Doomsday Circle

Chapter 221: I kissed Lu Luo

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The thunder and lightning gradually extinguished around Lu Luo. I don't know what happened. Lu Luo just looked a bit too violent.

Although Li Tanya didn't have much contact with Lu Luo, he still had some feelings about Lu Luo's character.

Such violent actions are somewhat inconsistent with Lu Luo's usual style! This person usually puts interests first.

Lu Luo sighed, he also felt the problem with his behavior and mentality.

Fighting is cool for a while, and then...

[Do you want to lose money? Do you fight like this? 】

"Uh, I didn't know that your company's bio-mechanics are so crisp, I'm sorry.

But you let me fight, shouldn’t you have to lose money? "

"Hahaha, good fight, I was originally going to test the strength of the mecha, you can break it, and let me see its shortcomings.

What? Is Mr. Lu Luo very depressed recently? If you need entertainment, our company can't arrange it! "

"No, no, thank you Dr. Li for your kindness, I'm fine."

Lu Luo waved his hand quickly, indicating that he was okay.

However, Li Tanya's eyes flickered, and she had already found out Lu Luo's identity a long time ago. What kind of potential does this age mean?

Only the strongest physique can control the strongest mecha!

The energy response of Tier 3, but Lu Luo's physical quality, even someone with extraordinary power for hunting people cannot be compared.

No, it's not that it's incomparable, it's that it's different!

Such talents should use the company's most cutting-edge results, and only such people can exert the power of real biomechanics.


"Doctor, the G1-Very Toxic Test Type was broken. Will the company blame it?"

The assistant's words interrupted Li Tanya's thoughts and made her a little unhappy.

"Such a guy, it's a pity, not a company person!"

Li Tanya ignored the assistant, she just continued to look at Lu Luo below.

Compared with Lu Luo, the company's Level 3 tester is like a waste, which is really boring.

"Doctor?" The assistant thought Li Tanya was still shocked by the damage caused by Lu Luo, and reminded again.

"I said nothing."

Li Tanya is a little annoyed, her thinking is not as simple as an ordinary researcher.

She has new ideas for the 6 physical function tests signed by Lu Luo.

"But the cost of the mecha is very high. After spending so much money, does the company really not blame it?"

"Money? Do you think the company will be short of money under the current situation of Sihuan? Everyone is thinking of ways to spend money, whether it is us or Lantian.

As for blame? It was originally an experimental body, and when it was reported to the company, it was said that it had obtained excellent experimental data and obtained excellent experimenter materials.

The research project has made a substantial breakthrough, and the company will only vigorously reward us. Why do we blame it?

Xiao Liu, there is a problem with your idea, you know? "

The reprimanded researcher Xiao Liu nodded quickly.

"I know, I will pay attention to it later."

Li Tanya looked at Lu Luo on the ground and took the initiative to applaud Lu Luo.

"Lu Luo, you have such strength at a young age, it's incredible.

According to the requirements of our contract, we will purchase Titan Blood for you today, and you can come and get it tomorrow morning.

However, I also hope that Mr. Lu Luo can fulfill his contractual requirements and bring us at least 4 pieces of Lord-level alien meat within 18 months.

As well as 6 additional test data tests, if there are no problems, Mr. Lu Luo can go back to rest now. "

Lu Luo's previous agreement with Li Tanya was to use 4 pieces of lord alien meat, plus 6 actual combat machine experiments, plus Baiyuetong's construction theory, in exchange for Titan's blood.

He paid a lot of things, but in fact, the real value is the meat of 4 lord alien species.

Digging 4 pieces of meat from 4 different lord-level alien species is actually not much different from the difficulty of killing 4 lord.

Because even if you sneak up to a lord's side, dig a piece of meat, and then run away, it will chase you to death.

Therefore, it is still very difficult to hunt down 4 lord alien species.

The 6+1 experiment cooperation is also part of the sales contract.

The 6th time is the formal experimental cooperation. As for the experimental test just now, it was actually sent for nothing, which means the inspection.

As for Baiyuetong's construction theory, this point was actually deliberately released by Lu Luo to Hongtu Wubei.

The main reason is that the current Circle Studio, no matter whether it is funding or strength, is not enough to support Bai Yuetong to complete such a project.

Since Yuanhuan Studio has no way to do it independently, seeking cooperation is naturally the best choice.

Among the three strongest companies in the Wasteland Alliance, only the weapons research and development capabilities of Hongtu Armament are the most suitable.

They prefer machinery, and their financial strength is also the strongest, even stronger than Blue Sky Creatures.

And Li Tanya is currently studying biological armor. If cooperation is possible, then there must be some substantial breakthroughs in the constructs concept.

The previous Baiyuetong was also limited by funding and family troubles. Cooperating with Hongtu Wubei was already the best choice Lu Luo could think of.

Bai Yuetong's talent should not be wasted, with the funds, technology, and personnel support of the grand plan.

Only her ideas are possible.

As for a bottle of Titan's blood, it was just an incidental accessory. Well, he is so selfless.

"Then I will go back and wait for good news, Dr. Li."

"Go, the company is very busy recently, I have to take the time to buy you Titan's blood, the target is the blue sky creature, it's really worrying!"

Li Tanya's tone was more teasing, but Lu Luo did not respond to Li Tanya's teasing.

Except for the working relationship, he really didn't want to have too much contact with this shrewd woman.

This woman is difficult to deal with. After several encounters, in fact, the two have won each other.

Moreover, he killed Lin Zhiming, the young master of Hongtu Wubei's family. He didn't know whether this matter would be investigated.

Therefore, he didn't want to have too much in-depth contact with the people of Hongtu and Wubei.

"Then I will go first, Dr. Li."

"Well, keep the phone open tomorrow, I will let someone notify you when things arrive."


Lu Luo left after speaking. Assistant Liu looked at Li Tanya beside him, but still didn't quite understand why Li Tanya gave Lu Luo so much preferential treatment.

In his opinion, Li Tanya's behavior at this time is somewhat different from her usual, but now he dare not ask any more.

Li Tanya felt the assistant's gaze.

"Don't think about it, this person seems to be very talkative, and that's because he is asking us now.

If he has the initiative, we will lose at least a piece of meat. "

"Doctor, the cultivation of biological mecha?"

"Gum's meat is not strong enough. We now need new heterogeneous meat, high-physical heterogeneous meat."

"We don't have a different kind of meat stronger than Gummeat. If you need a higher level, you can only apply for it from a hunter or the church."

"Actually, there is a big event that just happened in the former diocese of Donghuan."

"You mean... the nightmare centipede? But the company said, that thing was dominated by the nightmare, and it is extremely dangerous!"

"I know it's extremely dangerous, but experiments like this were originally carried out in danger!"

Li Tanya smiled, but this kind of smile looked like a lunatic in the eyes of the assistant.

For his own experiment, desperate lunatic.


After Lu Luo left Hongtu Wubei, he rushed to the hospital.

Although Lu Yu has been sent back to school, Zhou Kai and Bai Yuetong are still recovering from their injuries in the hospital. He wants to go and see the situation of the two.

I've said hello to the Wasteland Security Bureau before. If there is no physical problem, I can take the two of them back to rest.

But before he boarded the rail train, Lu Luo felt something was wrong.

[Dark energy level is rapidly increasing, 85% higher than before, compared with the original state of the fourth ring.

The total value of dark energy has increased by about 4 times. 】

"A 4 times increase? This dark energy level almost exceeds the original wall!

What is the nature of these dark energies? "

[The nature of dark energy is chaotic, distorted, and the nature of the dark energy outside the wall is very similar, and it is not stable. 】

Lu Luo frowned. If the wall cannot maintain a low dark energy level, it cannot maintain the purity of dark energy like the inner ring.

Then there is only one result of the four rings, and that is the survival of the fittest, resulting in distortion!

And the first wave of distortion will happen quickly in a short time!

"The overall level of dark energy in the world has increased, and this change cannot be made even if it is a Tier 8 disaster. What is the reason?"

Lu Luo no longer took the slow means of transportation like rail trains.

He ran quickly, and with the help of a jet belt, he began to dash and glide on the streets of the East Ring.

In the process of running, Lu Luo saw an old lady deformed in front of him, but the intensity of the distortion was not high, not even the first order.

Fortunately, there were guards patrolling around, and they killed the temporarily deformed old lady on the spot.

But the aberration was killed very quickly, and it also caused a certain amount of chaos in the crowd.

This change in the environment caused Lu Luo to frown deeply.

"I hope Baiyuetong will not have an accident!"


At the hospital, Zhou Kai smiled and took the food brought by the nurse, including meat and vegetables.

He seldom eats such expensive meals, but since he is all hospitalized, he will naturally let himself go.

"Sister Wang is getting more and more beautiful!"

Zhou Kai laughed at the female nurse. The nurse was named Wang, and she had already gotten acquainted with Zhou Kai in a few days.

Sister Wang is not married, and she is very open-minded, and she doesn't care about making a joke of a certain color with Zhou Kai.

But today she didn't seem to want to pay attention to Zhou Kai, she just put down the dinner plate and walked out in a hurry.

"Sister Wang is so cold today!"

Zhou Kai said in surprise that he didn't have much doubt about Nurse Wang's performance today.

Every woman has a few days every month! Everyone can understand.

Picking up the dinner plate, Zhou Kai took a bite, then narrowed his eyes.

"This smell is wrong! That person had a problem just now."

Zhou Kai opened the dinner plate and a large amount of food was scattered on the ground.

Look again at this time, there are actually many twisted bugs crawling on the ground.

"It's disgusting enough!"

Although Zhou Kai said so, his actions were not what he did.

A dozen branches stretched out with his right hand, directly crushing these insects to the ground, and then rolled them up and retracted them into the sleeves of the hospital gown.

It is still very difficult to obtain high-end ingredients such as alien species in the wall, and it should not be wasted at this time.

"Let’s find Damao first, if something happens to her, Brother Luo will be angry."

Zhou Kai opened the hospital bed and taped a large-caliber rifle under the bed.

Zhou Kai's people had already walked out the door, but the branches behind him brought the rifle into his hand.

Among the passing pedestrians, Zhou Kai spotted Nurse Wang who was standing in front of the nurse's desk at a glance. He did not hesitate, and when he raised it, he shot again.


Nurse Wang, who was facing each other, was shot headshot by Zhou Kai.

"Ah! ~ Killed!"

The crowd screamed and fled, and the security downstairs quickly surrounded Zhou Kai. The security guard pointed at Zhou Kai with a gun.

"what are you doing?"

But he walked away calmly and pointed to the ground.

"I'm Zhou Kai, a senior investigator at Yuanhuan Hunting Man's Office, and we have some hunter action titles in Yuanhuan Studio.

Guns are legal. Before you ask me, you'd better see what she is! "

After hearing Zhou Kai's words, the surrounding security guards realized that there was something wrong with Nurse Wang's appearance.

Nurse Wang on the ground has no head at all. Her head is made up of a large number of insects.

At this time, these worms were scattered all over the place, and they didn't look a bit human at all.

"This is, distortion? Mr. Zhou Kai, what should I do now?"

"Call the police and say that there are alien species, and let the hunters handle it."

Zhou Kai looked at the scene in front of him with a little regret, because he was going to find Bai Yuetong and there were many people around him.

With so many bugs, he can't sit down and eat slowly.

I don't know when it will start, and eating bugs is not an unacceptable thing.

On the other side, Bai Yuetong was writing and drawing in the room. The paper was messy, and most people couldn't understand what she was writing.

boom! A gunshot appeared outside the door, Bai Yuetong frowned slightly when she heard the gunshot.

"It should be the C39 Peace Envoy, the modified one. There should be this kind of gun here. It should be Zhou Kai, right?

Is he in danger? "

Bai Yuetong got out of bed and walked outside the door, and when she saw a nurse who was administering drips to the old man, she stopped and suddenly said to herself:

"Sister Na, are you sure about this? All right!"

Bai Yuetong squinted at the nurse, and suddenly stepped forward and asked:

"What kind of alien are you?"

"Huh?" The old man on the side was taken aback, alien? What do you mean?

Why does this dumb hair bother herself and the nurse sister's chat?

Before the old man could react, Bai Yuetong who was opposite took out a pistol.


Bai Yuetong retracted his large-caliber pistol, and the nurse in front of him had his head blown, showing its original appearance.

"How do you feel like an owl? But Sister Na, they are so weak, they don't even have the strength of Tier 1."

Beside Bai Yuetong, a group of red shadows was constantly drifting, and it was the ghost species Lu Mengna.

It also reminded Bai Yuetong that the nurse just now was no longer human.

Because it was not the first gunshot, although the crowd was also rioting, it was not as serious as before.

The old man opposite Bai Yuetong was frightened to death, this kind of face-to-face shooting was still quite outrageous.

Bai Yuetong now has weapons and the protection of Tier 3 ghost Lu Mengna, so she is not very afraid of the unexpected situation here.

Not far away, she saw Zhou Kai shooting with a gun!

Pedestrians fleeing in the hospital corridor kept passing by the two of them, but they did not look away from the other Because of the alien distortion, both of them had doubts about the identity of each other.

"Are you really Zhou Kai?"

"Are you really Baiyuetong?" the two asked at the same time.

Zhou Kai looked at Dumbledore with a skeptical look. At this time, it is better to confirm the identity of the other party.

"Prove your identity."

Bai Yuetong is not the kind of passive person.

"Then why didn't you prove your identity by yourself? Before asking about the identity of others, should you speak first?"

Zhou Kai hesitated for a while, Bai Yuetong seemed to have some truth, so he spoke first.

"I shed blood with Lu Luo."

"Cut, it's a fart to bleed, I even kissed Lu Luo!"

Kissing this kind of thing is so natural, it should be dumbfounded, Zhou Kai nodded.

"There seems to be some aberrations here. Some nurses have become alien species."

"Not only the nurses, some patients are also distorted! Look at the previous one!"

Directly in front of the two, a fat woman holding a bottle is deforming in front of them.

Zhou Kai looked at this scene with some doubts.

"Is the distortion so easy now? Isn't this inside the wall?"

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