Douluo Ball Lottery Draw System

~: One hundred and eighty-five. Qin Ming: L


   (two more)

  Although Yang Ming defeated the Huangdou team with eight people, Soto avoids a major loss, but...

  Director Ao handed a black card to Yang Ming, saying:

   "This is the 10,000 gold soul coin promised by your leader Mr. Da Douhouchang. This black card is common to all mainland banks and can be directly exchanged for the corresponding amount."

   After a slight meal, Director Ao Tuqiong saw, saying:

   "Well, Yang Ming, the bet you bought at the casino that you opened at the Big Fighting Ground before, can you check out slowly?"

   Yang Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at Supervisor Ao puzzled.

   Previously, the Big Soul Stadium opened the game for the Shrek team and the Royal Fighter team.

   Among the many items, the one with the highest odds for the Shrek team is that Yang Ming alone defeated the Huangdou team.

   Odds up to one hundred!

  In order to maximize the benefits, Yang Ming invested nearly 50,000 gold soul coins after discussing anti-counterfeiting with everyone!

   In other words, Yang Ming will win five million gold soul coins after winning this game!

   This is an astronomical number that is unattainable!

  Although the Big Soul Field has spread all over the major cities in various countries on the mainland, it has always been rich and wealthy, but that refers to the overall, not the Soto Big Soul Field.

   Although the Soto Douhouchang is also very rich, it can never afford the huge sum of millions of gold soul coins.

   "Supervisor Ao."

   After the other party's intention was clear, Yang Ming leaned his back on the back of the chair, his hands folded under his jaw, and if his gaze was substantial, he closely watched the change of director Ao's face.

   "You do not seem to comply with the rules?"

   Director Ao's eyes twitched slightly.

Just as in the real world, the gaming-related industry usually confuses people to buy lottery tickets, but there are very few winnings. Once someone gets a huge bonus, most of them are disguised as insiders to fool more leeks, if there are outsiders winning Will delay the delay for various reasons.

  As a big attraction for the Big Fighting Soul, the casino only likes leek to send money, not to pay.

  Of course, senior executives such as Director Ao had also considered whether to secretly kill Yang Ming and other people without knowing it. Without creditors, they would not have to repay this astronomical figure.

  It's just that as a force spreading across the continent, the Big Fighting Soul Field naturally inspected the background of Shrek College and all the students.

   It's okay if you don't check, and you are shocked.

   Not to mention that Shrek College’s outstanding graduates like Qin Ming have achieved success after they came out. None of the teachers is good, and all of them are ruthless characters.

   Even the master who was weak and could not help the wind was found by the Great Fighting Souls Field, which was inextricably linked to the Pope of Wuhun Temple.

  Not to mention, among the students of this year, there is a demon like Yang Ming, who knows what big man standing behind him? There is Dai Mubai, the prince of the Xingluo Empire, and the Soto Great Soul Field dare not dare to assassinate.

  Did you say that Big Soul Field is not moved?

  Dare not move! Don't dare to move! Don't dare to move!

   Seeing Yang Ming misunderstanding his meaning, Supervisor Ao smiled uglier than crying, saying:

   "Yang Ming, you misunderstood. I just negotiated with you on behalf of the Great Battlefield. The amount of 5 million gold soul coins is too large. We really can't get it out. We can only give you 600,000 gold soul coins at most."

  Yang Ming's fingers hit the table unconsciously.

   "Boom, boom, boom!"

   Every hit, it seemed to hit Director Ao's careful liver, making him thrilled for a while, fearing Yang Ming wouldn't agree, he would not be able to go back and explain to the senior officials of Dadou Soul Field.

  After Yang Ming pondered for a while, he planned to stay alive as a lifeline, and there was no need to be so stiff with Da Dou Hunchang.

Moreover, let alone, he is just a white wolf with empty gloves. He used nearly 50,000 gold soul coins to win 600,000 gold soul coins. In addition to investing part of the money to invest in Shrek College and maintaining the college to continue to open, the rest of the money It was enough for Yang Ming to buy a piece of land and build a bombing gang.

  Thinking this, in the eyes of Director Ao relieved, Yang Ming nodded.


  Director Ao felt that he had just walked around the gate of the ghost door, patted the undulating chest, and pulled out a black card with gold rims from his pocket, saying:

   "There are six hundred thousand gold soul coins, please collect them."


  Yang Ming took over the black card, and Director Ao respectfully took Yang Ming out of the meeting room. By the way, he helped Yang Ming, Dai Mubai and others settle this month's fighting soul points.

   The point settlement process was skipped for the time being. After this month of hard work, Yang Ming and each of them unexpectedly succeeded in the promotion, and the Shrek team also successfully promoted to the Golden Fighting Soul team.

  Yang Ming is almost a bit closer and can go further.

   Looking at the badge held in the hands of Yang Ming and others, Director Ao felt his fragile nerve was provoked again and smiled bitterly:

   "Yang Ming, you are now the strongest team in the 30th level, and it will be difficult to match your opponents here in the future."

   Hearing this, Yang Ming looked weird.

  You Soto Douhouchang should be happy this time. Without us playing fake matches, you can cut leeks happily again.

   I thought that it would be difficult to get gold in Soto Douhouchang in the future, and Yang Ming was a little sad.

  However, Yang Ming thought about it, he would not harm the Great Battlefield here, but he could go to a larger city and help the people there help the poor!

   Presumably, there are a large number of adults in the local Big Fighting Soul, don’t you mind getting rich first and then getting rich, and heading for a well-off society together?

Looking at Yang Ming's eyes and thinking about it, I don't know why, Director Ao subconsciously Respectfully sent off Yang Ming's group of plague gods, Director Ao Hao Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. :

   "You guys, don't come again!"

   After a while, everyone returned to their hotel.

   As soon as the door opened, a gust of alcohol came out, and they saw Flanders sitting in the restaurant to fight wine, and the tables were full of empty bottles.

   Seeing Yang Ming coming back, Qin Ming hiccuped a wine and joked towards Dean Flander:

   "President, you, a close disciple, are very tall, and are estimated to be in their early twenties this year?"

  Qin Ming has always known that his soul division world is considered to be a genius among geniuses. At the time, he was also a leader in Shrek Academy, and even set a record of breaking the lowest age of thirty.

   This time, the imperial team led by Qin Ming lost to Yang Ming. Although he didn't have a dark idea, he always felt a little dissatisfied. I thought, if I were young, I would definitely score Yang Ming and get something unclear.

   Dean Flander looked at Qin Ming strangely and said:

   "What do you want? Yang Ming is only thirteen!"


   It was said that the wine Qin Ming had just drunk was sprayed out, sprayed on the face of the unlucky fat man Ma Hongjun who was approaching, and he sprayed on his doubts about life.