Doomsday Jigsaw Game

v3 Chapter 240: The seamless world of Baiyuanli

Can freely determine the opponent's form and control the opponent's world. This kind of thing can only be done by the true will of the world. </p> And must be the most complete will of the world. </p> Of course Bai Yuan couldn't do it. He knew very well that the big devil in front of him, who intimidated him and was full of aura, was not his body at all. </p> Although the two are in the spiritual world, they both have an identity. </p> Bai Yuan looked at the building behind Alpha and said: </p> "Don't send the little minions, I'm in a hurry." </p> Exploring Alpha's heart, how interesting it is In the game, Bai Yuan has no intention of wasting time with this Alpha's grief, or a goalkeeper in an inner world. </p> What he wants to convey has been conveyed, there are lies, and there are truths. </p> Of course, at the moment, Alpha doesn't seem to believe anything it says. </p> Alpha's residual thoughts began to become distorted, and under the pressure of Bai Yuan's huge mental force, the shape gradually became irregular. </p> But this process is not all smooth sailing. </p> Behind Alpha Cannian, a dark crack suddenly appeared. </p> In the cracks, the endless negative emotions condensed the shadows of many monsters. </p> They don't have any color, just pure pitch black, like the shadow on the ground suddenly becomes three-dimensional. </p> This is the evil fall of the last civilization. </p> These evil degenerates are far more powerful than the depraved forms of human beings. </p> They come in all shapes and sizes, some are like giant reptiles, some are like strange birds, mammoths and the like. </p> But all the details are invisible, just pitch black. </p> Legendary Distortion Entries—Long River Leaks. </p> Any monster has the power to destroy the sky and the earth. These ancient evil degenerates seem to be resurrected with dark bodies and complete strength. </p> They once rebelled against Alpha, supported Alpha, feared the well, and were addicted to the well. </p> But now, they have all become Alpha's army. </p> Before Alpha's residual thoughts were crushed by Bai Yuan's mental power, he came with his thousands of horses and roared. </p> Obviously in the spiritual world, but the scenes in front of me, it seems that there is really a huge army rushing towards Bai Yuan. </p> Bai Yuan knew very well that if he was seriously injured, then the match would be lost. </p> Of course, this is only one of the conditions of victory or defeat. </p> There are other decisive factors in the spiritual duel. </p> The army was overwhelmed, and the tide-like monsters rushed towards Bai Yuan frantically. Their dark outlines were stacked together, like a huge black barrier. </p> This barrier kept getting closer, Bai Yuan knew that they were enough to destroy him, but he just smiled and looked at Alpha's remnants. </p> This residual thought is about to be crushed by a huge spiritual force. </p> It seems that the two are competing, who will kill the other first. </p> When the dark army approached Bai Yuan, Bai Yuan whispered: </p> "Disappeared." </p> The dark army charging at the front... dissipated and disintegrated. </p> Bai Yuan gradually put away his smile, not because he encountered a crisis, but because he felt that everything in front of him was boring. </p> He was like an emperor who saw the boring drama prepared by the ministers. </p> "Disappear." </p> Once again, the dark army that was constantly pressing down disappeared under an order. </p> His words are like the rules of the world, like an order to "die" to these monsters. </p> And these monsters, in front of the huge spiritual power, seem to be courtiers willing to die. </p> Alpha couldn't see this scene, because at this moment, its residual thoughts were about to be wiped out by Bai Yuan. </p> In the spiritual world, Alpha's residual thoughts are not truly immortal. </p> But Alpha's attack didn't stop, the cracks became more and more, and even appeared behind Bai Yuan. </p> Bai Yuan didn't look back, he strode forward, and crossed the alpha remnant that was already like a squashed can. </p> The dark army in front and back kept approaching, and there were more and more cracks, but Bai Yuan was still the same: </p> "Disappear, disappear, disappear." </p> Three disappeared in a row. </p> At this moment, all the monsters within a kilometer of Baiyuan disappeared. </p> These monsters are like countless dark lines drawn by the painter on the drawing paper, and then erased violently by the eraser. </p> Those black substances left in the air are like traces left after wiping. </p> Not only that, but even those cracks are closed one by one in the process. </p> "You should have sent your body, but I guess your body is doing something more harmful to me?" </p> No response. </p> Bai Yuan knew very well that if the long and narrow path that Bai Wu walked on the sixth floor of the tower had a parasitic effect of inner demons, then Alpha himself might not have penetrated this power. </p> Perhaps it is the distorted form of entry, or Alpha can also operate the majestic spiritual power in a serialized manner. </p> He did not forget that this is a monster that only needs Sequence 10 and Sequence 12 to master the rules of order. </p> And this monster may have mastered the twisting rules. </p> So in the process of talking trash with Alpha and buying time for the first generation and others, Alpha is actually procrastinating. </p> "For you who have the same power, parasitism is mutual. When I invade you, you are also invading me. It is very interesting." The monsters in the shadows all dissipated. </p> Presented in front of Bai Yuan is the once prosperous high-dimensional city. </p> Countless spherical buildings are floating in this world, each corresponding to the secret of Alpha. </p> Bai Yuan twisted his neck and began to observe seriously. </p> …</p> …</p> On the other side, Alpha walked in the darkness. </p> Not long ago, he easily destroyed Bai Yuan's remnants, the gatekeeper of the inner world. </p> Just like Bai Yuan easily destroyed the gatekeeper he set up in the inner world, there is no difference in this process, if there must be something—</p> That is Bai Yuan that On the side, in the face of thousands of troops, although he is calm and easy to use a powerful trial to wipe out the army, it is still possible to encounter danger in the end. </p> On Alpha's side, the resistance encountered was not at all dangerous in Alpha's view. </p> Of course he can compete with Bai Yuan on the body of the spiritual world. </p> But he prefers... to see the heart of this man. </p> Although it was just a simple meeting with Bai Yuan, I have to say that Bai Yuan made Alpha interested. </p> He seemed to be able to see the vast world hidden deep in this man's eyes. </p> If possible, he hopes that such a person can be used for himself. </p> He could even have it replace Ichi. </p> To do this, you must go deep into the other party's inner world and find a huge factor that can make the other party change. </p> But what Alpha didn't expect was... Bai Yuan's inner world was pitch black. </p> The upside-down red pupil can see everything, and the eyes will show absolute truth. </p> But even these eyes saw only an empty darkness in the scene. </p> "Interesting, is it a disguise? Or is there really unintentional people in this world?" </p> To change Bai Yuan, you have to find the key things in the world. </p> For example, in the white mist world, the most important thing is the three rooms. </p> Emotions are stored, and once these emotions are released, they will make Bai Wu angry, fearful, and sad. </p> What Alpha and Bai Yuan are looking for is such a key thing. </p>Gu</span> An Alpha, something that Bai Yuan can immerse in negative emotions. </p> Bai Yuan has to find something that Alpha fears, and then amplify such fear. </p> Any fear can be amplified into a great terror of life and death. </p> But Alpha is different. Alpha's idea is to find something that makes Bai Yuan sad. </p> Humans always grieve for love, and he wants to replace what Bai Yuan grieves. </p> This is their duel. </p> It's like two top hackers hacking each other's computers and seeing who finds each other's Achilles heel first. </p> It's just Bai Yuan's inner world, which surprised Alpha. </p> Because it's so clean, there's nothing left. </p> It's as if the man's empty enough to hold the whole world, but nothing has ever approached his heart. </p> There is no light coming in, resulting in darkness in the extremely huge space. </p> Alpha finds it funny, unintentional. </p> Such people are lonely. </p> The heart is vast and dark, quiet and empty. </p> Walking in this world makes people unable to start. He wants to change some "parameters" of Bai Yuan, but how? </p> There is only "nothing" here. </p> It's like two swordsmen fighting each other, both looking for their weaknesses, but one swordsman is full of weaknesses. Full of weaknesses means no weaknesses. </p> The world is empty but seamless. </p> "Although it's interesting, it's false, just like your lie, layer upon layer." </p> A guy who only has himself and no one in his heart will really come to himself the opposite of? </p> Could it be that the pursuit of so-called fun can lead to death? </p> The red pupil shrinks. </p> Alpha began to carefully observe the surroundings using his mental power. </p> He doesn't believe in Bai Yuan's heart, there is nothing. </p> If there is such a person...</p> Then Bai Yuan's xinxing is so powerful that it can be said that he is not a human being, but a god. </p> Only gods can enter into a state of absolute "nothingness". </p> No sadness, no fear, no anger, no love or hate. </p> Everything cannot enter its heart, just like pieces on a chessboard. </p> Such a person does not have any dead ends and does not have the possibility of being broken through from the heart. </p> As long as it is a duel of spiritual power, such a person can be invincible. </p> But there is no such person. </p> Alpha believes that as long as you are human, there must be something you care about. </p> "Although everything is an illusion, I must admit that you are really a very interesting person." </p> There must be a point that is enough to make Bai Yuan's inner world change dramatically. </p> Just find that point. </p> …</p> …</p> Bai Yuan is an unsolved puzzle. </p> If Jing Wu was here and knew that Bai Yuan's inner world could trap Alpha, then he would definitely be afraid of his past actions. </p> Back then in the color gamut, Jing Wu and Bai Yuan had a remnant of a remnant of each other. </p> Although at that time, Bai was far less powerful than now. </p> The city of glorious civilization in the past is presented in front of Bai Yuan. </p> Bai Yuan is judging the meaning of each building based on his various experiences of the inner world. </p> On the streets, the people who come and go and the powerful creatures also have various meanings. </p> Bai Yuan is slowly deciphering. </p> He and Alpha are testing each other. Although this battle has no swords, lights and swords, it is equally dangerous. </p> "The three rooms in the inner world, whether it is the zero, the ten of spades, or the white mist, are all located far away from the core area."</p> Ten of spades, ten of spades, zero No. </p> The inner world that Bai Yuan has entered is not only these three people, but these three people are indeed very powerful and distinctive. </p> One is full of nonsense, one has no emotions, and the other is half-human and half-machine. </p> With three special structures, Bai Yuan can be said to have seen all kinds of strangely constructed inner worlds. </p> Therefore, Bai Yuan has an experience advantage in this duel between Bai Yuan and Alpha. It can even be said to be a huge advantage. </p> His footsteps are very slow. Unlike Alpha who is constantly looking for "points" in the empty world, Bai Yuan looks like a leisurely walk. </p> Of course Bai Yuan didn't care about the big one. </p> He knew very well that Alpha would be confused by his inner world. </p> But that doesn't mean you're invincible. </p> He was just thinking. </p> It's like an engineer flashing through countless design drawings in his mind, and then looking for the common ground of all drawings. </p> In this thinking process, Bai Yuan found many interesting buildings. </p> A black spire. The black minaret was so slender that it looked like a needle. </p> And this spire, what it represents, is white fog. </p> In the depths of Alpha's heart, the white mist is a thorn, not fatal, but enough to make Alpha uncomfortable. </p> "Ha, boy, even though you haven't dealt with him a few times, you still keep him in the throat." </p> Bai Yuan was a little happy. </p> In addition to Bai Wu, he also found the existence corresponding to the "Lord of Order". </p> The creator of the tower is an incomparably huge spherical building. </p> Due to its huge size, this spherical building only shows half of the sphere, and the remaining half is buried in the ground. </p> Like a huge iceberg, only a tip is revealed. </p> Seeing this, Bai Yuan suddenly became unhappy. </p> "In Alpha's heart, you are an insurmountable mountain, above everyone else, but are you worthy?" </p> "In addition to leaving inspiration, UU reading Besides making me feel fear, what else did you do?" </p> Bai Yuan doesn't like the tower master, in fact, the tower master has done a lot for mankind. Bai Yuan is also aware of this, and the one who knows the other party is indeed the savior. </p> But he just didn't like it. </p> Because of a revelation, in the first half of his life, it can be said that there is always a shadow that cannot be erased. </p> And such a person, a person who is like an unsurpassable mountain in Alpha's heart, a person who doesn't even show his full strength... But he was defeated. </p> Bai Yuan looked at the giant spherical building for a long time. </p> The structures of countless worlds flashed in my mind, and Bai Yuan's brain listed all their commonalities. </p> At this moment, it seems that some kind of matrix change is going on deep in the brain. </p> He is like a walking humanoid computer. </p> In the end, he found the common ground, and then his eyes seemed to pierce the mountain-like spherical building. </p> "The one who hides behind the old enemy is your inner demon. Alpha, it seems that I found your weakness first." </p> Bai Yuan quickened his pace, he was eager to know, What is it that Alpha is afraid of? </p></p>
