Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 1019: Old money comes

Originally, the Qin and Qin families had brought the best Yuanjing and wanted to discuss some conditions.

Nothing is needed now.

So the rest of the topic is also a lot easier.

"Pill Zong is a little anxious now, Brother Li must never leave the Pill Imperial City."

Talking about the topic, talking about Danzong again.

In the past few days, Danzong has discharged many people into the Dan imperial city, and contacted the three separately, the purpose is to give Sedum to Danzong, and even promised a lot of benefits in private.

Qian and Qin's family directly agreed, as long as they have another chance, they can help send Sedum to Danzong.

Obviously it was to deal with Danzong, but in this way, Jingtian would no longer be able to go to Qianqin's house.

As for the attitude of the Li family, it is very tough. It is absolutely impossible to hand over Sedum.

Although Danzong was tyrannical, he didn't dare to send troops to attack Li's family. If he mobilized troops, the three would quickly unite together, which Danzong didn't want to see.

"They are in a hurry, because the holy messengers of the sanctuary have already arrived at Danzong, they should not be sure to win the competition at the moment, so they have to deal with Sedum in advance."

"Hmph, Danzong will kill himself if he does many injustices. They absolutely can't think that our Dan Huangcheng has such a good luck to let the King Tian brothers come to our camp."

Qian Mu and Qin Yutian spoke one after another.

Jingtian also understood, feeling a little helpless, he was completely tied by the three.

However, Sedum had already realized this point. They were a win-win cooperation. They helped Danzong win the Grand Tournament championship, and they could get the use of the teleportation formation, and then there was an independent mountain of Danzong.

Although the system was upgraded to level fourteen, the task of helping Snowflake go home and setting up a safe house was not cancelled.

Speaking of Danzong, the three are really the same enemy. Sedum doesn't know why they hate Danzong so much, but this has nothing to do with Sedum. It is estimated that he asked, it may not have any results.

After talking for a long time, the three families couldn't wait to go back, and getting a baby like Wannian Shimil would have a tremendous effect on their family.

The three of Li Tianchi left with the younger generation, but Elder Elder stayed and discussed the problem of alchemy with Jingtian.

Sedum originally thought that Elder Elder would propose to cheat with ten thousand years of stone milk, but he didn't know whether Elder Elder didn't know the effect of stone milk, or what the situation was. Elder Elder didn't mention anything about it anyway.

Elder Dan didn't mention it, but Sedum himself couldn't hold back.

"Elder Elder, do you know the properties of Wannian Stone Milk's balancing effect?" Jingtian asked.

"I know this, and I also know what you are thinking, but it doesn't matter. You haven't reached that level, and you can't make a pill of that level with stone milk, right?" Elder Dan smiled slightly.

"That's for sure, and I don't need Ten Thousand Years Stone Milk, it's just a little bit short of fusion." Sedum said.

This is the truth, even if there is no Ten Thousand Years Stone Milk, he is also a king-level alchemist.

"That's right, don't worry about those, and there is no pill competition that prohibits the use of methods. As long as the pill is perfect, any method is supported." Elder Elder said at last.

After talking about this with Elder Dan, Jing Tian's last worry was completely dispelled.

The two had been talking for a long time, but were finally interrupted by the sound of a car motor.

It turned out that it was the other two families who sent King-level pills to Sedum.

"Speaking of which, I still feel a little distressed, Ten Thousand Years Stone Milk, that bottle can sell at least 50 Supreme Yuanjing."

When Elder Dan saw the three families coming over, he still didn't forget to feel sorry for those ten thousand-year-old stone milks.

Sedum smiled slightly, the delivery is over, and now he still says what's the use of these.

Originally, Li Tianchi should be back soon, but at this time they came together. It is estimated that the other two and Li Tianchi passed through, and they can no longer specialize alone.

Before Li Tianchi gave them one more spirit stone, which made them very embarrassed.

The same three people before came to Sedum, and put several jade boxes in front of Sedum apart from anything else.

Sedum was talking about five plants before, but the number of jade boxes obviously exceeds twenty.

"Brother Li, these are the five king-level spirit medicinal materials of our Li family." Li Tianchi was the first to speak, but his expression seemed somewhat helpless.

"We have eight plants from the Qian family."

"Eight of our Qin family."

Qian Mu and Qin Yutian spoke separately.

Jing Tian was taken aback, Random felt a little speechless, looking at Li Tianchi's expression, he already understood everything.

Although these three are in harmony in secret, they are accustomed to fighting each other on the surface.

What could Sedum say, thank the three of them, and then put away the spiritual medicine.

As for the effects of the medicinal materials, there will be a note in the box, and Sedum is a king-level alchemist, it is impossible not to know the spiritual medicinal materials.

If it is a special rare species, a few people will naturally tell Sedum.

After all the business was discussed, Li Tianchi wanted to organize another banquet, but Sedum did not refuse this time.

However, Dan Zong's stare was a bit tight, and they didn't have much fanfare. They just held it again in the Li family compound, and some of the main personnel from the three families came.

When the banquet was halfway through, there was someone who surprised Sedum.

"Old money!"

Sedum looked at an old man dressed in plain gray, with joy on his face.

The old man is the manager of the Wumingzhen Danyaofang City and the ancestor of the Qian family.

Seeing Mr. Qian's arrival, even Li Siluo's grandfather had to stand up and greet respectfully.

Elder Dan’s follower, Elder Hu, was considered the strongest present, but when he saw Elder Qian, he still got up and respectfully called Senior.

Jing Tian squinted, this old man, obviously his realm was not as simple as he had guessed.

"You don't have to be polite, I made a special trip to see Kid Jing." Qian Lao waved his hand, then took Jing Tian and sat down unceremoniously.

Sedum was still moved.

"Why do you drink this kind of wine?" Qian Laoyi sat down and looked directly at the wine glass on the table.

Liquor is a fine wine of the Li family, and it is better than Zuixianlou's Zuixianniang.

However, Mr. Qian has drunk the two-material blended wine, and these wines really can't be drunk anymore.

"Boy, contribute some of your best wine." Qian Lao ignored the helplessness of the Li family and said directly to Jingtian.

Sedum was speechless, but suddenly he thought that his own fruit juice hadn't moved yet, just right now.

Sedum's mind moved quickly in the small world, dividing the twenty catties of jelly into two parts, half of which was directly blended with a drop of ten thousand years stone milk, and the other part did not move.

Sedum then took out the unblended ten catties of jelly.