Doomsday Reincarnation

Chapter 146

In the dilapidated room, everything was covered with a thick layer of dust, and the unpleasant smell kept drilling into people's noses.

On the wall, there is an irregular large hole occupying two-thirds of the area. At a glance, you can see a large sky, as well as the mid-tops of some tall buildings.

From what I can see, it should be more than fifteen floors of a building.

Qin Yi only looked at it roughly, and the system prompting a random skill sounded.

Puppet: Create a human-shaped puppet and control its actions for five minutes. The range of movement of the puppet should not exceed a radius of 50 meters from the master. During the control of the puppet, everything the puppet hears and sees can be fully perceived by the master. However, the attack power of the puppet is only one-tenth of that of the master, and controlling the puppet requires a certain amount of mental power. Skill cooldown: five hours.

Qin Yi listened to the introduction carefully, and secretly thought that this skill might not be used distractingly in battle, but it is very useful if it is used to inquire about news or something.

Recovering her mind, she walked towards the big hole in the wall.

When she was one meter away from the entrance of the cave, she did not dare to go any further.

Looking down from the entrance of the cave, the distance of up to tens of meters is daunting.

What's even more terrifying is that there are still groups of monsters wandering on the ground.

Not only that, when Qin Yi looked up at the sky, she also saw some flying monsters.

Those monsters all had big wings, and because they were far away, Qin Yi couldn't see their appearance, but the long piercing-sucking mouthparts in front of their mouths were very conspicuous. At first glance, it looks like a giant mosquito.

Qin Yichao hid by the entrance of the cave to avoid those things being discovered. She carefully looked at the buildings outside from behind the broken wall, and quickly recognized one of the tall office buildings—

It was the location of the editorial office she once collaborated with when she wrote the manuscript.

After recognizing it, she had a general understanding of the distance between her current location and Renkang Hospital.

In the past, it would take 40 minutes by bus to get to the hospital from here, and less than 10 minutes by subway.

But now, the monsters all over the ground are obviously a huge obstacle.

In addition, although some surrounding buildings are still standing, there are many collapsed, plus some other factors, from here, you can see that several roads are blocked.

If you can pass through the subway entrance, it may be much safer and faster.

Qin Yi knew where the subway entrance was. Without further delay, she rummaged through the room for supplies, but couldn't find anything useful, so she walked downstairs down the stairs.

When she went downstairs, she glanced at the floor. This was the sixteenth floor.

There was nothing useful in the house downstairs either. Everything in the room was very messy before she went in, but those things were covered with a layer of dust. Someone must have come a long time ago.

She had to keep going down, and she had to stop after only two floors. There was a big hole in the wall at the stairs leading from the fourteenth floor to the thirteenth floor. The cement and masonry were all smashed on the stairs, completely blocking the road.

Qin Yi had no choice but to go back to the 14th floor, cut the curtains from a family's house and twisted them into ropes, tied one end to the foot of the bed and the other to the waist, and slowly slid down the window to the next floor. go down.

Just when her feet successfully landed on the windowsill on the thirteenth floor and was about to smash the glass window with something, she saw a flying monster on the closed glass window that was rapidly approaching her. near!

Before she could think about it, she immediately pulled out her gun and shot at the monster in return.

In the casual world, she deliberately practiced her marksmanship, at which point she was hit by monsters despite moving.

However, the bullet did not hit the fatal part, and after the monster fell for a while in the air, it flew up again. It was obviously provoked, and it rushed towards Qin Yi very fast.

The mouthparts on its head are about half a meter long, and they pierce straight to Qin Yi's neck.

Qin Yi grabbed the rope with one hand, and stepped on the window sill under his foot to quickly dodge to the side. When one foot was empty, the monster's mouthpiece slammed into the glass window.

The glass shattered with a bang, and the monster kept turning around and stabbed Qin Yi again.

The mouthpart looked obviously soft, but it obviously contained a very strong force. Qin Yi immediately kicked one of the hanging feet hard, kicking it on top of the mouthpart, and kicked it to the side. .

At the same time, Qin Yi fired at close range, hitting the opponent's huge head.

A disgusting green mucus sprayed on Qin Yi, and at the same time, the monster screamed and fell straight from the sky.

Qin Yi lowered her head and glanced down, the height from the ground made her legs weak. I saw that the monster had fallen to the ground, and several land-based monsters that had been wandering around quickly surrounded it at this time, apparently eating its corpse.

Qin Yi didn't dare to stay in this dangerous place, turned around and smashed the broken glass with his elbow, stepped into the window, and landed firmly on the ground.

Turning her head to look out the window again, Qin Yi couldn't help feeling emotional. When she first entered the game, she was too scared to stand up on the wooden bridge, but now she dares to hang a rope and come down directly from the wall .

The green liquid on his body was very disgusting. Qin Yi found a suit of clothes in the house to change into, and after rummaging through the boxes, he could only find a large men's sportswear.

At this time, she had the intention to recall the appearance of the monster just now.

Its appearance is very strange, unlike any insect Qin Yi has ever seen. Its wings resemble those of a dragonfly, but its entire body resembles a fly, with mosquito-like mouthparts.

The power of the mouthpart seemed to be very strong, and it shattered the glass with just one blow. Fortunately, only one appeared. If other monsters in the distance also flew over to besiege her, I am afraid she would have to spend a lot of effort.

Qin Yi searched for something in the room and found a half-drinked bottle of mineral water. Although she disliked it, she could only put it away first.

She went into every next floor, but never found anything useful.

However, no monsters were encountered in this building, as if those monsters were only wandering and flying outside.

Before Qin Yi walked to the first floor, she always thought so in her heart.

Until I saw a dense pile of insect eggs on the stairs leading to the first floor.

The steps of the stairs, the walls next to it, and even the railings were covered with worm eggs that made people feel goosebumps at a glance.

The white eggs vary in size, the largest of which is the size of a basketball, and the smallest so small that it is hard to see.

But the same is that these eggs are covered with a sticky transparent liquid on the outside, some like egg whites. It's these fluids that allow some of the eggs to stick to walls and handrails.

And in the center of all the white eggs, there is a black dot.

On the worm eggs the size of a basketball, the black spot was the size of a fist, and at first glance it looked like an eye.

Qin Yi swallowed his saliva and was so disgusted that he couldn't take a step, but he still took two steps forward.

With difficulty avoiding some insect eggs, she looked down from the armrest.

Only by looking at it, I realized that the eggs below are only a lot more than the half-stairs above, and there is hardly any gap!

It's impossible to get out from here, but this is the second floor, and she can go down through the next window.

When she was rummaging for supplies just now, she noticed that only the balcony on the second floor of the house had anti-theft barriers installed, but not the windows of the bedroom.

Qin Yi stepped back while thinking.

Unexpectedly, she accidentally stepped on some transparent liquid, slipped her foot, and stepped on an egg-sized egg in a panic.

The eggs made a puff sound, and when she lifted her foot, she saw a strange insect that had been trampled and seemed to have developed almost.

Qin Yi frowned, quickly backed up the stairs, turned around and walked into the room on the second floor.

From the window on the second floor, you can see a few wandering monsters downstairs. Because the distance is relatively close, Qin Yi can see their appearance clearly.

One of them is somewhat similar in appearance to a human, but has a pair of very large dark eyes and long fingers, reaching the knees.

The others are similar to some insects, some like spiders, some like ants.

When one of them looked towards Qin Yi, she quickly hid, walked to several other windows to have a look, and found the side with the fewest monsters below.

There were only two monsters on this side, she chose this place, and when she was ready, tied a rope twisted from a curtain around her waist, opened the window and jumped down.

The moment she landed, two monsters were already charging towards her.

They made strange noises, as if a very hungry beast had seen the most delicious food.
