Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 744: Black Bear Siege

From a kilometer above Lishi, Jingtian flew all the way towards Erguo by taking Jiuxiao.

Sedum only stayed in Wuguo City for less than an hour, and left after explaining something to Yar.

As for what is the use of conquering that batch of Netherworld?

Sedum does not have any specific plans now, but he has a feeling in the dark that these darks will definitely be useful in the future, and will be of great use!

During the flight of Jiuxiao, Jingtian took the time to return to the space. He has been with his grandfather for the past two days, basically ignoring the people in the space.

At this time, most people in the space gathered in the residence of the giants.

Sedum was still a little curious at first, but soon understood the reason.

Because today there are two people who have been promoted at the same time.

Feng Yuxuan reached the eighth level of ancient martial arts, and Yuwenshang also reached the fifth level of ancient martial arts.

The newcomers Su Ling and Su Wujin are on the sidelines. Su Ling was originally a level 6 ancient warrior, but she knew very well that, let alone the level 8 Feng Yuxuan, even Yuwenshang, who had just been promoted to level 5, could defeat her!

Su Wujin, who didn't have the slightest ability, had very strong willpower, so he also entered the special training.

Zi Xin's uncle Lu Wei is also there. He has not been promoted to the sixth-level power level, but he is also honing the system, because if he wants to one day transform into an ability, he must first meet the standard in terms of physical strength.

As for Wang Lian and Tong Yue, they are undoubtedly lucky. They have the help of the peculiar princess Snowflake.

Xie Siyu was also there. After everyone greeted Sedum, Xie Siyu looked towards Sedum.

"Jiu Xiao is on the way, it should take about half a day to pass through Hulu City in Erguo." Jingtian knew what Xie Siyu meant, and said directly.

Xie Siyu nodded, she can stay in the space for about half a day.

Time flickered, and a long time passed.

Jiuxiao traversed thousands of kilometers, bypassed the snow-capped mountain area that had to be climbed before, and once again came to the border of the country.

It was still beside the old river, with huge grasslands on the left and right sides.

This is also the source of the first batch of plants in the previous dimension.

At this time, Jiu Xiao could no longer continue to move forward, as all Griffins are like this, because there is still an existence that controls them in the city of Hulu ahead.

Jiu Xiao was taken back into the dimensional space, and Jing Tian did not enter the city by himself, but released Xie Siyu and Aoshui.

In the original space, there are six victorious capable people of Hulu City, and even one of them is the city lord of Hulu City.

However, the Hulu City Lord was originally equivalent to a puppet, with a relatively strong combat power. The real master of Hulu City is indeed the great master who can control Nine Heavens.

Although there are such convenient conditions, Jingtian feels that he doesn't need that city lord.

Jingtian brought people into the city to relieve Jiu Xiao and her people from hidden dangers.

After crossing the river and grassland, Sedum and his group soon approached Hulu City.

"this is…"

Jingtian and others were a few kilometers away from Hulu City, and all of them were a little surprised.

It turned out that Hulu City in the distance was going through a war.

Howling and roaring can be heard from a few kilometers away.

"Sir, it seems that we don't need to do it." Aoshui's perception can already detect the situation ahead.

Sedum nodded, with a slightly weird expression.

Although he still can't perceive a few kilometers away, his gaze is vaguely possible to see that a black and overwhelming species is attacking Hulu City.

"It doesn't seem to be a human attack?" Xie Siyu also said.

"It's a group of black bears, but also a mutant species controlled by humans." Aoshui said.

"Black bear? No wonder it's so dark." Jingtian exclaimed.

"If this continues, the entire Hulu City must have fallen in the end." Aoshui said.

"Let's get closer and take a look above!"

Sedum was not particularly concerned about the humans in Hulu City, but was more curious about the black bear army.

Aoshui nodded, and then the three of them directly vacated and flew towards the top of Hulu City.

After Xie Siyu's transformation, he also had the pinnacle of qi refining. It was no problem to slide in the air for a short time, but he couldn't fly, which was much worse than that of Sedum.

But with Ao Shui, it's very easy to carry two people.

At a distance of three hundred meters in the air, the three of them soon arrived over the battlefield in Hulu City.

Seeing the battle below clearly, Sedum was completely shocked.

These black bears are completely dark, the smallest height is more than three meters, and the tallest in front is more than five meters.

The total is about more than two thousand!

These black bears did not fight alone, they were all followed by a small human.

These humans are very flexible, and they are also dressed in black, even wearing a hood with only one pair of eyes exposed.

In Hulu City, there are more people, all of them dressed like aboriginals, charging forward with weapons. Most of their weapons are like javelins.

The human counterattack has almost no harm to these tall and strong black bears. Even if they are stabbed by a javelin, it is difficult to break the black bear's fur.

Only a few people with special abilities who are completely blessed can their attacks cause damage to the smaller black bears.

The number of natives in the city seemed to be close to 100,000, but they couldn't stop the advancement of two thousand black bears, and a group of black bears marched forward slowly in parallel.

"It doesn't seem to be trying to kill them all," Jingtian said after observing.

Aoshui and Xie Siyu both nodded.

They all saw some indigenous people kneel down on the ground after losing the ability to resist, and those black bears and people in black would let them go.

"They should conquer this place and enslave the natives here." Jingtian guessed.

Sedum's guess is obviously correct, and that's the purpose of these invaders.

"Sir, what shall we do?" Aoshui asked Sedum.

If they take action, they can naturally solve the crisis in Hulu City, but their purpose is to kill people.

"Wait for them to end, and then look at the behavior of the masters of this group of black bears."

Sedum naturally wouldn't try to rescue Hulu City, especially the black bear party hasn't rushed to kill.

Then the three of them watched the progress of the battle from above.

At the same time, the individual strength of the black bear has been investigated clearly.

Ninety-nine percent of the two thousand black bears are low-level reserve-level spirit beasts, and they haven't even been able to produce spiritual cores.

A few have reached the advanced reserve spirit beasts, and the entire team has reached the peak of the reserve level less than 20 black bears.

In the end, there was only one real spirit beast, obviously the leader of the black bear, and was already an intermediate spirit beast.

With this formation, Sedum could send the black bears back to grandma's house as long as they release Jiuxiao and bring two hundred people with them!

Time did not pass too long, and the battle was over.

In this battle, the number of casualties in Hulu City exceeded 30,000, and only a dozen black bears were beheaded on the black bear side.

Sedum thought for a while, and directly released Jiu Xiao.

"Feel it, the person in charge of you is still there." Jingtian asked Jiu Xiao.

"So many have been slaughtered? Too much relief!"

As soon as Jiu Xiao came out, he first observed the situation below, called out directly, and then felt it.

"It has disappeared. If it is not dead, it is escaped." Jiu Xiao said again after a few seconds.

"That's good, let everyone come out!"

Jingtian heard that the constraints of the Nine Heavens Seven Contracts had disappeared, and it was also the joy of the Griffins.

Afterwards, the door of space opened, and all the two hundred griffins flew out.

Not only the army of griffins, but also on the backs of several griffins, Snow Wanglian and Tong Yue followed, and even Yuwenshang Fengyuxuan and Lu Wei also followed.

Of course, there are still a few who haven't followed, Xiao Jia, Su Ling, Su Wu Xing brother, Huo Lian and Zi Xin, these few have not come out.