Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 777: Aoshui is banned

The wall around the cave has been transformed into a special kind of crystal due to long-term attack by lightning energy.

This crystal looks like obsidian, but a closer look will reveal that it is actually a deep purple color!

"Good thing, even if there is nothing in it, digging away the stones here is a big gain. These stones have become'thunder spar'!"

Xue Xue stood only two meters away from the entrance of the cave, looking at the crystal cave at the entrance of the cave, her eyes gleaming.

Ao Shui nodded slightly, and Xue Xue was right. The circle of stones around the entrance of the cave definitely contained lightning energy.

Of course, Snowflake is talking about spar, not spirit stone, after all, spar and spirit stone are not the same thing.

"Shall we go straight down?" Snowflake asked Aoshui the opposite after observing it.

"If you don't go down, nothing can be found out." Aoshui said.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go, without the sedum!" Snowflake was eager to try.

Ao Shui smiled slightly and then nodded. In fact, he didn't want to bring Sedum, after all, he couldn't predict how dangerous it would be.

Although Sedum had a safety guarantee, Aoshui was unwilling to hide in the dimension space whenever he encountered danger.

The two hit it off immediately, and then approached the very edge of the hole, ready to jump down against the edge of the hole.

I thought it was good, but just after Aoshui took two steps, when he approached the edge of the cave, he bombarded the lightning in the pit in an orderly manner, suddenly became irritable, and directly divided dozens of channels and bombarded Aoshui.

Even if Aoshui is strong, but dozens of lightning strikes at the same time, Aoshui can't resist completely.

Lightning belongs to the power of heaven, even if you are strong, you must maintain a certain amount of awe.

Especially these lightnings are really powerful, Ao Shui resisted with all his strength, and was constantly retreated by the bombardment.

After Aoshui retreated two meters, Lightning stopped the attack and returned to its original trajectory.

The restless lightning group also calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

Aoshui raised his brows and tried to get closer again.

As a result, it was obvious that the two meters on the edge of the hole was Aoshui's absolute forbidden zone. As long as he stepped closer, lightning would strike over him.

And these lightnings still did not respond to the approach of the snowflake, as if the snowflake was still a transparent existence.

"No. Obviously there are restrictions on the cultivation level here, and it will definitely not be accepted after reaching the Golden Core Stage."

Ao Shui tried several times, and was bombarded back to the end. After these rounds, he felt a little uncomfortable, and finally gave up.

The distance of two meters is a great moat for Aoshui.

If he rushed past, then the final result must be that he was bombarded into scum.

Even if Aoshui is in the late Jindan stage, it is not absolutely invincible. If these lightning strikes him frantically, the final result will be absolute, even if it is stronger than Aoshui.

"No way, I definitely can't go down, Snow Princess will look at you." Aoshui smiled bitterly at Snow Snow and shook his head.

Snowflake's expression is a little depressed.

Let her go down by herself? She was also a little scared.

No matter what, she is also a girl.

To this absolutely unknown and strange place, she really didn't dare to jump off casually.

Besides, Snowflake also knows that it is one thing for lightning not to strike her, but if she hardly moves up and gets smashed by herself, lightning will definitely not avoid her!

"Then there is no way, let's talk about it after discussing it with your husband." Ao Shui knew what the snowflakes were thinking when he saw the appearance of the snowflakes, and said with a slight smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, this princess is not afraid, but, just..."

"Don't worry Snow Princess, I know it's not you who are scared, I stopped you from going down." Aoshui accepted Snow Snow's words with a smile.

"Hmph, that's it, let's go, we still have a dimensional space to be more sure about it." Xue Xue hummed, turned around and walked back.

Sedum was staring at the two of them at this time, and he had seen the situation of Aoshui's being blocked by lightning bombardment just now.

It's just that Snowflake didn't go down by himself, so he was really puzzled.

"Sir, I can't go down, nor can Snow Princess take a blind risk. We still have to discuss a countermeasure." Aoshui said directly after returning.

Sedum nodded directly, did not ask Snow any more questions at all, made Snow smile quietly, and then said; "This lightning is obviously conscious, or it is controlled by something."

"Indeed, lightning is a dead thing, there is nothing to control, it is impossible to have such a precise action." Aoshui said.

"Yeah, then... we should look into the above!"

When Jing Tian heard the words of Xue Xue and Aoshui, he suddenly raised his head and pointed to the sky.

Aoshui and Xuexue's eyes lit up at the same time, and they also looked up to the sky.

The two people understood what Sedum said.

If you want to enter the hole and explore, the biggest obstacle is lightning, and the origin of lightning is naturally in the sky.

"There is a problem in that dark cloud." Aoshui squinted, and the lightning came down from the dark cloud holding the house.

Now several people have also thought that the lightning that blocked them from moving forward just stepped into the forbidden ground.

This clearly shows that the root of all lightning is in the dark cloud above.

"Let's go up and find out." Xue Xue called directly.

She was a little afraid of Xiadidong, but from God, the surrounding was spacious and empty, everything could be seen in her eyes, and her golden soul was not affected too much, which made her courage return.

"Let's not get too close at first, go up from here, and go around above the dark clouds." Jing Tian proposed with a turn of his eyes.

"You're really good at opportunistic, but this is really a good way!" Snowflakes didn't know whether he praised or belittled Sedum.

"It seems that we may have to wait a little longer, Jiu Xiao is about to break through." Aoshui suddenly looked at Jiu Xiao and said.

Sedum and Snowflake hurriedly looked at Jiu Xiao, who had been digesting the power of thunder and lightning.

At this moment, Jiu Xiao began to flicker a little arc.

The feathers that had been scorched by the electric arcs began to grow out magically under the movement of these electric arcs.

The arc grows like a spark.

Within a moment, Jiu Xiao's entire body was completely covered by the arc.

Although the elemental energy of the power of thunder and lightning may not be among the real elements of the five elements, its strength is beyond doubt.

In particular, the power of thunder and lightning also has the effect of isolating the spiritual power of the repairer. Similarly, the power of thunder and lightning is also stronger in harming the spiritual power.

Just like before Aoshui wanted to explore the cave, he was isolated by those thunder and lightning with the strength of his soul.