Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

Chapter 1021: against

In a word, Yang Ming didn't feel anything about Qian Renxue's next destiny. It was a great kindness not to kill her, but to let her spend the rest of her life in prison.

As for why not accept Qian Renxue?

Yang Ming is not a person who can't move his feet when he sees a beautiful woman, so there is no need to do such extraneous things.

This matter has been concluded, and everyone no longer said anything. Someone successively summarized the work situation. Yang Ming took a look at random and found that in this war to unify the mainland, the imperial coalition forces suffered the most serious losses under Jialing Pass. More than half of the soldiers with the ten thousand staff were injured, and the remaining half also had nearly one-third of the soldiers permanently disabled. Even the Healing Spirit Master couldn't help them. The injuries were really too serious.

It can be seen from this that the fighting at Jialing Pass was so tragic that it was worthy of being the number one pass in the world.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Ming turned his head to look at Emperor Xuexing, and said:

"For those soldiers who died in the war, we must double the compensation to their family members. Don't let the hero shed blood and tears. As for those soldiers who lost their legs and feet in the war and retired early, I am afraid that it will be difficult to find jobs in society in the future. The He Zhan Tian Gang can appropriately release some positions and specifically hire these disabled soldiers to work, so that they have a place to shelter. We should also encourage businessmen in the empire to recruit these disabled soldiers first, and promote corresponding policies as incentives. They recruited the number of disabled soldiers, gave them corresponding tax cuts and preferential treatment, and created an atmosphere in the entire empire that everyone was willing to join the army. In addition, in order to prevent merchants from exploiting loopholes, they recruited disabled soldiers and fired them, or failed to follow suit. To stipulate that commissions should be paid on time, the focus should be on establishing corresponding laws and regulations. Once such a bad act is discovered, not only must be sent to prison, but also family property must be confiscated."

Yang Ming talked freely and set the main tone for the treatment of the veterans. The Great Xue Xing worked hard to take notes on the side, and put forward some personal opinions from time to time to continuously improve the plan.

Next, as the head of the empire, Emperor Xuexing successively put forward a lot of political opinions, involving all aspects of politics and economics. Of course, the most important thing is that now the Douluo Continent is unified, and it is clear that In the face of it, the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire divide power. Is it necessary to merge the two empires into one empire?

Yang Ming thought for a while, and felt it was over.

Yang Ming's mind is not on the secular side, but is focused on improving strength. The Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire have existed for thousands of years, and they have high prestige in the hearts of many people. If the two empires merge, it will inevitably trigger some Unnecessary turmoil, when the time comes and don't know what moths will be involved, Yang Ming is too lazy to care, and doesn't want to care, just leave everything as it is.

"This kind of thing, I think it's better to put it aside."

Hearing that, Emperor Xue Xing didn't say anything.

In fact, when the Emperor Xue Xing mentioned just now, he actually had his own selfishness in it.

Although Emperor Xue Xing was brainwashed by Yang Ming with illusion techniques in his early years, he was loyal to Yang Ming wholeheartedly, but he was also a person and naturally had his own selfishness. If the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire merged, Yang Ming would definitely not stand there. At the front desk, he can become the emperor who dominates the mainland on the bright side. Not to mention, his descendants will inherit the throne and enjoy the supreme power over 10,000 people under one person.

Since Yang Ming didn't agree, Emperor Xuexing had no choice but to sigh in his heart.

After all, the Star Dou Empire is now under the rule of Zhu Zhuqing’s family. Although Yang Ming has not learned any emperor skills, he still has a little understanding of the simple balance of divide and rule, so that the two empires are under his own control. Those who check and balance each other can be long-lasting.

"Boom boom boom! boom boom boom! boom boom boom!"

Fingers tapped the tabletop lightly, making a crisp sound.

Yang Ming carefully studied the work report on the desktop. Now that the Douluo Continent has just been unified, the Empire’s coalition forces have been reduced seriously, and it will be difficult to regain combat effectiveness in a short while. Form combat effectiveness.

But there is no time waiting in the Abyss World. The last time I saw the Abyss Sovereign in the Sun Moon Continent, the other party was obviously ambitious. He wanted to do something on the Douluo Continent early in the morning. After the Abyss Sovereign Projection was repelled by Yang Ming, he was bound to do so. Make great efforts to open up the channel of the abyss plane, when the time comes, millions of abyssal creatures will swarm in, with the current manpower, it is not the opponent of the abyss world at all.

On the other hand, the war-damaged soldier’s pension accounted for a large amount of money in the finances. The previous reconstruction of Tiandou City also spent a large amount of money. This is because Emperor Xuexing accepted Yang Ming’s suggestion to issue state bonds to the merchants to raise funds. It took a large sum of money and the sale of many valuables of the royal family to maintain the smooth operation of the entire empire. The borrowed money has overdrawn the empire’s fiscal revenue for the next five years.

Simply put, the Empire has no money now.

Without money, there would be no way to recruit troops, no way to build a large number of zero-word battle armors, and no large number of soldiers to deal with the overwhelming creatures of the abyss.

It is no wonder that in the original work, the spirit masters who have developed the three-character battle armor and the four-character battle armor after a thousand years are still struggling to resist the invasion of the abyss world.

After all, abyss creatures have no animal rights. If they die, they die in vain. They don’t need compensation at all. Moreover, their weak abyss creatures may become food for powerful abyss creatures.

But the Douluo Continent is very different. It takes a lot of resources to cultivate a powerful spirit master. Once the spirit master dies, the empire will also need to compensate a large sum of pensions, otherwise there will be no spirit master willing to go to the front to sell his life. .

Two very different cultures in different worlds, one is advanced civilization, the other is barbaric civilization, but in this kind of war of aggression on a plane where you die or I live, barbaric civilization often has a great advantage in the early and mid-term. Once an advanced civilization cannot withstand a fierce attack, it will not be able to develop further and will be completely destroyed by the barbaric civilization.

This is a bit like the world of Yang Ming’s last life. Grassland civilization and farming civilization have been grievances for thousands of years. From the long-term perspective of historical development, of course, farming civilization is more superior, but at a specific point in history, The grassland civilization always suppresses the farming civilization.

This point is similar to the current experience of Douluo World.

"It seems that in a short time, I can't expect the human empire to build an army to resist the invasion of the abyssal world."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yang Ming could only rely on himself.

Originally, a spirit ability undead natural disaster that had been ignored by him, once again walked into Yang Ming's line of sight.

"Now that I have become a third-level deity, the effect of the soul ability undead natural disaster has been greatly enhanced. If I look at the divine power of my current soul power transformation, I can summon a hundred million undead in one breath."

"However, there is a big problem here. My soul ability, Undead Scourge, comes from Electrolux. The undead that can be summoned have the lower limit of strength for ordinary people, and the upper limit of strength is Peerless Douluo, which is far from reaching a demigod. At the level, no matter how large the number of undead is, once it enters the abyssal world, it will be difficult to cause any damage, and I am afraid it will be reduced to the food of the abyssal creatures."

"Moreover, although these undeads summoned by spirit skills are not afraid of death, injury, or fatigue, fear, etc., their biggest flaw is that they have no brains!"

"Abyss Sage has already remembered my breath. Once I step into the Abyssal World, the Abyssal Sage will definitely come to the door. The Abyssal Sage has the blessing of the entire world in the Abyssal World, and the strength can reach the level of the God King. I am absolutely not His opponent, so I cannot enter the abyss world in a short period of time. If I use the undead natural disasters to summon the undead in Douluo Continent, without my command, these unconscious undead still don’t know what moths will be produced, but if you wait The abyssal creatures invaded, it was too late."

Yang Ming thought for a while, his thoughts flying.

"The greatest reliance of the Abyssal Sovereign is the Abyssal World, where his strength can reach the level of the Divine King. If I can kill the remaining 107 Abyssal Emperors and destroy the Abyssal Seed in their bodies, the corresponding Abyssal Plane will be destroyed. , Will reduce the power of the abyss world. When the power of the abyss world is at its weakest, even if the abyss sage has the blessing of the abyss world, he will never reach the level of the **** king. Only, then I can deal with him!"

"Now, the biggest problem is how to solve the problem that the undead army has no brains. If these undead have human wisdom, I don't have to worry like this."

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Yang Ming's mind.

"What if I could carry the Internet set to the Douluo Continent World?"

"Create a virtual helmet and build a real simulation game. Once they log in to the game, their mental power will be linked to an undead, instead of their brains, and serve me in navigating the abyssal world!"

"Even if it's just an ordinary person, it doesn't matter, let them link to the ordinary undead body first, let them fight monsters and upgrade, they upgrade is very simple, as long as I use my hands and feet here to distribute the death gas in the undead, The undead controlled by the player will become stronger, and they will be able to enjoy the joy of playing games every minute!"

The more Yang Ming thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was very operational.

If he was just an ordinary god, he would not be able to play such a big project.

Don’t forget, Yang Ming now owns an entire world of six reincarnations. With the world of six reincarnations in the middle acting as a brain, he can quickly adjust many game details, such as the **** of greed, the **** of angels, the **** of sea, and the **** of Raksha. The gods that have absorbed in are able to act as an intelligent GM, helping Yang Ming manage players 24 hours a day.

As for Douluo Mainland, there is no computer and no network cable?

This is not a problem at all!

Don’t forget, Yang Ming owns the Nine Gobs Jade Reincarnation Eye!

Think about it, how did the six penins of Naruto World come from?

It's just that Yang Ming didn't use black rods to inlay the players, but used these black rods to create virtual helmets, allowing the players' spirits to be linked to the undead through the hub of the world of six reincarnations!

This is definitely an unprecedented large-scale plan, and at the same time it can solve the livelihood problems of many people in the empire today. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

Yang Ming clapped his hands, attracting the attention of the high-levels, and said solemnly:

"High, you temporarily stop the work of Xuanwutang Shipbuilding Department. I need you to lead your team to create a batch of special helmets in the shortest time. The first batch is temporarily set at 1 million."

Building height: "???"

Under Shenjiang Lougao's dumbfounded gaze, Yang Ming flipped his palm and a black stick appeared in his hand, explaining:

"A helmet made of this material, if worn on the head, will be able to extract a trace of the human body's mental power."

Shen Jiang Lou Gao nodded without understanding, and took the black stick from Yang Ming.

This black rod is not gold or wood. It is a material that has never been seen before. When you hold it in one hand, you can feel a cold sensation.

Although he didn't understand what the main helper was doing, Shenjiang Lou Gao still patted his chest and took on the task, saying:

"Please rest assured, I will work overtime and complete the task in the shortest time."

Nodded, Yang Ming looked at Emperor Xuexing and said:

" you have to use the propaganda and guiding role of newspapers to vigorously promote one thing in the empire. We will launch a super-epoch game in this game. People experience the second life, and ordinary people can also experience the joy of being strong."

Emperor Xuexing: "???"

Everyone: "???"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was full of question marks.

If it weren't for the fact that the person in front of him was a real person, I'm afraid everyone would almost doubt whether the gang leader in front of him had been compromised.

We bombed the sky to help the world's largest power, the first thing after the **** of the mainland was to develop a game?

Didn’t we make a mistake?

But looking at Yang Ming's expression that didn't look like a fake, everyone understood that Yang Ming was determined to build this game. How could he raise objections at this time, which violated the gang's face?

Emperor Xuexing stood up tremblingly, bowed slightly, and said:

"Please rest assured, the old man will activate all the propaganda departments and let everyone in the empire know this news within a week!"

"Xue Xing, I can rest assured that you do things."

Yang Ming returned his affirmative look, then looked at the others and said:

"I expect not many people will log in to the game in the first batch, so you must work together and mobilize all the forces in the gang, so that the gang and the teachers and students of the Soul Master Academy in the empire can use virtual helmets, and then play the game through you. The leading effect of this game has gradually led the trend of the masses, allowing the masses to understand the benefits and significance of this game."

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