Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 1017: Supreme Yuanjing and Lingshi

There are a lot of vitality Pill Sedum, but I didn't want to let it out too much at once.

The more things are, the cheaper it is.

After the vitality pill, Sedum hung up five eight-level Enhancement Pills.

"This is to strengthen the soul?" The tauren asked after looking at the detailed introduction.

"Yes, although this is an 8-rank, it is more expensive than the 9th-rank vitality pill. I set a price of 200 million one." Sedum asked tentatively.

"It's a bit expensive, but in order to restore the system to normal, this stuff is still needed." The Tauren was obviously not too cold with the Ling Ling Pill.

There is no other reason, the vitality pill is for their own body, and the increase of soul power is entirely for the researcher's intelligence to deal with betrayal.

Another billion is credited to the account, and Jingtian smiled slightly; "Why hasn’t Niu been recollected yet? It has already been clarified that all these are done for everyone, or the system intelligence will be solved sooner or later. Everyone killed them."

"That said, it just feels that this is more expensive, and should be counted on the developer." Tauren said depressed.

Sedum was speechless again, and then hung up five 9th-Rank Imperial Pills on the trading frame; "This is much more expensive than the previous Spirit Enrichment Pills."

Yuling Pill itself is more advanced than Ling Ling Pill, and it is of perfect quality. It is definitely not a price for twice the price of Ling Ling Pill.

"Hey, this is so powerful!" The tauren was surprised after reading the introduction.

"Of course, although this is the energy to be absorbed by the soul crystal, it can still enhance your soul power in essence. The spirit enhancement pills are like water poured into a bottle, and the Yuling pills not only fill the water, but also make the bottle grow. !" Sedum said.

"Yeah, this is great!" Tauren responded.

"The price is also very beautiful, five billion pieces!" Jingtian entered the price with a smirk.

"This... brother, you're a bit dark!"

The tauren couldn't help giving Jingtian a comment.

Sedum smiled and did not respond. The price was indeed higher, but Sedum believed that these people would definitely be able to come out. These hosts were not those of the intermediate chat rooms.

Sure enough, even though the tauren complained, he quickly transferred 25 billion energy points to the trading box.

Sedum unceremoniously ordered the transaction. As for the commission, Sedum basically ignored it as long as it was selling goods.

In a short moment, including the vitality pill, Sedum earns 26.5 billion.

Sedum calculated it, and if all the transactions were completed for 20 people, it would be 530 billion!

"There's a lot to do!"

Sedum was a little energetic, after all, what he had prepared was calculated on the basis of 30 pills per person, and the number of Yuling Pills was a bit more than that of Zeng Ling Pills.

And Sedum also believes that these hosts would prefer Yu Ling Pill, although it is very expensive.

Sure enough, the tauren soon publicized the matter of Sedum trading in medicine in the high-level chat room.

Each person is 26.5 billion, which is really nothing to these high-level hosts who trade hundreds of billions of dollars at every turn.

In not only half an hour, Sedum completed all transactions for the remaining nineteen people.

If based on the current energy points of Sedum, it is enough to pay for the material cost of the first brother of the Celestial Clan, Sedum still has 300 billion in his hands!

"Brother Sedum, do you have any extra of this Yuling Pill?"

After the transaction was completed, a senior host directly sent a private message to Sedum.

This person is a cosmic beggar, and obviously this Yuling Pill is very attractive to him.

"To be honest, I have 20 pieces for each person. I'm afraid that if you take out too much, your energy points can't stand it."

Sedum smiled slightly. Needless to say, this energy spot came to the door on its own initiative.

"My other fifteen have been traded, hundreds of billions." The universe beggar responded directly and magnificently.

Sedum smiled again, ten ninth-grade imperial pills of perfect quality, and five eight-grade imperial pills of perfect quality.

Soon the cosmic beggar transferred 51 billion energy points again.

As for the others, if they didn't contact Sedum, Sedum didn't contact them again.

In just one hour, Sedum received 581 billion energy points, plus the original more than 300 billion, bringing his total energy points to 900 billion.

As for the question of soul crystals, even the cosmic beggar didn't ask much. They all knew that this could not be done in three days and five days.

Sedum consciousness withdrew, got up and walked out of the alchemy room. There was no need to make alchemy in a short time this time. There were still more than 2,000 pills in reserve.

When Sedum came out, Li Yu and others had been waiting outside for a while.

There were a few people out of Li Yu, and many more people.

Elder Elder and Li Tianchi, who had disappeared for a few days, came, as well as two middle-aged people from the Qin family and the Qian family.

The two Sedums had also met before, Qin Chen's uncle Qin Yutian, and Qian Feng Qian Rong's uncle Qian Mu.

The two of them are equal to Li Tianchi in their respective families, and are brothers with contemporary patriarchs.

Seeing Sedum came out, everyone greeted him, and Sedum responded quickly.

"Brother Jingtian, I heard that you need the best Yuanjing and Lingshi, we have sent it to you." After Li Tianchi cared, he said directly.

Qin Yutian and Qian Mu looked at each other, both showing a hint of helplessness.

If you look at Li Tianchi's words like this, it is clear that he is giving away the Sedum Yuanjing and Lingshi batches for free.

But when they came, although they had brought things, they were not given away unconditionally.

"Thank you three people, but I can't keep things in vain. After all, this thing is too precious. I will sit down there and talk about it. I will show the three people something." Jingtian smiled slightly at the three of Li Tianchi. Said.

When Sedum said this, the people in Qian Qin's family breathed a sigh of relief. They were both distracting and pinnacle powerhouses. At this time, facing Sedum, they felt a little unwilling to let go.

Elder Elder on the side didn't say a word, just looked at Jing Tian, ​​and then nodded imperceptibly.

He didn't come here the first time when Sedum was refining Ziji, but then Li Yu had already reported to him.

A group of people walked some distance forward and came to the stone table.

There were not so many people on the table, so Li Yu and Qian Rong Qian Rong went to the other side and sat down.

"Brother Jingtian, these are the Yuanjing and Lingshi that our Li family gave you."

Once seated, Li Tianchi simply took out the two boxes and opened them.

One contains four top-grade crystals, and the other contains four top-grade spirit stones.

Sedum's eyes were shining with light, and this was the first time he saw these two extreme energy bodies.