Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

Chapter 910: Adjustment (4,000 words, 2 in 1)

"The water in Douluo Continent is really deep!"

After Yang Ming leaned on the back of the chair, his hands firmly grasped the handle, his chest was violently up and down, his whole body was just as if he had just been fished out of the sea, his clothes were soaked with sweat, obviously just trying to explore the back of the abyss plane. The real master was frightened.

"Under the whole world, a powerful person who can give me such a terrible horror, so far, I have only felt it in the Dragon God. The strength of the other party is definitely not under the Dragon God. Who is he? And why is it hidden behind the scenes? What exactly does He control the abyss plane for?"

All kinds of doubts appeared in Yang Ming's mind one after another, making him feel confusing and confusing about the whole thing.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the farther you can see.

When Yang Ming was weak, he only felt that the most powerful force on the Douluo Continent was the Spirit Hall. When Yang Ming founded the Explosive Heavens Gang and led the Explosive Heavens Gang to rise step by step, it replaced the original position of the Spirit Palace. Later, it was discovered that Douluo Star was the world controlled by the God Realm, and the God Realm was the most powerful force.

But when Yang Ming has now stepped into the realm of a demigod, the six puppets of Heilong Ditian have become a **** with the help of the blood of the dragon god, and when the two work together, they are no less inferior to the new gods. Yang Ming seems to have discovered that the gods The realm is not the most powerful force yet, and in the corners that cannot be seen, there are hidden powerful people who are not known.

Yang Ming took a deep breath and closed his eyes, resting his head on the back of the chair, calming the turbulent mood in his heart a little.

When Yang Ming opened his eyes again, the panic had disappeared from Yang Ming's eyes, only the boundless fighting spirit remained.

"No matter what the big guys behind the scenes have, I just continue to improve my strength."

Looking down at the callused palm of his hand, and then clenching his fist, feeling the body that has become stronger after practicing the "Indestructible Sutra", Yang Ming's lips curled up in a hard arc.

"It seems that I am preparing to become a god, and I need to speed up the progress."

Thinking of this, Yang Ming glanced at the opening of the space behind him, from which he could see the world of six reincarnations that was undergoing qualitative changes.

Since Yang Ming ordered the world of reincarnation in the Dragon God to devour the reflection world created by the dragon god, after devouring a considerable area, the world of reincarnation in the six realms has begun to be closed and undergoing some unknown changes.

Before the world of six reincarnations has completed this change, it is difficult for Yang Ming to become a **** with the help of the world of six reincarnations. Now that there is "The Immortal Sutra", Yang Ming can try to take the path of the beast gods becoming gods in flesh.

"However, these are not in a hurry. I have just cultivated a demigod body. It is most important to consolidate the current demigod state."

Only with a solid and solid foundation can the ten thousand-foot tall buildings rise on the ground to be able to climb up better to improve their strength and cultivation.

With a certain mind, Yang Ming raised his head and looked at Illidan Stormrage at his desk.

But he saw that he was still lying on the ground, his eyes closed tightly. From the surface, it seemed that the Seed of the Abyss hadn't transformed him, at least it was still the same in appearance.

A face of a demon with a masculine charm, ostentatious and with a little evil charm, only covered by a piece of black cloth, tall and strong, with purple skin, the iconic huge corners, and the huge pair behind it. The bat wings are even more eye-catching, as well as the devil-like hoofs. Both hands hold a pair of meniscus-shaped swords of Azzinoth that are burning green flames. The whole person looks extremely extraordinary.

But in the eyes of Jiugou Jade Samsara's eyes, Yang Ming clearly saw the abyssal energy flowing quietly in the blood vessels of Illidan Stormrage. This kind of abyssal energy was insignificant from the beginning, in just a cup of tea. Inside, Illidan Stormrage's internal organs have been racially transformed from the microscopic cell level, and began to transform into the abyssal creature.

"No wonder the Abyss Sovereign would be so confident and bold to bestow Illidan Stormrage's extremely precious Abyssal Plane Seed, this is not afraid of him turning back!"

Thinking of the truth about the Seed of the Abyss, it was not only a weapon to transform the race, but also a controller for the powerful behind the scenes to control the Emperor of Abyss 108, and Yang Ming couldn't help but feel cold.

"I'm afraid, in the entire abyss plane, only the abyss sage knows the secrets of all this."

Yang Ming once again cried out a fluke in his heart. Fortunately, he sent Illidan Stormrage to explore the path of the abyss plane. If he went there and accidentally hit the trick of the abyss plane, even if he had countless cards, It is difficult to get rid of the control of the strong behind the scenes, and will only become a high-level hit worker in the end.

"As for Illidan's next disposal..."

Yang Ming pondered for a moment and took out a black rod, which was a tool used by the Eye of Reincarnation to make six puppets.

Before Illidan Stormrage set off for the Abyssal Plane, Yang Ming had already transformed him into a half-demon and half-six puppets. But now, Yang Ming was a little uneasy, for fear that the master behind the Abyssal Plane could capture Illidan's Stormrage's. Domination, therefore, Yang Ming had no choice but to aggravate Illidan and completely transform him into six puppets.

The transformation of the human body into six puppets is a bit unsightly, so I won't explain it in detail here.

A day later, a black shadow flew high from the window of Yang Ming's office, and a pair of demon bat wings rose farther and farther in the sky, until it turned into a black spot and disappeared from sight.

Yang Ming stood in front of the window sill with his back hand, his deep eyes staring in the direction where Illidan Stormrage was leaving, startled in a daze.

"The invasion of the Abyssal Plane is imminent. You must first settle inside and get rid of the restless forces on the Douluo Continent first, and my disciples who have practiced the "Summoning Sutra" are only in fierce battles. Being able to increase strength faster is a matter of killing two birds with one stone."

With this in his heart, Yang Ming walked to the desk and pulled the bell on the table.

"Ding Ding Dong! Ding Ding Dong! Ding Ding Dong!"

The crisp sound of bells rang, informing the Tiantian Gang standing guard outside to help the crowd to come in.


The door opened, and an ordinary gang wearing a black robe face and a ghost mask entered the office, half-kneeled on the ground, his head lowered, and he waited for instructions.

"The order continues. I want to have lunch with Emperor Xueye and invite him to the resident of the Tiantian Gang."

"Subordinates obey!"

The black-robed man nodded his head and stepped out of the house respectfully.

This kind of small matter doesn't need Yang Ming to run errands himself, just leave it to his subordinates.

The sun hangs high in the sky, and the scorching sun spreads brilliant golden light, reflecting the magnificence of the palace.

A gang from the Exploding Heavens Gang took the waist card and entered the Heaven Dou Imperial Palace under the leadership of a group of imperial guards.

The ground paved with fine white jade shines with warm light, on the eaves carved from sandalwood, phoenixes are spreading their wings, floating windows carved from blue tiles, wall panels stacked with jade, at the end of a straight road, As the jade steps climb up, it is a huge palace complex.

The palace group is supported by thick pillars surrounded by eight people. The pillars are carved with lifelike dragon patterns, which are far away from the phoenix on the palace.

And behind the palace complex, is a back garden, full of exotic flowers and plants, very bright and beautiful.

A brilliant sun flashed across the exquisite turret, sprinkling a golden light inside the high wall.

The palaces in the Tiandou Palace seemed mysterious and quiet. From a distance, the crimson palaces seemed to be inlaid on the ground, revealing glazed tile roofs, just like golden islands.

"Honorable messenger, your majesty is resting in the palace, please come in."

A guard who was eight feet tall, wearing a silver helmet, and silver armor, with a big knife on his waist, with a pleasing smile on his face, facing the black robe in front of him humanely.

In the entire Tiandou Empire, who doesn't know who the real master of this empire is?

Therefore, even if the Guards had the strength of the 30th-level Soul Venerable, they didn't dare to look at the Tiantian Gang, who had only a dozen or so-level Soul Masters in front of them, but they wanted to respect everything and didn't dare to neglect.


The gang who had led Yang Ming’s mission replied indifferently, seemingly a little arrogant, but the surrounding guards did not dare to be angry. Instead, they opened the door to the side hall and let the messenger go in. .

I saw the sandalwood on the top of the palace as the beam, the crystal jade birch as the lamp, the pearl as the curtain, and Fan Jin as the pillar base. The six-foot-wide agarwood bed was hung with a tent, embroidered with beads and silver threads. Begonia flowers, the wind is swaying, like a sea of ​​falling clouds and mountains.

The couch is set with sapphire pillows, covered with soft silkworm ice stilettos, and stacked with jade belts and quilts.

A huge moon pearl hung on the top of the treasure in the palace, shining like a bright moon.

The ground is covered with white jade, with golden beads embedded in it, and the ground is a lotus, blossoming like a five-stem lotus. The petals are fresh and exquisite, and even the stamens are delicate and identifiable. When you step on barefoot you can only feel warm and moist. , As straight as a jade lotus step by step.

The messenger stared at him. An elderly man was lying halfway on the bed, and a maid was feeding him soup medicine.

He is extremely tall, wearing a golden nightgown, his complexion is very majestic, and his body exudes great pressure. From the aura, he is definitely not a general, and there is a royal atmosphere between Gu and Pan.

It's just that the years are not forgiving, his beard and hair are white, his eyes are full of exhaustion, with a look of aging, which is reminiscent of the setting sun.

The messenger recognized at a glance, the old man in front of him was the Xueye Great Emperor who was in charge of the Heaven Dou Empire in name.

The Great Xueye was already old, and with his busy official duties, a giant like the Bombing Gang appeared in the empire. He was always putting this old man with unimaginable pressure, and now he is suffering from illness. The appearance of fatigue and aging is also normal.

The messenger did not kneel, but bowed slightly and said:

"Farewell to your Majesty, I am instructed by the master to invite you to have lunch at the Zhantian Gang resident."

Hearing this, the maid and the Guards around the Great Emperor Xueye couldn't help but the color of the ground changed slightly, and there were faint signs of anger.

After all, Yang Ming's tone in this order was not polite at all. It seemed like an invitation, but it was actually an order.

As the so-called king humiliated the officials, they, who were serving as the imperial guards and maids, immediately felt the same, and felt a sense of suffocation spontaneously.

"Cough cough cough!"

Seeing the guards next to him, he would open his mouth to scold the messenger, and Emperor Xue Ye quickly coughed a few times to divert the attention of everyone present.

After the vicissitudes of the past few years, Emperor Xue Ye is much older than a few years ago, with a lot of age spots on his face, no longer the heroic look of the past, and he is quite late.

The wrinkled lines on his face stretched slightly like old trees, and Emperor Xue Ye didn't seem to see the meaning implicit in Yang Ming's order. He smiled and said:

"It's a hard time for the messenger to run this way. It happens that my old bone stays in the palace all day long and has nothing to do. I can take this opportunity to go for a walk and move my muscles and bones. I beg the messenger to go back and say that the old bone will be here soon. "

"According to the purpose!"

The messenger bowed with both hands and slowly withdrew from the bedroom.

When the door of the bedroom was closed, the maid and the guards finally couldn't help but said:

"It's really deceiving, they are so rude to your Majesty!"

"What do they take your Majesty for? Are they a person who screams and drinks?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, don't let your majesty hear it, your majesty is still sick."

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot."


Naturally, these voices outside the door could not be hidden from the ears of Emperor Xue Ye.

But what can he do?

Now, the explosive sky gang is a foregone conclusion, even if the Xueye Great Emperor once met with Wuhundian in private, and secretly helped many sub-temples of Wuhundian avoid the clearing of the sky-explosive gang, hoping that these two behemoths would lose both. , He is good for the profit of a fisherman, but after witnessing more and more incredible achievements of the gang leader Yang Ming, the Xueye Great Emperor has given up his mind.


The emperor Xue Ye hit his knee with a fist, his face even more twilight, and said:

"Unfortunately, several of my sons have passed away. Even Xue Qinghe, my most optimistic, is a fake. Now, I can only pin my hopes on the emperor Xue Xing, hoping that he will have a relationship with the Zhantian Gang. Now, I can keep my royal line from being cut off."

Since ancient times, winners and losers.

Emperor Xue Ye didn't do what he thought. UU Reading just hopes that Yang Ming can see Prince Xue Xing's sake and will not blood-wash the royal family, even if they are allowed to be puppet emperors.

There was a long sigh.

When the Great Xueye left the palace, there was no decadence on his face. Instead, under the maid's meticulous make-up, he seemed to be ten years younger, with a red glow on his face and a radiant expression.

The carriage engraved with the royal emblem of Tiandou left the palace and went all the way to the station of the Tiandou Gang.

A huge mansion is located on the side of the palace, facing a river to the north, the river runs through the alley, the charm of the landscape is still in front of you, and the beauty of the earth is pleasing to the eye.

The courtyard is surrounded by a red wall surrounded by green willows. Two huge stone lions stand in front of the Zhantian Gang resident gate, guarding this place majesticly. The top of the red vermilion lacquer gate is hung with a black golden nanmu plaque with a dragon flying and phoenix inscription three A big character-"Bang Tian Gang".

On both sides of the gate stood two guards like clay sculptures. Looking at their appearance, it is really difficult to connect with the noble soul sage powerhouse.