Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 856: The true role of the scoreboard

Jingtian suddenly understood the words of the two women, and at first he thought that the guys in the cultivation world were good to the people they caught.

Now it seems that it is completely prepared for those cultivation disciples.

This kind of secret information is absolutely not known to Captain Red.

"Then you know that those people are disciples in the cultivation world." Jingtian attaches great importance to this issue.

After all, being able to capture a few cultivation disciples, and then return to the cultivation world through their identities, it will definitely go more smoothly.

"We don't know about this. Even if those people come to Hualou occasionally, they won't disclose anything. If they do, then they won't be able to return to the realm of cultivation in their lives." Cheng Lin said.

"This... isn't the owner of those shops a comprehension disciple?"

"Of course not. Those are the slaves cultivated by the four major factions here. Many of them are enslaved like us." Taohua Shizhen said.

"That way, it's actually not difficult to find. Some people who can often consume, I think they may be cultivation disciples." Jingtian guessed.

"Impossible. These cultivation disciples are more careful than those aliens. If they are found, the punishment will be very severe." Cheng Lin said.

"So secretive? Then how did you know?" Jingtian became curious.

"We... heard it from the four princes. Regarding this, they know that we dare not disclose it to the outside world and will not disclose it, so there is no cover, but the specifics will not be said." Cheng Lin said.

"Talk about the easiest way to study in the real world," Jingtian said.

"Naturally, we have collected ten thousand points." The two women spoke almost simultaneously.

"Huh? Ten thousand score cards, it's that simple?" Jing Tian was taken aback. He had heard this rule before, but he didn't take it too seriously.

"You think the rule of ten thousand points is a joke... I'm sorry, it's true."

Shi Zhen's personality is a bit straightforward. She wanted to despise Sedum for a while, but halfway through her words, she felt the throbbing of her soul, and then remembered that she was a slave, so she had to respond directly to the master's question.

"To be specific."

Sedum didn't pay attention to Shi Zhen, he knew that he had just contracted, and this change of mind would take a little bit of time.

"Does the sir think that the bonus card is a common brand?" Cheng Lin smiled slightly.

"It has some uses while alive, but after death, isn't it a common brand?" Jingtian was a little confused.

The number plate is really useful when it is alive, otherwise many things will be difficult to handle.

But after death, this thing can only be counted as points.

At least Sedum thinks so.

"It seems that Mr. did not find out, but you are not in the realm of cultivation, and you should not understand it. In fact, the bonus cards after the death of the fighting beast are good things. Even in the realm of cultivation, this kind of brand can sell for a good price." Lin said.

Sedum is very interested, let Cheng Lin explain it in detail.

After Lin's explanation, Jing Tian knew that this little scoreboard was really not easy.

It is not a product here, but is made from the realm of cultivation. It is made of a special substance. In the realm of cultivation, this little thing has another name.

Battle gas crystal!

Zhan Qijing also has an alias, life spar.

Although the name sounds nice, it is actually a more vicious thing.

This thing absorbs energy on the battlefield, especially at the moment of death, the special energy absorbed will be stored.

The only disadvantage is that the storage of this brand is limited, reaching 10,000 pieces, and it can be refined by special methods to make a special type of pill.

As for the specific effect of this order, it is really powerful, it can improve the quality of a person's spiritual root, and it can also be used as a barrier-breaking pill, and even has other very powerful effects.

In short, this kind of pill is of great value, and it is definitely super sought-after in the realm of comprehension.

"I really didn't expect this thing to have this effect, it was still **** before!" Jingtian muttered.

"I heard that those who have collected ten thousand points are all disciples from the cultivation world." Cheng Lin said.

And it needs to be extracted in a special way.

"That’s for sure. According to what you said, this is basically a place to train cultivating disciples. How could it be possible to let people from other planets leave? Therefore, we want to enter the realm of cultivating without disturbing the young and old, and we can only find cultivating disciples. Physical identity." Jingtian said.

"Not at all. If someone really collects ten thousand points, according to the rules of the four major factions, this person must be allowed to enter the realm of comprehension. Of course, the upstream policy and downstream countermeasures, the fourth son is here to guard, basically no aliens will succeed. "Cheng Lin said.

"It's almost the same as I didn't say, well, let's go out first, so as not to arouse people's suspicion." Jingtian felt that the two women entered the space for too long, for fear of accidents outside.

"No, the fourth son is still very at ease with us. They know that we don't look at the aliens at all. They just check when we enter the door, and don't bother to check at other times."

Cheng Lin obviously didn't want to leave here so soon, after all, they hadn't seen such a world of real plants for a long time.

"I want to see if there are opportunities in the future, go outside and continue talking with my companions." Jing Tian did not let the two women stay in the space, even if nothing happened outside, it would not work.

After all, the two women were slaves, so they didn't dare to violate Sedum's orders, and then they were taken out of space.

"You two are too indifferent, so many dishes are not left for me at all!"

Sedum consciousness returned and found that the six delicacies on the table were not left at all, and they were all eaten up by Aoshui and Snowflakes.

"I keep the wine for you." Snowflakes grinned smirkly.

"Leave me these two pots of swill?" Jingtian stared directly.

"Sir, let me send someone another table." After Cheng Lin came out, she was somewhat disappointed, but she quickly became involved in the role.

"It's done?" Xue Xue asked.

Sedum nodded, and then said to Cheng Lin; "According to the rules here, if you can ask for it, just come to another many points?"

"Sedum, why do you still care about that broken thing." Seeing Sedum and asked for the price, Xue Xue suddenly despised it.

"You don't understand, I'll talk to you later."

"A table of dishes with wine, 80 points card." Cheng Lin said.

"It's really expensive, but it's still within the scope of it. Let's have another table." Jing Tian nodded.