Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

~: 281. 1 point more than ruthless

(Four more)

At the moment, when the avalanche prince was assassinated by unknown forces and the only eldest son of Xueqinghe was left under the knee of Xueyue Emperor, Ning Fengzhi recommended Yang Ming to Xueqinghe. The timing was very delicate.

In Ning Fengzhi's view, Yang Ming has already been regarded as his future son-in-law, Xue Qinghe is a student he taught himself. If there is no accident, he will inherit the unification and take over the Emperor of the Heavenly Fighting Empire. Bit.

In line with the principle that the fertile water does not flow outside the field, Ning Fengzhi let the two know at this time, in fact, he also paved the way for Yang Ming and placed high hopes on Yang Ming.

Of course, Ning Fengzhi cannot say this kind of deep-seated words directly, but can only say that he can only say what he wants.

Yang Ming's last life was only a junior high school student. Most of this life was also practiced in the college. Where do you know these curves?

Naturally, Ning Fengzhi's remarks were completely eye-catching to the blind, and he did nothing in vain.

It was Xue Qinghe who had been practicing in the power struggle for a long time. He had already cultivated an exquisite and clear heart. He soon gained insight into the meaning of Ning Fengzhi's words, and immediately smiled and said:

"It turns out that you are Yang Ming. Before, I heard the three education committees of the Tiandou Royal Academy praise you, saying that you are a rare peerless genius in a thousand years. Seeing it today is really emotional, and it is not as good as seeing it. "

Good news also depends on what kind of population is spoken.

If these words were just spoken by ordinary people, it was naturally tasteless, but these words came from the mouth of the prince of the Heavenly Empire, not only as simple as slapping Yang Ming rainbow farts on the surface, but also vaguely obliging Ning. Feng Zhi meant what he said just now.

Suddenly, the smile on Ning Fengzhi's face was a little sincere, and wanted to be very satisfied with the result.

Although Yang Ming hadn't figured out the situation for a while, on the surface, the etiquette did not exceed the rules, saying:

"His Royal Highness, you have a reputation."

"Eh, how come you are so out of this, if you don't mind, just call me Brother Xue."

There is a smile on the corner of Xue Qinghe's mouth, which makes people unable to see. Is she really laughing, or is it a smirk that does not smile, and when it comes to acting, the whole Tiandou Empire can match her, and I really can't find it. Out of five fingers.

Yang Ming will naturally not be confused by Xue Qinghe's external behavior, but there is no need to turn his face at the moment, and he said:

"Brother Xue."

"Good!" Xue Qinghe took Yang Ming's hand, and looked like a corporal Lixian. He said enthusiastically: "When I saw you, I felt that the two of us were very close to each other. In the future, no matter what we are, we don't need to call me Prince, we will be worthy of brothers, how?"

Aside, Ning Feng nodded secretly, and gave his students a compliment.

Yang Guang has been paying attention to Ning Feng's look. When he saw that he was satisfied with his face, even though Yang Ming couldn't understand anything more about it, he would still come back afterwards.

Yang Ming was clever and familiar with the plot, and it changed from one to the other at this time. He finally understood why Ning Fengzhi invited himself to Qibao Liuzong today. His feelings came to find a backer for him.

If Ning Fengzhi knew at this time, the near future Qibao Liulizong would be buried in the hands of his now outstanding disciple, I don't know what expression will be revealed.

Between his thoughts, Yang Ming converged and slightly arched his hand, saying:

"Brother Xue, how does this make you, Your Royal Highness Prince of the Heavenly Fighting Empire, but the body of gold, and I am just a civilian, you and I privately say that brothers and brothers are OK, if it is spread, I am afraid that Brother Xue will Good influences, I will mention these things again."

Yang Ming did not refuse in the face, but only promised to call him brother and brother in private. The reason is justified, so that people can not pick out the fault.

Seeing that Yang Ming didn't put on a suit, Xue Qinghe's smile on his face was constant, but he wanted to scold his mother.

In fact, don't look at her just as if she was wooing Yang Ming, but in fact she is dying Yang Ming!

You should know that the Tiandou Empire class has been solidified for a long time, and the gap between the nobles and the civilians is already very different. It can be said that people living in different worlds. If Yang Ming is in the suit, he and the Qingqing River are foolishly worthy of brothers. It caused an uproar among the noble class.

Just like many old-fashioned old stories, nobles and civilians will have tragedies when they get married, it is absolutely impossible for nobles and civilians to become brothers, apart from the external image and talk about the core essence. In fact, this is challenging the original social order and challenges Rules established by the nobility.

Yang Ming is not like Tang San in the original book. Tang Sanming is a civilian, but he is actually a member of the nobility and cannot be discussed together.

At that time, no matter how the nobles regarded Yang Ming before, there would always be people who could not see the eyes, or that the nobles who were jealous of the red eyes secretly perverted and tried various methods to target Yang Ming.

For people in the struggle for power, killing blood is the most foolish method. Killing blood without blood is a relatively clever method, but it is a truly clever method that moisturizes and quietly makes a life worse than death. .

Between the three words of Xue Qinghe, Yang Ming almost got on the set, causing him to be in the whirlpool of public opinion, which is a truly brilliant method.

It's a pity that Yang said he didn't put on a suit, and Xue Qinghe couldn't take him.

If you change to others, I am afraid that she has been dizzy by Xue Qinghe's kind attitude and the olive beads stretched out, and subconsciously hit Xue Qinghe's vicious move.

"Now that your heart is determined, I will not force it."

The expression on Xue Qinghe's face remained the same, making it impossible for her to see her true mood.

After talking about the business, Xueqinghe does not have a little prince’s shelf. He makes tea for everyone here, just like ordinary people, chatting with everyone about the family, and the latest domestic gossip news. The knowledge involved is very broad. The strange anecdotes of the south and the north, the personalities of various principalities and kingdoms can all talk eloquently.

Compared with it, the avalanche prince Yang Ming had seen before was only half way behind.

Of course, that was also the disguise of the avalanche prince.

Seeing the sky dim, Yang Ming arched his hand:

"It's not early now, I'll go back with Rongrong earlier."

Xue Qinghe glanced at their faces of a man and a woman, and the faint light in her eyes was hidden deeply, and she handed out a gold medal from her arms.

The style of the gold medal is simple, but it contains a special flow of energy with a word of heaven engraved on it, saying:

"In this case, I will give you a meeting gift before leaving, and you can take this brand with you. If there is anything in the future, please take it to the palace to find me."

Yang Ming was also polite, and directly took the gold medal to earn a reward from the sea.

You are reminded against the sky: Ask for a collection after watching (), and then watch it is more convenient.
