Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

Chapter 872: Tang 3's jealousy (four thousand words,

As a good friend of Yang Ming from childhood to adulthood, Tang San has always worked hard to learn and practice. His talent is definitely one of the best among his peers. He broke through to the 70th-level Soul Sage at the age of only 18. Far earlier than the breakthrough in the original work.

But how can you be born with Yu, He Shengliang!

With Yang Ming’s evildoer in front of him, even if Tang San worked hard in silence, the gap between him and Yang Ming continued to widen. Until recently, Yang Ming returned from the Dragon God site to the Zhantian Gang resident. The ground stimulated Tang San's sensitive nerves.

Two yellows, two purples, three blacks, and seven spirit rings hovered out, quietly moving around Tang San's body.

With the influence of Yang Ming’s butterfly effect, Tang San’s spirit ring changed a little. The sixth spirit ring was originally made by Xiao Wu as a sacrifice, but because Xiao Wu married Yang Ming, he was fully protected by the Explosive Heavens Gang. , Which also avoided the persecution of the Spirit Hall in the original work. Tang San's sixth spirit ring was obtained by killing a 30,000-year-old spider-shaped soul beast.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Tang San glanced at the four people who asked to go to the ring to compete, obviously those eyes were as plain as water, but the moment they touched Zhang Song, Wang Hao, Sun Yu, and Bai He, they still gave them an outrageous feeling. , The edge is on the back!

As Tang San's voice just fell, the fourth spirit ring on his body lit up brilliantly, and the purple rays of light reflected on his handsome face faintly.

Like a poisonous snake lying ambush in the grass, it suddenly appeared without any signs. Eighty-four blue silver emperors with shining lustre suddenly rose from the four people's bodies, like mushrooms springing up densely. The blue silver emperor is as thick as a bucket, and the strength is far beyond ordinary blue silver grass, and the surface shimmers like a sapphire with crystal clear luster.

Zhang Song, Wang Hao, Sun Yu, and Bai He, as members of the Baihutang of the Explosive Heavens Gang, are naturally not a general generation. The moment Tang San just opened his mouth, he noticed something was wrong and released his martial spirits one by one. One is a beast spirit.

"Bloodthirsty fly, possess!"

"Raging wolf, possess!"

"Holy Light White Crocodile, possess!"

"Evil Eye Mad Lion, possess!"

With the possession of Wuhun, everyone changed drastically.

Zhang Songping’s plain face is covered with fine hairs. The black hairs are very disgusting. A pair of insect compound eyes can see a 360° angle of view. There are no dead corners at all. His back is slightly curved, and two thin wings grow from his back. Come out, fan gently twice, making a "buzzing" flapping sound.

Wang Hao's body size suddenly increased, from the original height of 1.6 meters to 2.5 meters, his muscles swelled out several times, and the clothes on his body burst out abruptly. Amidst a piece of clothing fragments, he showed his majestic flesh, as if he were fine. Made of steel, the dense muscle lines show great power, and the mouth exaggeratedly grinned on both sides, revealing half-arm-length stern fangs, stained with viscous saliva, tickly falling on the ring.

Sun Yu's whole body is wrapped in a piece of soft holy light, and the whole person develops horizontally, like a small city wall standing on the ground, with a layer of battle armor made of white scales on his body, and a thick line is drawn from the tail of his spine. The sturdy crocodile's long tail flicked twice gently, and then it made a "crack" in the air.

Bai He's head is full of hairs on the temples, a wild lion with curly hair, and the faint wild lion eyes are breathtaking. Unconsciously, people will stare at his peculiar eyes, and it will always feel itchy in his heart, like a bug. It's like scratching on it, if you stare for a long time, you will feel dizzy.

The moment the four of them released their martial souls together, the fluctuating spirit power suddenly exploded.

However, before they could move, Tang San just picked his fingers, and the Blue Silver Emperor who surrounded them instantly condensed.

Fourth spirit ability! Blue Silver Cage!

This is the spirit ring spirit ability that Tang San collected from the Crypt Demon Spider, possessing extremely terrifying group restriction ability. After Tang San's years of research and polishing, it is now even more capable of instantaneous realm of mind follow-up. Moreover, each Blue Silver Emperor is extremely strong and powerful. When the cage is formed, countless spikes will pierce from the Blue Silver Emperor. These spikes are not only dense, but also extremely sharp, like a steel handle with a handle. The hidden weapon created by a famous teacher, even if it is a defensive spirit skill of the same level, I am afraid it will suffer!

Seeing that the eighty-four blue silver emperors formed a killing formation, Zhang Song and the four did not panic.

Zhang Song and the four are also the up-and-comers of Bai Hutang. Without any conversation, they worked in a tacit division of labor.


Zhang Song yelled, and accompanied by the fourth spirit ring on his body, the purple glow flowed. Under the flapping of his wings, the fine powder that was hard to see with the naked eye began to float in the air. When he touched the blue silver emperor, at first No abnormal situation was seen yet, but Tang San, who was very familiar with the Blue Silver Emperor, found the difference at a glance. The sharp thorns actually became soft and collapsed, losing the edge of the past.

At the same time, Wang Hao, Sun Yu, and Bai He roared, moving in three different directions, using their unique spirit abilities.

The tips of Wang Hao’s ten fingers shot out sharp claws shining with blood red, and between the swings of the claws, a trace of steel-cut paper-like wind followed, which could easily tear the three-foot-thick steel plate, thin and continuous. The endless wind crashed on Lan Yinhuang.

However, what Wang Hao never expected was that this seemingly ubiquitous Blue Silver Emperor actually possesses a defense force far stronger than steel, allowing the irregular wind to beat itself, like night rain. Playing Basho, just swaying with the wind, did not hurt a single bit, even if the spikes on his body were swept down, the Blue Silver cage was as tough as ever.

Not only did Wang Hao fail alone, but Sun Yu and Bai He were no exception. None of the attacks of the three were able to break through the shackles of the blue silver cage.

Upon seeing this, Tang San did not show the slightest unexpected expression.

As his own symbolic martial soul, the Blue Silver Emperor came from the second awakening of Blue Silver Grass, far surpassing the blue silver grass martial soul, and his spirit rings are all hunted soul beasts specially searched for from the master. Coming from the killing, it fits very well with his own martial spirit, and when the two are multiplied together, they have the same effect as they are now.

Tang San couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of Master Yu Xiaogang.

Since Master Yu Xiaogang left Tiandou City to go to Wuhun Empire a few months ago, there has been no news again. Tang San had difficulty obtaining detailed information through the bombing of the Heavens. However, there was a gossip, Master Yu Xiao He had just died in Wuhun City, but Tang San didn't want to believe it.

A layer of blue halo quietly spread out from under Tang San’s feet, spreading the entire ring like a blanket of Zerg bacteria, and the cold blue halo spreading across the ring at an amazing speed, bringing Zhang Song, Wang Hao, and Sun The four of Yu and Bai He are shrouded in it.

Everyone in Baihutang of the Zhantian Gang felt that there was a breath of vitality rushing toward them, and for a while, they felt like they were in the thriving Star Dou Forest, surrounded by vigorous old trees that were hundreds of years old. A cell was relaxed, and the whole body involuntarily let go of the burden and became relaxed.

But for Wang Hao, Sun Yu, Bai He, and Zhang Song, they have completely different feelings.

The alarm bells rang in the hearts of the four, constantly reminding them that the crisis is looming.

Zhang Song, the only one among the four, the 72nd-level soul sage, gritted his teeth, and immediately prepared to release the real Wuhun body.

Zhang Song didn't believe it any more, he had become the Soul Sage for so many years, and after releasing Wuhunzhen, he couldn't beat Tang San, the hall master who had been promoted to Soul Sage not long after.

However, before he could do anything, he saw Tang San suddenly raise his right hand, spread his five fingers, and then clenched it suddenly.

Following his movements, the surrounding eighty-four blue silver emperors suddenly shook. Then, among the horrified eyes of the four people, the blue silver cage suddenly tightened inward, completely binding the four of them together!

Don’t look at Tang San’s appearance in the soul master world in recent years. In order to catch up with Yang Ming, he usually sleeps in addition to eating and sleeping. Whenever he is free, he finds Prince Xuexing, Bao Bao Bao, Tang Hao, Tang These people practiced in the morning.

Just ask, how many people in this world can have resources like Tang San, can find Title Douluo, or even a demigod level existence duo?

Leaving aside Tang San as Tang Hao's son and Tang Chen's great-grandson, his identity as a friend of Yang Ming is enough to be treated enthusiastically by Prince Xue Xing and Bao Bao Feng.

After accepting the feeding tricks from so many powerful people, especially against Prince Xue Xing who possessed the rustling fruit ability, Tang Sanmao was stunned, knowing that the usage of many spirit abilities was not only on the surface, but also possible. It is strengthened after fine adjustments.

The skill he currently uses on the bright side is the fourth spirit ability, Blue Silver Cage, but he borrows Prince Xue Xing's skill, Sand Waterfall Funeral, and integrates the restraint of the enemy and the blast, and possesses an extremely powerful ability to kill.

As soon as this trick appeared, it fell on Zhang Song and the four of them, causing them to suffer.

The thick and hard Blue Silver Emperor was firmly tied to Zhang Song and the four of them. Even if their martial souls were beast martial souls, their physical fitness was more than several times stronger after the martial soul possessed them, but they still couldn't resist the blue silver emperor. Strangling, I only felt a sense of pain coming from up and down the bones.

"Hall Master, I surrender!"

Finally, Bai He, who was the weakest among the four, couldn't hold it and took the lead to raise the white flag and surrender.

It is understandable that Bai He surrendered as the 59th-level Soul King, but soon, the 69th-level Wang Hao and the 65th-level Sun Yu couldn't hold it, and quickly surrendered.

Only Zhang Song, the strongest among the four, is still struggling to support it.

As a 72nd-level soul sage, Zhang Song naturally has his pride, even if he gritted his teeth, he resolutely refused to surrender.

Even, the spirit power fluctuations on his body have become more vigorous, and under this desperate situation, he is using the spirit body!

As the seventh spirit ring turned to reveal a deep black light, the bloodthirsty fly appeared.

This is a huge fly, one person high, that can make any human who hates insects feel nauseous from the heart. The huge compound eyes move up and down, and they can observe everything happening around 360° without a dead angle.

Just when Zhang Song gradually made efforts to break free from the blue silver cage and felt that he was doing it again, he suddenly saw that Tang San suddenly burst into a bright blue light, and the magnificent colors were about to blind him. eye.

Tang San unexpectedly released Lan Yin's real body!

In the state of the Blue Silver Real Body, all the Blue Silver Emperor’s skills increased by 100%, and any Blue Silver Emperor could become Tang San’s own parasite. That is to say, unless all the Blue Silver Emperors are completely destroyed, Tang 3. You can make your body appear anywhere within the reach of the Blue Silver Emperor at any time to avoid attacks, of course, you can also attack.

Everyone felt that their eyes blinked and closed, and Hall Master Tang San completely disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he seemed to shrink into an inch, shortening the distance between him and Zhang Song by hundreds of meters out of thin air, and suddenly appeared behind Zhang Song.

The moment Tang San's right hand rested gently on Zhang Song's shoulder, Zhang Song only felt a burst of cold sweat from his body, and the voice from Tang San behind him was like a soft cry of death.

"Now, will you continue to resist?"

At this moment, Zhang Song hadn't completely gotten rid of the blue silver cage, and Tang San sharpened his sword behind him again.

Zhang Song wasn't a person who didn't know good or bad, immediately put away the Wuhun real body, showing flattery, and said:

"The hall master is mighty, admire it!"

Tang San nodded silently, not caring about the flattery of his surrounding subordinates, but took back the Blue Silver Emperor and quietly turned and left.

Stepping up the stairs alone, walked up to a tall building and leaned on a railing to look far away.

The huge building complex of the Explosive Sky Faction's resident was reflected in Tang San's eyes one by one, but Tang San didn't have the slightest triumph and excitement of defeating the four of his subordinates in his heart, but he felt a sense of boredom.

Tang San lowered his head, looking at his palms that appeared to be a little rough because of the practice of the chaotic cloak hammering technique all the year round, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's fingers are covered with thick calluses, without exception, telling of his diligence and talent.

"Am I strong?"

"But, why not only did the gap between me and Yang Ming not narrow, but it became bigger and bigger, and the big one even made me feel hopeless for a while?

Every time when he thought of Yang Ming's return from the Dragon God site, the detached dusty breath exuding from Yang Ming's body was already beginning to transform towards the gods, and Tang San felt a while.

In his heart, he was not only happy that his friends had achieved good results, but also a sense of frustration that he could not keep up with his friends, and there was also an inexplicable jealousy that entangled in his heart like a poisonous snake.

"If... if I could be like Yang Ming, that would be great!"

Tang San sighed softly, thinking that no one had heard it.

But never thought that when his voice fell, a voice suddenly came from behind him.
