Doomsday Jigsaw Game

v3 Chapter 140: :No. 0 and serial 15

"I am going to report to a company under the consortium. I have a bright future. I suddenly received a call and listened to your nonsense... what two worlds, what rebels, what outsiders..."


   "Is this appropriate? You are as outrageous as Morpheus in The Matrix told me that one is reality and the other is a dream."


   combines my own experience, weird skill, intermittent memory, and two phantoms that others can't see.


   Bai Wu probably thinks... the outrageous content on the phone actually has a certain degree of credibility.


   But I still choose to question it symbolically.


   This person who resembles Akasi said:


   "I could have threatened you, for example...I know you killed the Order Group."


   "The deal, I will go with you."


   If anything goes too smoothly, he will feel that there is fraud in it.


   The opponent has a back hand, but Bai Wu feels that everything is reasonable.


   The next time, "Akasi" was walking through the streets of Jingshi with white mist.


   After five o'clock in the morning, it was still very gloomy when it was close to six o'clock.


   On the huge billboard, there are advertisements from the seven consortiums.


   "Enjoy healthy food, let food make you stronger!"


   A fat man with a fat brain, thumbs up, seems to be the spokesperson of some kind of canned food.


   When he saw this fat man, Bai Wu's name popped out of his mind, and the disgust that followed—Zhong Xu.


   The person he called Zhong Xu is just a food broadcast under the Glutton Company.


   is the selling point of real eating, daring to eat, not wasting, and not inducing vomiting. Many people like to watch him eat some curious food.


   Such as canned herring, such as bread drenched in vinegar and soy sauce, or burnt rice cooker.


   These are the memories of Bai Wu, or the memories of Bai Wu belonging to this world.


   But when thinking of the burnt rice cooker in the rice cooker, Bai Wu suddenly stopped.


   There is a feeling of suddenly losing an important baby.


   But this feeling was quickly overwhelmed by many advertising spokespersons of its consortium.


   In the process of heading to the rebel base, Bai Wu saw many acquaintances along the way.


   A banquet for a cosmetic surgeon under the Pride Consortium.


   Qin Ye, a football coach under the Greed Foundation.


   and a fitness instructor at a fitness center under the Fury Consortium.


   There are many tall buildings, neon lights are shining with various colors, and many familiar faces flashed in the huge billboard.


Bai Wu also saw Cain in an advertisement for a psychology information center under the Sex and Desire Foundation.


   During the whole process, Bai Wu asked doubts:


   "Is it the opposite of what I see now?"


   Akasi shook his head:


   "On the contrary? It would be great if it was just such a simple correspondence."


   "It means...the correspondence is complicated?" Bai Wu asked.


   Akasi nodded:


   "It is very complicated. This world corresponds to the real world you are in, but it does not mean the opposite."


   "For example, the temperature here is comfortable, the outside may be an extreme temperature zone, but it may not be."


   "For example, if we place a spy in the order group, it may cause a special doomsday puzzle piece to suddenly appear in the real area, but it may also cause an ordinary person to mutate."


   "What kind of parameters each person corresponds to in the real world, this needs to be confirmed."


   Hearing "Arks" mentioned the parameters, Ten of Spades glanced at Jing Liu triumphantly.


   Jing Liu snorted coldly:


   "Huh, even if the well is indeed related to the world, just like the inner world, there is still a big difference in it."


   "Yeah, yeah, but at least... I didn't lie to people, did I? You see, dear Sister Six, I'm also honest occasionally."


   Ten of Spades made a face at Jing Liu.


   Well six abruptly cold.


   If the old king, Bai Yuan, ten of spades, three people let Jing Liu choose a disgusting person, she would think that the three kings of the golden generation are all disgusting.


   But definitely the ten most disgusting of spades.


  Because Bai Yuan is at least good-looking, old K is at least very cheating.


   Bai Wu ignored his two "plug-in" bickers, he probably understood.


   "It seems that intelligence work is extremely important."


   "Yes, intelligence work is very important."


   If the insurgents randomly ransack and destroy Jingshi, they may not necessarily have a positive impact on the real world.


   "Akasi" has walked to the sewer with the white mist.


   The stench in the sewer made Bai Wu feel sick.


   Akasi has gotten used to it, and he is still making up lessons for Bai Wu:


   "The vast majority of people here, if they are killed, it will indeed reduce the distortion of the real world. But there are some special circumstances, we made a mistake once."


"What is wrong?"


   "There was a real assassination of the middle class of the Lazy Group. Our assassin missed, um... it was not a miss, but the target’s wife was killed together. Guess what has changed in the real world?"


   "What has changed?"


   "In your world, there is a hanging city." This sentence is not the point, Akasi explained:


   "We have investigated that this middle-level member of the Lazy Group is responsible for selling hot air balloons. His wife is a kindergarten teacher. The greatest pleasure is to bring the kindergarten children to play together and blow out many soap bubbles with soapy water."


   The darkness and stench make it hard to move forward. Fortunately, Bai Wu doesn’t care about it now. He cares more about Akasi’s story, and then said:


   "It sounds like the work of these two people is quite rare. This kind of work should be pretty good?"


   "The focus is not on whether they are good in the well world, but on their impact on the real world."


"Our killer accidentally killed his wife. What we thought was...her wife is actually a kindergarten teacher. Maybe in the real world, it should be some kind of rule that disturbs people's mind. It's good to die, The rules disappeared."


   Bai Wu frowned:


   "Not actually?"


   "Akkasi" in the dark shook his head:


   "Yes, because of this manslaughter, a major accident occurred in that area and it has completely become a restricted area."


   "The actual situation is very different from what we imagined. The person we assassinated was responsible for the sales of travel equipment under the Lazy Group, mainly hot air balloons."


   "And his impact on the real world is to reverse the gravity of a certain area, and many buildings will float. So there is a suspended city."


   "As for his wife, we have been wondering whether his wife's influence on the real world is a peculiar rule of a certain area, spiritual level."


   "After all, this is related to the'education' of kindergarten teachers. In the past, education was mostly related to the spirit."


   "It turned out to be quite wrong. The real particularity of the target wife lies in blowing soap bubbles..."


   "Every time she blows soap bubbles with those children, it will cause many...radioactive metal **** to appear in the real world..."


   When I heard the white mist, my scalp became numb.


  Ghost can imagine that soap bubbles in the well world can make a bunch of radioactive substances appear in the real world?


   This goal corresponds to a certain place in reality. The corresponding relationship may be a career or a certain life characteristic. Even certain addictions and specific behaviors.


  As for the story of Akasi, it is no longer necessary for Akasi to elaborate on the remaining details, Bai Wu can fill up his mind:


   "So above the Hanging City, a lot of radiating metal **** appeared...Due to the change of gravity, these **** are floating on the top?"


   "But because you killed this couple in this world, the gravitational coefficient collapsed and caused these metal balls...all to fall from high altitude?"


   "The metal ball exploded due to a violent collision, causing a nuclear leak?"


   Akasi nodded:


   "Although that place is very remote, it later caused some humans in nearby areas to die from radiation."


   Bai Wu understood the meaning of this story.


  The people under the big consortiums in these well worlds—


   does not actually correspond to someone in the real world, but corresponds to the rules in the real world.

   All living people, in the real world, are actually things like the coefficient of gravity, temperature, flow of time, sense of spatial dislocation, reorganization of matter, chemical reaction... and so on.


   These people live in order.


   But what corresponds to it happens to be that in the present world, all the rules are chaotic and disorderly...


  The well world and the real world are not opposites, but there is an intricate correspondence table.


   After trying to understand this, Bai Wu said:


   "So who are you? What do you correspond to in the real world?"


   When Bai Wu asked this question, "Akasi" had already brought Bai Wu to the entrance of the stronghold.


   In a corner of the dark sewer, deep in the stench, there is a door.


   Akasi opened the door, the iron door slid, and the rubbing sound of corroded metal echoed in the sewer.


   Then a familiar voice came from the door:


   "You come from Jingjing District, an outsider, if you can come here, you will at least have an understanding of our civilization. We are the existence of the previous civilization, and our counterparts are lawfulness, rules, and stability."


   "There was a time when we, like those people, had only organized lives and a bright future."


   "But due to the forcible opening of the well...the number of people from the Seven Sins forces has increased sharply. And they have gained higher abilities. Among us, the capable, the expelled, and the incapable, are assimilated."


   There was light suddenly in the darkness. When the light ripped through the darkness, Bai Wu was in this mysterious room and saw the person who had just called him.


   This person is very similar to Akash, but not that tall, and looks more like a teenager.




   Bai Wu is surprised. Every time he sees these people, he will remember the names, but many memories are not clear.


   "It seems that the projection you see on me is a person you care about in reality. Although you don't have other memories of this projection, I can feel that there is joy in your heart."


   The owner of the stronghold of the "Rebel Army" is number zero.


Both the ten of spades and the six of the well know the meaning of the zero number to the white mist. Although they can't see the face, since the projection that the white mist sees is the zero number, perhaps the person in the well world corresponds to the real world, The existence of the zero number one category.


   In reality, the zero number can bring great help to Bai Wu.


   So the ten of spades began to explain what kind of existence the zero is.


   Bai Wu listened and talked with "Zero".


   "What is your ability?" Bai Wu asked.


   This is undoubtedly an important point, and Number Zero responded very seriously:


   "The vast majority of people living in the well world are just like people in the real world, without abilities."


   "Some people are very important. Being in a high position and killing them can make a huge difference in the real world."


   "But these people may be easy to kill because they don't have any abilities, but they may be difficult to kill because they may have awakened their intractable abilities."


  "Zero" looked directly at the white mist:


   "As if you can easily kill two order group members, you belong to the capable."


   "These abilities...are they linked to my abilities in the real world?"


   "No, if you are as good in the real world as in the well world, then many problems can be solved easily."


"In fact... no matter how strong you are in the real world, your strength is unknown when you come here. Seven hundred years ago, there was also a person who came here and joined the order group. His abilities are very ordinary, but he returned to the real world. Later, it became an invincible existence, causing us a lot of trouble."


   Bai Wu probably understood, so he asked the next question:


   "How do you know the real world? Can you observe the real world in this world?"


   "This is my ability. My ability is Sequence 15-Spy Satellite."


"I can see any corner and the area associated with that corner. This association is like the connection between multiple worlds. So when I only need to see a certain place in the well world, I can see the corresponding This place in the real world."


  The ten of spades looks at Jing Liu, because this question is Jing Liu's domain, Jing Liu said:


   "Causal sequence, but sequence can be regarded as a usage after the original power is purified, just like the eye of Prell. Compared with pure causal power, the usage may be limited, but it is more efficient in the corresponding field."


   "Although this person's ability is purely auxiliary, it is tantamount to a full-picture vision...In a sense, although he cannot see the past and the future, he has the highest amount of information at this time."


   Jing Liu only added three words at the end:


"very dangerous."


   Bai Mist also felt the danger.


   If this person is not an ally... Then what a terrible enemy should it be?


   No matter where you escape, as long as you are still on the current timeline, he can see it clearly.


   Of course, searching around the world also takes time. This may be the only weakness of this ability.


   It is no wonder that he killed two members of the order group to make sure that no one was seen, but he could see.


   Bai Wu said:


   "So I am a capable person. What did you guys find me...what did you do?"


"I hope you can join the rebel army and help us deal with the Seven Sins Group. We need to assassinate a person right now. This person is also capable and very tricky. It has already cost us a lot of people. Kill him, you are in the real world. , It will reduce the possibility of human beings becoming evil as a whole."


   "That's really a very important parameter. It can be seen that this person is not easy." Ten of Spades said to Bai Wu.


   "What kind of person is this?" Bai Wu asked.


   Light and shadow suddenly appeared on the black wall, like a projector projecting an image.


   At this moment, Bai Wu's expression changed very slightly.


   Fortunately, in the dark, everything is not obvious, and Bai Wu himself is also a person with strong emotional restraint.


   Regarding "Arks", "Zero", and even the ten of spades and the six of spades, everyone who sees them is faceless without a projection of reality.


  There are no facial features, everyone is the same. The difference is the serial number on the neck.


   But the white mist sees differently, the white mist can see the corresponding projection.


   So when the target needs to be assassinated, the moment the image appeared, Bai Wu suddenly resisted.


   Because the assassination target is Gu Qingyu.


   When the word "captain" emerged subconsciously in his memory, Bai Wu knew... he couldn't do this.


   This person must not be killed.


   "What other characteristics does Zero have?"




   Bai Wu suddenly said this sentence, making "No. Zero" a little puzzled.


   Ten of Spades knows, this is asking myself.


   How clever he is, guessing that Bai Wu must have seen some special reality projection, and just now he was saying good things to zero, UU reading www. instantly understood that now Baiwu needs to listen to the "bad side of number zero."


"In a sense, Zero has a certain desire for you to possess. I hope you can assist him in managing the mechanical city. Zero is indeed very special to you, but it does not have a good impression on humans... Even after you'feigned death', Zero directly refuses to help humanity."


   "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be surprised even if Zero was standing on the opposite side of human beings."


   Well Six is ​​surprised, how does the ten of spades know so much about the past?


   Bai Wu thought secretly.


   If the projection of the person in front of you is the zero number in the ten of spades, does it imply that... this person is indeed planning to win him, sincerely, but more, he wants to... use himself?


   The zero number in reality can help mankind for himself, but this world is different, and there are only two forces in this world.


   Although this person’s projection is number zero, it does not necessarily mean that he is exactly the same as number zero.


   Thinking back carefully, in the order of the group, the seven consortiums are so powerful, why is there no obstacle between themselves and the "Akasi"?


   The process of seeing this "Zero" seems to have gone too smoothly.


   If it wasn't because the assassination target was Gu Qingyu, perhaps Bai Wu would not doubt it.


   But now, he started to think, are these people in front of him really the insurgents?