Douluo God Punishment List, Start God Punishment Yu Xiaogang

Chapter 87: Flattened

Cang Hui's students were very angry, and the leader stood up, obviously the boss. As the boss, it would be too embarrassing to continue to bear it.

"You deceived people too much! That fat guy stared at our female companion forever. We didn't say anything. Instead, you said we were ostentatious?"

Dai Mubai proudly said, "I said you publicize, you are publicity."

These words made Cang Hui's students even more angry, and wanted to beat Dai Mubai, who was it?

Leader Cang Hui walked over directly, Dai Mubai was drinking tea, very calm and disdainful.

Tang San knew that the other party had come, but he wouldn't even look at him straightly.

At this moment, the waiter happened to be serving the food, and the Canghui Academy captain stepped forward quickly, trying to hit the waiter, causing the dish he was holding to fall towards Dai Mubai, so that the food was spilled on top of Dai Mubai's head.

The waiter was bumped into a stagger, and the dish in his hand fell.

"Don't waste food."

At this moment, Tang San reacted quickly, just dragging the plate, holding the plate on top of Dai Mubai's head in his hand, and the food did not fall down.


However, suddenly, a small stone hit Tang San's wrist with extreme precision at a very fast speed. Tang San's wrist pained severely, his hands numb, and his hands were unstable. The tray fell directly and was buckled on Dai Mubai. On the head.


The dishes on the tray happened to be very hot spicy stewed dishes. In pain, Dai Mubai screamed, his scalp was red, especially the blood-red spicy sauce, all over his face, all poured into his eyes with pain. Dai Mubai screamed, closed his eyes, painful.

Tang San was horrified, and quickly looked outside the hotel, who was it?

Tang San vibrated incomparably. The speed of the stone was too fast. It was not how cleverly moving with a trajectory that he did not notice, but it was too fast. It was thrown completely by a powerful force, causing his purple magic pupils to be lost. Not aware of it.

Tang San's expression was ugly, he didn't notice anyone outside, staring at the teacher led by Cang Hui.

"You, as a teacher, have to intervene in matters between young people."

Tang San's words made Ye Zhiqiu look ugly. He had been drinking tea and naturally didn't plan to care about it. He believed that the students could cope with it, but now the other party spit out blood.

Ye Zhiqiu said solemnly: "I didn't get up in the morning and didn't brush my teeth? What kind of spray? I didn't do anything at all."

Tang San was angrily: "You didn't do it? How could it be possible that the dinner plate would turn over?"

Ye Zhiqiu shrugged: "I saw you catch the dish and then your hand crooked. You buckled the dish on his head. Don't blame me. In addition, you said you can't waste food, so hurry up. The food on the top of your partner’s head is clean, and what other spicy soup is licked clean, your teammates are in pain. Of course, there are also the ground, and they are all clean."

These words made Tang San very angry, gritted his teeth.

"Boss Dai, I'll take you to the bathroom!"

Oscar quickly helped Dai Mubai to the bathroom.

Dai Mubai was very embarrassed. He was very arrogant just now, but now he kept screaming, his eyes were so hot and sore.

When he got to the bathroom, Dai Mubai kept washing his eyes with his hands, opening them very hard, his eyes were flushed, the juice was hot and numb, pouring into his eyes, and it hurt.

"Damn it! Who is it?"

Dai Mubai was very angry.

Oscar was puzzled. He didn't see it clearly. In his opinion, it was like Tang San buckling Dai Mubai's head.

Dai Mubai left in embarrassment, Canghui's students laughed and relieved.

Tang Yu, Tang Tian, ​​Yu Tianheng, Ye Lingling are also very happy, let you make trouble, make yourself feel, and deserve it.

Ma Hongjun stood up directly, angrily: "Third brother, let's clean him up!"

When Dai Mubai was like that, Ma Hongjun felt that Canghui Academy did it too. He didn't do anything now, it seemed that he was not loyal enough.

Tang San said solemnly: "Naturally want to teach them, provided that their teacher doesn't interfere."

Canghui's students stood up: "We don't need our teacher to intervene."

"That's the best." Tang San's expression turned cold.

Ma Hongjun looked at Tang Yu, Tang Tian, ​​Yu Tianheng, and Ye Lingling, frowning, very upset.

"Why are the four of you still sitting? Your partner has been bullied and slumped, and you still sit indifferently? It's not loyal enough."

Tang San sarcastically: "Mediocre people who don't dare to cause trouble, it seems they are mediocre people."

The faces of Ma Hongjun and Tang San made Tang Yu and others even more disgusted.

Tang Tian scolded: "We are not afraid of things, but we never take the initiative to cause trouble. You take the initiative to provoke each other. Now that you are flat, want us to help you? Go on."

Tang Yu cursed: "I really hate you two more and more. I was talking about it for a long time to be able to understand who you are, but now we know it very well."

Yu Tianheng frowned: "I'm very upset with you. It's okay to cause trouble. If you are crippled, I blame us for not helping you? Sorry, I don't help you. Besides, we are not close to you."

Ye Lingling frowned: "Even I hate you."

Ye Lingling didn't like Shrek. At the beginning, she didn't know that it was Shrek or that Tang San and Ma Hongjun were there. She couldn't come if she knew.

As for why not leave after knowing it? That's because I'm afraid that the other person will do it to myself.

Although they can find a chance to leave, they have never had a chance. Although they are leaving Seagod Island, there is still a Title Douluo secretly, so if they want to leave, they will definitely be blocked and have no chance to leave.

Yu Tianheng also wanted to leave, but couldn't leave. The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family was in the same camp as Sea God Island, and Yu Yuanzhen would not let him leave.

Tang Yugeng Tang Tian also wanted to leave, but in the same situation as Yu Tianheng.

Ye Lingling can leave as long as she has a After all, the Jiuxin Haitang Sect did not choose to unite with the Seagod Island faction. The Sovereign of the Nine Heart Haitang Sect, that is, Ye Lingling’s mother, also asked the other party to let Ye Lingling come back. , But the other party refused.

Tang San and Ma Hongjun's complexion changed, and they didn't want to conflict with Ye Lingling. After all, it was broken, and they had to count on Ye Lingling to become a Contra or Title Douluo to help them completely heal them.

Tang San said, "No matter, Fatty, let's do it."

"And I!"

At this time, Dai Mubai walked out, his eyes improved, but they were still red and a little painful.

Dai Mubai directly released his martial soul, Bai Hu possessed his body, his muscles bulged, his clothes shattered, and he was full of violent auras.

Tang San, Ma Hongjun, and Oscar are also releasing martial souls.

The seven people in Canghui Academy also released their spirits, seven to four, but Tang San and the four of them were confident that they could work together to deal with the other's seven people.

Outside the hotel.

The one who threw the stones just now was naturally Lin Yi.

Xiao Wu asked: "How is the situation inside?"

They are far away, they don't know.

Lin Yi said: "It's about to start fighting, seven Canghui vs. four Shrek, Tang Yu and others don't plan to take action."

Ning Rongrong disgusted: "Of the eight Shrek people, Tang Yu Tang Tian, ​​Yu Tian Heng, and Ye Lingling are better. Tang San and others are really disgusting."

Xiao Wu nodded heavily, agreeing: "Yes, it's so disgusting."

Shui Bing'er said: "Although the four of Shrek will take action, Canghui can't match it, right?"

Lin Yi smiled coldly: "It's not necessarily."

(Because the update is late today, so I have one more chapter today. The remaining three chapters will be sent together at 5 pm.)