Douluo God Punishment List, Start God Punishment Yu Xiaogang

Chapter 297: unlucky

Chapter 297 Unlucky

At night, Lin Yi sleeps on the sofa.

At this time, Tang San and the four were still looking for a place to stay, but there was none at all.

No way but to sleep under the bridge.

And, even if they had a room, they didn't have much money.

Early the next morning.

Tang San and the others headed to the Vast Sea Soul Arena.

"Go, go and play."

"We are Soul Saints, and we will all meet Soul Saint teams."

"Even if the four of us face off against a team of seven soul saints, it's simple, don't you need to go?"

"We don't have much money, the main purpose is to win money, we only play one game, and we go all-in to win."


The four of them discussed with confidence.

The Hanhai Dou Arena was also lively, after all, there were a lot of people.

Tang San and the other four signed up, of course, using anonymity.

They are called Bingqing Yujie Sanshao.

Affectionate White Tiger.

Dedicated to Phoenix.

Pure Xiaoao.

Naturally, their real names cannot be used, their identities are dangerous.

And, knowing it was them, they would all bet on them to win.

The four of Tang San collected all the money, emptied their pockets, collected a total of 1,000 gold soul coins, and put them all in to win.

The front desk manager confirmed: "Want to sign up for a team battle? It is recommended that you divide into two pairs and sign up for two versus two. For a team battle, you will only have four people, and you will face a team of seven people."

Tang San was impatient: "Hurry up and handle it."

Dai Mubai said confidently, "We are strong, and seven people are not afraid."

Ma Hongjun: "This is what we want. It's best for everyone to bet on the opposite side to win, and we can make a lot of money with a small amount of money."


The front desk started the process, gave a number plate with 38 written on it, and explained: "The arranged team is randomly selected, and you will be notified before the announcement."

Tang San didn't like the number: "Can you change it to another number?"

"No, this number represents a team that cannot be changed before the end."


Tang San and the others left and waited in the auditorium. After all, there was no money to open a VIP room, so they could only wait here.

At this time, Lin Yi and Xiao Wu had already come here, waiting in the VIP room on the second floor.

Xiao Wu stood in front of the glass, looking down, wondering: "Those four people are dressed up, so strange."

Lin Yi glanced at it and guessed: "Although I'm very dressed up, I can't see the appearance, but my chaotic body perception is strong. Even if they don't exude spiritual energy, I can still know that it's Tang San and the others."

It wasn't a surprise to meet them here, after all, Tang San and the others were also selected.

"They also came to participate in the fighting spirit."

Soon, on the Soul Fighting Stage, the host took out a ball the size of a Soul Guidance Device football. Inside were more than ten small **** with numbers.

With the automatic shaking, only two **** can come out, and these two **** are two teams, and the two teams will conduct a team battle.

The host said: "Today's first team battle soul is about to start. It is a soul saint level team battle soul. The twelve **** in this ball represent a soul saint team, and the automatic drawing will begin now."

Then, the ball starts to shake automatically.

Then, come out with two balls.

Glancing at the numbers above, ready to announce.

Tang San and the others were happy.

"Don't waste time, there's a ball that's 38, it's us."

"Win directly, and then continue to sign up. Here, a team can have two team battles a day."

"Well, keep betting when you win."


The other ball is the number 6

The supporters announced: "Please ask the Justice Four to face the Invincibles."

The Justice Four were the names Tang San and the others gave the team.

When Tang San and the others came to power, they were extremely confident and couldn't wait.

"Invincible group? Really crazy."

"Do you dare to be invincible in front of us?"

"Where are the people? Why haven't you come yet?"

"Don't you dare to come?"

Tang San and the others were extremely confident.

However, they looked towards the opposite entrance and no one came in.

"Invincible team please!"

The referee's words fell, and there was no one at the entrance.

Tang San and the others laughed, "It seems they're afraid..."

But, suddenly, the window on the second floor opened, and a figure jumped out and landed on the Dou Soul Stage.

Whoa! !

Suddenly, the figure's whole body exploded with blue flames, and the hair also turned blue, with a terrifying aura.

As for Tang San and the others, the smiles on their faces froze, their faces changed greatly in fear, their voices trembling.

"Lin...Lin Yi!!"

The name Invincible naturally came from Lin Yi.

Lin Yi sighed: "It's really good luck to meet you."

Tang San and the others directly shouted: "We admit defeat!!"

The referee shook his head: "I haven't called to start yet. Only when the game starts can you shout to admit defeat."

"Game start!!"

Tang San and the others hurriedly shouted: "We..."

However, before he could say the word admit defeat, Lin Yi moved, his fists slammed into the mouths of Tang San and the four.

Tang San's four mouths were deformed by the beating, their teeth were shattered, and they couldn't speak at all.

He wanted to raise his hand to signal surrender and admit defeat, but with a click, his arm was broken and he couldn't lift it at all.

"Ah!!" Tang San and the others let out a shrill scream.

(End of this chapter)