Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

Chapter 900: 1 exploration (four thousand words, 2 in

A pair of demon bat wings cut through the white clouds, and the burly figure was wrapped in the burning green firework, like a meteorite falling from the sky, swiftly plummeting from a height of 1,000 meters.

"call out!"

The violent friction between the body surface and the air produced orange-red flames, but these flames were blocked by the green fireworks, and could not harm Illidan Stormrage's body at all.

Illidan Stormrage squinted his eyes, directly ignoring the dwindling ground in his sight, enjoying the freedom of this moment to the full. Since he was summoned by Yang Ming to the Douluo Continent World, he has rarely been as comfortable as he is today. , Cherish the joy of the moment very much.


The green demon fireworks wrapped the burly figure and crashed into the ground, smashing a five-meter-deep pothole on the ground, and scattered green fireworks on the edge. This is not an ordinary flame, even if it is not attached to the dry branches. Instead, it is attached to the soil. It hasn't been turned off for a long time, but it has stood firm stubbornly.

A tall figure climbed up from the pothole, put a hand on the edge and pulled hard, Illidan Stormrage turned a tumble in the air, and his feet landed firmly on the ground.

The demon's twin pupils looked around in a circle. On the right is the border of the Tiandou Empire. There are no villages within fifty miles of nearby. There is no one in the vicinity. Not far from the left is the dense forest of stars, which is thriving and exudes vitality. In front of him, the mouth of a dark cave appeared in the eyes of Illidan Stormrage, and between the one and the other, the energy of the abyss that was invisible to the naked eye was swallowed outward, and a smell of unpleasant sulphur breath rushed toward his face.

This smell that ordinary people avoid for fear, once it falls into Illidan's angry nose, it makes every cell in his body make a comfortable low groan, and the kind of comfortable bones that are numb, which is even more exaggerated. Open your arms, raise your head at a forty-five-degree angle, and breathe the sulphur smell in the air to your heart's content.

"Oh~~ The air in this abyss plane channel is so sweet and fresh, and there is a strange luxury. I was completely shocked by it!"

Illidan said with an angry expression, and couldn't help chanting the rhythm of the poetry.

In World of Warcraft, Illidan Stormrage was originally a night elf, and later turned into a demon through fel energy. Compared with the six worlds of reincarnation owned by Yang Ming, Illidan Stormrage is more inclined to the abyss plane. The environment in which demons live.

Kneeling on the ground, Illidan Stormrage picked up a scratch of the loess.

It can be clearly seen that after a period of abyssal energy invasion, the original fertile black soil nutrients of the Star Dou Great Forest disappeared and turned into loess. If after a period of time, with the passage of more nutrients, the loess will become Sandy soil with no nutritional value.

This is the cruelty of the dispute between the plane and the plane, especially in the face of the invasion of the abyss plane, which is extremely unfriendly to most planes.

Because the invasion of the abyss is an all-round invasion, it is not just sending an abyss army to slaughter all the creatures living on the enemy plane, but also using this method of environmental modification to gradually transform this plane into It is not suitable for creatures to survive, but an environment suitable for the survival of creatures in the abyss. When all the creatures living on this face die out, the face will be dragged into the abyss plane, or crushed to become the nourishment of the abyss plane. Either become a layer of the abyss plane.

"Tsk tusk, this situation is really familiar."

Seeing this situation in front of him, Illidan Stormrage's eyes couldn't help showing the color of memories.

In his hometown, World of Warcraft, he had encountered a similar encounter. When the Burning Legion led by the dark titan Azharas invaded, where the Burning Legion passed, not only did the originally vibrant continent become lifeless, but also capable of calling out. The dead who had risen from the dormant earth stood up again, and became the undead who obeyed their orders and acted as a tiger.

When Illidan Stormrage thought of the terrifying scene, even after many years, his palms could not help but sweat, and silently clenched the war blade of Azzinoth and stood up again.

"My master ordered me to infiltrate the abyss plane as a spy, and collect all information as much as possible. If possible, it is best to occupy the bottom layer of the abyss plane."

As he said, Illidan grinned at the corner of his mouth, and under the black cloth covering his face, a row of sharp teeth was exposed, and the pair of oil-green eyes seemed to be burning with raging flames.

"Being a spy or something, it doesn’t fit my personal style. With my strength, if the abyss plane is full of crooked melons and jujubes, then I will go straight to pierce the abyss plane and become the master of the abyss. Is it all right?"

After moving the stiff neck muscles, Illidan Stormrage felt that it was easier and more convenient to complete the task.

Kill if you don't accept it, until all the creatures in the abyss are served!

Simple and rude!

The thought flashed, Illidan Stormrage no longer hesitated, and stepped into the abyss plane channel.

The abyss plane channel is deep and dark, placed between the two planes, and this plane channel seems to have suffered some damage. The entire channel appears to be extremely unstable in space, and from time to time there will be a spatial crack suddenly, even from the position. The plane of the passageway protruded the self-scaled half claws of a certain creature in the void, and there was a risk of uncertainty everywhere. If you are not careful, you will fall into it.

What scenes have Illidan Stormrage never seen?

Even the void creatures have been killed before, this kind of small scene in front of you is a trivial matter.

The leisurely courtyard walked through the abyss plane passage easily, and Illidan Stormrage seemed to have returned to his hometown, plunged into the abyss plane.

However, the scene before him was very different from what Illidan Stormrage had imagined.

In the imagination of Illidan Stormrage, the 97th floor of the Abyss should be a place full of terracotta, volcanoes, and magma, but there is no volcano in front of him, and no magma?

Only small island-like land plates are floating in the void. The large plates are the size of a small town, and the small plates are only the size of a fist, and there is no place to stand.

And this floating land plate at the foot of Illidan Stormrage was only the size of a classroom, and the center of it was carrying the abyss plane channel.

"Here, there has been a war? The aftermath of the battle even shattered the entire continent?"

Illidan looked at the raging wind, and there were various large and small terrestrial plates floating in the void, and an aura of destruction filled it, and the earth's heart was stunned.

After all, if it was as he thought, if there were abyssal creatures fighting here, and the whole land was broken, then it would be too scary, even if he did his best, he couldn't do this!

The entire ninety-seventh floor was lifeless, without a bit of anger, all the creatures in the abyss on this floor disappeared, not even a single weed could be seen.

After wandering around for a long time, after seeing nothing, Illidan Stormrage followed Yang Ming's instructions, knowing that there would be nothing to gain from staying here. He immediately jumped, and a pair of bat wings spread out behind him. , Flew towards the end of his eyes.

The sky is dark, and the unchanging tone makes people feel depressed.

The scenery under his body quickly passed by, and there was nothing other than the fragmented land plates, as if the scene of the end of the day was shocking.

With Illidan Stormrage reaching the power of a demigod, the area of ​​the ninety-seventh floor comparable to the provinces of the Heaven Dou Empire was quickly swept over, and he finally found a unique scenery.


The devil's wings slowed down the speed of his flapping, and the burly figure slowly landed on a river bank.

The green eyes looked forward. This is a big river. The water is not as clear and transparent as imagined, but as thick and dark as a trench. The river is not wide, about forty meters, but it is very long. Illidan Stormrage flew along the ninety-seventh floor, but couldn't find where the end of the river led, and whenever he wanted to fly over the river, he would always feel an inexplicable increase in strength. Body, the pressure on the body doubled in an instant, even with his powerful demigod body, he couldn't resist it, and he had no choice but to land.

"This river is very wrong."

Illidan Stormrage stood on the shore, frowning, thinking hard but couldn't think of any solution.

This river is the only hope, because the ninety-seventh floor of the abyss has been broken, and there is nowhere to go. Only through the dark river in front of you can you lead to other levels.

He stood stiffly in place, like a petrified sculpture.

Each layer of the abyss plane has different weather scenes. There are no ordinary sunrises and sunsets on the ninety-seventh floor. There is only an unchanging dark red sky. It is not known how long the time has passed.

Just as Illidan's anger was at a loss, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Because he found that a small boat appeared on the horizon at the end of his sight.

The whole body of the small boat is constructed from Bai Sensen’s bones. It looks like a body of several humans side by side. On both sides of the boat, the thin hand bones of adults are used as oars, and they swing up and down on their own. While waves of waves were thrown on the surface of the river, it pushed this small boat forward continuously.

A long pole stood on the bow of the boat, with a skull hanging from its mouth wide open, and a thick white candle was inserted in it. It lit a ghost fire, and accompanied by the sound of splashes, the boat moved from far to near , The small boat against the oil-green light was hazy and very strange.

The small boat drove slowly to the front of Illidan Stormrage. The boat's owner was a weird-looking abyssal creature, who looked like a lizardman, with a big belly standing upright, and a tail hanging weakly on the boat.

This is a very special creature on the abyss plane, called the ferryman.

Ferrymen are not humans, but a humanoid group of organisms. They do not have a fixed life plane. They drive small boats on all levels of the abyss all the year round to provide services to tourists in need.

The ferryman looked up and down at Illidan Stormrage, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This is a face of a demon with a very male charm. It is ostentatious and a little evil, but it is covered by a piece of black cloth. It is tall and strong, with purple skin, the iconic huge corners, and behind it. The huge bat wings are even more eye-catching, and the devil-like hoofs, holding a pair of meniscus-shaped swords of Azzinoth that seem to be burning with green flames in both hands, the whole person looks very extraordinary. .

This is an abyss creature that has never been seen before!

The ferrymen traveled to and from all levels of the abyss all the year round. Every ferryman had extraordinary knowledge and knew many abyss races, but he had never seen a race like Illidan Stormrage.

"I didn't expect that the ninety-seventh floor has been destroyed, and there are still creatures alive. It's really strange."

"Guest, get on the boat, where do you want to go?"

The ferryman said very hospitably.

If other abyssal creatures see this scene here, they will be very surprised. They have always been a ferryman with a cold iron rooster, and there will be a day of hospitality. Could the sun rise from the west?

Of course, this is not because the ferryman has modified but because it is very clear that at the moment when the 97th floor was just destroyed, there is still the courage to appear here, and it is definitely not a general generation.

Moreover, the powerful aura faintly felt from Illidan's Fury made the ferryman's heart secretly awe-inspiring, knowing that the strength in front of him is probably no less than the top ten emperor of the abyss.

Therefore, the ferryman not only refused to mention the expensive boat fare, but after Illidan Stormrage boarded the ship, he actively introduced the customs and customs of the various abyss planes, and brought the dog-licking style to its limit.

"Dear guest, with your ability, it is more than enough to go to the ten floors in front of the Abyss. Let me introduce you to you."

"The tenth-tier emperor of the abyss plane is the Celestial Emperor. It belongs to the Guardian Celestial Clan. Guardian Celestials are not strong in combat power, but their flying speed is fast, coupled with strong defense, so they usually go The main force in the abyss army is responsible for protecting other abyss creatures."

"The ninth emperor of the abyss plane is the Black Emperor. She belongs to the Black Emperor clan. This is a beautiful-looking race, but don’t be fooled by their appearance. Every member of the Black Emperor clan is extremely powerful. And violence, if it weren't for the small number of ethnic groups, maybe they might have won first place."

"The eighth-tier emperor of the abyss plane is the Emperor Bee. It belongs to the Abyss Bomb Bee Clan. The individual combat power of this race is not very strong, but the number is extremely large. It can exert terrifying lethality in group battles. It is also extremely special. It can control any Abyssal Bomb Bee in the race through its eyes, whether it is reconnaissance or group warfare.

"The seventh-tier emperor of the abyss plane is the emperor. It belongs to an unknown race. It is suspected to be a mutation of the abyss worm. He is good at changing forms, and possesses similar abilities to forms, and his fighting styles are diversified."