
v2 Chapter 389: Paradise

Intelligence work is a very complicated matter, and intelligence research and judgment, especially a highly professional and extremely difficult thing.

According to some clues, then the integrated analysis of the found clues and traces, and finally came to a conclusion that is purely based on inference, but it can be very close to the real situation, and even complete the actual situation. .

Smart people can't do intelligence work, and Gao Yuan bluntly said that his intelligence is the level of an ordinary person, so of course he can only make some basic judgments, and can't make any in-depth thinking and consideration.

Who can do this kind of thing?

Gao Yuan thought about it for a long time. No one on the Spark team could really combine the things he and Xinghe discovered to make a comprehensive analysis and come to a conclusion.

Zhao Qiang can certainly do it, but he is dead, Li Yang should be able to do it, but he is not there.

Then Renato can do it now. Since he is a professional in intelligence, he must be able to make a more accurate judgment.

Unfortunately, Gao Yuan couldn't let Renato know about it, so he knew that the holy cabinet was in continuous use, and knew that there must be some war in the place where the holy cabinet was kept, but Gao Yuan couldn't do anything.

Why is there a fight in the place where the holy cabinet is kept, because according to the use time of the holy cabinet, you can know that the user's injury is very heavy, then that is to say, if the battle takes place far away from the holy cabinet It doesn't have to be very far, those injured are too late to use the holy cabinet.

So the conclusion is that there is a fierce battle in Djibouti, the size of which is unknown, but it must be fierce, and the people who keep the holy cabinet have to be forced to relocate.

But that's all. Gao Yuan can't help it even if he knows it, because he is thousands of kilometers away from Djibouti.

Since nothing can be done, continue to follow the scheduled route.

Yellow sand, Gobi, Gobi, yellow sand.

The monotonous scenes appear alternately, and you can only walk more than 300 kilometers a day, because this is the whole concept of off-road, and fast driving on the highway is a completely different concept.

But in any case, the trip was very smooth. Although it was slow, there were no major accidents or dangers along the way. Under extremely careful driving, even the puncture did not occur a few times.

For ten days in a row, I walked in the world ’s largest desert. On the road, I often encountered some oasis and human gathering points, but they did not enter Gaoyuan.

Any oasis in the desert with a stable water source must be a gathering place for humans, but it is just a difference in size.

But if there are any corners in the world that are forgotten, then the Sahara Desert must be one of them. This is a corner that seems to be abandoned by modern civilization. There is no problem in describing it as a wild land.

Well, since it is a corner forgotten by humans themselves, it will naturally be ignored by aliens.

Ancient and modern China and foreign countries, all war-prone areas must be the most suitable for human survival. Since the main body of war is human, this rule cannot be avoided.

Therefore, the Sahara Desert, which is not suitable for human survival, is also a place completely neglected by the Serpents. Then, a natural result is that there is no zombie virus here.

The wild land of the past has now become a paradise for humans.

Ever since the first oasis discovered that the people here were completely unaffected by the virus, Gao Yuan decided to stay away from the paradise in these deserts.

Gao Yuan each of them, without exception, has virus antibodies on their bodies, but the presence of antibodies means that there may be viruses in each of them, but these viruses can no longer affect them.

But for those who live in the oasis, no matter what kind of modern civilization they have been exposed to, or ancient tribes gathering, as long as they contact the distant people who carry the virus, they may die, and Is inevitable.

For the last piece of pure land for human beings, Gao Yuan will not die for the convenience of his own convenience, so even if they need to add fresh water, he will not pollute this piece of pure soil for his own convenience.

When you see the oasis, it is far away. The virus needs a body to survive. In the hot and dry desert, the virus cannot survive for a long time, so as long as it does not contact people, it will not cause pollution.

Only today, Gao Yuan, they must find an oasis to replenish water, because drinking water has one fifth left, which is a very dangerous number. The troops will face the danger of water shortage.

For the decision of Gao Yuan to stay away from the human gathering place in the desert, everyone in the whole team agreed, but now the decision of Gao Yuan to replenish the water source is also approved by the whole team.

Just need to think of a suitable way.

"According to the distance we traveled and the direction, we have already entered Chad. According to the current topography, we have bypassed the Tibetis Plateau, so our reliable position is now Central Chad. "

After Ralph finished speaking, for a member of the best special forces in the Kingdom of David, he could only say his approximate location, which made him feel ashamed.

But there is no way, there is no GPS, no high-precision military map, only the most basic world map, and some satellite map pictures, and then rely on the compass to determine the direction, and there are no landmarks, no cities, and no roads and street signs.

Not at sea ~ ~ is better than at sea. In this case, it is very difficult to figure out your approximate location.

Gao Yuan nodded: "Okay, we can find an oasis or a town. Now what we have to consider is how to leave after drinking enough water without contacting the locals. Is there any way?"

Sirte laughed, and after he grumbled, Li Jingang said to Gao Yuan: "The can opener said this is too simple. The few of us went out and used machine guns to fire nearby, scaring everyone away. , Find the water source, fill all the water tanks and leave immediately. "

Gao Yuan was very surprised, because he felt that this method was simply too simple, but how could he not think of it.

As for the use of force to scare away the locals, it will not cause the locals to hate and attack them. This possibility does not even need to be considered, because the locals are at most backward, but they are not stupid.

Gao Yuan thought a little and immediately nodded, "Okay, that's it."

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