Doomsday Jigsaw Game

v3 Chapter 66: False mechanical descent

  Chapter 456 False mechanical descent

   (For the Silver League, it can not be used to add changes randomly, and the progress is 65/100.

  There are still some settings about technological items in this chapter. Everything is subject to what you know. If there is any discrepancy, I will be regarded as wrong. )

  The place where White Mist Zero needs to go is in the middle of Meinan Kingdom, a very prosperous city-Sanchez City.

  But before that, Bai Wu still greeted Wen Hao. He learned something from Wen Hao.

   "So I spent... thirteen days in the forbidden area?"

"Yes it is."

  Bai Wu thought for a while, as if she had found some eyebrows.

In order to deal with the hunter, he used the power of the well and the sword of jealousy, but then, after the hunter left, the small fish opened the whirlpool into the memory world of Jing San... When he was awake, his body had recovered. Improved combat capability.

   Bai Wu realized that this process had one missing stage of recovery.

  It seems that it was made by Xiaoyu. He returned the lost memory of Liu Chengzi to himself. At the same time, according to the rules, he took away his existing memory and restored the memory of the injury.

   Bai Wu always thought that he was very efficient, but he also delayed it for ten days.

  Fortunately, in ten days, some small things happened, but it was easy to solve.

  Bai Wu began to explain other things to Wen Hao.

  Although Wenhao knows something about the memory world, Bai Wu is now an expert in this area.

  After explaining everything clearly, let Wenhao stop taking people into the forbidden area easily, and at the same time let Wenhao protect the forbidden area.

  No longer facing the dried fish, Bai Wu’s deceptive desire has come up again:

  "There are many secrets hidden here. In the future, it may be the key to saving the world and returning Shengguo to the world."

  Wenhao’s trust in Bai Wu can’t be said to be complete trust, it can only be said to be absolutely no doubt.

  After this, Bai Wu left contentedly. Ready to go to Menan Sanchez City.

  Wenhao and this Ark, both have huge combat power, and the white mist has a foreboding. After a stronger enemy appears...they will have a chance to cooperate again.

  But before that, you have to deal with a few vanguards on the farm.

  Interestingly, when Bai Wu asked about the details of the so-called mechanical descent, the zero number did not reveal much.

  In Baiwu, crossing the sea at high speed and heading to Mei Nanguo, this dialogue is like this

   "Why should I go to the Galaxy Plaza in Sanchez City?"

  【That is not a problem you should know. 】

   "How do you talk like someone hiding it?"

  【Because your question is not good enough. 】

  Yes, it’s not that you don’t know how to answer, but that the question is so bad that Bai Wu was speechless for a while.

   "Mechanical descent, did someone think about it with you?"

  [Not an idea, just a direction, but because the gap in quantity is too large, there is also a gap in quality. Probably the gap between a family and a country. 】

   "Okay, I know you are great. I just have to act according to your plan, right?"

  【Really. 】

  White fog is actually very curious. The development of science and technology is reflected in the field of information, advanced physics, and biochemistry.

  Zero should be the **** of the information field, but can it really reverse this mechanical descent?



  Technology is of great significance, at least in the current human perspective.

  Some people have also said that the fourth world war of the human world will be wooden sticks and stones, which means that the current level of technology is enough to destroy the world.

  As for when this war will come, no one knows,

   What is even more regrettable is that the end of the science and technology war has not yet begun.

  As all countries are on guard against the dark fog, all countries are still united. With foreign enemies, mankind has always been like this. Therefore, the third World War that destroyed the world did not start after all.

  Humans unanimously began to study the black fog.

  The black fog has deterred all countries for 700 years. For 700 years, all countries have never stopped exploring the black fog. But the results of the exploration are very limited, so limited that it can be summarized in a few words-no results.

  So if the various force fields in the black fog spread out of the black fog, it can be said that the blow to the human world is extinct.

  At least in terms of technological civilization, it is an absolute suppression.

  But suppression is not the most feared place.

   is like killing a person, letting a person completely lose the fear of the surrounding people, it is far better than turning a person into a monster, to bite, to persecute the people around.

  During the time when the white fog entered the memory world-thirteen days, everyone in the world began to feel fear because of technology.



  As early as 700 years ago, the world has entered the era of the Internet of Everything. Although human technology has not made much progress, in the course of 700 years, many imperfect technologies have begun to be perfected.

  Almost all items that are closely related to people's lives can be controlled through the network, and the closer to life, the more so.

  If it were not for some kind of mysterious obstacle, probably human technology, at the level of life, would move closer to the "terminal", and realize adjustments to all aspects of life through a device.

  Although the technology in the world outside the fog has not reached that point, when the machine descends, people still feel great fear.

  Thirteen days ago, when people were keen on discussing the "Light Arrow", the giant cruise ship and other topics, something strange happened.

  At first, the lights flickered strangely at night.

  It was like a supernatural event. At first, people thought it was very funny, but then the expression became scary.

  Because someone gradually noticed...the frequency of the light flashing seems to be based on the Morse code, expressing a certain horrible meaning.

  And in those places where neon lights are dense, it is directly through the shape of the bright light that conveys the message-"the end is coming, and the distortion is coming".

  People soon realized that this might be some kind of prank.

   But when they started to inquire or spread some things because they thought it was fun, people were shocked to find out——

  The lights in all parts of the world seem to be out of control.

  This night was spent in constant flashes. In the gap between darkness and light, people realize that something bad seems to happen.

  And in the next few days, more and more weird things.

  Someone listened to songs on their mobile phones and found that countless songs were constantly switching, which seemed chaotic.

  For example, in the last second, you still love me, I love you, Michelle Ice City is sweet, not waiting to be finished, the next second will suddenly become a good day today.

  Of course, this is just an example.

  In fact, the music is much more chaotic.

  Not only music, but also TV. People turn on the TV and find that the remote control has no meaning.

  All video equipment is constantly switching various programs. One second is approaching science, and the next second becomes an actor in a certain drama telling a certain line.

   messy, but regular.

Because the frequency of switching between music and programs is getting faster and faster, people have matter whether it is music or program, it seems that in these switched channels, the first word of each sentence can be connected to form a sentence— —

  The end is coming, and the distortion is coming.

  This time, humans became more panicked.

  They looked at the flashing lights at night and were afraid to fall asleep.

  What is fear?

  Fear is the things that you are so familiar with in reality...Suddenly it becomes strange.

  The end is coming, and the distortion is coming. This kind of fear from human science and technology civilization has just begun to spread!

  On the seventh day, computers, mobile phones, huge TV advertising walls, various information acquisition tools that people are accustomed to use, have skipped the suggestion stage, and began to convey a sentence clearly--

  The end is coming, and the distortion is coming.

  As if all computers are poisoned, the only thing people can see is this sentence.

  On the ninth day, there were car accidents all over the world. The transportation system was completely paralyzed.

  Because any system controlled by information has ceased operation, it seems that the only purpose is to tell people that the end is coming, and the distortion is coming.

  Due to the paralysis of the information network, many companies are unable to operate normally, and a large number of people realize that some super powerful force is in control of all human beings.

  Because of this, the people who had already had enough food and clothing suddenly lost the existing technological support... they fell into a state of being constrained everywhere in their lives.

  Most of their social behaviors, making friends, travel, and work, are all restricted.

  A thing that people have imagined, but it is impossible to happen in reality finally appears——

  Humans use the Internet to transmit messages, but they are also "lived by the Internet".

  Some people realize that it seems that some kind of terrifying force is making mankind abandon existing technology.

   "Probably we will go back to the eighteenth century?"

  This is a very optimistic statement. "Technology" has not died, it has only become the minions of monsters.

  When everything in life starts to be manipulated, they will understand——

  It's not that technology abandons them, it's that technology is playing with them.

  The sweeping robot began to walk for no reason. In the dark night, its signal light flashed red, like the eyes of a wolf.

  The household vacuum cleaner suddenly buzzed, bringing horror in the silence.

  The food in the refrigerator began to rot, and when the refrigerator was opened, a rancid smell and heat wave spread over the surface.

  The old man in his sleep was awakened from heat and found that the temperature of the air conditioner had reached an outrageous figure. He wanted to go and drink water, but even the water purification equipment began to deceive, and the cup was full of muddy sewage.

  The person who took a shower screamed while washing, because the shower head started to spew 74°hot water violently.

  The idea of ​​the end of the world has gradually spread, and everyone is living in great fear.

  But don’t think that this kind of little trouble is over.

  On the twelfth day, the "Apocalypse" appeared on the huge display screen of hundreds of square meters in the Galaxy Plaza of Sanchez.

  Human beings are proud, and the most powerful means is wisdom.

  Relying on wisdom, the human body, which is not very strong, has become the master of this world.

  But now, the crystallization of human wisdom has begun to deviate from mankind.

  This huge fear is even worse than the ark crashing into the island and the ugly monster destroying the city.

  Because it seems to deprive human beings of the fruits of thousands of years of hard work.

  When night falls, the whole world is plunged into darkness, and all countries suffer from a disaster called “civilization” that is more terrible than “disease”.

  All the lights can no longer turn on, but occasionally there is still light coming from various smart devices.

  It’s just that there are no lights, and the whole city is dark. Those tiny bright spots are not enough to embellish the night. They are more like fireflies that occasionally flash in the endless darkness.

  Countless people around the world have seen the "Apocalypse" content of Sanchez in Galaxy Plaza through various smart devices.

  【Human beings are ugly, selfish, greedy, and fragile. God will bring down infinite fear to punish mankind. Fear will not die, but will only advance layer by layer. The final point is the revelation of human beings in infinite fear-it is the apocalypse. 】

  【The arrival of the end is unstoppable, and the spread of fear requires death. Next, is the first spread. 】

  【Countdown: 12000s. 】

  The countdown to the apocalypse started. 12,000 seconds, more than three hours, time is very short, people don’t know what will happen after the countdown ends.

  But some places have been known in advance.

  Menan Defense Department, Orro Defense Department, Fukuyo New Island, Fukuyo Old Island, and Kanazawa Country’s Ministry of Defense have all discovered anomalous content.

  Even though the computing systems of various countries have been paralyzed not long ago, they did not realize the seriousness of the matter, or that they realized that the reality is even more terrifying.

  Orro Ministry of National Defense, the highest military chief is now listening to reports from his subordinates with sweat profusely.

   "Our intercontinental missiles, neutron bombs, and even... hydrogen bombs were activated ten minutes ago and entered the ready-to-launch state!"

   "Hurry up and stop! Hurry up and stop!"

   "Sorry sir, I can't stop. Everything we do now...none of any sense."

   "Where is the goal?"

  "The target is Johnson Island. Based on our current firepower, it is enough to kill all residents on Johnson Island an average of 17,000 times..."

  "Nuclear radiation will keep Johnson Island in a forbidden state for the next four hundred years. Our weapons...will destroy our allies by ourselves..."

  The officer in charge of the report had a heavy tone.

  At this time, all countries are the same, and the people on Johnson Island don't even realize that there will be a catastrophe.

  How short three hours are--

   Soon, in the military bases of various countries, the behemoths began to start to be launched.

  Finally, the countdown is over.

  The content on the huge screen suddenly changed from text to screen.

  In the sky above Johnson Island in the picture, countless missiles capable of destroying the country are crashing towards Johnson Island.

  Sanchez City, in the Mir Emperor Mansion, Mei Hua Q showed a triumphant look.

  In another twenty seconds, the beautiful mushroom cloud will continue to bloom on Johnson Island.

  He counted the numbers silently, thinking that everyone in the world was watching this "Apocalypse", thinking that the fear of mankind was about to bloom with the mushroom cloud, and he was extremely excited.

   Both the Q of Hearts and the Q of Spades failed. The Q of Clubs thought about this because in the battle, the Light Arrow was indeed too powerful.

  This person is probably from the mist, which is a place where Dad does not allow them to go.

  But even if it comes from the fog, it is impossible to be omnipotent. At least in the field of science and technology, it is impossible for anyone to be its opponent.

  His silent countdown finally ended, Mei Hua Q opened his eyes in excitement, waiting for the fear from all over the world.

  Everything is as he imagined. What caught his eyes was the scene where Johnson Island was bombed by various missiles that humans are proud to use for self-destruction.

   "Hahahaha...this is the real punishment, it's so beautiful, the trajectory of the explosion is so beautiful!"

  Large-scale death has come, even if the Light Arrow appears at this time, what can he do?

  The radiation of terrible places will turn the entire Johnson Island into hell, millions of people will be evaporated in an instant, and no one can save it!

  And this scene has already been seen by people all over the world...People all over the world will be shocked by this "beautiful beauty"!

  Next, this kind of fear will gradually progress. After Johnson Island ends, it will be the Old Island of Fukuoka. After the Fukushima old island is over, Kanazawa is the country. After Kanazawa country is Menan.

  All the means of escape of human beings and the transportation system have been paralyzed. They can only continue to deepen the concentration of distortion in this kind of despair and fear!


  While Meihua Q was thinking about the future, a strange beep suddenly appeared on Meihua Q’s computer, interrupting Meihua Q’s thoughts.

   "The video has finished playing."

  It should have been a live broadcast of satellite monitoring...Suddenly it freezes.

  And in the middle of the screen, there is a huge triangle symbol that symbolizes the pause of the video.

  Meihua Q was stunned on the spot. This huge change made him unresponsive. How could the live broadcast become a video?

  Shouldn’t it continue to transmit images of Johnson Island being completely bombed? What's the matter with the video?

  Fear will gradually increase.

  When Meihua Q tried to close the video on this supercomputer, he suddenly found...that he couldn't do anything.

  No matter what you do, the computer does not respond.

  On the huge screen, a string of words suddenly appeared——

  【The first chapter of the Book of Revelation God said, there must be light. 】

  When this line of words appeared on Meihua Q’s computer screen, all the lights in the world that were turned off—all lit up at this moment.

  The night scenes that people have not seen for several days appear again all over the world.

  In the Milky Way Square, countless street lights are on, reflecting the entire square.

  Mei Hua Q's body was trembling lightly, and his head swayed subconsciously. He couldn't believe what had happened, and a chill came from his spine.

  His display interface has changed again.

   [Hello rookie, I am number zero, are you ready to appreciate the real mechanical descent? 】

(To tell you something, I will ask for leave tomorrow. I can't keep up with the detailed outline. I have to take a good look. The latest update is actually very diligent. You will see that Zou Mou already has a symbol that is 8,000 a day. But it is indeed almost gone. In order to avoid Cavan, I have to take a day off and look for inspiration. Of course, if I find it fast enough, right? It’s possible that I don’t ask for leave tomorrow, but the possibility is very low. Ask for leave.)



  (End of this chapter)