Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 1041: Big match begins

Everything in the small world is developing for the better, and Sedum has been there to see it everywhere.

Even the spirit fox clan hiding in the mountains, as well as the griffon and black bear clan.

For the next two days, Sedum was rested at ease.

On this day, the Danzong Grand Competition finally officially began.

However, it has nothing to do with Sedum at the beginning, at least it has nothing to do with the first three days.

Because Sedum has the privilege of being directly promoted to the finals.

Although not needed, Sedum decided to check it out.

This time it was still with a group of young people from Sedum. As for Dan, Qian and them, they were very busy these days. They were all busy with things after Sedum won the championship.

As for not being able to win the championship except by accident, they naturally have to make complete preparations.

Jingtian didn't know about these, nor did the three members of the Danhuang City let him worry about it.

Today's market is extremely deserted, and even many shops have closed.

The reason is naturally that the big competition started and everyone went to watch the excitement.

The elixir competition held once every ten years, especially this time, there is some gossip that the Holy Sect is here to select a group of disciples to enter the Sacred Sect!

In the unlikely event that Fortune is caught in the eye, then himself and his family will be glorified.

It is equivalent to one person gaining the Tao, the chicken and dog ascended to heaven.

The venue of Taibi is one hundred kilometers east of Fang City. There are rules that do not allow flying, and most people choose to drive on both legs.

At this time, some ordinary people are more comfortable, they can hang the carriage.

But soon a row of special items appeared on the road.

It is definitely a special item for the cultivation world.

A total of seven brightly colored cars lined up and moved forward quickly, raising a cloud of dust.

Sedum sat in Qian Rong's car with a wry smile on his face.

This car is estimated to be completely famous in the world of comprehension.

Pedestrians on the road evaded one after another, all looking at this scene with surprise.

A hundred kilometers away, with good road conditions, it took just over half an hour to reach it.

I have to say that the comprehensionist drives very fiercely.

This is a huge mountain col, surrounded by mountains on three sides.

The high mountains in the distance went straight into the sky, and it was already the mountain gate of Danzong.

And this huge mountain flat is the gate of Danzong.

At this time, several rows of simple partitions had been built in this mountain col. The total number was no less than a thousand, all of which were shrouded in isolation formations, and they were all alchemy rooms.

There is a huge pavilion platform in the center with complete and high-end facilities. There are dozens of people sitting on it to enjoy tea. Even if it is not far away, it is impossible to see the faces and hear the sounds on it.

Obviously, the platform is the place where the noble being sits, in order not to be disturbed, there is also a formation method to isolate it.

There are a total of 2,000 participants, and ten of them are exempt from the test, so there are 1,990 people in the center, waiting for the strong on the podium to announce the start of the game and announce the rules.

Although everyone knows the rules, it must be explained at the beginning.

Sedum and his entourage were unable to move on when they reached the mouth of the valley.

However, in this realm of comprehension, he was a cow, and he carried the parking lot with him. After getting off the car, he put the car into the storage ring.

Entering the valley, the group found the location of Pill Imperial City, and Jingtian finally saw Lao Qian and others again, and even some three powerhouses that he had never seen before.

But the Patriarch of the three families still didn't see it.

Li Tianchi hurriedly greeted when Jingtian and others came over.

"There are ninety-nine young alchemists in our three families. Baishui is open, so follow along to the team." Li Tianchi said to Bai Shui who was next to Jingtian.

"Yes, Sanye." Bai Shuikai hurriedly responded, and after greeted with Jingtian and others, he went to stand with a group of young alchemists from the Li family.

The big powers and ordinary audiences are still treated differently. They will have a slightly shorter stand. Although there is no pavilion, there will be some tables and chairs and refreshments.

After all, it is the largest sect in the Western Regions, and it would be too shameful to be too shabby.

"Dear friends from Yi Yuan, the Danzong is your first alchemy competition. You all know that this year's alchemy competition is different, because the holy door envoys are here, please take care of the young alchemists. It shows that as long as the alchemy is in the top fifty, they will have the opportunity to be taken to the holy gate..."

A middle-aged man wearing a brocade robe gave a speech on the high platform, and finally said with a hint of excitement; "Finally, we are fortunate to ask Yang Fan, the ambassador of the Holy Gate, to announce to you the rewards of this competition."

After Jinpao finished speaking, he bowed slightly and stepped aside.

He got up from the chair, walked to the edge of the pavilion, and moved slightly in isolation, so that everyone outside could see his appearance clearly.

"Hello, everyone, Yang Fan, the elder of the Holy Sect Foreign Affairs, it is an honor to come to the Western Region Danzong..."

This Yang Fan was very polite, and he couldn't hear a hint of publicity, which made it easy for people to have a hint of goodwill.

"As for the prizes, I only talk about the first prize, because only this first prize is promised by our holy gate, and the rest of the prizes are paid by Danzong of the Western Regions..."

"The reward for this first place is a Sacred Gate Supreme Card. With this card, you can ask for anything that does not exceed my Sacred Gate's ability. The specific restrictions can only be known by the alchemist who wins the championship."

"Well, there are a lot of people in the competition, I won't waste your time, let's start now."

The holy door messenger finished speaking briefly and returned to the table directly.

The previous Jinpao man stepped forward again and announced the first event.

Spiritual control!

Leng Ding sounded as if he had nothing to do with the alchemist, but he would immediately respond that alchemy and spiritual control were the most direct and important part.

Nearly two thousand Danzong disciples, each holding a circular metal ball, came to the participating alchemists in the arena, and let the other party overtake the control according to their unified requirements.

Show, override, record score...

The first project took 30 minutes, which is fairly fast.

Sedum nodded slightly as he watched those people over-control the metal **** and changed their shapes.

This kind of metal is a special metal, which will change its shape with the overriding of mental power.

In comparison, this thing doesn't have much technical content, and Sedum can be relaxed and comfortable, after all, he is already perfect for the overcontrol of the Pill Fire Pill Furnace.

Compared with the pill fire pill furnace, this thing is not on the same level at all.

Then the second subject took a full hour, and then the third...

Sedum looked a little boring, no wonder the opponent would let their ten Ninth-Rank Alchemy Masters get rid of the preliminary round.

These projects are basically pediatrics for them, as long as they don't perform too abnormally, it is easy to get full marks.