Doomsday Reincarnation

Chapter 50: one more disappeared

Bulao Town is an ancient town with hundreds of years of history. Every piece of green tile, every slate, and every stone in the town has witnessed the change of times and the progress of culture.

Even the name of the town "Bu Lao Town" was set two hundred years ago and has been used today.

In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards at home and abroad, the number of people who go out for tourism every year has skyrocketed. The old town is a place that is very worthwhile for tourists to visit and watch.

In addition to the quaint buildings, this town has another mysterious, ancient and attractive attraction -

Two hundred years ago, an unprecedented drought plunged a large area, including Bulao Town, into boundless famine. Countless people died of thirst and starvation, eating tree bark, Guanyin soil, and even Yizi. And the incidents of food kept happening, and the whole town was starving and dying, like a **** on earth.

At this time, someone proposed to kill the useless elderly and children to reduce the burden of drinking water. After several discussions, the villagers in the town agreed that the elderly can be killed, but the children must be kept.

Since this day, old people have been sent out of the town to the Yunjue cliff behind the town, where they are locked in the cave dug out on the cliff and starved to death!

If tourists come to Bulao Town now, they can still see the caves where the old people were once locked up under the guidance of villagers and tour guides.

The following picture is the distant view of Yunjue Mountain. (A photo taken from a distance is attached below. From a distance, you can clearly see dozens of dark caves on a slightly steep cliff.)

According to legend, since the disaster passed, no one in this ancient and mysterious town has lived past the age of fifty-five...

Want to come and see this town for yourself? Want to walk into the cave and feel the disaster two hundred years ago up close? Welcome to book in advance! Book a call...

After reading the long and dense introduction above, Qin Yi stared at the dozens of black holes in the photo, as if seeing the helplessness and despair of the old people when they were locked inside.

Ding Lu grabbed the flyer from her hand and looked at it carefully with Ma Wei.

After reading it, the faces of the four of them are not very good-looking. Isn't what this leaflet says exactly the kiln sent to death?

Hu Lai said, "But isn't it already two hundred years ago that the kiln was sent to death? Could it be that the ghosts from two hundred years ago came back for revenge?"

"Look at the latter sentence, 'According to legend, since this disaster passed, no one inhabitant of this ancient and mysterious town can live beyond fifty-five years'. Does this mean that from Since two hundred years ago, those ghosts have been taking revenge, so they killed everyone who lived in their fifties, and only now have they started to attack everyone?"

After Ma Wei finished speaking, her eyes looked around and she shuddered violently.

Ding Lu swallowed his saliva and said, "But, maybe that's the case... those old people didn't have that much grievance back then, so they could only deal with the old and infirm. In recent years, more people have traveled. People are more and more able to make money, and those ghosts watch these people live a good life every day, and the resentment in their hearts becomes heavier..."

This guess is quite reasonable, and it seems that this is the only guess at present.

Qin Yi took a deep breath and relaxed his dull mood a little. He was about to turn his head to talk to Hu Lai, but when he turned his head, Yu Guang swept across the empty street not far away——

In that place, Tian Zhen should have been lying.

If you look carefully, not only there, but everywhere you can see, there is no Tian Zhen!

"Where's Tian Zhenren?" She suppressed the strong discomfort that was surging in her heart and asked.

The attention of the other three people was all on the introduction of the flyer, and when they heard the words, they raised their heads and looked at the street.

The next moment, everyone's expression changed drastically.

Hu Lai immediately reached out and grabbed Qin Yi's arm, and said in a trembling voice, "Again, another one disappeared?"

While speaking, a cool breeze blew through, and thin goose bumps appeared all over his body.

When Gong Xiao disappeared, it was at least a little omen, but Tian Zhen was lying on the street and disappeared so quietly.

"What the **** is going on?" Ma Wei ducked behind Ding Lu.

Ding Lu turned his head and pulled her away, and said coldly, "hiding behind me, do you want me to protect you from disasters?"

Hu Lai looked at his position and smiled embarrassedly at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi raised his chin towards him, motioning him to go with her to the place where Tian Zhen was lying.

She squatted down, looked carefully at the bluestone slab, and looked around everywhere, but found no suspicious traces.

Gong Xiao and Tian Zhen both disappeared so suddenly out of thin air, leaving no clues.

Even if you want to find someone, you can't find it at all. For now, just take care of yourself.

Qin Yi looked at the long street hidden in the dark in the distance, and said solemnly, "The flyer says that the location of Yunjue Mountain is behind the town, it should be the end of the town, right?"

Hu Lai's hand gripping her arm tightened suddenly, and asked nervously, "Don't you... want to go and see?"

Qin Yi turned to look at Ding Lu and Ma Wei, and asked, "You two went to Zhenkou later. Did you go to Zhenwei before that?"

Ma Wei glanced at Ding Lu unhappily, and said lightly, "I didn't."

Ding Lu snorted coldly and said, "The place I was teleported to is only a few steps away from the exit of Zhenwei, but the mission said that I was going to exit from the town, so I walked directly to the town in the opposite direction."

Qin Yi asked, "Is there a mountain over there?"

There was moonlight, but it wasn't enough for them to see what was in the distance. Under the dark night, the sky merges with all objects in the distance. In addition, if there are mountains in the distance, the mountains will fog up at night, making it impossible for people to see anything.

Ding Lu thought about it carefully, and said somewhat uncertainly: "I didn't pay attention to it at the time, and it's such a dark day, how can I see it? But the flyer says it has it, right?"

Qin Yi pursed his lower lip and said, "Now we have nothing else to do, and I don't know what to do if we go to the end of the town, but it's better than staying here and waiting, you don't have to come with me. ."

After she finished speaking, Hu Lai said, "I must follow you anyway."

Ma Wei and Ding Lu hesitated for a while. Ma Wei took the lead and said, "It's safer to have more people. I'll go with you too."

Ding Lu was left alone, of course he also nodded.

The four of them walked along the street all the way towards the end of the town.

On the way, Hu Lai said, "I don't think even the town tail can get out, otherwise those people can escape from the town tail completely."

"Don't crow your mouth." Ma Wei rolled his eyes at him.

Walking from near the mouth of the town to the end of the town, this distance is still a bit far.

The small passages staggered between the houses lead directly to the courtyard behind the house and the fields outside.

But Qin Yi tried it in the past, and even if he walked out from these places, he would still be teleported back.

Because of this, the hearts of the four of them are a little heavy. If Zhenwei can't get out, there will be no clues on this flyer.

After an unknown amount of time, they finally reached the end of the town. The houses here are not as crowded as those before, there are several houses scattered in a sparse way, and the bluestone slabs on the ground are also hidden under the soil, and further forward, it becomes a mud road.

At a glance, you can see a dirt road whitened in the moonlight extending into the distance.

And in the distance, there is a dark outline of mountains.

"That should be the Yunjueshan mentioned in the flyer, right?" Hu Lai said: "It seems that it is still some distance away from here."

Some distance is just right. No matter how cruel the townspeople are, they don't want to live at home, but they listen to the old people who are starving and cry.

"Try it." Qin Yi said, and walked towards the dirt road.

Just after walking a few steps, Hu Lai suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

His voice was so loud that it even changed because it was so loud that Qin Yi was startled, and his footsteps followed.

She only heard Hu Lai trembling in a voice that was almost crying: "There... is there something coming over there?"

Hu Lai's eyes have always been very good, and she has seen it in the novice task.

Qin Yi retreated to the side of the three and squinted slightly in the direction Hu Lai pointed.

The dirt road bends after extending for a while, and hides behind a bush to the left.

The mountains and rocks in the distance become the background of this road, making that section of the road look like a white trail painted on a black background.

But it's not pure black after all.

Therefore, Qin Yi could see that under the almost black background, there was a darker human-shaped shadow, moving slightly slowly towards this side.

This figure looks tall, but it seems to be a little lame, and it seems that there are no two arms, step by step, step by step, strange posture, silently moving towards them...

Hu Lai grabbed Qin Yi's arm again, and through a layer of cloth, Qin Yi could clearly feel that he was shaking.

Ding Lu, who was behind him, saw the scene clearly, exclaimed "Ah", and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

Ma Wei grabbed the corner of Hu Lai's clothes, and said with an extremely trembling voice: "Don't be stunned, run away, run away..."

She wanted to escape, but her legs were weak, and she didn't dare to turn around and run away alone, no one knew what ghosts she would encounter after running into the town.

The strange human-shaped shadow over there was still slowly moving towards this side, Qin Yi bit his tongue hard, and choked out a word from between his teeth: "Run!"

She turned around, dragged Hu Lai and ran back.

Just after running seven or eight steps, a shout came from the muddy road outside the town.
