Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

Chapter 922: Artifact (four thousand characters, 2 in

Yang Ming's stunning forging made the blacksmiths around him screamed, and there was a grandmaster attitude between every move, like a master-level master craftsman, especially when he wielded Haotian every time. The speed, strength, and angle of the hammer fall are all just right, one more point is too much, one point less is too little, as accurate as a surgical scalpel, it is simply a living textbook, showing the forging skills vividly. In front of the blacksmiths.

Even, the height of the Shenjiang Building could not be surprised and shocked. He had already moved a small stool to sit down, holding paper and pen in his hand, and continuously recorded the whole process of Yang Ming's forging. Every time he wrote a word, he would continue to sit down. There was an uncontrollable exclamation.

One step to heaven! Thousands of creatures!

The soul is forged, it is constant exchange and communication. Every time Yang Ming's hammering is important, he maintains the spirituality of the thousand-forged iron embryo, and then it is injected into it in an orderly manner through the ocean-like soul power, and it is continuously guided. Use it to produce your own life.

Everything has a spirit, but there is a spirit, but there is not necessarily a soul. The difference between the spirit and the soul seems to be only one word, but it is a world of difference between the dead and the living.

In this regard, you can use the soul beast as an analogy.

Ordinary beasts have no spirit power in their bodies, and they become the common prey of humans and spirit beasts. Once spirit power appears in the beasts, they will continuously attract heaven and earth elemental power into the body. In the process of passively cultivating and enhancing spirit power, the cultivation level The age has improved a little bit, but the soul beasts with ten years of cultivation are actually not much different from ordinary beasts, but after a hundred years of cultivation, although the soul beasts still have no wisdom, they have developed a certain degree of spirituality and know how to auspicious. Avoiding evil, after the thousand-year cultivation base, these soul beasts have undergone a certain qualitative change, their vitality has been greatly improved, and their spiritual intelligence is gradually opened. According to the interval between thousand years and ten thousand years, the intelligence interval can be divided into the equivalent of human beings. Infancy, child, and adolescence, and after ten thousand years of cultivation, the wisdom of soul beasts is actually no less than that of ordinary humans, equivalent to the youth, youth, and middle age of humans.

The higher the level of the soul beast, the stronger the strength, not only because of their own powerful soul power, but also because they have awakened their wisdom and learned how to fight with their brains.

The same is true for metals. The more spiritual, the more able to improve oneself and produce a radical qualitative change.

Yang Ming's spirit was completely concentrated, and with each hammer's percussion, he called for the breath of life integrated into Hezi's iron embryo, giving it the mystery of the soul.

In front of Yang Ming, an iron embryo of rare metals such as ten thousand years of cold iron, heavy silver, magic silver, blue pregnant bronze, etc., appeared on each side of the regular vortex. During the forging process, he suffered from the chaotic cloak hammer method. The increasing pressure was continuously purified, making the vortex look like a dark cloud, with blood-red lightning flashes faintly inside, as if the iron embryo contained a world of violent storms.

As for the size of the iron embryo, after the repeated beats of the Clear Sky Hammer, it began to shrink, and the blood-red light lingering around it became stronger and stronger.

This also means that the communication between Yang Ming and Iron Embryo was smooth, and a connection was successfully established between the two.

Now, the only thing that can be done is to be patient and wait to see if we can keep this connection, continue to cause iron embryonic changes, and finally complete the sublimation process.

In this process, even Yang Ming as the master cannot intervene, because this already involves the rules of creation.

"Wait, Genesis?"

The corners of Yang Ming's mouth are slightly upturned. Although he is 90% sure that he will succeed, it is his first time after all. He wants to be perfect, equalize the remaining 10% failure probability, and reach 100%. Percent success rate.

In other words, there is no such possibility for others, but Yang Ming has been gifted by the Dragon God and possesses the profound meaning of creation!

Yang Ming raised the index finger of his right hand and lightly pointed it toward the front.

A bit of bright white light appeared between the fingers, this group of light was very soft, and it was also very comfortable to see.

Immediately afterwards, the light enveloping a ray of the profound meaning of creation broke away from Yang Ming's fingertips and fell straight into the iron embryo.


The next moment, there was no wind on the ground, and a strong wind revolved around the iron embryo, forming a small tornado.

Amidst this tornado, clouds and lightning flashed, as if to welcome the coming of Thor.

At the same time, Yang Ming could feel that at the moment when he incorporated the profound meaning of creation into the iron embryo, it seemed to activate a certain potential in the iron embryo. Originally, he slowly absorbed his body's spirit and spiritual power, but now his attraction has suddenly increased. In just twenty minutes, it absorbed half of the soul power stored in the Dantian soul core of Yang Ming's abdomen, and one third of Yang Ming's spiritual power!

This is a pretty staggering amount, and if converted into a number, it will be an astronomical number!

You know, Yang Ming’s spirit power reserve was originally ten times as much as that of a demigod of the same level, and his mental power reached the third level divine origin realm that a third-level **** should have. Such a huge consumption is almost comparable to forging. An artifact!


"Could it be that the first zero-word battle armor I forged will be an artifact?"

Such a thought suddenly popped up in his mind, even Yang Ming couldn't help but be moved.

If you can really forge the artifact, it means that Yang Ming can create a large number of artifacts of the same level, even if it is not for outsiders to use, but chooses not to flow into outsiders’ fields, and arm the artifacts to his four wives, then It is also a good thing.

But soon, Yang Ming felt that his idea was a bit whimsical.

In the Douluo Continent World, there are only a handful of times in the history of artificial forging artifacts. Most of the so-called artifacts are caused by the gods’ original weapons and martial spirits when they were promoted to the gods and were instilled by the power of the rules of the world. Some kind of qualitative transformation is just a magical tool.

That said, it seems to make sense.

However, Yang Ming has overlooked one thing. The various materials he put in have already reached the basic requirements of an artifact!

Wannian cold iron, this is a material that can promote the evolution of ice and snow type spirit beasts, and it is a great tonic for one hundred thousand years of fierce beasts.

Kazuko from Tokyo Ghoul World, this is a kind of imaginative material with infinite possibilities, and the upper limit is amazing.

Finally, and the most critical point, and one that others cannot replicate, that is the profound meaning of creation that Yang Ming just invested in!

The profound meaning of creation was born out of the rules of creation, but because Yang Ming has not yet been promoted to a god, it is only a profound meaning.

Genesis rules don’t seem to have any destructive power. They can neither harm the enemy, nor heal teammates, nor can they be used for defense. Then, why can such seemingly wasteful creation rules be ranked as the highest rule?

There is only one answer, and that is to create life!

Because of the rules of creation, the Dragon God created the true dragon race, a race with great potential.

As mentioned earlier, spiritual forging is to give life to metal, and the profound meaning of creation is not only to achieve the standard, but also to complete the task with a high standard!

When Yang Ming was thinking, the movements in his hands did not stop.

During spiritual forging, the most feared thing is that the connection with rare metals will be broken, and the life-building will not continue. Once that happens, the rare metals will instantly lose their spirituality and become ordinary metals, which is not even a thousand forgings. .

Time passed bit by bit. Twenty minutes after entering the spiritual forging process, the whole iron embryo trembled violently, blood-red thunder and lightning lingered all over the body, the dazzling blood-red light was dazzling, and the breath of life emerged spontaneously. A swirling halo emerged around it, and a low whimper sounded.

Metal whimpers, new life!

Spirit forging is successful!


A blood-red flame instantly rose into the sky, rising for more than five feet. What's more peculiar is that various patterns emerged in this blood-red flame. Those were all soul beasts who had died under Yang Ming's hands. There were so many soul beasts that they quickly passed by Yang Ming's eyes like a slide, and in the end, all the advantages of these soul beasts were gathered together to form a vigorous golden dragon!

The appearance of this vigorous golden dragon is not the western dragons of the Douluo mainland, but the eastern dragon familiar to Yang Ming. Its horns resemble a deer, its head resembles an ox, its eyes resemble shrimps, its mouth resembles a donkey, its belly resembles a snake, and its scales resemble a fish. The feet resemble phoenixes, the whiskers resemble humans, and the ears resemble images.

The scene that looked like a newborn baby croaking to the ground astounded Yang Ming and also shocked all the blacksmiths on the scene. Almost everyone had their eyes wide open and looked at this scene in disbelief. They had a premonition that this would be It was a scene recorded in the annals of history. They were witnesses who witnessed the birth of history. A feeling of being proud came into being spontaneously, making their sense of belonging to the Zhan Tian Gang soared several steps.

The bizarre sights will disappear. This does not mean that the spirit forged metal has lost its intelligence and life, but that its ignorant wisdom knows how to hide its clumsiness and hides its sharp side.

At the same time, Yang Ming clearly felt that there was a pleasant life fluctuation from his spiritual forging metal, just like when Xiao Yang was just born, a feeling of blood connection came, making him feel for the spiritual forging metal. The feeling is clearer.

Looking at the iron embryo on the forging table of the gas furnace again, compared to the original volume, it has now been reduced to one-tenth of the original size. It is hexagonal in appearance, but it exudes a crystal clear blood-red light with internal patterns. Fully alive, running regularly, and vaguely able to see a vigorous golden dragon flying in the clouds and mist, quite extraordinary.

Seeing Yang Ming staring blankly at the spiritual forging metal in front of him, Shen Jian Lou Gao thought that Yang Ming was not knowing how to combine these metals into a zero-word battle armor. He quickly put away the paper and pen in his hand and walked to Yang Ming. , Bowed slightly, full of admiration, said:

"The gang master has a lot of supernatural powers. Once the spirit forges metal, you should be tired now. Next, assembling the battle armor, the dirty work, let the old man personally check the gang master."

Those who are proficient in technology have an arrogance in their bones.

Shenjiang Lougao naturally suffered from such a problem. Even if he showed respect in front of Yang Ming before, he was afraid of Yang Ming’s force and the forces of the Exploding Heavens Gang. In fact, he did not respect Yang Ming in his bones. .

But now, from his words and deeds, he can clearly feel the kind of reverence from the heart, and he can't do it at all.

Obviously, the height of the master craftsman's building was completely subdued by Yang Ming.

Yang Ming's eyes regained their focus. He was not in a daze just now, but was using his mental power to do some simple communication with this piece of metal.

Seeing that the spirit forging metal was taken away by the gods and for assembly, Yang Ming hurriedly stopped him one step quickly, taking away the spirit forging metal in the puzzled eyes of the gods and he laughed:

"No trouble, it doesn't require any assembly."


Shen Jiang Lou opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But the next moment, his mouth, his complexion, and his body were as if they were still in the middle of time. The whole person stood stiffly, his pupils suddenly shrunk into needle-shaped lights, and he looked at what happened before him in disbelief. .

Not only the height of the master building, but also the other blacksmiths who thought they had been numbed by Yang Ming's nerves, but now they are still in shock But I see, Yang Ming's hands are blood-red light. In a flash, the spirit forging metal had quietly melted into his palm and disappeared.

Everyone was right, and it was indeed integrated into the palm of his hand, instead of being collected by Yang Ming and stored in the Youhaina Ring.

Spirit forging, connected by life.

Once it reaches the realm of forging, metal has life, and it will inevitably merge with the existence that gives it life.

"I don't need to assemble the battle armor anymore, it will automatically assemble it for me."

With the spiritual power transmission of the forged metal in his mind, Yang Ming smiled slightly and explained it to the height of the master craftsman.

Ten thousand forged creatures, hearts and minds are connected, metal becomes a part of the body, and the battle armor is like a martial soul, becoming an extension of the body. Only in this way, is a truly powerful battle armor and a part of one's own martial soul.

The height of the master craftsman: "???"

Just as God Craftsman Lou Gao was stunned, he suddenly saw that blood-red light spots appeared on Yang Ming's body, which appeared on his forehead, shoulders, chest, elbows, wrists, palms, waist and abdomen. The hips, knees, and soles of the feet.

Taking these blood-red light spots as the starting point, blood-colored silk-like rays of light instantly pulled out, converging into magnificent blood-colored patterns, and at the same time, the breath of Yang Ming's body began to burst out at an extremely terrifying speed.

The blood-colored lines on the forehead were formed first. At the center position, a blood-red drop-shaped crystal appeared. Among the blood-colored light patterns, a blood-colored headband appeared first. The blood-colored headband was directly in front of five lines. As if it was a bulge formed by agglomeration of snowflakes, the blood-colored pattern on the headband had become solidified and looked exceptionally magnificent. Two pieces of blood-colored metal hang down on both sides of the headband, which fits between Yang Ming's cheeks and ears, extending all the way down, like the spread of his own airflow.