Doomsday Jigsaw Game

v2 Chapter 158: The origin of the casino

The collision of two powerful forces, this time no longer melted into each other as if it were extremely peaceful, but like the collision of two planets, exploding huge energy.

The Deep Sea Casino swayed slightly under the influence of this force.

With a dazzling light, everyone looked at the two confronting each other in the sky.

This is not an ultimate showdown in which both sides will inevitably die and suffer serious injuries.

When Bai Mist was able to use the Ji Ling watch in a human form, the matchup had already been won.

The bone demon with its open bone wings, using bone spurs as a spear, penetrated the heart of the God of Wealth cleanly.

Then he smashed the God of Wealth to the ground with a flying attitude.

The severely changed God of Wealth will naturally not die like this. Its terrifying life resilience can be sustained for a long time, but it is penetrated by the bone spurs of the white mist and stared at by those scarlet eyes, it is inexplicably in a weak state.

There are twenty-two minutes, and the battle is over. If the time to speak is removed, Bai Wu is sure that his current state can hit the God of Wealth with a single blow.

Of course, this is not that the God of Wealth is not strong, but that Bai Wu's depravity and the increase in strength are too arbitrary.

He was condescending, looking at the God of Wealth who was pierced by a bone spur in his heart.

Without those entries from the casino, Bai Mist would be able to defeat the God of Wealth, because it was the power of these partners in the Pioneer Group that really allowed him to defeat the God of Wealth in such a crushing posture.

The powerful companion power gave Bai Wu a height that countless evil depravities could not reach in his lifetime.

The starting point he was standing on was already far higher than the end of many top evils.

The reason why the final blow White Mist can win is because of the refraction shield.

The Bone Spurs of Fortuna hit the White Mist sturdyly, but under the action of the sequence, White Mist did not do any defense at all, and did not suffer any harm. He directly penetrated the opponent with an absolute offensive!

Not only the distortion entry, but also the powerful talent sequence he can use.

If Cain is a human who can use the power of the evil, then White Mist is now a human who can use the power of the human.

The so-called life-and-death showdown was not established from the beginning, because Bai Wu was invincible at all.

"I repeat the question again. Where do the service staff of these casinos come from? By the way, a new question is attached. Where do these imperial soldiers come from?"

The score was so fast that the God of Wealth could not accept the result. Whether it is wit or strength, it has completely lost to the humans in front of it.

Time is running out, and Bai Wu still has many things to ask. He stepped on the body of God of Wealth, his eyes sharp.

Bai Wu has discovered it.

The evils in this place are basically gamblers. But human beings have three identities.

One is the waiter of the casino, who is brainwashed and only knows to serve the casino. Their lifespan will always be only one day left, but they will never die. Another meaning of their lives is to provide fear. Bai Wu has not forgotten the fear coin in the manor.

The second type of identity is the "relegator" of the Zhenyu Corps. Not surprisingly, as a special area, this place can separate all kinds of things in a person, and even memory, so these four people may lose memory, but they will lose one or two sequences and accompanying power. After returning to the tower, these people became new geniuses. No one knows their background, and no one knows how they became stronger.

The third identity, the gambler. They are guests from the casino, and like many evil depravities here, they are summoned, maybe some miner with a "sixth time certain line", or some mercenary with accompanying power or even investigator. The end of the gambler is mixed. Either the winner loses nothing, or wins too smoothly, goes to the second level, and loses nothing. There are very few people who are measured.

As for the human origin of the first and second identities, Bai Wu wants to know urgently.

The God of Wealth is ashamed:

"You can't return the chips like that woman... You have exchanged them for power, entry, sequence."

"That woman?"

"Master...I'm sorry, I didn't guard the casino!" The God of Fortune suddenly shouted loudly, with some fear and determination.

Bai Wu secretly said that it was bad, his eyes swept in the direction where God of Wealth was looking, but he found nothing.

"Who are you talking to? Your master is a businessman from Heijin Island? He is watching here?"

Bai Wu did not find the monitoring equipment, but the things outside the tower, God knows how it works.

Strange things happened, Bai Wu found that the power of God of Wealth was constantly losing...

Not only the strength, but the body of the God of Wealth is also changing, and those heavily mutated bodies are slowly changing back little by little.

"I didn't complete the command of the good master. I'm dying, but my life is perfect! I always can't keep my money in my life, but for at least three hundred years, I have been with countless wealth, hahahahaha..."

When a person is forced to laugh in fear, his smile will appear crazy.

God of Wealth's body became more and more like a cat. The distortion entries on it have begun to shed.

But it is strange that the distortion entries on Bai Wu's body have not been lost.

Bai Wu looked around, those gamblers who were hiding in the corner shuddering and fear did not change, but all the service staff of the casino fell to the ground one by one.

The white mist of the Eye of the Inspector, who was in a state of fetters, quickly discovered the problem-the original remaining lifespan of all casino service personnel was one day, and at this moment, all were rapidly returning to zero.

They fell one by one like dominoes, making the casino staff who have not fallen yet terrified. It was as if some kind of plague that died at the touch was spreading rapidly.


Bai Wu finally understood that the merchants of Heijin Island were reclaiming all the existing resources of the casino.

But it seems that because of the vows, the things won by the casino guests have not been taken away.

Who is bound by the rules of the vow? What is the prototype of this casino?

Bai Wu originally wanted to save these children, but now, he can only watch these children die one by one.

"The dismantling of the legendary distortion entry is one of the basic axes for the operation of the casino. Merchants are quickly recovering these places. It seems very likely that as the owner of the black gold island, it can monitor all the black gold island industries in some way. Because of my problem, it feels dangerous? Is it going to close this casino?"

Thinking of this, Bai Wu no longer cared about the dead-hearted God of Wealth.

His figure flashed, and instantly came behind the Wujiu and others.

At this moment, the entire casino lobby was in chaos, because staff members were constantly dying, and those gamblers seemed to think that they were the next to die.

When General White Bone suddenly came to Wujiu and the others, even if they knew that the silver-haired dance was the white mist, everyone was still shocked by the burly body and the pair of bone wings with the breath of death.

"It's me, hurry up and start a bet with me, I will allocate all the resources back! The casino is about to close!"

"Fuck, stay away from me, you look so **** scary! What is this..."

Before Lin Wurou's question was finished, she was interrupted by Bai Wu:

"Don't ask, there is not much time left!"

In order to save time, Baiwu directly formulated a team game that can decide the outcome and allocate resources in an instant.

This game is very simple, it is the most common palm-back guessing.

In just two minutes, everyone in the investigation legion won back the previous companion power and sequence from the hands of the white mist.

Not only the original power, but the accompanying power purchased by the entire casino was not much, but it was all allocated to the six people including Baiwu.

Now Bai Wu's companion power has reached the sixth stage and the ninth stage, and the rest have dragged the sixth stage threshold.

The exploration time is very short, but the benefits are high. The most important thing is that Bai Wu is convinced that if he is in a crisis, he is not the only one who is willing to believe in himself.

Wang Shishang Xiaoyi Yin Shuang Lin Wurou and others are willing to trust themselves. Among them, Yin Shuang and Lin Wurou seem to trust themselves especially.

This is really a very strange thing, but it is also a thing that makes Bai Wu happy.

In addition to the associated power, Bai Wu also gave some talent sequences, but whether these talent sequences were permanent or time-limited, it was only clear when they returned to the tower.

Hundreds of staff members of the casino died one by one. They could not escape or struggle. Not long ago, they said that they would dedicate their lives to the casino, which suddenly came true.

There are fewer and fewer humans alive. Bai Wu didn't think much about it. After dealing with his teammates, he went straight to the second floor of the casino.

[That nasty little fairy will leave your body soon, so she is unreliable, leased for a limited time, how can I get the fragrance forever? But before that, I will give you one last reminder-you have a missed call. 】

At this moment, the second floor of the casino—the phone rang.

Although the faint phone call was drowned in the fearful wailing of the crowd.

But the contact person on the other end of the phone seemed very patient.



Heijin Island, a secret room under the sea.

The mysterious man in the shadow said:

"It seems that I won this gambling game with no winnings. Come to your place today, and the biggest gain is that I met an interesting child."

"This... As expected of you, my vision is short-sighted. I didn't expect this variable. I didn't expect the degeneration of this human being to reach this realm. This is a very rare thing. I am right. This little guy is very curious. If there is more than one existence like him in the tower, the prediction may not be groundless. Maybe we underestimated the changes in the tower."

The businessman's face became unexpectedly solemn.

At this time, the picture on the screen was Bai Wu's silent and silent posture, completely dissolving the attack of God of Wealth.

When seeing this scene, the three people in this room all felt incredible.

The transformation of human beings into evil depravity will indeed increase the strength, but this strange human being has an exaggerated promotion.

There is no doubt that the evil form of the white mist has already touched the edge of "black".

"The way he became evil should be with the help of foreign objects." The "blacksmith" who had not spoken suddenly said.

"Then why didn't you do this in the first place?" The businessman was puzzled.

"Because the performance of some items is unstable."

Merchants have been studying terms, power, and trying to materialize this kind of gifts outside the tower.

The blacksmith is always looking for the mystery of the spirit items. They have achieved more or less, but they are all very far from the truth.

The man in the shadow listened to the blacksmith's words, his eyes fell on Bai Wu's hand.

"The casino can be recycled." The man stood up.

Although casinos are the business of merchants, after hearing these words, the merchant agreed without hesitation:

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, what a pity such a good place. But even I am not sure that I can kill him. After all, the aptitude of the God of Wealth is too low. If you encounter this human being in the future, Master Five, please help. I will get rid of him."

The man in the shadow is Jing Wu.

Jing Wu did not agree to the merchant's request directly. He just looked at the figure on the screen, piercing the God of Wealth on the ground in a dunk gesture, and hesitated for a few seconds before saying:

"This human being has a very special physique. I am not sure if it is caused by the spiritual objects on his body, or if he really has the ability to use two powers."

"Also, his expression is calm from beginning to end, which may be a good thing."

"Good thing?"

Jing Wu didn't explain why.

Not long after, merchants began to reclaim the casino's resources. It stretched out a tentacle, and the tentacle continued to stretch and spread into a dark room.

After a while, there was a sound of some kind of box opening in the room.

At the same time, the power of the God of Wealth began to shed, not a loss, to be precise, it returned to a certain box in another form.

Not only the God of Wealth, but also the human beings serving in the casino have also fallen to the ground because the last trace of their lifespan has been recovered.

After a while, Bai Wu returned his strength to his teammates and began to rush to the second floor.

Jing Wu, who was about to leave Heijin Island, suddenly dialed the phone connected to the casino.

The principle of the telephone is naturally different from the normal telephone. Heijin Island stores many strange and strange spiritual items.

Another minute passed—the call was connected.

"Hello, funny little guy." Jing Wu said first.

"Who are you?" Bai Wu heard that this was not a businessman.

Jing Wu didn't answer Bai Wu's question, but said:

"There is no way to find the location of Heijin Island if there is no one to guide you. It doesn't make sense to tell you who I am. Those human beings die one after another, should you feel a little regretful in your heart? After all, they are just children."

"I'm not interested in Black Gold Island, but please let these people go."

"What if I don't?"

Jing Wu smiled and continued:

"To be honest, I was surprised. One day I would talk to a human like this. Oh, forget, you are no longer a human, but you have to be confident about the various side effects of becoming must Is there a way to solve it? Or can you get rid of this state? This is not uncommon. After all, people I know have such props."

"What are you trying to say?"

"It's just chatting, watching the humans around you die one by one, isn't it fun to chat in such an environment? By the way, you can rest assured that as gamblers, you are safer than the casino staff. After all, the casino is built. At the beginning, someone made an oath and rules."

"As for the origin of oaths and casinos, if you are interested, I can tell you what happened."

Bai Wu didn't speak, he calculated the time silently, and at the same time guessed who this is not a businessman.

Jing Wu said:

"I take it as your acquiescence. It is rare to meet interesting humans. I am very eager to talk. You may know that the tower on which you depend for survival was not once accessible to everyone."

"The number of humans is really too much. Although most of them have become evil, the remaining part is enough to make the tower become congested, but everyone wants to go to the tower. Guess how humans solved it at the time. The problem?"

This passage seemed to have nothing to do with the oath, but Bai Wu faintly guessed that what this guy was going to say was... Project Ark.

"They started the Ark Project and built a ship that is said to be able to reach the refuge, and what you don't know is that there are two such ships."