inner Ring used to sneer at this technology. Are you interested in this theory now? "

Lu Luo showed a simple and curious look.

However, as soon as Lu Luo showed this look, Li Tanya raised her eyebrows, seemingly smiling, she was not so easy to deal with.

"Mr. Lu Luo, if you think about it, put it away."

"Ah? Haha." Lu Luo, who was seen through his mind, smiled awkwardly.

There is a huge gap between Hongtu Wubei and Blue Sky Bio in terms of biotechnology.

This gap in medicine, or biological genetic engineering, or drug engineering is too big to make up.

Therefore, after conducting the research, Hongtu Wubei directly abandoned biological drugs, and only retained part of the genetic engineering in terms of medical treatment.

Although they can't compare with the blue sky in these aspects, there are some things that blue sky creatures don't have.

For example, making mechas.

If we develop a stronger biomechanical technology, then we need a combination of biotechnology and mecha technology.

Hongtu has no biotechnology, and Blue Sky has no mecha technology.

In this way, Hongtu Wubei and Blue Sky Creature returned to the same starting line.

But looking at Lu Luo's treacherous look, Li Tanya realized that she had some emotional blunders.

So she immediately restrained her emotions, restrained her curiosity about Bai Yuetong's previous theory, and stopped asking Bai Yuetong's things.

In this way, we can regain the initiative from the conversation with Lu Luo, because Lu Luo is here to seek help.

"Well, I have heard of Baiyuetong's ability, but I don't have time to discuss this with you now.

You came to see me this time, is there something to do, right? Talk about it and see if I can help you. "

Although Li Tanya's tone was calm, she seemed to pause when she said the word help.

No way, she was slaughtered by Lu Luo two times too hard.

Now that there is a chance to make a backhand, isn't that just killing Lu Luo?

[She wants to kill pigs. 】

"Understand, I try not to give her a chance to kill pigs!"

Lu Luo knew in his heart that he might be killed by Li Tanya, but he couldn't help it.

Li Tanya is not the kind of slick person, and he can't use slick means to deal with her.

A straightforward, smart, and determined scientific researcher is easy and easy to talk about, but the premise is that it must be substantive.

This meant that Lu Luo had to pay something for himself.

"Dr. Li is a straightforward person, so I should be more straightforward.

The purpose of my visit this time is very difficult for me personally, but for your company, it is relatively simple. "

"To be specific."

Li Tanya hugged her arms, so she took her free time, and quietly waited for Lu Luo's request.

"I want a bottle of Titan's blood, about 1 kilogram."

Hearing this, Li Tanya glanced at Lu Luo suspiciously. The look seemed to say, "Can you do it?"

"Titan's blood? Isn't that kind of thing generally used to prolong life and impotence?

Why do you want that kind of thing when you are young? "

what? There is actually aphrodisiac effect? But my physique, that kind of effect, I can't use it!

Anyway, it was what the unbelievers wanted, and Lu Luo could only start making a fool of himself.

"Titan's blood is not only used to prolong life and impotence, it is also a very good alchemy item.

Our company now needs Titan's blood to refine an item, which cannot be replaced.

I know that Titan Blood is very rare, but even the very rare medicinal materials, blue sky creatures should have them.

So, I want to come to you for help. "

Li Tanya laughed suddenly, Lu Luo, Lu Luo, you finally fell into my hands.

"Blue Sky Creature has it, why are you looking for me? Our Hongtu Weapons sells arms, not medicines."

"Dr. Li should have heard of the relationship between our company and Lantian?

If I did not believe in your strength, I would not come to your help. "

Li Tanya embraced her arms and wandered around Lu Luo!

"Lu Luo, you need Titan's blood as soon as you speak, then do you know how much Titan's blood is?"

"The last time Titan Blood was sold for 290,000 yuan."

"How many years ago was that all?

Once humans discover that a certain item has the effects of prolonging life and aphrodisiac, its value will never stay in one place.

Titan's blood needs to be obtained by killing the Titan-type humanoid lord, which is very difficult in itself.

I can tell you clearly that the blood of the Titan that appeared last time was bought by Blue Sky Creature for 550,000 Union Coins per kilogram.

Although our company has a lot of money, the money is not from the wind. Why would you let me help you? "

[Would you like to suffer a little loss, and ask her if she can repay the debt with her body? 】

"Isn't Dr. Li Tanya very interested in biomechanical technology?

In fact, we can cooperate, such as exchange with Baiyue Hitomi's complete biological armor theory? "

"Haha, don't be kidding Lu Luo, theory is theory, there is not enough funds, materials, and technical support.

Theories can never become real objects. You don’t even have a complete base now, so why cooperate with me?

You don't really think that a set of theories can get hundreds of thousands of prostitutes from me, right? "

In fact, Li Tanya is still very interested in Bai Yuetong's theory and personal skills, but just as she said.

At present, it is impossible for her to spend hundreds of thousands or even millions in exchange for a theory that she doesn't know if it is useful because of her personal preferences.

Seeing that his painting of the cake was invalid, Lu Luo nodded and gave in.

"Um, Dr. Li, I am in good health, or can I pay the debt with my body?"

Li Tanya squinted at Lu Luo, full of evil smiles.

"Is it possible to repay the debt with one's body? I am afraid that one time is not enough.

In addition, the theory of Hitomi Baiyue, I think we can indeed cooperate. "

You want people and things again! Lu Luo narrowed his eyes.

"Okay, how exactly do you pay it back?"

"Come with me!"


Lu Luo looked at the biological armor that was a circle smaller than the ordinary mecha in front of him, with a shocked expression.

It turns out that Hongtu's weaponry is not just a theory in the development of biological mechas. They actually produced experimental products that can be put into battle.

"This is the G1-Very Toxic Experimental Body, and its life cells are derived from the piece of Gummeat you brought back.

We cultivated, copied those pieces of meat, and used those pieces of meat to make armors for highly poisonous creatures.

The driver is our company’s Tier 3 extraordinary, and the strength is very good.

Lu Luo, since you are selling your body to pay off your debts, let's practice your hands first and test the data of this mecha for me, don't break it. "

As soon as Li Tanya's voice fell, G1- Poisonous began to move.

Its speed is extremely fast. Because biological muscles and mechanical joints assist each other, it can make more complex combat movements than ordinary mechas.

For example, flipping a knife and slashing, this kind of attack is usually only a very flexible and extraordinary person can make.

"What is Lu Luo going to do? Don't you dodge?" Li Tanya standing in the stands was a little puzzled.

Lu Luo didn't use a weapon, just raised his arm, and the power of steam and body suddenly exploded, blocking the knife firmly.


Although the sturdy alloy floor under his feet was not broken, it was completely sunken, enough to see how powerful this blow was.

Lu Luo's body exudes fiery steam, this person is in the mist and can't see his face clearly.

But his calmness does not seem to be fake.

Lu Luo raised his arm and looked at it. There was a little blood on the broken clothes.

"It's broken!"

The steam suddenly erupted, and Lu Luo clenched his fists and blew.


G1-Very poison was shocked by Lu Luo's punch, and he stepped back several steps in a row.

However, its strong defensive power protects the transcendents inside, and will not be killed by Lu Luo's single blow.

Lu Luo was also a little surprised at the opponent's defense power, which was already the highest attack power of Steam's second block. There was nothing wrong with a punch from him, it was really amazing.

"Since we are testing weapons and equipment, we should go head-to-head to get the data.

Do you think I make sense? Dr. Lee? "

Li Tanya's expression was a little excited. Although she was just an ordinary person, the real collision of the transcendent was indeed her favorite show.

"Hehe, go ahead!"

In order to satisfy Li Tanya, an arrogant woman, for the blood of the Titans, for the fascination on December 19th.

Lu Luo had to cooperate with this biological mecha. Since they wanted experimental data, they were ready.

"Then I will continue!"

Although the pilot of the opponent is also a Tier 3 transcendent, he is neither a hunter nor a cultist, nor is it a gendarmerie regiment.

Therefore, for Lu Luo, such a level 3 has no reference value at all.

Lu Luo's body suddenly accelerated, and G1-Poison also accelerated its rush.

boom! boom! boom!

The collision of the flesh and the biological mecha with full force in the test field continuously produces collisions.

Some hot steam rushing around in the laboratory.

Li Tanya's hands have been unconsciously supported on the railing.

Lu Luo's body speed is strong enough to be comparable to biological mechas, which is something she can't imagine.

After 10 minutes, the assistant next to her couldn't help but remind her.

"Doctor, it's almost time to record the data! Do you want them to stop?"

But Li Tanya didn't think so. She felt that she should see more interesting things.

"Lu Luo, you should be keeping your hands?

Give full play to it, let me see your strength, and let me see the feasibility of biological mecha. "

Lu Luo turned his head, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"My full effort? Are you sure?"


"OK then."


Everyone standing in the laboratory heard a strong This was a heartbeat stronger than the previous steam third gear.

Lu Luo's whole body muscles began to swell rapidly, but the activation brought about by thunder and lightning made his body more elastic and tough.

Puff! The second heartbeat appeared.

Steam fourth gear-overcharged.

Lu Luo's strong aura pressed the laboratory.

Not only the driver on the opposite side, but even Li Tanya standing in the stands felt something was wrong.

what! ~

In the breath of steam, there are all floating electric sparks.

Deliberately fist-Lei Che.


With a punch, the electric light and steam instantly enveloped the biological mecha, and the violent force shredded the entire biological mecha in an instant, and the pieces of meat flew across.

When the dust is gone.

Lu Luo's fist rested on the Tier 3 driver's chest.

However, the original biological mech G1- is highly toxic, and only two legs are left at this time.

Lu Luo retracted his fist and turned to look at Li Tanya on the platform.

"This is probably my full strength!"


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