Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

Chapter 759: Fudo Mingwang

   There are only two places where the soul beast can open the soul core, namely the center of the eyebrow and the chest.

As the first powerful soul beast in the world to activate the soul core and activate the dual soul cores of Yin and Yang complementation, the strength of the beast **** Ditian is far superior to other fierce beasts because it builds the soul core in the eyebrows and chest. The soul core controls the spiritual power and possesses a half-step divine consciousness, and the second soul core controls the soul core, possessing a soul power far exceeding the semi-god level.

When the two complement each other, soul power and spiritual power naturally form a certain chemical reaction, reaching a state of fusion, which also causes all the skills displayed by the beast **** Emperor Tian contain spiritual power and soul power. Two characteristics.

   Of course, it is extremely difficult to activate the conditions for the Yin and Yang complementary dual soul core.

The reason why the beast **** Ditian was able to succeed is not to say how strong its willpower is, but because its flesh from the golden-eyed black dragon king is so strong that it can survive the complete separation of spiritual power and soul power. Then again, the huge tearing pain brought by the whole process of complementary integration.

At this moment, from the eyebrows and chest of the Beast God Emperor Tian, ​​the dark power and the arrogant power are respectively instilled, and the huge black bubbles that drop in the sky are completely different from what they seem on the surface. Fragile, on the contrary, possesses the highly corrosive nature of the dark elements, as well as the spiritual influence from arrogance.

   Even if these huge black bubbles are far apart and have not yet landed, the hearts of the humans and soul beasts are enveloped with a strong anxiety, as if a catastrophe is imminent.

Together with the soul beasts who were completely stunned just now, they were also affected by the invisible arrogant mental power after the initial consternation. They were stimulated by a powerful and rude way to stimulate the potential in their bodies, making the size of all the soul beasts abrupt. The price of swelling in a circle and doubling their strength is that they completely lose their minds and kill the humans on the Great Wall like crazy dogs.

   Generally speaking, in the soul beast world, the size of the soul beast is directly proportional to its strength. The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://www.@x81zw@@

   The stronger the strength, the larger the body.

   This is why the four million soul beasts can stretch for thousands of miles before, because the powerful thousand-year and ten-thousand-year soul beasts are very huge in size and occupy a considerable area.

   And now, these originally huge soul beasts have been stimulated? Their strength has generally increased by as much as 30%? There are even overdrawn lives, and their strength has increased by nearly 80%? It is terrifying!

  The black dragon is extinct!

   This is the most powerful range attack of the Beast God Emperor Tian.

In its more than 800,000 years of life? This soul ability has been used very few times. Every time the black dragon is used to destroy the world, the beast **** Emperor Tian will lose his life, even though it has lived for more than 800,000 years? The importance of his own life is far more than other fierce beasts? But now that the arrow is on the line, it has to send it, and it can't help but be stingy.

   What's more, now this black dragon, which is mixed with dark power and arrogant power, is destroyed, but it is far more powerful than its own release? Not only is it larger in scope? It is more powerful, and can even affect the spirit of humans and soul beasts!

   Tang Chen looked up at the huge black bubbles that kept falling above the sky, his face was particularly solemn.

It’s really hard for him to pull down his old face and ask Yang Ming not far away for help. After all, the helper asked himself to deal with the beast **** Emperor Tian. Not only did he fail to defeat the other party first? On the contrary, he was taken the lead by Tang Hao, a descendant of his Tang family. Zi Ji and the Ten Thousand Demon King were the first to defeat? Tang Chen has always been proud, and already feels no face? At this time, he was extremely angry.


   "Since the donor is determined to go his own way and want to commit endless sins, don't blame the poor monks for being ruthless!"

   "Whoever sees my body develops Bodhicitta? Whoever hears my name will stop evil and cultivate goodness? Those who hear my Dharma gain great wisdom, and those who know my heart become Buddha."

   Accompanied by the chanting of the Buddha's sound, Tang Chen's whole body was bathed in the golden light of the Buddha, and a round of merits and virtues faintly appeared behind him.

   At the same time, Tang Chen did not stingy with the Buddha power he had stored during this period. These powers comparable to the power of the gods are like hot oil poured into boiling water, making the Buddha's light masterpieces around him turn into a burning Buddha fire.

   The Buddha fire rose into the sky, turning into a giant one hundred meters tall in the air, with a face of envy and hatred on his face.

   The giant wears a crown of five petals on his head, with a blazing flame behind his head, his eyes are wide open, his right eye is looking up, his left eye is looking down, his forehead is flat, his mouth is open, and his appearance is extremely vicious.

   The Buddha has anger and becomes the King of Ming!

  Fudo Ming Wang is the first seat of the Eight Great Ming Wangs in Tantric Buddhism. It has the meaning of being able to remove obstacles when encountering any difficulties, and does not mean to be shaken.

Under the masterpiece of the Buddha's light, Tang Chen's whole body glowed with golden light, even faintly transparent, and he could clearly see his bones turned into Buddha bones, and flesh and blood turned into the incorruptible body of King Kong, which overlapped with the giant behind him. His complexion was solemn as if a living Buddha came to the world, revealing an indescribable kind of compassion and majesty.

   "Fudo Mingwang Quan!"

With Tang Chen's loud shout, King Ming moved 100 meters behind him, clenched his fists in his hands, trying to compare himself with Tiangong, his fists seemed to penetrate the sky, wrapped in the golden Buddha flames, each punch speeded Exceeding the speed of sound, the blasting sound of breaking the sound barrier is endless, and even the entire sky has the ghost of countless is all because of its speed so fast that it makes people feel This kind of illusion, at this moment, Fudo Mingwang burst out hundreds of punches.

   Every punch is facing the black bubbles in the air!

   The black bubble containing vicious corrosion and hidden mental power attack, in front of this giant fist that is so precise as a scalpel cut, it is like an ordinary blister with no resistance, it bursts with a single poke!

"Puff puff……"

   A series of bangs were endless, like a burst of thunder.

   Ke Beast God Emperor Tian didn't get the slightest anger, instead, a small smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, showing disdain.

   Without him, there are too many black bubbles!

   Guang, relying on Tang Chen alone, could not intercept all the bubbles at all!

   What's more, as the black bubbles in West Zhejiang penetrated, Tang Chen's face gradually became gloomy.

But I saw that Fudo Myoshi’s fist was originally golden, and he was dyed with a thick oil-like black color at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if he had been cursed. The dazzling black was like a blood sucking insect. It spreads rapidly throughout the body like blood sucking and swelling. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

  Even, Tang Chen could feel that bursts of invisible and intangible mental power attacks kept coming.

   That is a mental power attack from arrogant divine power!

   If it weren't for Tang Chen's good mental defense, I am afraid that he would have been strongly defeated in front of this mental strength!