Doomsday Jigsaw Game

v2 Chapter 172: 10 of spades of honesty and kindness

Without asking from the six mouths of Jing whether there is any help in the pot, Bai Wu had to change the topic to the ten of spades.

He was very impressed with this kid.

Although there must be children with better quality than the ten of spades in other farms, Bai Wu felt that the ten of spades he encountered had great potential.

Jing Liu didn't answer this question, she just shook her head and said:

"He is a very interesting kid, but not as good as you. Although you don't live on a farm, you are more suitable for the world outside the tower than them. If you are on a farm, you should be a K-level."

"You still haven't answered my question."

"I can only tell you that you have seen the ten of spades."


Bai Wu is a little depressed:

"You know what I was thinking before, why are those fortune tellers blind?"

"You can't beat me."

Jing Liu, the chat terminator.

Bai Wu suddenly felt that chatting like this was so boring. He wanted to say that most of the fortune-tellers are blind, because these fortune-tellers love riddles, talk halfway through, and love to play mystery, and then they get blinded.

Jing Liu's figure became erratic again, this time not returning to normal as quickly as before.

"I should be going."

"still have a question."

"No, the world you are in is a world we admire."

Jing Liu disappeared.

For the last question, Jing Liu gave the answer simply, but this answer also made Bai Wu more confused.

He originally wanted to ask whether the world he passed through was the world seven hundred years ago.

But what I didn't expect was that Jing Liu's answer was negative.

Although he himself felt that the two worlds were not related.

The reason he actually asked this question... is very special.

Long after Jing Liu disappeared, Bai Wu was standing alone in her own world of consciousness.

The last question was irrelevant. It had nothing to do with saving the world, but it left him empty.

After coming to this world, Bai Wu always felt that some of the torture he had suffered from his father in the past unexpectedly made him feel it was like some kind of targeted training.

He also thought about why Dad is a good person in front of everyone, but only in the image of a demon in front of himself?

Will all the experiences of the past be paving the way for today?

But now, Jing Liu's answer denied this idea. Bai Wu smiled:

"After all, he is simply torturing me."



Bai Wu fell into a coma.

This scene frightened Yin Shuang. At the moment when Bai Wu fell into a coma, the door of the telephone booth finally opened.

She didn't know what Bai Wu had experienced. As a healer, she found that Bai Wu was not injured, and her pulse and heartbeat were normal.

"It seems to be in some sort of coma."

The telephone booth in the distance rang again, but Yin Shuang thought for a while, he was not Bai Wu, and there was a huge gap between Bai Wu and Bai Wu in ability.

She started the return roulette.

This exploration was originally to avoid the captain election meeting in the afternoon, but Yin Shuang suddenly thought of a new solution.

After a minute, the two disappeared.

After disappearing, the phone booth continued to make noises.

As Jing Liu said, the series of causes and effects here are not actually controlled by her.

There are only three places she can really choose.

But for Baiwu, these three places are too early.



Unknown farm, unknown time.

Ten of spades found a copy of "Crime and Punishment" in the library. After reading "The Silent Lamb", he began to read this book.

He became more gentle.

This made my mother very happy. The former ten of spades used to sit alone and read under the tree, and was incompatible with the surrounding children.

In this case, on farm No. 1, without the J, Q, and K, the ten of spades is the smartest kid on the whole farm.

But she was always worried about what was planned in the heart of the ten of spades.

A memory cleaning not long ago seemed to change the character of the ten of spades, which made my mother very happy.

A few days ago, in the dining room on the farm, Dad did something "a seven of hearts that shouldn’t exist" and was wiped out by Dad's strength. This matter was quickly wiped out of everyone’s memory under Dad’s ability. go with.

Everything has returned to normal. On the nine farms, there will soon be children turning fifteen years old, and the harvest season is about to come.

"Dad" was very satisfied. Although there was a little disturbance, he knew that this should be the last time.

The younger sister's plan failed again, and she had a long, long time, and there was no way to change cause and effect. Although unable to see the future, "Dad" is convinced that everything is changing according to development.

The child sent by the little girl, the Seven of Hearts that he instantly obliterated, did not inquire about any information.

He did think so. Jing Liu's action was fruitless, but it would aggravate her demise. But he overlooked one thing-the power of words.

A week later, the ten of spades and the three ace of diamonds became good friends with the four ace of clubs. He told a story to the two children and the beautiful scene outside the wall.

Two innocent children believe it.

They have been taught since childhood to listen to their mothers, to love each other, and to consider others. The education of truth, kindness and beauty has no shortage of materials, and has no neighbors with different qualities and the influence of unstable surroundings. It perfectly penetrates these children. In the soul.

It is not an exaggeration to say that all of them are little angels, but all of them...have the zeal to regard Dad as a god.

Very few children do not.

They have wisdom different from others, and they can discover what's wrong around them through observation.

Ten of spades thought about it more than once, what on earth is outside the wall? Why did those older brothers and sisters never come back after they left?

Are they really contributing to the world inside the wall? The world outside the wall is really the same as Mom and Dad said... Is it the world of adults?

What is an adult?

These problems plagued the ten of spades before.

But recently, ten of spades always dreams, he always feels as if he has forgotten something.

The things that have been forgotten cannot be recalled, unless some kind of reminder can be obtained elsewhere.

The hint of the ten of spades came from a dream.

In his deep sleep, he dreamed of a watch, the hands of the watch wandering. He found it strange the other day, he couldn't remember where he saw the watch.

He wanted to ask others, but was stopped by the uneasiness in his subconscious.

It seems that asking about this matter will have bad results.

He still reads books every day, read "Crime and Punishment" under a tree during the day, and occasionally plays games with square three a and club four c.

Who is lying about the name of the game, everyone says a sentence, let the other party judge whether the sentence is true or false, if the other party guesses it, the other party wins, otherwise the speaker wins.

Ten of spades does not seem to have any talent, three aces of diamonds and four cs of clubs can always win easily.

In the eyes of the other two children, although the ten of spades is often very smart, they really don't lie. When telling lies, the traces are too obvious, and they can always be easily dismantled.

Most of the time, the ten of spades is sincere and smiling. It seems that as long as he is not playing this game, he will not lie.

Many days later, in the dream of the ten of spades, it was still the watch. Someone was about to leave the wall. He wanted to follow it, but mom and dad didn't allow it.

He always felt something was buried in his heart, that thing was sprouting and breaking out of the ground.

Two weeks later, the dream has changed.

Maybe it was the reason why he thought about it day and night, maybe it was because he had a lot of suspicion in his heart, and he had a strong desire to explore the world outside the wall-the watch in the dream spoke.

"Do you know what's outside the wall? I suggest you take a look, if you have a chance. Your qualification is ten, you are smarter than most people here, but you must hide your smarts and don't let it People know your true level prematurely. Before you graduate and go outside the wall, you must go and see for yourself what's outside the wall!"

This passage circulates in my mind like a demon.

Ten of spades' desire to explore outside the wall is stronger.

He knows that there are nine farms, with the # character and a nine-square grid. Fortunately, he is on the No. 1 farm. If it is on the No. 5 farm, he has to take a special passage.

But Farm No. 1 only needs to climb outside the wall.

In the following days, the thoughts buried in the mind of Ten of Spades began to take root and sprout, began to break through the soil, and began to grow stronger.

He is getting better and better with square three a and club four c. Both of them are fourteen years old.

It was only a few months before leaving the farm and heading outside the wall.

The ten of spades wanted to know what was out there, and in the silent lamb, he saw how deceptive people were.

In the lying game, he realized that he seemed to be able to influence the thinking of others. As long as he changed a little statement at the right time, in the right place, and conformed to the thinking mode of the other person, he could make the other person believe something wrongly. thing.

At first, this was just a technique for the ten of spades. But then... this skill evolved into a talent. According to the latter, it is called a sequence.

The lie of the ten of spades became more and more difficult to discern. In everyone's eyes, it seems that he is a person who can't tell lies.

He found that, like in the silent lamb, the biggest lie often needs to be laid out with the truth in advance.

In order to let the square three a and the plum blossom four c go outside the wall in advance, he started to be friends with them a long time ago.

And established the image that he will not lie.

The three-a of diamonds and the four-c of clubs don't even know who is lying every time they play the game, in fact, the ten of spades is deliberately let them see.

All this is just for the lies behind, which can be more effective.

After more than a month of preparations, the incitement of the ten of spades began.

The three-a of diamonds and the four-c of clubs were bewitched by the ten of spades, thinking that as long as they climbed over the wall, they could see the older brothers and sisters who had left, and they could also see them working with their father.

"Climbing this wall, we will be able to become adults. In fact, I found out a secret that my mother accidentally told me. In fact, my dad encouraged to cross the wall, and he would be praised by his dad if he stepped over the wall in advance. Now, what brothers and sisters did only at the age of fifteen, you did not reach fifteen, and you did it with your own efforts! Dad must be surprised when he saw you!"

There are many loopholes in the logic of lies, but because the person who said this is called the ten of spades. He is someone who never lied, so the lie worked.

The three-a of diamonds and the four-c of clubs really started over the wall three months in advance with the props provided by the ten of spades.


Originally the ten of spades thought that this action would see something wrong in the eyes of mom and dad.

I originally thought that the cube three a and the plum blossom four c would eventually be sent back, and the farm might react in some way.

But what disappointed the ten of spades was... there was nothing.

The three-a of diamonds and the four-c of clubs disappeared from the memory of the ten of spades.

To be precise, it disappeared from everyone's memory.

It's just that there are two more things in the dream of the ten of spades.

It is two playing cards.

In addition to the talking watch, there are now two talking playing cards.

The new cycle begins again.

The ten of spades continues to bewitched, children continue to jump over the wall ahead of time, children continue to... disappear from everyone's memory forever.

There are more and more playing cards in the Ten of Spades Dream.

Not only playing cards, but also the power in the body.

Ten of Spades discovered that he had some strange abilities in his body, and these abilities did not belong to any sequence.

He doesn't know who these abilities come from, he only knows...These abilities can help him climb the wall better.

Even one day, the ten of spades felt that his power had surpassed his mother.

He began to fear Dad.

The stronger the ability, the corresponding, the more you can feel the horror of Dad.

This is impossible to perceive when there is no ability before ten of spades. So every time Dad wants to come, he will try to hide as far as possible.

The world outside the's not an adult's world at He became more convinced of this.

As the children on Farm No. 1 kept escaping, it seemed that it was the mother's negligence, so the mother was also replaced.

The so-called replacement is the same as the square three a and the plum blossom four c, which are permanently erased from memory.

So in the dream of ten of spades, there was an extra black and white ghost card.

As children continue to leave, Dad patrols Farm No. 1 more and more frequently.

He knew he would be discovered soon.

So one night... the ten of spades began their escape plan.

He didn't know what was outside the wall.

He couldn't recall what the playing cards in those dreams represented, he was just instinctively scared.

But this fear does not come from outside the wall, but from inside the wall, this beautiful refuge like heaven.

Under the cover of the night, with the blessing of many strange abilities, the ten of spades-overcame the huge wall.



High tower, ground floor, hospital.

Bai Wu was lying on the hospital bed. Originally, the fifty-nine group planned to select the captain of the seventh team in the afternoon.

But as soon as Bai Wu and Yin Shuang came out of the tower, and Bai Wu returned to the tower in a coma, Wu Jiu cancelled the meeting on the spot and rushed to the hospital.

At this moment, everyone is worried about Baiwu, but Baiwu... is deep in consciousness, thinking about various issues.

He came to a conclusion that surprised him-perhaps Cain was the ten of spades.