Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

~: 139. Tiaohulishan, go up

   (three more)

  What kind of experience is the high altitude crash?

   "Wow wow wow wow..."

   However, there was a frightening sound in the air that made people cry.

In the process of falling sharply, Ma Hongjun's fat face shook like jelly, the thick fat on his face was ups and downs, and the exposed teeth, the gums under the teeth, and the tongue spitting out like a knot were obvious. For funny.

   In Ma Hongjun's line of sight, the world and the horizon turned upside down, and the surrounding scenery changed rapidly in a spiral shape, constantly impacting the vision, and the stomach was turning over the river and the sea, making people sick and almost vomiting.

   There is a big horror in front of life and death!

Ma Hongjun deserves to be Dean Flander's proselytized disciple. At such a critical juncture, he finally managed to keep a trace of his mind, and the body's spiritual power poured out like water. The body stabilized.

   "Flapping, fluttering, fluttering..."

   The wings on the back slapped hard, and the fanning wind softly supported the heavy figure of the little fat man, while slowing down the falling speed, he vigorously lifted off again.

   It's just that Yang Ming will give him such a chance!

   Taking advantage of the time when the little fat man crashed, Yang Ming has already used the wonderful to the peak of the body, shortening the distance between the two!

Looking up, Ma Hongjun's figure was reflected in the pupils of Sangouyu, less than 20 meters from the ground. Yang Ming immediately took the bowstring again, and the longbow, bowstring, and sharp arrows were all evolved from the king of the soul and flame demon. , Making him a profound three-point understanding of flame.


   Between the bow string trembling, a sharp arrow made of Qinglian's earth fire burst out.

Once again I heard the roar of sharp arrows and wind breaking from behind, Ma Hongjun ate a pad of long wisdom, immediately gathered his wings, his legs were curled up in front of his abdomen, his legs were held in his hands, and he was like a diving master, even in the air. Somersault.

  With the help of the reduced area of ​​the body, Ma Hongjun staggered the arrow.

  After avoiding the flame arrows, Ma Hongjun fluttered his wings immediately, preparing to stay away from Yang Ming, the fierce god.

  Ma Hongjun thought it was pretty, but the next moment, Yang Ming bowed again.

   This time, it was not just a shot, but seven stars!

   Seven consecutive fire arrows, each sharp arrow has the thick arm of an adult, and the arrow of the size of a pebble is even more chilly!

   "Whoosh, swish, swish..."

   The continuous wind breaking sound hit, Ma Hongjun did not dare to carelessly, relying on the experience of many years old drivers, barely spread his wings, like a fat flamingo clumsily dodge in the air.

  If Ma Hongjun is not so fat, perhaps by virtue of flexible positioning, it may be possible to easily avoid all arrows, in this way, he can also play a kite-flying strategy and turn Yang Ming's tricks.

   But unfortunately, he is too fat.

  Perhaps in ordinary times, such disadvantages have not been manifested so clearly.

   It's just that the masters are fighting for the edge, any flaws will be magnified infinitely, and then captured by the opponent.

   What's more, Yang Ming was originally much stronger than Ma Hongjun. With the help of San Gouyu's dynamic visual acuity, he also saw Ma Hongjun's weakness early.

   Ma Hongjun's original first-line vitality was also crushed by Yang Ming mercilessly!


   A flaming arrow crossed Ma Hongjun's thigh, and his face was hot and hot, and his face was red, like pig liver.

   Yang Ming draws a bow and arrow, and the sight is aimed at Ma Hongjun, laughing:

   "Little fat man, haven't you obediently surrendered and surrendered, and handed over the red flag?"

   Ma Hongjun's eyes turned round and round, and the two weasel-like whiskers on his upper lip shook slightly, making him look like a dog-headed military division.

   With his air superiority, Ma Hongjun saw faintly that the remaining six people in Tang San were protecting the real red flag escorted by Oscar and ran from the other direction.

  If he is so easy to give up, it will be easy for Yang Ming to turn his head.

   As a result, it is not easy for them to arrange the strategy of defusing the tiger from the mountain, and they will fail.

   "Boss Yang, I will not admit defeat!"

   Ma Hongjun had a hard breath, pulling the wound on his thigh, and immediately took a breath.

   It turned out that Yang Ming saw that he was so sturdy, he simply let go of some restrictions and shot several arrows again.

  Yang Ming strictly followed the rules set by Dean Flander. He won't hurt his opponents in the process of capturing the flag. The arrows he shoots are pre-judgment for the fat man to avoid.

   It's just that Yang Ming has drilled a hole in the rules. The flame and arrow didn't hurt the little fat man. Every time he passed the little fat man, but the high temperature wrapped in his body always inadvertently burned Ma Hongjun.

   Even Ma Hongjun’s martial spirit evil fire phoenix is ​​extremely resistant to flames, and it can’t stand Yang Ming’s harassment in this way.

   The taste of the hot pain in the bone marrow was uncomfortable. The fat and fat face suddenly turned pale, and a bit of cold sweat oozed out of the forehead. It quickly fell to the ground from the air and smiled bitterly:

   "Boss Yang, have something to say."

   As for guts?

   What is that stuff?

  Ma Hongjun had already put what he just said as a fart, and his face was thick and thick.

  Yang Ming didn't doubt that he was there. He stepped forward and prepared to retrieve the red flag while helping the fat man pull out his arrow.

   It was just that when Yang Ming approached, the corner of the little fat man's mouth was slightly upturned.

   As it is now, it was all expected by Tang San.

  Tang San had long known that Yang Ming would not and would not dare to start. First, it was the friendship of classmates, and second, the rules set by Dean Flander, which could not hurt each other.

  After Yang Ming Ma Hongjun raised his hands and said he surrendered, and took out a red flag from his arms with a smile on his face.

   There is a big word written on it: false.

  It was like slapping Yang Ming's face fiercely, making him work hard for a long time.

   "Hey, hey."

   Watching Yang Ming's face sink, Ma Hongjun remembers Tang San's instructions. At this time, he must mock Yang Ming to attract Yang Ming's attention as much as possible and buy more time for them.

   "Boss Yang, you are not surprised, you are not surprised, these are all specially prepared for you, you just accept the gifts we prepared in good faith."

  Ma Hongjun handed the red flag to Yang Ming, but he was not close yet. Yang Ming pointed a little and a slender sword gas shot out. As accurate as surgery, the red flag was torn in half without hurting Ma Hongjun.


   Looked down at the red flag that split in half, Ma Hongjun just wanted to continue to spit out the ridiculous words, and he was held back in his stomach.

   Looking at the back of Yang Ming turning away, Ma Hongjun opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but eventually turned into a sigh.


  Dao Tang, it’s not that I didn’t give it a force, but that Mr. Yang was so scary!