Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 1026: Go to Danzong

Regarding the question that Tauren was curious about, Sedum could only perfunctorily claim that it was his own income from the sale of Yuanjing and Pills.

After chatting for a few words, other familiar hosts also began to send letters to Sedum, and some wanted to buy visions and medicinal pills.

Although Sedum is rich, these transactions are still very simple.

Xiao Qiao and Chou Ba, the hosts who were the first to trade with Sedum and were fairly happy to get along with each other, Sedum gave them big discounts when they traded today.

Rarely, when Sedum wanted to practice the first brother of the Celestial Clan and traded materials, the blood of war actually showed up.

As soon as he showed up, he would directly pop up the transaction box for Sedum, 50 million energy points, and purchase various wound medicines, as well as medicines to restore true vitality.

"You are fighting again, have you contacted the people of Xue Country?" Jingtian hung up a lot of low-level wound medicine and a batch of recovery pills, and asked at the same time.

After the **** battle, he took away the pill, and groaned slightly; "The snow country is in a tight battle. If there is no rush to help, it will be captured in three days."

"What? Then can't you help me?" Jingtian's face changed suddenly.

"...We belong to a hostile force, and Princess Snow Country is cruel and unkind. It is hard to be peaceful if you don't kill Tian Lanxing."

The blood of war groaned for a while before returning to Sedum.

"What? Why didn't you tell me that before?" Jingtian suddenly became a little angry.

The blood of war pondered again; "I don't know what your relationship is, for the sake of Tian Lanxing's peace, I would rather offend you."

Sedum frowned deeply, and there was an indescribable depression and anger in his heart.

"I'll be off if it's okay." Zhan Xue said.

"Wait a minute, if Snow Country is broken, then I ask you to do one thing." Jingtian said quickly.

"You can say it." War Blood said.

You can say it, but it's my business to do it or not.

"I want you to keep all Snowflake's relatives, and herself."

After Sedum finished speaking, he added; "Snowflake is the princess of Snow Country, and his father is the monarch of Snow Country."

"Huh? Former princess Snowflake, do you know?" Zhan Xue came back with a puzzle.

"Yes, she is my sister!" Jing Tian said.

"So that's it, I agreed, this matter is not difficult." When Zhan Xue heard Sedum's words, he did not hesitate to agree.

This time it was Jingtian's turn to be puzzled, and before he could ask more, the blood of war had already been offline.

"This guy!!" Jingtian felt depressed.

After calming down, she didn't want to tell Snowflake what had happened, and now she can't say anything.

Then Jingtian contacted the first brother of the Celestial Clan.

"It's just right, these few days have kept me busy. Fortunately, forty kinds of materials are just right." The Tianzu first brother quickly responded to Sedum.

The next step is the transaction. For such a large transaction, the commission is absolutely terrifying. Normally, it should be another 80 billion commission.

"Hey, why is the commission so much less?"

The commission for the one who loses here, the first brother of the Celestial Clan, was a little confused when paying the commission, which was a full 20 billion less.

Jingtian froze for a moment, without thinking too much, and directly replied; "Maybe the quantity is too large, give it a discount."

"It's still discounting? It's the first time I've encountered it, and the system is getting more and more humane!" The Celestial Brother murmured.

In any case, it saved more than 20 billion yuan, which is a large number and a good thing.

"I will get a batch of these materials on a regular basis in the future, 100 billion at a time." After Jingtian received the materials, he thought about it and said to Brother Tianzu.

"Also? It's also necessary to upgrade in the future. I will supply you as much as possible, but your pill will also be supplied to me on a regular basis!"

The first brother of the Celestial Clan is not opposed to continuing the transaction with Sedum, and has finally repaired the relationship. He really needs Sedum's medicine.

These days, he has used the pill that Sedum traded him, and his personal strength has obviously increased a lot.

"After that, I will change the material of the pill, and I will study the specific exchange at that time." Jingtian said plainly.

In the future, his medicinal materials will be supplied in large quantities by the God of Bow, and some medium and low-level pill will be refined, which can be exchanged for a large amount of rare metal materials!

After finishing the transaction with the Tianzu brother, the call was ended without too much, and there was no other transaction for the time being, Jingtian left the intermediate chat room.

The people in the advanced chat room didn't contact Jingtian at this time, and Jingtian didn't take the initiative to contact anyone.

Back in the small world, Sedum checked the harvest.

Forty kinds of rare metals with a total weight of 130,000 tons, piled up in a small world are almost turning into a hill.

Then there are seventeen kinds of treasures bought with more than 10,000 energy points in the intermediate chat room.

Only a few are more than tens of millions, and many of the others are tens of billions. After all, this is an intermediate chat room.

"This big mountain is really good, but unfortunately it can't be used to complete system tasks. Then, when you find a suitable mountain for this mobile villa, you can just put it directly on it!"

Sedum sighed as he looked at the towering mountain in front of him.

I knew it was big when I bought it, but when I put it out in front of my eyes, Sedum still found that he underestimated the majesty of the mountain.

It is estimated that this mountain has a height of 8,000 meters. One day, the winding road turned the whole mountain into a thread. If houses were built on this side, the whole mountain would be too beautiful.

Of course, the most important thing is that this mountain can be enlarged and reduced, and it is very convenient to carry and release.

No wonder it can be used as a heavy weapon when it was introduced.

Just imagine, a small city below, suddenly a big mountain fell into the sky, how terrifying and cruel the result should be!

"Hurry up and end the matter here, I really want to go back to Earth, Lan Ya and Adu don't know what's going on now."

After Sedum checked his possessions, he suddenly felt a little distracted, especially wanting to return to Earth.

But forget it after thinking about it, and I definitely can't go back for the time being. At least two of the tasks to get Snowflake home must be completed.

Later, Sedum refined a batch of low- and middle-level pills in the alchemy room before returning to the outside.

In the next few days, Sedum was really comfortable, and it was fine to chat with the older generation of strong men such as Qian Lao Dan, so that Sedum benefited a lot.

In a blink of an eye, another week passed, and today is the time to go to Danzong.

Theoretically, the three would not set off together, but this time it was different. Pill Imperial City directly dispatched a huge spirit boat, and the three jointly dispatched three thousand powerful men and a hundred alchemists to fly directly towards the direction of Pill Sect.

Pill Imperial City naturally has a teleportation array, and it can be teleported directly to the location of Dabi.

But the consumption of more than three thousand people is too much. Anyway, there is plenty of time, and the spirit boat will fly, and the destination will be reached early in the morning tomorrow.