Doomsday Circle

Chapter 245: Summon: King of Decay-Gum

Lu Luo ignored the observer, time was precious, and he had already started to flip through the book quickly.

It is still speeding, Lu Luo even turned on the overclocking mode this time to stabilize the speed and the accuracy of the book.

Then in the room, there was only the sound of Lu Luo quickly flipping through the book.


"This is so special, is he still human? If this goes on, there is no chance at all."

The guy sitting next to Lu Luo couldn't calm down anymore, he felt that he couldn't stay here to compete with Lu Luo anymore.

The rest of the situation is unknown, just stay here without any need.

There are a few others who have the same thoughts as him.

They got up at almost the same moment and came to the witch Ellie.

"Miss Ali, I am willing to use 2 candies in exchange for the opportunity to leave here."

The witch Allie's tongue suddenly sprang out and swept away the candy in the hands of the three of them.

Then he opened his huge mouth and said to the three with a smile:


At this time, there were only 3 people and 4 toads left in the house.

If the toad can become human again, it means there are 7 people left in the room.

Lu Luo's men did not pause, flipping through the books one by one.

He also found out the problem notes one by one.

[What should I do if I encounter flying disasters? 】

[What is the smell of foreign feces? 】

[Will there be different kinds of calls without frequency? 】


The previous questions Lu Luo answered were all familiar with the road, but when he saw the following question.

Even if Lu Luo's brain was really big, he couldn't help but start to hesitate.

[If there are aliens in this world, will killing aliens be sentenced? 】

Lu Luo was a little entangled. Are aliens counted as humans?

But soon, the observer gave a hint.

[Low EQ = aliens, high EQ = race.

It is a talking alien, can it be illegal to kill a alien? 】

Bull! The observer is indeed an S-class sequence.

[Not sentenced, because the opponent is a humanoid, there are no aliens in this world. 】

Lu Luo scribbled his answer, another ten minutes, it's time!


After a burst of white smoke, a frog turned into a human form and seemed to be restored!

Lu Luo glanced at the time, and it could be changed back at this time, so the time for them to deform is likely to be 30-40 minutes.

This time does not seem to be very long, but the time for morning tea is 7 hours in total.

If it is deformed 2-3 times, it will be bloody.

I don’t know what are the conditions for the wrong answer, and I have answered so many questions, among which are there any cases where the answer is wrong.

Lu Luo had no time to think too much.

At this time, the witch Ellie had stood up again and repeated the words just now.

"I am Ellie the Witch, and I am the servant of the Lord of Nightmare. My existence is to help the master collect knowledge.

Under the recommendation, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] is really good, it is worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!

There are endless books here, but I don’t see so many, I can only seek help from candidates.

So, the keen candidate, my question is this.

There is a lawn between a man's house and a neighboring couple's house.

In the middle of the night, the man was awakened by the quarrel next door, and then he heard the sound of falling objects, chopping axes, and cows eating grass.

After a while, he heard the sound of someone hitting his door again.

But he ignored it and fell asleep again.

The next day, he found that the hostess next door had died tragically at his door.

Can you tell me what happened? "

As a top detective in the national service, such a problem is naturally difficult for Lu Luo, but he has also noticed.

When the witch asked a question last time, she was a profound candidate, this time she was a keen candidate.

It seems that the type of question is different every time!

And these problems seem to be the problems of human society.

Does a different species need to know so much knowledge and problems of human society? Obviously it is not needed.

So why did Ellie the Witch do this? Just because of the game set by Nightmare?

Lu Luo didn't think it was that simple, he could understand by looking at the ghost species in this room.

This bookstore is probably the killing of thousands of humans.

Lu Luo was thinking, what would happen if no one answered the witch's question?

But Lu Luo didn't want to try. This question is purely a question of thinking in his mind. Even if he doesn't answer it, others should be able to figure it out.

While others were still thinking, Lu Luo had already stood up.

"Miss Ellie, I know this question."

"Then talk about it!"

"Quarrels are quarrels between the couple next door. Throwing things is the escalation of the quarrel. Cutting things is the husband cutting off his wife's limbs.

Cow eating grass is the wife biting the grass on the lawn to move her body, hitting the door is the wife finally reaching the door of the man's house.

She banged her head on the door for help, but the man in question did not open the door, so the wife died. "

"The answer is very precise and fast. The owner will be very happy.

Oh! Unexpectedly, you found so many notes, the answer is also very interesting, really an excellent candidate!

Now, this is your reward! "

Ellie rolls over 16 candies! Put it on Lu Luo's table.

This gain undoubtedly made others look at him for a while, even Chen Mo, who had been calm, raised his eyebrows at this time.

"Lu Luo's intelligence gathering ability is really amazing!

Can't stay here any longer. "

After seeing Lu Luo's strength in memory and observation, Chen Mo's plan has changed.

Originally, his idea was to get enough candy through a lot of knowledge.

In exchange for the power of a nightmare.

But with Lu Luo's arrival, it was not easy to achieve this.

So he must leave here, go to the next area, try to avoid competition with Lu Luo.

And what he can be sure of is that since Lu Luo has made huge profits here, he will definitely stay here for a long time.

This is called the law of returns!

Since Lu Luo will stay in this area for a long time, it means that there will be fewer strong competitors in the next area.

In that case, he will have enough time to get the nightmare power reward in the next area, and this is the correct strategy.

Chen Mo is not afraid of competing with others, but he feels that competition will only prolong the time to get rewards.

The purpose of his coming here is the power of nightmare!

It is undoubtedly a loss for him to delay time.

In this wedding game, apart from Lu Luo, few people are his opponents.

He was at the front and Lu Luo was behind. He got 2 tokens, but Lu Luo didn't.

It was already a big advantage now, and there was no need to stalemate with Lu Luo in the witch's room.

"Miss Ali, I want to leave now!"

"Me too, Miss Allie!"

"me too."

They all felt Lu Luo's threat, so like Chen Mo, they left one after another.

This situation is undoubtedly the best result for Lu Luo.

"Okay! People have gone seven or eighty-eight, and now they are probably entering my rhythm!"

Lu Luo didn't pause, and continued to search for the notes and answer questions with the efficiency of about 10-15 candies in 10 minutes.

Such large quantities of candies made the remaining competitors feel desperate.

The time has come to 4:10 unknowingly.

During the period, the 3 guys who turned into toads also found the notes, or answered the questions, and left here by some means.

At this time, the only person left in the witch's room was Lu Luo.

With the increasing number of candies in Lu Luo's hand, the observer also gave new hints.

[Her expression is changing, the color of the eyeballs and skin color are darkening, the specific situation is unknown, but pay attention. 】

"Hidden boss fight? Hahaha, I see!"

Lu Luo didn't know what changes would happen next, but he didn't plan to stop collecting candy.

And the witch herself, he did have some ideas too!

Finally, there were 99 candies in Lu Luo's hand!

The witch Ai Li also stood up after giving Lu Luo 99 candies.

"Amazing guy, you have already got too many rewards from me.

I have no candy for you now.

So, what else do you want from Ellie the Witch or Lord Nightmare? "

Lu Luo glanced at the 99 candies in his hand.

To be honest, he has no idea of ​​redeeming these candies.

Originally, his plan was to get the key through quests or answer questions, and then break through the 4th level from the Linga.

Then add all the remaining energy, then eat the linga's attribute food to improve the attribute, and finally eat the candy to improve the attribute.

In this way, his attributes will have an explosive promotion.

The measurements may even approach 150, or even higher.

At that time, he went back to the second floor and killed the witch, and got all the things on the witch.

But after thinking about the relationship between the witch and the candy, Lu Luo's thoughts have changed.

It doesn't matter if there is no reward, and it doesn't matter if you don't break through Tier 4.

The really important thing is the doomsday factor of Ellie the Witch.

As long as she can really make witch candy, then take the Doom Factor back, Lu Luo can recreate a new witch.

Therefore, the witch must die!

"Miss Ellie, I heard that you have a key to the kitchen on the first floor in your hand."

"Yes, I do have a key on the first floor, but that is the key used to imprison the Linga, what do you want to change it for?"

At this time, the witch Ellie finally stood up, and she finally showed the appearance of her lower body.

It's not a physical body or a human-like body at all, and there are just knitted stitching monsters hovering together!

I'm **** your lungs! This guy, I thought he only had an ugly face.

The witch's getting up gave Lu Luo a great sense of oppression, and he felt something wrong.

[She is hostile to you, get ready! 】


Lu Luo looked at the witch Ai Li in silence, and his body began to move backwards.

As he stepped back, he didn't forget to continue talking to Ellie the Witch.

"What does Miss Allie want now? What are you doing so close to me? Have something to say!"

As Lu was retreating, a book on the shelf next to him fell down and opened automatically.

Many characters on the page began to twist and connect until they entangled Lu Luo's calf.

Lu Luo slashed the book with a sword, but his body also stopped at the same time.

Because he found that there were many feather pens behind him, the same kind he used before.

Now these feather pens are flapping their wings.


The fine hairs, like needles and silks, were dotted on Lu Luo's body.

[Your unbeliever-armor effect makes you immune to these attacks. 】

The needle threaded on Lu Luo's body and kept making squeaking noises, although there was no way to cause substantial harm to him.

But it interfered with his actions, which was very annoying.

"This place is the witch's territory, which is where her realm is.

There is no help from others in such a place.

So what is the probability that I will kill her? "

Lu Luo smiled, when he questioned himself.

The witch Ai Li, already holding the broom beside her, twisted her terrifying body, and strode towards Lu Luo.

"Your name is Lu Luo, right? I just said that all beautiful things are damned!

You are also beautiful, so you **** it too! "


Lu Luo drew out Fenrir and slashed at the witch with a sword aura, but the sword aura visible to the naked eye was blocked by Lu Luo gently waving his hand.

A light blue energy shield appeared in front of Ellie, blocking Lu Luo's slashing effortlessly.

"What is Miss Allie talking about? I came here to become a groom!"

"Groom? Everyone wants to be a groom, but how many people can really become a groom?

And don't you know that all the witches in fairy tales will kill children?

Lu Luo kid! "

Kid? Ha ha.

"The top hunters will always pretend to be prey in front of their prey.

Miss Ali, when you want to kill me, have you ever thought that I was also thinking about **** you? "

The witch Ai Li looked at Lu Luo with contempt and laughed at Lu Luo loudly.

"Hahaha, you don't understand what kind of existence I am in this place!

Ten thousand souls. "

With the roar of the witch Ellie, a large number of books all floated Numerous ghost species emerged from these books. These ghost species were densely floating in every corner of the room, and then began to confront Lu Perform collective chanting.


The obscure spell came straight into Lu Luo's mind, but to Lu Luo, an attack of this level was almost like a drizzle.

[You are very superstitious, so the other party's spiritual spell cannot work on you. 】

[Your armor is immune to mental shock damage. 】

Lu Luo glanced at the time, he didn't want to entangle the witch Ally for too long.

Moreover, such a Tier 5 lord is indeed very troublesome to deal with.

So, it’s time to show them some of the remaining cards!


Lu Luo's big sword was nailed to the ground, his hands were put together, and a purple-black disc suddenly appeared behind Lu Luo.

"Well, this is the end of the game."

[The doom factor is being mobilized. 】

[Sequence S-07-Summoner is enabled]

[Effect 1-Primal Summon: Consuming energy, summon the alien species in the specimen room in a biological form. 】

[Selected Specimen: Gum-King of Decay

Summoning method 1: Consume 1 doom factor, 9100 energy.

Summoning method 2: consumes 27300 energy. 】

【Using the Doom Factor Summon. 】

[Using the Doom Factor Summoning, consumes Level 1 Doom Factor: Gum, Lord of Decay, consumes 9100 energy points. 】

[Summoning the Lord of Decay-Gum]

The Doom Factor is the core of the Lord Alien Species. It can be self-born, but it can also be made from the Dawn Disc.

With the Doom Factor as the core, violent dark energy began to gather around the factor.

Reshape bones, flesh and blood, energy!

King of Decay-Gum.
