Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 912: I'll pay you if I can't do it

Sedum definitely wants to make a deal for this hard-won client.

But it can't be too much, the rules still have to be expressed.

Although a few pills can be deducted from the number of pills, one yard goes to one yard.

"I really can't find the second material. You only need to give me a pill, and you will give you the rest. I can also give you 20 more intermediate crystals. This is all I can get out! "

The foundation builder was a little embarrassed and nervous when he heard Sedum mentioned the problem of double materials.

"make a deal."

Sedum agreed without hesitation.

In fact, even if this person didn't say these words, Sedum would find a way to facilitate the transaction.

"Really... Master Alchemist, you are a little sure, I really need a Explosive Yuan Dan." This person saw that Sedum was so easy to agree, but hesitated.

"Don't worry, if you can't refine it, not only will I not collect the money, I will also compensate you with a crystal that is equivalent to the blasting pill and let you buy one."

Sedum didn't know the price of the Explosive Yuan Pill, but he didn't worry about it at all.

I am a 9-rank alchemy master, if I fail to refine a 6-rank pill, then really don't live.

"Okay, I believe your lord, then I will come to get the pill tomorrow morning." Seeing that Sedum said so, the man didn't struggle anymore.

"What will you do tomorrow morning? Wait half an hour for me." Jingtian was a little speechless. Even if he didn't use the pill fire pill furnace, half an hour would be enough. If he used the pill fire pill furnace, it could be done in five minutes.

"What? Half an hour, how is this... possible?" The customer's eyes widened, presumably worrying again in his heart.

"Brother Jing, are you kidding? Six-level pill, how can it be refined in less than three hours?" Baishui's reaction was not much better than that of the pill seeker.

This alchemy time also belongs to common sense.

The higher the level of the alchemist, the shorter the time it takes to refine the lower-level pill. Generally, it takes at least two hours to refine the pill of the same level as yours.

"Oh, I have the ancestral method, which can not only increase the success rate, but also greatly shorten the time. If you don't believe it, wait and see." Jingtian casually found a reason to perfuse it.

When I heard that it was an ancestral method, those seeking alchemy relaxed a little, while Baishui was curious.

In any case, Sedum finally won the deal and walked over to No. 88 alchemy room with a few people with Snowflakes happily on his face.

Before entering the alchemy room, Jingtian was very deliberate to take the management office, to show off to the old man Qian, but he really received the business.

For the highest level six pill in the intermediate level, that small bet was won by himself.

In the end, Sedum did not show off, thinking that it would be better to wait until the completion.

He believed that this old man Qian would definitely send someone to stare at him.

Sedum was right. When Sedum used the key card to enter the alchemy room, a person appeared in front of the booth management office, knocked on the door respectfully, and then entered cautiously.

A person with such a posture is definitely not an alchemist who wants a booth.

As soon as this person entered the door, he moved his nose slightly, smelling good wine.

Mr. Qian was lying halfway on the head of the small wooden bed at this time, holding a jug of wine happily, and was too lazy to look at the people who came in.

The visitor corrected his breath slightly, then knelt down and said respectfully to the somewhat drunken old Qian;


Qian Lao snorted.

"The 88 you are staring at has received an order to refine the sixth-grade explosive pill..."

While talking, the old man carefully watched the old man's reaction again and again.

As soon as Qian Lao listened to this person's report, his movements were obvious, and his expression was also depressed and annoyed for a moment, but he quickly recovered his calm.

"Tai Shang Clan, do you have any other arrangements? Do you want to deal with it?"

"Asshole, what do you deal with? Lao Tzu, am I someone who can't afford to lose?"

As soon as Qian Lao listened to the people's words, he immediately exploded.

If you change to someone else, maybe he will agree, but that kid Sedum, Qian always really likes it. Besides having good alchemy skills, the most important thing is that the kid has good wine on him.

If you really want to kill it, you can grab a little wine, and I am afraid it will be difficult if you want to drink it in the future.

Sedum never thought that because of a little alcohol, he saved his life.

"Old Taishang clan calm down, then...what should I do if I am a little one?" Seeing Qian Lao's anger, the man trembled with fright.

"...Since the business has been received, let the girl Qianqian arrange to see how his alchemy strength is. If it is okay, arrange more business for him and find a way to draw him to Qian's house." Qian Lao said after hesitating a little.

The person's expression changed slightly when he heard Qian Lao's arrangement, but he nodded quickly, seeing that Qian Lao had no other arrangements, and then respectfully retired.

Time flies for half an hour.

At this time, a group of people gathered in front of the alchemy room No. 88, and they came out of Aoshui Snow Snow and Wen Tan, and even Bai Shui Kai brought the old man to wait here.

The alchemist was a little nervous and expectant, and looked at the door of the alchemy room from time to time.

"This girl, you know Big Brother Jing. He said that it is really okay to refine a sixth-grade pill for half an hour?"

Obviously, Bai Shui was looking forward to it. After half an hour came, I couldn't help running to Snow Snow and asking.

"Remove the word?, although Sedum is stupid and stupid in other aspects, it is definitely a genius in alchemy, saying that half an hour is slow." Xue Xue said with a glance at Bai Shui.

"...Hehe, the girl is really confident in Big Brother Jing, but Big Brother Jing is only two years older than me. He is already a sixth-rank alchemist. He is indeed a genius of alchemy. By the way, I don’t know how the girl is called, it depends on you. The followers of Brother Jing, are they... his wife?"

Bai Shui Kai's thoughts began to jump again, and finally began to be curious about the identity of Snowflake.

A discerning person can tell at a glance that Aoshui and Wenchang are followers of Sedum, because their expressions are very obvious when they look at Sedum.

As for the difference between this beautiful girl, the respect that Sedum had no followers, and occasionally she would ridicule, somewhat in line with the status of the lady.

The worst is probably the girlfriend.

These are all guesses made by Baishui.

"Sister-in-law? You are the wife of the sister-in-law. Your whole family is the wife of the sister-in-law. This princess doesn't look down on that idiot. I, I'm his senior sister!" Snowflake was boiled by Baishui and made a speculation like a cat with a stomped tail.

"Ah? Sister Sister is not angry, young... I just guessed casually, don't you need such a big reaction?" Bai Shui Kai was also taken aback by Xue Xue's reaction, and quickly explained apologize.

I have to say that this white water has a really good temper, and it is always so gentle and gentle.

"You really should be called boiled water, some places are really like that fool of Sedum, if someone is not following you, I might be sold sooner or later!" Snowflake commented on Bai Shui unceremoniously.

"Boiled water? I..."

Bai Shui Kai was a little unclear, so he wanted to ask what happened with a blank face.

However, at this moment, a stone door opened behind, interrupting the white water opening.

"Come out!" The alchemist yelled and ran over quickly.

When the others saw this, they surrounded him.