Doomsday Reincarnation

Chapter 6: have to live

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yi put the paper on the table.

Hu Lai took a closer look, then raised his head and stared at Qin Yi: "Can you...can you do it?"

Qin Yi licked his dry lips, stood up, and said, "Don't sit still, go and prepare the rope."

Wen Zhong shrugged and walked to the window first.

It's not easy to find a rope, but it's easy to make it yourself-every family has thick and long curtains on the windows, just twist the curtain cloth into a rope.

The six of them worked together, and in a short while they twisted out a thick and long rope. Duanhua also took out a pillow and put it on Qin Yi's abdomen before tying the rope firmly.

Qin Yi's stomach was a little tight, she swallowed her saliva and felt very nervous.

But there is no way, who made her so unlucky to become one sixth?

When he walked to the window where the wooden bridge was built, Qin Yi took three deep breaths, and finally calmed down a little, but as soon as he climbed up the window and looked down, his legs felt a little soft.

"Hey, if you can't, come down and let me come."

Hu Lai came over and reached out to grab Qin Yi's arm.

Being helped by others, Qin Yi didn't seem to be so afraid.

She gritted her teeth, turned her head and smiled at him: "It's okay, just pull the rope."

Wen Zhong walked over and pointed at the opposite rooftop: "Just keep staring at the pile of debris on the rooftop, don't look down, nothing will happen, don't worry."

Qin Yi nodded, pursed his lips and stepped onto the wooden bridge.

The heavy rain hit her body immediately, and the raindrops were like pebbles, and each one carried a lot of strength, and even though the clothes were separated, it still hurt.

Almost instantly, she was soaked all over.

Qin Yi quickly fell down, his eyes hard to open due to the rain, narrowed a slit, stared at the pile of debris on the opposite rooftop, and slowly climbed up.

Although it uses both hands and feet, the speed is not fast.

The short distance away from the window at first was fine, but after climbing out a certain distance, her heart couldn't stop beating violently.

The whole person seems to be in a state of congestion, and every pore on his body is full of fear.

She tried her best not to look down, just staring at the debris on the opposite rooftop.

When she climbed to the center, she almost collapsed on it.

Although the wooden bridge was solid, it kept shaking because someone was crawling on it, especially the central part.

Qin Yi bit his lower lip hard, relying on the pain to stay awake, and continued to crawl forward slowly...

The distance of just six meters is as long as hundreds of meters to her at this time. The flat board surface was like a sea of ​​swords and flames to her, and it was impossible to move an inch.

Finally, climbed over the most dangerous central part.

Qin Yi gasped and relaxed a little. The pounding sound of her heart was as clear as a sound placed in her ear. She bit her lower lip and continued to crawl forward without daring to stop for a moment.

At this moment, there was a little movement on the other side of the rooftop.

Qin Yi's slightly narrowed eyes could not see clearly under the dim light and the rain.

But at least, she could be sure that she saw clearly that something seemed to move suddenly in the pile of junk on the opposite rooftop.

She stopped.

Behind him, the quick-tempered Hu Lai shouted, "Hey, why did you stop there? Hurry up!"

Before Qin Yi could respond, the movement in the pile of clutter became even louder.

This time, even the others saw it clearly.

Wen Zhong's expression changed and he said loudly, "Come back soon!"

At the same time, the thing in the clutter appeared.

Qin Yi was the closest. Although the light was not very good, it was enough for her to see what it was—

Eel, a giant eel!

The moment he saw it, Qin Yi recognized it.

Once, this was a common fish on the table.

But now, it has appeared alive on land with a body that is hundreds of times larger than before.

This body is bigger than a person, and even has two arms, but it seems to be soft and boneless, and there are a little things rolled on both sides at this moment...

what is that?

Qin Yi squinted to take a closer look, and the next moment his breath stagnated - its two arms were rolled up, and they turned out to be two human legs!

A chill swept through his body, and Qin Yi quickly turned his head to crawl back.

The moment she turned around, Chen Shan exclaimed, pointing behind her and shouting.

Under the tension, Qin Yi didn't even hear what he was saying, but subconsciously pulled out the sharp knife from his waist and turned his body back.

After seeing the situation, she couldn't help but turn pale.

The huge eel was swimming towards her!

It was swimming like a snake, with those white human legs still wrapped around its arms, its round fish eyes staring at Qin Yi, approaching at a very fast speed!

Before Qin Yi could react, it had already swam to the end of the wooden bridge.

As soon as the huge body was pressed up, the wooden bridge made a sound, and then shook violently with its movements.

"Come back! Hurry!" Hu Lai's rough voice kept shouting from behind.

But everyone knew that Qin Yi had no chance to go back at this time.

The speed of the eel monster is obviously much faster than her!

Qin Yi clenched the sharp knife and knelt on the wooden plank. His heart, which had been beating violently because of nervousness, quickly calmed down at this time.

Closer, closer!

The eel monster waved its two human legs and threw it towards Qin Yi. It apparently used them as weapons.

Qin Yi got down and dodged one of the blows, but was hit in the left arm by the other leg.

It wasn't very painful, but the nausea caused by this thing was worse than the pain.

But now he doesn't care so much, either it dies or she dies.

Qin Yi looked at the neutral position, shouted loudly, and rushed towards the eel monster!

The left arm grabbed its right arm, and the sharp knife clenched in the right hand stabbed it with all its strength!

"Pfft", the warm and smelly fish blood sprayed Qin Yi all over.

The eel monster let out a startling scream, and the human leg of the left arm was thrown out by it, the soft arm wrapped around Qin Yi, and at the same time, it opened its mouth and bit her shoulder.

Qin Yi quickly pulled out the knife and slashed it from top to bottom, hitting the soft arm it wrapped around!

Since there were no bones, this knife went down and cut off the arm directly.

But at the same time, the eel monster's mouth was about to bite her shoulder.

Between the lightning and flint, Qin Yi opened his mouth and bit its eyes!

The overwhelming stench instantly filled the entire mouth, Qin Yi closed his eyes and bit down hard!

Eyeballs shattered, and the scream of the eel monster almost pierced the eardrum.

Qin Yi spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with the eye lens, and pushed it off the wooden bridge while it was in pain.

With the "thump" sound of entering the water, she went soft, sat on the wooden board bloody, and vomited.

The stench in her mouth made her want to spit out her stomach.

On the other side, the five people were already stunned.

Qin Yi raised his head, opened his mouth full of blood and smiled at them: "No way, you have to live."
