Doomsday Jigsaw Game

v1 Chapter 23: The captain's preference

   high tower, east of the ground floor.

   The recorder responsible for recording the entry and exit of the corps was a bit dazed.

   He clearly remembered that the investigators of the 7th squadron came out of the tower from the white stele four hours ago. Why did they return from the blue stele?

   Lin Wurou and Shang Xiaoyi were the first to return.

   The two reacted quickly, Bai Wu's words were correct, starting from the second building, they had already stepped into the blue area.

   In the blue zone, he insisted on coming back for four hours, even if it is based on the standard of investigating the seven teams of the army, it is not ashamed.

   Lin Wurou's irritation is not because the time to leave the tower is too short, he is just annoyed that he actually returned earlier than the newcomer.

  Shang Xiaoyi's blindness and Lin Wurou's depression were dissipated as soon as he returned to the tower.

   But the two of them couldn't immediately go into the battle, because their bodies couldn't withstand two stone transmissions within twelve hours.

   In short, once the area outside the tower exits, you have to wait half a day before you can re-enter. The method of repeatedly exiting and entering the empty state will cost a lot of time.

   However, Lin Wurou and Shang Xiaoyi didn't wait long. Wu Jiu and Bai Wu also returned to the tower not long.

   "Hey, isn't this sister Lin who doesn't hold her back? Seniors really didn't hold her back. After all, everyone left the field early. I understand, this must be a tactical return."

   The white mist was strange with Yin and Yang. He certainly remembered that Lin Wurou had ridiculed many times when he was outside the tower before.

   He has already figured out this person's temperament. He often harms others, but he is not afraid of being harmed.

   Lin Wurou curled his lips and snorted coldly, without any refutation. Shang Xiaoyi pretended to look around at the scenery.

   For those investigating the Legion, the companion power is not the final evaluation criterion for combat power. The average time to survive outside the tower is a very important indicator.

   The entire investigative corps, able to perform the task for the first time, can count the rookies who have been there for more than four hours with one hand.

   "Okay, for the next week, Bai Wu, you have no mission. Later, follow me to investigate the legion. After you deal with something, you can move freely." Wu Jiu began to walk to the second floor entrance.

   "Why is there no mission?" Bai Wu puzzled.

   "Today's operation is just an introductory test. You have passed the test. Then there are some procedures to be done. You will not have the next operation until you formally join the investigation team."

   Bai Wu nodded.

   It just so happens that there are a lot of things to do in the tower. The tower is the survival area. The most important thing for him now... he has to find a way to make money.



   Night falls.

   There is no such thing as day and night in the high tower, but the 900-meter-high ceiling still simulates day and night.

   Although it has entered a new civilization for 700 years, people are still used to sunrise and sunset.

  59 is writing the investigation log in his office.

  Different from other investigative corps captains, his log is very detailed.

   Because of this, the bookshelf of Fifty-Nine is full of files that he has written.

   The world outside the tower is extremely dangerous, and no one knows where it will go in three days.

   But humans have indeed had such an experience before, after a long period of time, they were teleported back to the same location again.

   Random teleportation means that there is such a probability to return to a place that has been explored before.

   Five and nine detailed records of the reason for each trip out of the tower to investigate, so that one day in the future, if it is transmitted to the area that has been visited in the past, it will not go the same way.

   More importantly, a careful record of the investigation process can sum up a lot of experience, and these experiences can improve the survival rate of subordinates.

   This is also the most important point of the May 9th.

   Closed the pen, he leaned on the seat, closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

   There are five assessment performance charts on the table. It is in the format of a hexagonal data table.

   The six attributes are survivability, violent combat ability, analysis ability, resilience, mentality, and potential.

  Lin Wurou, Shang Xiaoyi, and Wang Shi are all extremely prominent in the combat capability of the Evil Depravity.

   But the analytical ability is slightly weaker. Wang Shi, in particular, has excellent survivability and good adaptability, but he has almost no analytical ability.

   All three of them have good combat abilities, and their potentials are similar. But without Yin Shuang, he obviously couldn't stay long.

   I just recalled this time I went out of the tower to investigate, and Wu Jiu found that Yin Shuang had barely spoken.

  Because Yin Shuang's life was covered by a newcomer.

  The analysis chart of Baiwu is very strange.

   Adaptability, analytical ability, mentality, and potential are all full, but combat ability and survivability tend to be ineffective.

  59 is the first time to give such an evaluation to a newcomer. He carefully recalled the team he had followed, the soldiers he had brought, and was sure that he had never encountered a person like Bai Wu.

   New recruits will eventually become veterans, and their strength will gradually accumulate due to multiple exits from the tower. But spiritual things are hard to improve.

   Bai Wu's mentality is too calm, so that he has only left the tower for the second time, and the associated power has already reached the first stage and the ninth stage.

   The increase in companion power mainly depends on the survival time outside the tower, but there is also a secondary factor: mood swings.

   The more stable a person's mentality is, the faster the associated power will increase. The entire emotional detection watch is zero, which means that if the white mist can maintain this state, it may be able to cultivate a second eighth-level master within a few years.

   Thinking of the gambling game that made him discover Bai Wu, Wu Jiu intuitively felt that all this was not easy, so he did two things.

The first thing is that May 9 destroyed Baiwu’s operational analysis report and wrote a new one. This one seems to be a lot more mediocre than the previous The second thing, He made a call.

   "Hello, Gui Tuimo Office." A crisp female voice came on the phone.

   "It's me, Gu Qingyu."

   "Oh, the famous Jiuye!"

"piss off."

   "Woo woo woo, you need to be called a baby, but if you don't need it, you can call a baby."

   Fifty-nine, don’t talk nonsense with women. He would never call a woman a baby.

  Ghost mill office is the place where he has stayed before. As the name suggests, money can make ghost mill work. The purpose of this office is: I can give money to anything.

   "I have a long-term commission to help me protect a person."

   "Are you in love?" The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly rose by eight points.

   "I will send his information to you later. He is my team member. In addition, his detection ability is very strong. You people, it is best to be smart."

   "It's weird, why didn't the protector let the investigating corps be responsible?" The girl was puzzled.

   "Because of this matter, the investigation corps is inappropriate." Wu Jiu did not explain in detail.

   The woman on the other end of the phone also knew her personality and said:

   "Talk about remuneration."

   "Every time I leave the tower, I will bring you something."

   "Deal!" The woman did not hesitate.

   Everyone wants to find people from the investigation corps to bring goods out of the tower, and many investigators make a living by this.

   Some top masters have already been booked for countless goods. As for the ace players like May 9th, there are even many nobles in private.

   But all of them refused.

   So the woman on the other end of the phone is very curious, who is the person protecting this time?

   (more on this later)