Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 870: Captain Blue's Trap

The direction of this trip is not the direction of the previous battlefield.

Obviously, some people are not okay to eat and wait to die in the Colosseum City, just like the pighead Kron and Kemu, they will also come to the wild during the day to look for food.

"How far is it?"

After more than ten kilometers, Yun Piaopiao became a little impatient.

"It's fast, it's fast, there are only three to five miles left." The blue captain was in front, speeding up as he spoke.

"There is something wrong with this guy." Jingtian muttered behind him.

Aoshui nodded; "His eyes are erratic, obviously ghostly."

"Interesting, does he really have to catch these three guys just like us before?" Snow couldn't help but smile.

"Don't say anything, just wait and see." Jingtian said.

Because the three of them were following at the end, the people in front of Yun Piao Piao didn't know the conversation of the three of Jingtian.

After walking for about five miles, Sedum and his team saw two people standing on the edge of a depression in front of them.

"Master, that's it. The person I arranged to guard is there, and there are still a few people inside." Captain Blue quickly said to the three Yun Piaopiao after seeing the figure.

The three of them didn't react too much, they just nodded and looked at the Sedum behind them vaguely.

Sedum didn't respond, and the three of them didn't say anything.

In a blink of an eye, they arrived in front of the two figures. After seeing the three of Yun Piao Piao, the two men knelt down and greeted them in awe.

The three of them ignored the kneeling two, but Jingtian three noticed that the two kneelings were not blue clothes at all.

Less than ten meters behind the two of them, there was an entrance to the newly dug hole, which was two meters in diameter.

"The entrance of the cave was too narrow before, so the small one made people expand it a bit, and the inside was spacious. Three masters please come in." The blue captain bowed and invited the three to enter the cave.

These three guys didn't have the four-meter defense at all, so they jumped in proudly.

"It's stupid enough to eat a bit without gaining any wisdom." Snowflakes despised from behind.

"Arrogance will suffer after all." Aoshui said lightly.

"Captain Red, why don't you guys come here, what are you still muttering, there is a good baby inside!" Seeing the three guys jumped down, the blue captain turned to look at the three of Sedum.

"Okay, let's see what you can make moths." Jing Tian smiled faintly, and walked towards the entrance of the cave with the two Aoshui.

After listening to Sedum's words, the blue captain's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to stop and say something, but the three of Sedum had already jumped down.

"Whatever you do, just kill a few more ants. You sent them to your door to die!" The blue captain's expression became grim and grim.

"After I go in, guard the entrance of the cave. As long as it's not for me to come out, do you know what to do?" Captain Blue instructed the two people who had knelt on the ground before.

"The master we know." The two responded in awe to Captain Blue, reaching out their hands and taking out a silver plate from their arms.

If Sedum was there, he would definitely be able to recognize it at a glance. It was a formation, just a reduced number.

When Jingtian jumped down, they found that this was a spacious passage, which was obviously not long after being excavated manually.

The blue captain explained again later that this place was also newly widened, and the original one was too narrow.

Sedum sneered in his heart without breaking through. At this time, his attention was all ahead, and he felt the faint wave of formation in this passage.

Aoshui didn't understand the real aura, but he could feel the aura of the cultivation cave and directly communicated to Jingtian; "Sir, there really is a cave in the depths of about two kilometers."

Jing Tian was taken aback, the formation he felt was not so far away.

"Interesting, act by ear," Jingtian said.

When the group of people entered about 300 meters ahead, they met a group of people with different clothes. When the three of Yun Piao Piao approached, they quickly separated from the road and knelt down on both sides of the passage.

The three of them still ignored these people and walked over.

Although Sedum and the three followed them, they all observed the people who were kneeling on the ground.

There are a total of 20 of these people, and the rest of Sedum are unknown, but there is one, Sedum is relatively familiar.

Captain Blue!

This guy actually changed into ordinary clothes at this time, lowering his head as if he were an ordinary little brother.

The conspiracy was already obvious, and a weird smile appeared at the corner of Jingtian's mouth, and he did not reveal it directly, and followed him a few meters.

"Do it!!"

Suddenly, the blue captain at the end suddenly shouted.

Following the loud roar of the blue captain, the gray captain and the twenty people quickly retreated, and at the same time took out something from his arms and threw it out.

Boom boom boom...

A burst like a grenade came, and was directly blasted between the crowd and the six Sedum.

"Grass, what's the matter?? These dog things have rebelled?"

The three Yun Piaopiao in front didn't know the specific situation at this time. If it hadn't been for the phrase that the captain of the blue character yelled before, they probably didn't know that these people had calculated it.

"It's so stupid, how can such a guy survive in the realm of comprehension?" Snow despised directly.

"They were all grown up in good clothes and food, and they were taken care of by others. If they were released, it would probably take less than two days." Aoshui said lightly.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the imaginary cavern collapse did not happen.


At the location of the explosion, the area of ​​the passage was greatly expanded, and stripes appeared on the ground.

Sedum squinted his eyes. At this moment, the formation aura was ten centimeters strong, apologizing that there was a formation in front of her.

"You're looking for death, you dare to collude and betray, you dogs, go to hell!"

Yun Piaopiao didn't observe any more at all, the dust dispersed, and he discovered that the blue captain and his party were more than thirty meters away, and suddenly rushed over with a roar.

Jing Tian squinted his eyes and swallowed the reminder to his lips.

These people are deliberately setting up the situation, and there is a formation in front of them, it is absolutely impossible to stand in the distance waiting to be killed.


As expected for a few days, the clouds fluttered into the formation area, and a sound of impact was heard directly, and then the body was shocked and flew back.