
v1 Chapter 25: set

入 Only one snow fell after winter this year, and the snow was not heavy, so when there was a chance to warm up and warm in the early winter, the snow in Yangpo had melted.

But there is still snow in the shade and in the woods.

Therefore, the snow will not cause much trouble to the enemy. There are few places on the road that can produce snow, but the snow has brought some trouble to Gao Yuan. In order to achieve the tactical goals set for the defending country, he must Try to go straight, run the shortest distance at the fastest speed, and try to get to the front of the enemy to intercept. This requires going through the forest.

Climb over the mountains, through the woods, climb the cliffs, and jump off the cliffs.

I ca n’t just be quick, I ca n’t hurt myself or even die. In that case, Luo Xingyu is really not saved.

Wu Gaoyuan didn't know that he had fallen a few heels. He sat on the ground and slid down the snow in the woods.

After passing through a very steep but not vertical cliff at the fastest speed, Gao Yuan hugged a tree to stop his momentum, and then he covered his face with his hands, no matter what it was A bush of thorns rushed forward.

There was blood on his face and hands, but Gao Yuan didn't care.

He has only one goal. If the enemy would pass Luo Xingyu through him, Gao Yuan would have to grab them in front.

I save Luo Xingyu, this is the only goal.

As for killing the enemy, that is a secondary goal, not even a goal.

Gao Yuan now only wants the safety of Luo Xingyu, even if he exchanges all the materials, but he also knows that this kind of thing is unlikely.

There are no multiple choice questions in the adult world, but all.

So either kill the enemy to rescue Luo Xingyu, or be killed by the enemy.

Of course, there is the worst possibility, that is, Luo Xingyu has been killed, Gao Yuan only has revenge.

None of this now needs to be considered. Gao Yuan's mind is blank. Apart from occasionally stopping to discern a direction, the only thing he can do is run and run fast in the mountains.

Laoshan is climbing, not running, so the word mountain climbing is used.

Now Gao Yuan is really running in the mountains, but he doesn't feel any freedom like the wind.

After two hours, Gao Yuan ran into a lung like a fire. He didn't even waste the time to open the kettle, but grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into his mouth.

There is only a thin layer of snow on the ground, and the ground is covered with dust. There are a few pine needles in the mouth along with the snow, but Gao Yuan can no longer care about it.

The physical strength has reached the limit, the leg seems to be filled with lead, but Gao Yuan firmly believes that he can break through the limit.

的 People with long-distance running experience know that when they run to the limit, it seems like they can't run a single step, but as long as they break through the physical limit, they will run easier and easier afterwards, as if they are not tired.

Gao jumped over a small mountain beam, and Gao Yuan suddenly lost sight of him. He was already at the highest peak.

Looking down, I can see the village at the foot of the mountain, and the location where Gao Yuan is located a few tens of meters down is a high or low cliff.

The direction is a bit different, but not too far away. As long as it is on the top edge of the mountain peak, it can block the only way down the mountain.

Why is it the necessary way, because other places are too dangerous to pass.

Wu Gaoyuan jumped on the path, then he started to run along the path, and after a small turn, he stopped.

A protruding stone formed a corner, and he could hide behind it so that pedestrians on the road could not see him.

的 The terrain here is not particularly dangerous. Gao Yuan knows that there is a section of road that is particularly narrow and can only accommodate one person. One side is a cliff, and the other side is a cliff that is hundreds of meters high. It will fall into a meat sauce if it fails.

The position of Gao Yuanxuan, apart from being able to hide well, has no special advantages. The road is relatively wide and it is a level road.

He pulled out the axe, untied the holster on the axe, and stuck it high to the stone, and began to adjust his breathing.

I am too tired, weak hands and feet, shortness of breath, this is not a good time to start.

Gao Yuan began to try to analyze like Wei Guo, make a clear judgment, and then move on to the next step.

Gao Yuan felt that he was fast, and that he came here at a distance similar to that from the village, so he did n’t have much disadvantage in distance, but those people took the road here, even if abandoned The road is also a road, which is much better than the way he crosses the mountains.

So Gao Yuan wasn't quite sure that he was ahead of the enemy.

Be calm, use your brain, you must be calm, you must not be messy!

Wu Gaoyuan kept admonishing himself in his heart, he frantically wanted to calm himself down.

Xiang Weiguo just gave him a good lesson just now, Gao Yuan knew how much calming down meant to him.

If things are not chaotic, this is simply impossible for too many people, so some people can rise against the trend, while most people cannot.

Wu Xiangwei is not here, Gao Yuan can only make his own judgment, but at the moment, his heart is in a mess, and he can't make a precise judgment on the situation in front of him with a calm attitude.

The direction is different, so if the enemy goes this way, have they not yet arrived here, or have they passed?

If you have n’t arrived yet, you can ambush here. If the enemy has passed, Gao Yuan must chase it.

The advantage of ambush is that the terrain here is favorable, and also allows Gao Yuan to have some time to recover his strength. However, if the enemy has passed here, leaving ambush at Gao Yuan means that he will never lose the opportunity to save Luo Xingyu.

If you start down the mountain along the road, the benefits seem to be greater, because if the enemy has not yet arrived, Gao Yuan can still ambush at the next point, but there is also a disadvantage, that is, he must continue to move and cannot rest, the main thing is that it may leave traces Let later enemies find out.

With traces, thinking of this, Gao Yuan finally understood what he should do.

If it is normal, such as sitting on the sofa, drinking tea and chatting, watching the computer to make some analysis and judgment on others is not difficult, every keyboard man can do it, because even if they say wrong, There will be no price.

In the critical moment of human life, in the life that is most concerned about, it is uncertain, and the moment before you must give up your life, you can calm down and find a suitable method to solve the dilemma you face. This is not ordinary people because they choose Wrong means that someone will die, or they will die. This kind of pressure is not for everyone.

Gao Yuan left the rock, and he walked quickly down the mountain until he turned along the path at the top of the cliff.

On a road blocked by the mountains, snow finally appeared. The snow was very thin, but it still left a footprint.

The most important thing is that there are only footprints going up the mountain, but not footprints down the mountain.

Wu Gaoyuan was excited because he found the key to save Luo Xingyu.

Those people went up here from here, which proves that Xiang Weiguo's judgment is correct. Then, these footprints prove that the enemy has not yet come down from here. That means that if they return along this road, Gao Yuan has a chance to ambush.

Also, Gao Yuan can tell from the footprint that at least four people have left the footprint.

There are four people, not one, which allows the enemy to have enough manpower and strength to decide to take Luo Xingyu away instead of killing her. This is very important.

Gao Yuan put his foot next to the footprints in the snow. The footprints left by the enemy were large and small, but the smallest footprint was not much smaller than his footprint.

I told Weiguo that the size of a person ’s feet is related to their height, but Xiangweiguo just said that, but he did n’t teach Gao Yuan how to discern footprints. However, discerning footprints from the snow is the easiest way. Gao Yuan still can judge that the people coming are four men.

I'm fine, the key information has been obtained, and a decision can be made after a reasonable analysis.

He decided to return and ambush behind the corner formed by the big rock just now.

Wu Gaoyuan returned to the back of the stone. After standing on the rock wall, his breathing began to calm down.

With a lot of sweat, his mouth was very dry, and Gao Yuan took out the kettle and drank the little water left. Then he took the kettle off his body and put it on the ground.

Twenty minutes passed, and Gao Yuan felt a little anxious.

Twenty minutes passed, and Gao Yuan felt anxious again.

Thirty minutes have elapsed. The excitement and joy that just occurred because of reasonable analysis and judgment have just disappeared, and the high distance is now like a year.

The sweat fell, and the sweat-soaked clothes were wet and cold, and felt cold from afar.

Can't make the body completely cold ~ ~ Gao Yuan started to move his sore limbs, he had to warm himself up again.

Would you like to go back along the road? In that case, if the enemy really goes this way, they will run faster.

一 As soon as this idea came into being, Gao Yuan could not help but start immediately.

Xi Gaoyuan had a hard time keeping calm, and he was warming up suddenly with his left hand and slap himself.

"Calm! Calm! You must calm!"

I whispered to myself, and Gao Yuan breathed slowly.

If you walk back along the road, the advantage of ambush is very likely to be lost. The ambush battle will become an encounter, and there are four people in the opponent. Now the most important thing is to save Luo Xingyu instead of Luo Xingyu, because Not lost, but tied up, so you can't go back, you must ambush here.

Gao Yuan, who made the judgment again, calmed down. Now that you know what to do is right, do the right thing.

Gao Yuan's breathing calmed down, he kept his movement calmly and rhythmically, not to stiffen his limbs, or to let his body cool down.

Although He is only fighting with his own thoughts, Gao Yuan at this moment seems to have undergone a transformation, a very important transformation.

Emotions make Gao Yuan anxious, but rationality can keep Gao Yuan calm. This is a very strange state and a state that few people can reach.

Finally, Gao Yuan, who was moving, stopped suddenly because he heard the sound.

"Hurry up ..."

With the sound of footsteps, a man's cursing voice came to the wind, Gao Yuan stopped warming up, he pulled the axe from his waist with his right hand, and held the knife back in his left hand.

I'm here, finally here, it's here!