Doomsday Reincarnation

Chapter 85

"The mission of the two players we met earlier was to destroy the source of the virus." Ma Wei's voice interrupted Qin Yi's thoughts, she said with a smile, "Chen Mo and I pretended to be on the same mission as them, and then When it was my turn to watch in the middle of the night, I killed them directly."

Qin Yi was slightly startled, but there was no expression on his face, he just said lightly: "I also met a person who accidentally talked about destroying the source of the virus when I was talking to me. Only then did I know that this time the players The mission is different.”

"Yeah, I almost missed the point at first! If they knew that everyone's mission was different, I might be the one who was killed." Ma Wei said, "Speaking of which, this mission is obviously more important to us. favoritism."

Qin Yi didn't know what she meant by her words, so he just echoed: "Yes, I'm really lucky to be assigned this task."

Ma Wei looked a little excited and wanted to say something else, but Chen Mo, who had never spoken, suddenly coughed and said, "It's almost there, let's go."

His voice sounded hoarse, as if his throat had been burned by fire.

Ma Wei swallowed what she was about to say, smiled at Qin Yi and said, "Let's go, maybe you will meet a few hostile players, so don't talk too much, so as not to miss out."

Qin Yi nodded, followed behind the two of them, and walked forward with one foot and one foot in the ruins.

This section of the road into the city, if the traffic is convenient, takes about an hour, and the time it takes now has to be multiplied by at least five times.

Not only are the roads difficult to navigate, but there are also zombies that may appear at any time.

Qin Yi has been thinking about how to extract useful information from Ma Wei's mouth, but suddenly heard Ma Wei in front of him call out: "There is someone ahead!"

Qin Yi looked up and saw a man hacking and killing zombies.

The zombie would also reach out to block the knife. It looked very strong and should be a mutant zombie.

Ma Wei said: "Go and help!"

As she spoke, she sped up and walked over there.

The road was too difficult to walk, otherwise she would have run away long ago.

Qin Yi walked behind and did not speed up.

She looked at the figure of Ma Wei trying to get there quickly, and she felt a little funny in her heart. With such diligence, I don't know if she thought she was a kind-hearted person, but in fact, she just wanted to gain the trust of the other party like this, and it was just a convenient cliché.

Not far away, when the man was fighting with the zombies, Ma Wei had already walked over.

The two worked together and quickly killed this powerful zombie.

The man sat on the ground and took a few breaths before saying to Ma Wei, "Thank you."

Ma Wei smiled and said, "My name is Ma Wei, what's your name? Are you here to find the source of the virus?"

The man hesitated for a moment, then only said, "My name is He Zhi."

Ma Wei didn't ask another question, turned her head and pointed at Chen Mo and Qin Yi, and said, "They are all my companions, Chen Mo and Qin Yi. Are you a player?"

The person who can ask this question must be the player.

And now there are still living people in S City, who else is there other than players?

He Zhi nodded and said, "Yes, are you all?"

Ma Wei smiled and said, "Of course, you are very dangerous alone. Would you like to go with us? With more people, it will be easier to find the source of the virus then."

He Zhi hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Qin Yi sat on the side without speaking, and listened quietly to the conversation between Ma Wei and He Zhi. After the two chatted for another ten minutes, Ma Wei sighed and said, "Oh, I can sit here and chat. Time is running out, and in another month or so, if we can't complete the mission, we will all become zombies."

Qin Yi looked at He Zhi.

I saw him startled for a moment, his lips opened slightly, but closed again immediately.

It seems that he is also a vigilant person.

Ma Wei looked calm, without showing any strangeness, and said, "Are you resting? Let's continue on the road with us."

The original team of three became four.

Chen Moren, as his name suggests, didn't say a word along the way, and Qin Yi seldom spoke. He only followed behind to listen to Ma Wei and He Zhi.

About half an hour later, Ma Wei managed to get a message out of He Zhi's mouth—his mission was to destroy the source of the virus.

He Zhi never thought that his words would put his own life in danger.

Qin Yi sighed helplessly in his heart, thinking to himself, he and He Zhi are both on the mission of destroying the source of the virus, so the hostile side is protecting the source of the virus.

After walking for a while, the four stopped and found a place to sit and rest.

At this time, it was already about six o'clock in the afternoon.

The four of them each took out food from their storage rings, and while eating, Ma Wei said, "It's getting late, there are many zombies in this place, and it must be dangerous to travel at night, we have to find a place to spend the night first. ."

Almost all the houses were blown up, and even if the bottom one or two floors of some high-rise buildings remained, it was still dirty and messy, and there was a danger of collapse at any time.

So they can only sleep in the open space outside.

Ma Wei and Chen Mo had two tents there. After the four of them cleaned up the rubble on the ground together, they set up the tent. Ma Wei and Qin Yi shared one, and the two men used the other.

It took a lot of time to clear the ground and set up the tent, and also to clear the zombies wandering around, so it was almost eight o'clock after the busy work.

Ma Wei stood in front of the tent and said to Qin Yi and He Zhi, "I'm used to being with Chen Mo, so let's divide into two groups to watch the night. Do you two want to sleep first, or stay in the middle of the night first?"

Qin Yi looked at He Zhi and said nothing.

He Zhi thought for a while and said, "The two of us should go to bed first."

If you go to bed first, you will die sooner, and if you go to bed later, you will die later.

Qin Yi thought to himself, nodded, and got into the tent first.

She heard a rustling movement from outside, and then He Zhi's voice: "I'm a little dead in my sleep. If you can't wake me up, you can pinch me, then I will definitely be woken up by pain."

Any chance of waking up?

Qin Yi tilted his head, looking at the small table lamp in the corner of his tent, frowning.

She immediately lay down and rolled over on her side.

Her eyes fell on the projection on the tent illuminated by the lamp, and her brows became deeper and deeper...
