Doomsday Jigsaw Game

v3 Chapter 136: change of weather

Outside the tower, the flight.


   Seven hundred years of silent journey has made the evil depraved people have forgotten the end and starting point of this journey.


   They sit quietly in their respective cabins. Unlike the outsiders, once it explodes here, where they were originally, they will still be where they are after being resurrected.


   For seven hundred years, if there is no reincarnation, these evil depravities will become extremely powerful, but under the effect of reincarnation, all the growth they should have will be absorbed by reincarnation.


   The mummy quietly guards the coffin. This has been the case for seven hundred years. As the owner of Samsara, its distortion level is only seventh. It is placed outside the flight, and in any purple area or red area, it is far from the guardian level.


   But on this flight, it is a well-deserved king.


   Every three minutes, the announcement that the flight encounters air currents will still sound, and it has become the loudest sound in 700 years.


   The caesarean girl suddenly opened her eyes, with a trace of worry and confusion in her eyebrows.


The kobold beside    looked at her wickedly and affectionately, as always for seven hundred years.


   She seemed to have the desire to speak suddenly:


   "I won't like you. In this world with a life span of only six minutes, love can't bring any sweetness, why bother you?"


   Kobold is the "dog licker" who has always been affectionate towards caesarean women in the trio of the flight "Time Quiet".


   He used to have a decent job. Compared with many men, he is considered a great man, although no matter income, ability, mind, status, appearance, they are not as good as Yanchao.


   At that time, there was no Sequence 25 in Yanchao-fusion, but Yanchao's natural scumbag temperament always made many women fascinated by moths.


   also includes a caesarean woman, her real name is Jian Qiu.


   Kobold Evil Depravity’s original name was Tian Jing, and it whispered in its throat, completely not caring that Jian Qiu rejected herself. She rejected me. It was a matter of course.


   But she suddenly had the desire to talk, isn't she unhappy? What can I do to make her happy? This is what Tian Jing cares about.


After    became evil, certain parts of Tian Jing became purer.


   If there have been happy things in the past 700 years, it was when two humans, one tall and one short, appeared more than half a year ago.


   At that time, Jian Qiu gave himself an order in order to get the tall one to leave the flight.


   How lucky to be able to go through fire and water for the goddess again!


   Jian Qiu can understand Tian Jing's words, but she feels that this man is a little sick. She clearly expressed that she doesn't like it, but she becomes more excited and diligent.


   Actually, I don’t know when, when one person likes another person but can’t love it, and then lowers his posture to like the other person’s behavior more. This is called dog licking behavior.


   Jian Qiu also feels that this description is wrong, but she just can't love someone who treats herself unconditionally. She clearly hopes that someone will enter the flight and save herself.


   It's like someone rushing into the flight, for the little girl who feasted on the family. And the monster beside her who has been with her for seven hundred years, who is neither human nor dog, definitely has this kind of consciousness.


   But people are always uninterested in things that are too easy to get.


   Only at this moment, she has the desire to talk because she feels a little pain.


   At the position of the heart, in that empty place, there was a slight but real pain.


   It was clear that she didn't have that heart, and she had given that heart to Bai Wu, but she still felt an unspeakable pain.


   Tian Jing wanted to hold Jian Qiu's hand, but he dared not do so. It feels too blasphemous.


   In fact, Jian Qiu thought that if he had not become a depravity, if Tian Jing had not become a depravity, and if Tian Jing was not too humble, there might be a chance.


   She suddenly thought of her offspring, the same too humble little girl. At this moment, Jian Qiu suddenly reacted, and his empty heart was hurting. Is it because this little girl was uncomfortable?


   She wanted to say something very much, so regardless of the explosion, she started to tell some things about the past three minutes before the explosion:


   "I have forgotten how many generations the Yan family's bloodline has been passed down. Some of them are simple, not like my monster bloodline, and some are very evil, as if they inherited the Yanchao's character."


   Among so many women who like Professor Yan, Jian Qiu is the best. In the words of Yanchao: I like you, you have perfect genes.


   Jian Qiu, who is in love with the brain, thought it was a compliment to himself. In fact, Yan Chao just wanted a fertility tool, and all he said was the truth of his heart——


   Of course, he must have the perfect gene. After all, Echoman gave birth to two children. Even the experimental subjects, the good-looking subjects, are better than the ugly ones.


   For Yanchao, after Jian Qiu became pregnant, the two children in his belly were the experimental subjects, even if he was the father of the child.


   In the end, Jian Qiu went through a brutal experiment, and after having two children, he became an evil depravity.


   "I used to hate them too, but that heart can make me feel them... Watching them grow a little bit, watching them completely resemble human beings, I can't hate them again."


   Jian Qiu's voice was very small, but she knew that Tian Jing next to her would listen carefully.


   "We are trapped in samsara, but samsara cannot cut off our connection with the outside world and our memories. I can establish a certain connection with the children, and Yanchao soon learned."


   "He doesn't care, he even seems to be doing some kind of experiment deliberately, or provoking me, as long as there is emotional disability, or other bloodlines that are suspected of depravity, he will let everyone isolate him..."


   "Sometimes it's a boy, sometimes it's a girl, and whenever I want to tell those kids through my heart, once Yanchao knows it, he will try his best to torture them..."


   "It will even wash away their memories."


"He is warning me, telling me not to influence these children. I can only look at their siblings or siblings... the one with complete emotions. Days are getting better and better, but the heart is getting worse and worse... but emotionally disabled. That, being overwhelmed by loneliness and disgusted by the family."


   Tian Jing never knew these things. It lowered its head and looked quite lost.


Jian Qiu doesn't care, she just needs to tell some things in her heart. Perhaps today, the little girl in the tower is experiencing very painful things, so that she also faintly feels the pain, in the place where she no longer has her heart. .


The children of   yan family always have only one boy and one girl.


   Sometimes the emotionally disabled are boys, sometimes the emotionally disabled are girls, and Yanchao will deliberately treat them differently, just like torturing Jian Qiu.


   The emotionally complete one is always favored by the family, and always has access to the real business of the family.


   The emotionally incomplete one... is like an outsider with a blood relationship.


   Jian Qiu tried to comfort them, whether they were emotionally complete or emotionally incomplete, but once Yan Chao knew about these things, he would severely punish these children.


   even sent it outside the tower for direct memory cleaning.


   Over time, Jian Qiu felt sorry for these children and no longer dared to show up easily. She can only silently watch the lives of her own blood outside the cycle in the distant reincarnation.


   It is worth mentioning that Jian Qiu can only establish this kind of relationship with the youngest blood of the Yan family.


   Once a new offspring of the banquet family is born, the relationship with the descendants of the previous generation banquet will disappear.


   Yanchao can no longer have children. It seems that the curse has also affected him. Naturally, Yanchao has no way to find this woman, but he has many ways to avenge Jian Qiu.


   The torture of blood is a way of revenge.


   But Jian Qiu couldn't resist, she had endless resentment towards Yanchao, but those bloodlines that belonged to her made her very distressed.


   She knows that Yanchao can do everything, so that she can only silently be a bystander.


   For seven hundred years, watching these siblings or siblings, they gradually became strangers. Jian Qiu thought that this would be the torture and pain he would face forever in the rest of his long and even endless life.


   Until more than ten years ago, two changes occurred.


The first change is that the Yanchao seems to be planning something with others. For hundreds of years, although the Yanchao has been warning Jian Qiu to prevent Jian Qiu from influencing the children of the Yan family, he at least gave Jian Qiu an "observer". that power.


   Until a few years ago, the child of the Yan family, Yan Zhi Sui... cut off this connection.


   Even if Jian Qiu never affected Yan Zhisui, but Yan Zhisui did not know why... he suddenly cut this connection.


   So that year, there was only one person in Jian Qiu's world.


   This person is the cause of the second change-a girl with the most severe emotional disability.


   This girl is more serious than all the emotionally disabled people in the Yanjia dynasty, because she can't feel the joyful emotions at all, and the perception of negative emotions becomes very sensitive and easy.


People like   , in the eyes of Yanchao, are the product of genetic failure, a waste product that can't even get out of the tower.


   Therefore, under the "glorious tradition" of the banquet family, generations of generations have been so separated from the inherited banquet family masters, and quickly learned how to treat their daughters.


   The little girl was completely isolated, and because of her emotional disability was too serious, she never felt joy, she became a monster and an alien in the eyes of people.


   This little girl is Yanjiu.


   Even in Jian Qiu's view, a child who cannot feel joy, and grows up in such a distorted environment, may truly become a monster in the future.


   Maybe the lunatic asylum is her final destination.


   Yanjiu did indeed go to the lunatic asylum later, but the witness little girl grew up slowly, from a child to a girl...Jian Qiu found out that she was wrong.


"I always thought that she would become a mentally distorted monster. Many monsters in the world are like this. They are different from the people around them. Even if they want to erase these differences in their heart and try to integrate into the world, they are still affected by this. The world was abandoned and eventually turned into a monster."


   The explosion was near, but in 700 years, Jian Qiu and the countless evils in the flight had already adapted to death.


   She still talked about her inner treasure in a distressed tone:


   "But she is different... This child who has no joy does not hate this world that hates her. This world has never shown tenderness to her, but she always treats this world tenderly."


"There are so many lunatics with strange characteristics in the lunatic asylum, the servants who have been in contact with the manor, who do not like their brother and father, and even the robbers who have taken her away-she has never given birth to hatred ."


   "I even thought she was missing even the emotion of hating someone, but one day I asked her, those people don't like you, why should they try to be nice to them?


   Her eyes were very hollow, she said to me with trepidation, because she didn’t want to be more annoying...


   At that time, I realized that this girl is not without feelings of hatred, but she always feels...maybe she behaves better... the world will respond to her gentleness. "

   is like a white flower blooming in a place full of silt and decay.


In the seven hundred years of Yan's family, Jian Qiu has only seen such things twice.


   It's just that she also knows that the blood of these two banquets may be destined to end in tragedy.


   The explosion occurred, and everything in the flight entered the cycle again.


   After the consciousness was over from the burning pain, Jian Qiu didn't seem to feel anything, and continued to tell what she wanted to say.


   Tian Jing is still silently accompanied.


   "The remaining half of the heart is the only thing I have. It is my treasure. You must be curious, why I gave that heart to that outsider..."


"Actually, I can’t say that that person’s acting skills are good. At that time, I was thinking that there could be such a person who would be willing to appear in Xiao Jiu’s life. When she disappeared, he would find her back despite all dangers. Come, this is something worth moving."


"But I know... that person is full of lies... because Xiao Jiu's life is not such a person, if there is such a person, she is such a pitiful girl who lacks love, she will definitely be tempted to mention this person to me. "


   "But she can't even make up a person to love her."


   "I gave that heart to that person, and I don't know what his feelings for Xiao Jiu... I just hope that maybe there will be someone who can truly like her."


   Tian Jing was silent, only his goddess Jian Qiu in his heart, but the little girl in Jian Qiu's mouth made it a little distressed.


   Jian Qiu clutched her empty heart, enduring the pain, and a mist of tears was born in her eyes:


   "But it seems that I was wrong now, she is not happy... She must be unhappy, so it hurts me so much here..."


   I have always been afraid that Yanchao will cut off his connection with Yanjiu...Jian Qiu has never dared to talk too much with Yanjiu.


   But deep down, she loves this little girl.


   After giving the half of her heart to Baiwu, she never saw Yanjiu again.


   Jian Qiu once thought that in the prison of reincarnation, watching the children and grandchildren grow up, twist, and die... is torturing himself.


   But now she realized that she couldn't see all of this, and that was the real torture.






   High tower, third floor.


   From everyone's point of view, the third floor is the most prosperous floor of the entire tower. It is like a city in a tower.


   is not as civilized and backward as the bottom two floors, nor as inaccessible as the fourth and fifth floors.


   There are countless joys and countless sad stories in this city every day. It's just that there are some places that no one cares about, and some places are too lively.


   is like a lonely asylum, but in Ming Yuzhuang, there are lights and festoons.


   Except for wives gatherings, Ming Che rarely invites guests here on a large scale, especially those investigating the legion.


   Although I admire Gu Qingyu very much, he is already the deputy commander, and Mingche can't dig this corner.


   Today’s investigative corps has most of the elites in the corps, and the same is true of the Zhenyu Corps.


   After the last military exercise between the two armed forces, the relationship between the Investigation Corps and the Zhenyu Corps actually eased. But it was only slightly eased.


   So looking at the "Hi" characters posted everywhere in the manor, they were very curious as to who got such a big face when they got married.


  Especially, since this person has such a great face, he can have the head of the group give orders to each team leader to come to Mingyu Village. Why is there no news about the marriage before?


   The towers gathered together, and the scale was even higher than that of the military exercises between the two armies. Mingyu Village was full of masters.


   Some people have noticed that these masters have many new faces.


   There is no curiosity on their faces, nor the joy of attending the wedding, these people just appear calm.


   Lin Wurou, Yin Shuang, Shang Xiaoyi Wangshi and others were all hanging around in the manor.


"Grass, I knew that the third leader of the Zhenyu Army was rich and liked to play with other people's wives, but I really didn't expect him to be so rich and like to play with other people's wives so much. Isn't this place specially for changing wives? What do you think of a wedding in a place?"


  Lin Wurou is actually expressing that this manor is really big and the owner of the manor really knows how to play. Of course, he himself is not interested in these things about the manor. After all, in Lin Wurou's eyes, those men and women are a group of "ordinary goods".


   Yin Shuang said:


   "You don't know who got married?"


   "I don't know... I feel like a big man, look!" Shang Xiaoyi pointed to the corner of the hall.


   Yin Shuang Lin Wurou looked over and frowned immediately:


   "Why are they here too?"


   Liu Hu, Xie Yingjie, Wang Su, Pang Li, Zheng Yue. Five of the six members of the monitoring team came.


  These people are the strongest existence in the tower. Lin Wurou, Yin Shuang and others, who came out of the tower these days, are under their supervision and deeply felt the gap with these fifth-tier masters.


   But because of this, surviving the death fights has allowed Lin Wurou and others to make rapid progress, but there is still a gap compared with these monsters in the monitoring team.


   "Why didn't you see their captain? That one looks better than you." Wang Shi asked Lin Wurou curiously.


   Lin Wurou gave Wang Shi a white glance:


   "Huh, don't care about your blind ugly person."


   Yin Shuang always feels something is wrong. She glanced at it and found that most people didn't know who was attending the wedding.


   If you listen carefully, people's discussions are all about the bride and groom.


   Probably the only person who knows is Ming Che, but Ming Che is nowhere to be seen.


   Yin Shuang glanced at the positions of the captains, and found that the captains of each team were there, but did not see the two captains of the seventh team.


   Bai Wu and Wu Jiu are not there.


   Yin Shuang also found that there seemed to be something wrong with the wedding process. The guests in the room had already begun to take their seats, but the bride and groom were never seen.


   The wedding process of the towers does not have so many retro processes, especially if it is the wedding of the leader of the legion, it is probably just a matter of exchanging rings under the blessing of everyone.


   So Yin Shuang suddenly thought, could this be the head of the wedding?


   As soon as the idea appeared, she felt that this might be the case. Although the two legions were not very harmonious, there have been rumors that the relationship between the head of the investigation legion and the head of the Zhenyu legion was unusual, and both came from the fifth layer.


  If the head of the investigation legion gets married... then it is reasonable for the Zhenyujun to use the best Mingyuzhuang to entertain him.


   It's just such a big matter of Qin Tuan's marriage, why haven't anyone heard it before?


   Especially Qin Tuan is notoriously unfamiliar with women.


  Who is the bride? What kind of woman must it be to get Qin Tuan married quickly? Or is it...this is not the leader's will?


   Yin Shuang couldn't guess why, she continued to look around, and then felt a little strange again.


  Because she saw Liu Chengzi in the guest.


   Most of the people who came were the elite of the investigation team. Liu Chengzi should not be invited, because even Ruan Qingyun and the interrogation team were not invited. In theory, Liu Chengzi should not have been invited.


   Yin Shuang decided to go over and ask.


   She slowly walked through the crowd and came to Liu Chengzi's side, and then patted Liu Chengzi on the shoulder.


   Liu Chengzi saw that it was Yin Shuang, and he was suddenly happy, and finally saw an acquaintance.


   "Why are you here? The captain notified you? Do you know whose wedding this is?"


   "It was the deputy team who asked me to attend this wedding. I don't know... I heard it was the third level, and I agreed to come when I thought it was fun."


team leader?


   Yin Shuang used the identities of the people around him to determine that the people attending the wedding were elites of the two armies. Liu Chengzi's reputation was good among the men of the investigating corps, and he was a person close to the male investigators.


   But the strength is... it's hard to say.


   Since the captain specifically asked Liu Chengzi to participate, Liu Chengzi must be a friend of the bridegroom or bride if he wants to come.


   Yin Shuang didn't look down on Liu Chengzi, on the contrary, she admired her, at least she couldn't chat with those who were unfamiliar.


   Of course, she didn't know that Liu Chengzi used her as an example to tell a little girl about tea culture.


   "Let's go, we are over there, sit with us."


   "Okay, okay, sister Shuang, you are really an angel. It's too time to come." Liu Chengzi took Yin Shuang's hand very familiarly.


   From a distance, the two are like good sisters.


   Yin Shuang still remembers what happened in the food domain, the conversation between Lizi and Shen Shuyue among the three sisters.


   Perhaps because of sympathy for Liu Chengzi's experience, a smile was squeezed from her iceberg-like face.


  The investigators of the Legion therefore sat at a table,


   The seventh team came the most, and most of the other teams only had two or three elite captains.


   However, all the members of the vanguard group of the seventh team are here except for Baiwu and Fifty Nine.


   Although most people don’t know what the wedding is all about, but like Yin I guessed it was more than one person who got married at the top of the tower.


   Managers get married, and few come to the third level to make a big fanfare, especially those in the ruler class.


  Many people in high positions have weddings held on the fourth or fifth floor. Few people will do it on the third floor.


   Although everyone is curious, the atmosphere of Mingyu Village is still full of laughter.


   They don't care who the bride and groom are, as if this is just an ordinary wedding.


Several people including the monitoring team have the same idea, but the so-called bridegroom in a high position, in their view, is just an unwelcome offspring of the Qin family. Most of them have lived for hundreds of years. They are different from others. The mentality of attending a wedding is more like planning to see a joke of a younger generation.


   Only Xie Xingzhi reacted slightly differently.


   He has been pretending to be involved in the topic of several other tower family guardians.


  For example, people who complained to the Qin family with Liuhu Pangli and others, why did a wedding have to be done with great fanfare. It seems that he is quite disdainful of the Qin family, and occasionally talks about where Yanzizi went. Or talk about what happened in the black area last time.


   But his eyes are staring at the ceiling from time to time-the ceiling above nine hundred meters.


   Zheng Yue, who was also yawning, saw this scene, he felt a little strange, Lao Xie's eyes looked as if the ceiling would collapse.