Doomsday: I Have a God-level Villa

Chapter 997: Underworld evolution upgrade

"Negotiating terms with the system? How to negotiate?" Jingtian was full of doubts.

"Stupid, you promise to talk about the benefits of the system, or buy, the current benefits of the system will definitely satisfy you." Snow despised Sedum.

"that's all?"

"Yes, otherwise what do you think? As for how much you will be killed, it's hard to say." Snowflake said.

"I see, let's not talk about it yet." Jingtian ended the topic, when Ziji was almost fused.

"Send the car as soon as possible, and I will pick it up by myself at that time." Xue Xue said quickly.

Sedum didn't respond, and broke the contact directly.

There was no contact with the system at that time, and Zi Ji's Alien Fire was completely swallowed and merged by Ming Yan at this time.

The Mingyan Fire had changed a lot at this time. The color had changed to purple, which was slightly lighter than the original purple, but there was a hint of clarity.

Then the volume of the abnormal fire doubled, and it was already the peak of foundation building. Sedum felt it for a moment, and only a short time later, the golden core could be condensed by the strange fire of the underworld.

Sedum had a strange expression. If the abnormal fire condensed the golden core, then Ziji could have two golden cores.

In addition, the soul power has also turned into a liquid state according to the Five Elements Divine Art.

Sandan gather?

Sedum's thoughts moved, mobilizing the Mingyan Pill Fire.

Suddenly, a group of purple flames appeared in his hands, and it changed its form as Sedum’s thoughts drove it.

"...Except that the pill furnace is stronger than before, this attack power has also increased a lot, even stronger than my true essence lethality!"

After Sedum felt a bit, he was a little shocked, and the lethality of this mysterious flame has definitely doubled several times!

Today's Mingyan Different Fire, if it is among the top ten different fires, it can definitely be ranked in the top five!

After all, it is stronger than the fifth Ziji!

"By the way, Ziji Different Fire has another characteristic, it can forge glazed bones!"

Jing Tian suddenly remembered that Elder Elder had said one characteristic of this Zi Ji Qi Huo.

Glazed Bone, that is an extremely powerful existence, stronger than King Kong.

Just do it when you think of it, mobilize a trace of strange fire, and penetrate into the bones...

"Ah... Damn it!"

Suddenly Sedum screamed with a terrifying scream.

Yihuo was originally controlled by Sedum and would not cause any harm to his body.

But Sedum deliberately controls the burning, so let's not talk about bells.

In ordinary words, it was just a scorch with a flame, which directly scorched a piece of bone, directly ache into the bone marrow, and directly stimulated the depth of the soul.

"what are you doing?"

Sedum was in cold sweat here, and suddenly a silent measuring ruler came from his consciousness.

Obviously, the pain just now shocked the measuring ruler.

The celestial ruler had been cultivating before, so it was less aware of the situation before Sedum.

"I merged with the Purple Extreme Fire, I want to use the characteristics to burn the glazed bone..."

"You... really want to say that you are an idiot, and you don't burn your bones directly with fire!"

"Ahem...what should I do?" Jingtian said embarrassedly.

"There is a special bone-forging technique in the Five Elements Divine Art. With your purple extremely different fire, it will be easier to calcinate into divine bones!" said Liang Tianchi.

"God bones?" Jingtian widened his eyes.

Although the glazed bones are powerful, they are completely different from the divine bones.

"Your luck is very good. You actually have two kinds of different fires. Once the **** bones, your growth will be smoother. You will reach the fairyland in three years. You will be a little earlier. Work hard."

After the measuring ruler finished speaking, it fell silent again, obviously it would not take care of Sedum's affairs.

The artifact has the pride of the artifact.

Jingtian calmed down for a while, and didn't start practicing for the time being, he had another thing to deal with.

"System, I want to purchase the upgrade of Heart of Righteousness."

There is no need for Sedum and the system to tactfully, and straight to the subject.

"I have told you that the data of Righteous Heart has been deleted." The system responded with a trace of impatientness.

"You have a problem with this attitude, I started to host, you are serving me." Jingtian's tone suddenly became cold.

Before the system did not respond, Sedum continued; "The host has the problem, you must try to help solve it. If you can't solve it, report to your superior. If you don't even report, I will find a way to complain to you. of."

Sedum is even scared, and I don't know if it works. As for complaints, Sedum doesn't know if it has this function.

The system was silent for a long time this time, and only responded again when Sedum was about to lose patience; "The upgraded version of the Heart of Righteousness requires the host to pay millions of advanced energy bodies. May I ask whether the host is upgraded? This is the only opportunity."

Sedum was taken aback, the system actually gave it.

But Snowflake is right, this system really hates himself for a blow!

Millions of high-level energy bodies are one million intermediate crystals. If you exchange for one hundred billion energy points!

After Sedum calculated this number, his head was a little confused, the first reaction was to refuse.

"If you can't take out these things, don't think about it, and don't think about buying it with energy points. The system only accepts high-level energy bodies for your purchase." Seeing Sedum did not reply for a long time, the system took the initiative to speak, with a hint of tone in its tone. Disdain.

"Huh, isn't it just one million yuan? Lao Tzu has all of them, so let me upgrade my righteous heart!"

Sedum was really annoyed by the tone of this system, and directly agreed to purchase.

One million, it's not that he can't get it out, after all, he has more than two million.

"What? You really have a million high-level energy bodies?" Seeing that Sedum agreed to the transaction, the system was a little lost.

"Humph, I'm really dissatisfied with your attitude, so I should give me a deal quickly." Jingtian snorted coldly.

After speaking, Sedum directly exchanged the million yuan crystal to the system.

Of course, this exchange is not giving any energy at all.

"Yes, host, please wait a moment."

The system was shocked by Sedum, and his speech became humble.

"What the hell, this intelligence is really..." Jingtian felt a little bit speechless when he felt the intelligence before and after, and at the same time he found a way to deal with this intelligence.

That is not to be polite to him, the more polite you are, the more this intelligence will look down on you.

"Millions of energy bodies are collected, and the upgraded version of Undead Heart has been released." A reminder came from the mechanical intelligence of the system.

Sedum felt his heart vibrate for an instant, and then he felt a little bit weak throughout his body. A large amount of energy, both true essence and soul energy, was being absorbed by the heart.

The only thing that didn't move was the strange fire of Ming Yan.

Sedum was taken aback, and then understood that this was the escalation effect of the Heart of Righteousness and required a lot of energy.

Snowflake said that the upgraded Righteous Heart will absorb all the energy and then transform it into the special energy of the Righteous Heart.