Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

Chapter 880: Hei Di (four thousand characters, 2 in 1

The Abyss Plane, the ninth floor.

The Six-Clawed Demon Emperor and the Ant Emperor glanced at the black demon-devouring mist floating in the sky with great fear, avoiding the place where it might fall as carefully as possible, and proceeded tremblingly all the way to the ninth floor. Of the depths.

On the road, from time to time, a series of dark silhouettes floated by, resembling a tall human woman, covered in a layer of dark purple scales, with a pair of wings on the back, and bone claws on the top of the wings. In, gleaming with deep black light.

They look a lot like humans, their appearance is also very in line with human aesthetics, they are very beautiful, and even their figure is considered to be a devil in the human world. They have an unusually hot body, very attractive, but tall. A full three meters away, the black scales covered all over the body exude a secluded luster.

That was a race unique to the ninth layer of the abyss, the Black Emperor.

Among the various layers of the Abyss Plane, the Black Emperor is a very rare race, but its individual combat power is exceptionally strong, and can even rank among the top five in the entire Abyss in terms of average combat power.

The Black Emperor clan is the top abyss creature, and it is the smaller one among the top abyss creatures. Every Black King has a level of strength that is not inferior to that of a human titled Douluo.

Once, there was an emperor in the first ten layers of the abyss who wanted to subdue the Black Emperor for his own use, but unfortunately they all failed, because the Black Emperor was a very proud race in its bones. It would be better for jade to be broken than for completeness, and it is impossible for other races. What was used, not to mention, later the Black Emperor clan also appeared in the top ten powerhouses like the Black Emperor.

In the hostile and vigilant gaze of the surrounding Black Emperor, the Ant Emperor, with the token given by the Black Emperor, led the Six-Claw Demon Emperor to a gorgeous palace deep in the ninth floor.

This palace is like a pitch-black behemoth hovering above the earth. There is no such delicate carvings as humans. It is only rough and wide open. The walls are vividly depicting the battles that have occurred on the abyss plane. Every detail is Reveal the unique characteristic style of the abyss.

Above the throne, an abyss king sitting on the ninth floor looks no different from a human woman. He is covered in black leather clothes with two black wings spread out on his back. His appearance is extremely beautiful. He has long black hair like a disk. It usually spreads out in the back of the head, and the eyes are full of harsh chills.

In her pair of icy eyes, she seemed to be able to see through the whole world, full of supreme majesty.

She is the emperor who rules the ninth floor of the abyss, the black emperor!

When the Six-Clawed Devil Emperor and the Ant Emperor entered the palace, they raised their heads and looked at the Black Emperor. They only felt that there was an infinitely enlarged black hole in front of them, quietly devouring everything around them, even if the Six-Clawed Devil Emperor and Both Ant Emperor are kings, but at this moment there is still a feeling of scalp tingling, especially when he feels the cold eyes of the Black Emperor falling on him, the Six-Clawed Demon Emperor almost starts to pee.

The pressure from the demigod undoubtedly covers the Six-Clawed Devil Emperor. At this moment, all the pride and dignity of the king are all forgotten by the Six-Clawed Devil Emperor, and only "living" is left behind. The thought of "go down" lingered in my mind.


The Six-Clawed Devil Emperor kneeled to the ground without any accident. The one-hundred-meter-tall body collapsed like gold and jade. His head was tightly attached to the ground, his vocal cords trembled slightly, and his tone was mixed with indescribable panic. , Said:

"Farewell to the Black Emperor, I, I am guilty."

The Black Emperor stared coldly at the Six-Clawed Demon Emperor who was kneeling on the ground, and did not immediately speak.

The speechless silence turned into invisible pressure, as the hood fell on the Six-Clawed Demon Emperor continuously, and the five-finger mountain like a Tathagata Buddha was pressed against the unruly grandson monkey, and the Six-Clawed Demon Emperor was almost out of breath. Come.

In a moment, the Black Emperor suddenly withdrew the pressure of the demigod level, and the crisp and sweet sound fell into the ears of the six-clawed demon emperor.

"Do you know, what crime did you commit?"

"I..." The Six-Clawed Demon Emperor turned his eyes thiefly, and immediately said: "I know, I found a gap in space leading to other worlds, and I didn't report it to the will of the abyss plane, and I didn't report it to the Black Emperor. I chose to eat alone, I shouldn’t make such a mistake!"

"No, you haven't figured out the situation yet!"

The Hei Di grew up from the throne, the pair without any shoes, as if the feet of crystal jade carved with suet **** fell gently on the cold floor, descended along the long steps, and walked to six. In front of the claw emperor.

A scent of good smelling breeze followed, and the petite figure stood in front of the behemoth, like a beauty and a beast.

But at this moment, that hideous and terrifying beast, in front of this beautiful woman, did not have any prestige at all, like a poor and weak little cat shivering constantly.

The black emperor crossed his eyebrows coldly and said slowly:

"Now, the holy monarch is sleeping, and even the top emperors are sleeping. I will be in charge of the entire abyss plane for the time being. Logically speaking, if you find an ordinary gap in space, that's fine. No, I won’t come here to embarrass you, but what you don’t know is that the aura of the world that came from that gap in space was caught by the sleeping sage, making the sage very excited, even at the expense of it. The source is here to inform me."

Hearing such secrets, the Six Claw Devil Emperor and the Ant Emperor trembled.

Shengjun, that is the saint in the legend!

The abyss plane is completely different from the Douluo plane.

In the Douluo Continent world, the power of the plane is loose and scattered among the various planets. The Star Douluo has its own plane power, and the Sky Dragon has its own plane power. The two planes have completely different powers, and they are mutually exclusive. They are in a competitive relationship and can swallow each other to become stronger.

The power of the abyss plane is concentrated, and the holy monarch is the constant superposition and oppression of 108 abyss planes, which precipitates the purest energy. The master of the plane born after millions of years, from it From the moment of consciousness, it means that the entire abyss plane will rise.

The holy monarchs even disdain to ascend to the **** realm where they are located, but to create their own **** realm, otherwise, with the cultivation of the holy monarch, they would have become gods long ago, and they must be the existence of the main god!

In the past, in order to accumulate strength, the sage evolves the entire abyss plane into a god-like existence, basically in the process of slumber, but this time, sage did not break the slumber, but did not hesitate to consume the source in the slumber, Also remind the Black Emperor, what this means, the Six-Clawed Devil Emperor and the Ant Emperor are all too clear!

The Douluo continent plane is of great benefit to the evolution of the abyss plane!

Looking down at both the six-clawed demon emperor and the ant emperor, the black emperor gently waved his hand and issued an order, saying:

"Through my oral statement, launch a general mobilization of the Abyssal War, and open the passage to that human world at all costs!"


The Six Claw Devil Emperor and the Ant Emperor said in unison.

Originally, according to the status of the Black Emperor, it was not qualified to issue such a general mobilization for war.

But now, Black Emperor does not represent herself, but represents the holy monarch behind her, the master of the entire abyss, and that is what it is.

The 108th floor of the Abyss has a vast area and infinite creatures, and there is no Internet here, and information dissemination depends on verbal transmission. Naturally, it is not so fast to notify all levels.

For this reason, the abyss level where the Six Claw Devil Emperor and the Ant Emperor are located, and the adjacent abyss levels, were the first to respond to the holy monarch’s call for war. A large number of abyssal forces were mobilized through the underground river connecting the various abysses. Continuously transported to the 97th floor.

The gap in space leading to the Douluo continent is located on the top of the hill near the Six Claw Devil Emperor’s Lair.

Standing on the mountain peak, the Six-Claw Devil Emperor looked towards the foot of the mountain, a black figure, various abyssal creatures crowded together.

There is an abyssal creature similar to a spider, called a demon hunter. It is huge and feeds on other abyssal creatures. Its body is about the same as a horse used for farming, but its legs extend up to 14 feet. It weighs almost two tons, but the Demon Hunter can't speak, but can understand the abyss language, and can use telepathy to communicate with any other creatures.

The upper body resembles a human being. The lower body is a snake body with six arms of the abyss creature. It is called the six-armed snake monster. It is more than three meters tall and holds a hundred-strength forging made of stainless steel on each of its six hands. Swords, every sword is sharp and sharp. The six-armed snake monsters are best at fighting positional warfare and large-scale melee. They can block the enemy's attack with their hard snake scales and rush in in one breath. Among the enemies, he waved six arms to turn on the Wushuang mode, cutting leeks frantically among the enemy camps.

There is an enchanting human woman in the upper body, and an abyssal creature with an anti-joint sheep's hoof in the lower body. It is called a succubus. It has a pair of enchanting peach eyes and has the ability to create powerful illusions. Although their frontal combat capabilities are not strong, if they are If you invade human society, you are a good hand, able to easily corrupt the high-level humans and control top-secret information.

In addition, there are four-clawed bats and six-clawed bats under the six-clawed devil, and the ant army under the ant emperor.

At this moment, these mighty abyssal creatures are arranged in an army, horizontally in line, vertical in column, standing in front of the gap in space, with solemn expressions and unconcealable excitement in their expressions.

Want to open up the space gap into a space channel, and still be the kind of large plane channel that can accommodate the continuous passage of the legion, is not an overnight task, it requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

The six-clawed demon emperor and the ant emperor stood at the forefront. Under their expressionless gaze, their men escorted a group of weak abyssal creatures like abyss worms to the gap in space, and then took the knife down, accompanied by sweetness. The smell of blood gradually diffused into the air, and headless corpses were piled up not far from the gap in the space.

At the same time, many of the abyss creatures present opened their mouths, chanting the evil abyss language.

On the ground, the bright red blood flowing from the corpses piled up into a small hill gradually outlines a huge circular magic circle through the blessing of these abyssal languages, enclosing the entire space gap.

The originally narrow space gap, under the impact of this mixture of blood and abyss, was actually a little shaky and gradually expanded.

Having said that, the speed of this expansion is not fast. It takes about half an hour to expand out by about a millimeter, and it is extremely unstable and may collapse at any time.

If you want to expand the passage to accommodate the army, it will be very difficult without a few months.

However, the abyss creatures headed by the Six-Clawed Devil Emperor and the Ant Emperor obviously did not have the patience to wait.

They expelled the abyssal creatures living at the bottom of the 97th floor of the abyss, and rushed toward the gap in the expanding space.

The extremely unstable space gap is like a death sickle that can be chopped down at any time. Basically, there is no return. Those weak abyss creatures, even though they have a stronger physique than human soul masters of the same level, can barely be reluctant. The moment it rushes into the gap in the space, it will be shattered into dross by the turbulence of the space inside.

However, in the abyss plane, the most indispensable is cannon fodder.

Cannon fodder races like the Abyssal Worm have a strong ability to multiply, with dozens of hundreds of them per child, most of which are reduced to food for other abyssal creatures, and serve as cannon fodder in wars at critical moments.

The Six-Claw Devil Emperor and the Ant Emperor didn’t seem to see the heavy losses of the cannon fodder, and they still ordered their subordinates to expel the cannon fodder into the gaps in the space. Under such continuous impact, there will always be very few lucky ones to avoid the turbulence of the space and succeed. Passing through the gap in space, came to the Douluo continent plane.

Then, there is no more.

Slapped to death an abyss creature who had sneaked into Dragon King Gu Yuena looked at the gradually expanding gap with a smile.

"Now, it's not the time for you to open the plane channel, you should continue to stay on the opposite side obediently."

As soon as the voice fell, the silver dragon king Gu Yuena raised her slender hand. Although she had fallen into the realm of gods, the divine power of the space still in her body gathered at this moment, turning into layers of seals to strengthen the crevices of space. Not so easy to break.

Under the blessing of the silver dragon king Gu Yuena, the opening speed of the space gap has become slower. It was originally able to open up one millimeter in half an hour, but now it can only open up one millimeter after one hour. They all vomited blood and died.

She patted the dust on her palms, as if she had done a trivial thing, Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena sighed slightly, her beautiful eyes, which seemed to be non-eating fireworks, stared in the direction of Tiandou Empire's Tiandou City, and the corners of her mouth revealed With a mysterious smile, he murmured:

"Yang Ming, the malignant tumor of the world, I have left you a nice gift. If you don't develop as I hope, I don't mind destroying everything you cherish."